West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Sep 1930, p. 2

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0001 av «h w, *r v a«pr 4W vv «N-vr, r.w'vvv tv I «4 o'A,v t«P t Hv t rr . tcbk- tp 4 t r'r ~ caa !a,c r \ t etch t' a!t"' C«a ~ . r ~ VV wry t r rrr. ' cn'-r w -rr:rr v'rrrrrr v rrr acvvv 't4 ~ V rrc' r rrvvvcrb~rvr rv ~ v VVV rrrvvvvv rvvr rtcrr THF WEST VAN NEWS 'qep&pml&er 28 1990 LADYSIIIP WOOLS ~P g GIFT cbjfO +P~ Ndi T4 4mb AL ehANKM~o A. J. MAIOLI Q (4, BRITISH ISRAELWEST VANCOUVER Chr1$bRn Seieme Society Df. Marjory tbfcCUbbi» nENTTBTLecture Comm if tee Byssch af ihc By&Ush lapse& World Fcdcycuas CANADIAN LEG1014 MEMORIAL &IALL NEXT SUNDAY si 8:00 P. M. Speaker: MR. PERCY KING Ssbieri t «THE PROGRESSIVE I'LAN OF GOD." (A Satire of Lcciaycc) biy. King byoadcscis over CKWX car&2 bfandcy from 8:46 ia 7 16 0 m Huaca: 1 p. m. &a 6 p. m. Ss&a&duvet 10 ~. III. &o .1 0 Nl. Fvcoiagc by appointment CHURCH EDIFICE 80th aad Brea&msRt HOBybara Tbic Sac&air ic c Branch af Tba blather Church Tbc Fire& Church af Chris&, Scientist, In Bartas Massachusetts. Suadsy Scyyiccc 11.80 s. m. chd 7.80 P.m. SUBJECT, SEPT. 88th slfEALITY" 18. O. E)O)4 22V. PHONEc WEST 2%A. Raysl Bank Bc&&diag 1 base Weri 446 Rcsidcocc Phase West 808 United ChurchNURSING HOME Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday. Sepi. 28th, 1930. Next Sunday is Rally D&kv. The n&om&ing service will be under the Sunday School De- partments, p&waited over by the Superintendent. The special pro- gram provided by the Iteligions Education Department, will be used, with special musie. n Child's Story by an expert Prim- ary work and n short address by Dr. Henry. The School wil! meet nt 10:45 in their depart- ments for book marking, etc., and then march into the church to the spate reserved for them. Parents are asked to be present. At 7:15 Dr. Henry will Rive the 2ud sermon on "Creat Bible Tragedies." The topic for next Sunday is '"I'he Tragedy of Eeeu." Coming dates include October 5th--Harvest Home an&1 Sunday School promotion. October 12th Communion. On Tuesday evening at 7:00 o'lock the Trail Ranger Boys are meeting to arrange plans. The Board of Stewards hse changed the night of meeting to the First Monday'of the month and meet next week. (!&&cc. M. Fk LaCbascc, R.N.) 264 - 24th S&ccc& East North Vsscaaycc Residua&a 1'hasp& Nay(k 18868 Auto ('amp at Eagle Harbour The council discussed on Mon- day night H. Kolthammer's verb. ~ al npplication for permission to open an auto camp at twgle Har- bour. It was resolve&i that sub- ject to a satisfactory plan being submitted a license be granted him to establish an automobile camp on hie land at FJ&gle llnr- bour, sll buildings erected there- on to be satisfactory to the eng- ineer and the sanitary in»pcctor. Sunday School at 10 00 ~ m Tea&impar Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, Sept. 21st. 150th Anniversary of Sunday Schools. 11 a. m.--Rally Dny Service. Special United S. S. and con- gregational service. Pastor will preach. Come nnd hear the children sing, The manager ol'the C N steamships in reply to the reeve'8 letter in reference to the wash of the S.S. "Prince David« stat. ed he had issued instructions to all hie masters that they must comply with marine law and reg- ulations at all times. Get Ready For Fall Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. bien's and Ladies I'lain Suits, 61.25. SPECIALTY--Men's Suits to order GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTP. Landscape Architc& 1 M. WILLIAMS 1868 b&ARINE DRIVE Phoae West 20 in overplanting a p trticular gsr den and having 0 dissstisf&e&l customer. When you have found a plant that meets your needs in 8 par- ticular location show it on your plan tin that place. Grs&lually your plan will take form and you will have almost unending pleasure in ite making and in the anticipation of its comple- tion. If you have a plan drawn now or make one in the future we will be glad to have you mail it to us and we will go over it and make what helpful suggestions we can to aid you in making your garden just what you would like to have it. NOTS--Tht &t S& c h« t ~ pk u In planning your home grounds above aR things plan for sim- plicity. How much nicer a place that hae been planted in a simple tasteful manner appears than one where s conglomeration of trees and flowers have been etrevyn I Many people think it necessary to practically cover their plot of ground with shrubbery and flow- er beds, with the result that while it may appear not too bad- ly for 0 year or so it soon is buried in s regular forest of plants. Then, too, s lack of knowledge of the habits of growth of the plants selected often leads to their being placed in the wrong locations with the unfortunate result that many of the taller growing flowers and trees are planted in front of lower and lees hardy plant mat- erial. There are eo many books giving the approximate heights and habits of the majority of the known trees and fiowers that there is really no good excuse for such poor arrangements. A little time and study given to the needs of each plant before it is definitely located on your plan will eave many s regret in the years to come. Another very important point to remember is to keep your main lawn free from shrubs, trees and flowers. Edge your lawn with them, if that is neces- sary to the picture you are aim- ing to complete, but keep the centre free. A lawn, even though quite small is much nicer in a free expanse of green than one spotted here and there with plants that have no general rela- tion in the scheme of things. Your lawn, too, will thrive and be much easier to keep tidy if this rule is observed. Some of the nurseries do land- scape gardening work to help the sale of their stock, and will be glad to help you. Once m s while our experience hss been that they are rather more than s little anxious to stimulate sales and will endeavor to sell more than should go into the particu- lar garden being planned. How- ever, it is only fair to the nurs- eries to state that the majority of them are more interested in makingafriend and getting their business that way than they are 7:JO p. m.--Evening worship. Pastor will preach on Questions that perplex. Subject "What Happens after Death." A message revealing the teachings of the New Testament on this great question. A hearty &nv&tat&on to all. September fs the month for Photographs A Fcw Saggcciians Wedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photee Framing Pictures Prices ia iit sii packs&s. THE King Studio V. V. V&NEON PROP. 311 Hastings St. KV. Established 1602 &&B Wack Gasycsiccd S C 'E otc oc Phone Sey. 1046 Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.--Young People's meetings. All young people over 15 years of age heartily welcome. Wednesday 8 p. m. -- Prayer snd praise. Friday 7 p. m.~.G.I.T. Wendeeday evening Dr, Henry continues the series of talks on «A Chain of Graces." The C.G.I.T. under the over- sight of Mrs. W. T. Rush, meet Friday at 7 p. m., Miss Jea&v Mc- Laren is convener of Devotions; Miss Freda Herrin hss charge of the piano; &Mise Ola McLean dir- ects games and Miss Etta Mc- Vean is in charge of sewing anri practical work. The Junior choir under Mes- dames Colin McLenn and Shef- field meets Saturday morning at 10 for all between 8 and 12 who want to get choir training. The United Church is indebt- ed to Mr. J. J. Hanna for two beautiful vases and a graceful pot of cut-fiowere. Ia cits« I tl w cwctclllcl~ II ~ c ks cat The Ca at&tat thau&4 ha aok «4 ta th wt c & ca ~ at tha ertcac. Th ~wc« la appc« ts as ately & «« I& ~ p«aaa& reply t ~ c& tr ~ cta St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 15 and Harvest Festi- val. 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Morning prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. The annual Harvest Festival services will be held on Sunday. 'I'he Rector will preach both morning end evening, and the special music will include the an- thems «Ye Shall Dwell in the Land" (Stainer), and "The Eyes of All Wait on Thee, 0 Lord," (Elvey). Following the Harvest services there will be the annual Harvest Supper on Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall. Supper will bo served from eix to eight o'lock to be followed by a congregation- al social and brief musical pro- gram, Donations of fiowers, fruit or vegetables for decoration should be sent to the church on Satur- day morning. Members of the Girls'uxili- ary will attend 8 supper and con- ference on Friday night in the Noose Hall, Vancouver. The IVomen's Guild of St. Francis'hurch will hold 8 Sale of Work and Tea on Wednesday, October 1st, at 3 p. m. at the home of hire. J. L. Davidson, Caulfeild, -- NOW PLAYING-- GRETA GARBO -- asci-- LEllVIS STONE &N "ROMANOE"HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th R Marina EXPERT SERVICB E. bfARSH, Proprietor A Stuc& of Curls and Grin&&liner St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 bfsrine Drive. Esicbiiabcd on Nayib Sharc 20 Ycsyc. (Lady Assis&as&) COMING MONa TUEa WED. NEXTSunday: 8:45 s. m.--High Mass Sermon. 7&30 p. m. -- Evening Devotions. IVeek Days: 7:30 a. m.--Maes. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. LON CHANEY &N "The Unholy Three'niversal Nctyc Reel Go&xi Col&tidy HARRO&V BROS. 8& WILLIAMSON jf uneral lirertars North Vancouver I'arlore 122 West Sixth Street Phone North IS4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. IS4 THUR., FR&.. SAT. Next Week W I LI.IAXI IcO)V III, I. ix "FOR THE DEFENSE" Where is the manager'e of- fice 7 Follow the passage until you come to the sign reading 'No Admittance.'o upstairs till you eee the sign 'Keep Out." Follow the corridor till you eee the sign, 'Silence,'hen yell for him. MckARN&N F&GHT PICTURES Caw&re 6th, 7th, 8th Octahcc West Van Nems Lo'&iii7i»t EPublished Every Friday dmiscsu sad Edi&arici Off&crt 17th ssd Msyioc Drive (Ncx& ia HORybays P O.) Phoae West 363 Mall Addycuct P.O. Bax 61. Haiiybuys, RC. PabBchcy F. F. LOVEGROVE I'hone West 363 81.00 s rasr br mall or carrier. Newscisnds dc. Fcr copy Vote for the IVater By-i.aw 0 7 Wednesday. ANNO UNCEk1FN'I'or &s Mcmury af Jcmus M. Margsa whu pawed sway 28rd Sap&umber. »PJS. Whet would I give ia cisap hic hand, His happy face io ccc; Tu busy bip vaicc sod cca bis ~mile, Tbci meant ca much ta mc. By ONE WHO LOVED Hi bi BEST. GALT COAL PHONE ED. BLACK WEST 68 DR, E. L. MORGAN moved hie office for the practice of DENTISTRY In the Wharton Block to the Yates Block at 1449 Marine Drive at the beginning of the month. Hours--10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and 7 p, m. to 8:30 p. m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment. Cc«&sat &~ &wc apl ~ U. a& C. A Icw Sch I a& Lactea« A h&t«t «&0 rcs& r. Mtsal«N tksa& Wrc p S«tkt.