West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Sep 1930, p. 5

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0001 September 19, 1930. L& AI.L +iDq, 9 A% The SUPREME SOOT I.ESS COA1. The Aristocrat of Coals You will be approocheii (0 buy 0 cheap Lignite Coal at Gait Prieeg. There is 6 vast diiferonce between 0 Bituminous and 0 Lignite Coal. Lignite contains 0 large percentage of moisture, hence 0 great deal less heat. ictI s If you want 0 Lignite; then buy our B-B Toiomeen It is the best by Test, Ond we will prove it. girt(0 cmerg- 0301io itcame 'Cilia)i. ymakes sn'lit!" A guarantee as to wheth- er you obtain our coal can be had by asking for 3 Evans, Coleman & Evans receipt. Make your delivery man produce one. M « Balkan Spotless Lump 4 Drumheger Sootless OI ii' ]dctedii g I ( engage- = \ dthat' ic intoosr ,gttggt)9 9&155 "E" L rD.~ ~ EST. l888 ~ see; ED. BL ACK WEST 68 THE WEST VAN NEWS 6 %PST VANCOUVER WARD that the money to be raised hereunder CLASSIFIED ADS be raised upon the credit of the soldAN) Tbe rate for ClassiScd Adrcrtiseweats is 2 ccats per or4, minimum A~NO % IIERKAS the CouncA « tbe 25 canto Except is tbe csee ot those having regular accounts, sg clswd- advtsab)e said Corporation hss au&borh+I th» Sed» src payabie strictly iu advance. f submission « tha By Mw m &bc Ki«- Rcm bc clswiscdc ln um wwt vaa News gct Immediate rssua that the Couneg of the Corporation o su m sion o s Pecli FOR SALE OR RENT S B o& FOR nine &age; Arcplsce, light water pert)y E~ery con H EA 1 ed ad L Burley. West 169R2. re coniinuity of policy hundred and fitty-three Dollars 6 ty or Vihl 0 te Nw 12 In BUNGALOW Rh on onl of the cum of Eight thousand two hundred ($0~. ) ~ I ba making together a total amount an- WANT' Eec laded AN WHFREAS this can an y i wards. nosily of Eleven thousand two hund- Aoyiy Bise)i Cot Tea A«~ p~ tmLiwa or Cpuncg of the red snd three Dollars Sfty cents ($11,- r 203.60) for th t of thirty yea FOR SALE--HCRy Trace tram ose lo said Corporation has sut o " (30) I the payment of said loan and WINDOW BLINDg Made &o Onler Sve feet in height. phone Wew interest thereon ss hereinafter men- and Reyaimd. Estimates free. Cur- 847L or West 2 .l. ( NOW THKRKFORF. the Reeve snd ~ WHERFAg the Assessed vtrec& and Marinc ~ive. Pb«m LAt) Y woeM care for rhiMren ~ &er-Klectors. ~fter- Council of ths Gory«ation I &h m I of the whpie ian4 pf the saM Wee& 2571 'sons or evenings. References. trlct of West Vsncoaver in oyea Phone West 4OSYL ROR amounss io FOR SAi.E--Canada PrMc Range. pour mlsllioil iiixiy-twlr &hi&pseud Fits& clssscoadition $2E of the District of eight hundred and twenty-two Dollars &vest 600. Cbl . ~ W t mL o W hcrebii abolished.. 'e asses«4 valse (2 This B -law may be cited for ($4,0&1&,822.09) and t e FOR SAI,P Kdisoa Cabinet (irsma- 232K. on four hundred eighteen thous phone. Good condition. Victor at. tachment. Forty-eight records. ($3,413 80.00) k'ogether a tot- Phone es& 4W siJ walls drsnw scptw tan)is fencing 1930 sl of Seven million four hundred clgb- Fpa gALE--Small Kitchen Store.BY THE &'.OUNCIL on,,l . ma ing o he Ilg st, p furnaces cleaned a&xi repaired. RECEIVED the accent of tbe Electors ty-three thouasn an o Fawcett Number, $10.00. bouc phone T. B ott ~M ~ ~ at the Election for that purpose on ($ 74"3&04%)» west 411. Oe . p . ms ace the day of A.D. 1930. AND 'WHERFAS the value o FO RFCONSIDKRED snd iinally ADOP- whole rateable land of the said CorP- ", „G~ FLRS Cl PARED TKD b the Council SIGNED by the pratie. according to the inst revl~l cotm~ 'uHr nd f g$800 ~el«'a~ 9 H«i'&M ph „W & 421L F«Store, Keith Bleak, Hollyburn.y e the Corporate Seal ot the Corporntion, million one hundred twenty thousund all on &he day of A D. nine hundred sixty-eight ($3,120JHN.- FOR 6 &1 F pmoo ia g~ c~~ pAINTIN( iw sung F~b p« 1030. 00) Dollars and ihe Imyrovements a- Reasonable. Apply M~ gb,~', ishinS; 'Carl~, RCCMC~ Ph mountto Three mlglon one hundred WC4C)iy pp B «est 71Y TAKE NOTICE that the above is eighty-nine thousand three hundred GIRI. %ILL LOOK AFYER CHILD- a true copy of the proposed By-Law and ninety-Ave Dogsrs ($ '8,189,39 . ! REN EVENINGS. Phone West mL upon which &he vote ot the Municipal- making together s total of Six million ity will be taken at the New Amble- three hundred tcn thousand three hun- WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WBAR side Hall, corner of 11th street and dred and sixty-three Dollars ($ (i,310r FOP«PmENT Bk.ST Irnwlarave Marine Drive, Amblpside, West Van- 363,00). couver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 1st AND 1VHKRFAS to provide for ihe day of October, 1030, between tho payment of Interist and the creation to bus, $ 10.00. Phone Vfest 81ILRoom and hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. of a sinking fund for the payment of Bedroom (Board optional), suit (OSigne&l) JAMES OLLASON, the said principal sum of One hun- busiaess couple or two friends. ALL THE BEST Brands ef Cigar% Municipal Clerk. dred sixty.Ave thousand Dollars Cigarettes snd Tobaccos. Also Ex- ($ 166,000.00) it would be necessary to ' . 1. N change Foker Hands and Consol CORppltATION Op THE DISTltlCT levy a syeclal rate sufficient to misc Apply Rex 's o 'ards Free. Ambleside Tes Romns. OF )VEST VANCOUVER the sum of Eleven thousand two hun- dred and three Dollars Sf&y cent» Notice to Electors (61 lr03.50) the amount to be ealcal- WANTFD lu Wvmt Vancouver, PLIES, Phone West 17 or Residence sted annually on the whole of rate- Modern Bungalow. Two adults, is hereby ipycn able land or lands snd improvements &bat the vote of the Electors QualifY of the Corooration. ing on propert situate within the hp&V THFREFpRK &he Rmvs and Ayply Bex 57 %est Van x(ews Fir phone 1gcst 230 iiiunicipali&y, will be taken st the New Council of the Corporation of the Dis- FOR PAINTING. KALSOMININC- Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street trict of )vest Vancouver in open m«&- and Marine Drive, West Vancouver, ing asscmb)ed onset as foliows: -- be sufficient for the said purpose, the yp y ~ . Cnmgs, s B. C., on 1Vednesday, the 1st dsy of (I) The Council of the Corporation same to be in addition to aR rates t» phone cst 394 October, 1930, between &hs hours «8 of the District of West Vancouver is be levied and created in the said a. m, and 8 p. m. on "West Vancouver hereby empowered and suthoriixed to Corporation during the whole currency W d Abolition By-law No 452 1930. c nstruct, rewonstruct, and or extend of said debentures or any of them. idence phone West 241K. and that Jas. Ollsson has been sp- the consoiidate4 water works system (6) This By-Law may bc itala&' 0 cons r ci for pointed Returning Officer to take the as before detailed in this By-law snd all purposes as "«'KST VANCOUVER yptes pf such electors with the Uwlal tp 4O ail things umosssry in Connie- WAl'KR WORKS CONSTRUCT N GOOD BUILPING 14)T. Awbhwide, powers in that behalf. tion with the said work. RK-CONSTRUCT ~TE, with view of water, oa paved rcaiL (bigned) J. B. LEYLA, ('&) it shag be lawful for thi SION ! IDNKY BY-LAW, No. 4 ', &pater, light, phone, schook Just SON, Reeve of the said Cor oration and the ' T COUNCIL simpl)r $ 10 down. $ 10 nmathly. Fall (Signed) JAS. OLLA, Clerk of the Council, for the purposes ' A lym, RE- price only $250.PASSED BY THE C C on Clerk. &he day of Augush 1930,CEIVKD thc assent pf &hc Electors ai SU)IMFI& CPTYAGE 3 mews w & r, of loan from any Person or Pe~ 'he Election for that par~ on the lid,t, ~m~ Very att cave a~ WEST VANCOUVER WATFR body or bodies coryomW, who may e day of 1930. RFCpNSIDFR- convenient i«ation for bugding ~- 1'1'ORKS CONSTI&UCTION vrilling to advance the same upon the FD and SnaUy ADOpTED by the manent home; sammd N. F ~ Ilp CONSTRUCTION AND credit of the debentures (herehmfter Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and 17u and D bess, $ 1250, EXTENSION MONEY me tioned) of the said Corporation a BY-LAW No. 449, sum of money not exc«ding One ate geol of the CCM Corpomtion, sll Phone Seymoar 7484 hundred sixty-five thousand Dollars h da f1930. ($ 186,000.00) d to th " " ' I . P. CLARK a Cp. ESTATES, LTD. A Ry-Law authorixing ihe construe- to be placed in the Royal Bank of Reeve. or Phone tion, re-construction and/er exten- Canada at West Vancoaver, British C J. ARCHER. %cat 225 tion of the consolidated water worlm Cpiumbb&, to the credit of the said Clerk. sysiems ot the Corporation of the Corporation for the purposes above Dis~&rlct of 1yyest Vancouver and to res&ted, and the debentures of the sal raise by tray of loan the sum of Corporation to the amount ot One 1 f th ~ B La . p One hundred sixty.Sve &housand hundred sixty-Ave thousand Dollars upon ~hick tho vote pf n ii ~63.000.00) io be pail i'$165 m00) in thc whoa Y bc ip ity will be taken at the New Amble- Real Estate and Insurancecoed by the said Reeve and Clerk in side Hag, corner of 14th Street and accordance with the "Municipal Act" Marine Drive Ambleside, Wait Van- Notary Pablic in sums as may be required of not ss couver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 1st FIRE INSI RANCE than One hundred dollars ($ 100 00) day of pctober, &930, between the each. Each debenture shall be signed hpurs pf 8 a.m, and 8 P.m. Vi'e have Small Amoaats on Hand for 1 by the Recce and Clerk and the Clerk (Sign«JAblKS OLLASON Good Slortgage Loans. shall attach thereto the Corporate seal Municipal Clerk. of the said Corporntion. un'c 1405 Marina Drive Thc said debentures shaU be dated ('Oiu ORATION OF THE DISTRICT pffice phone West 21 w'ey. 1260 the 2nd day Of January, 1931, aod OF «Kg'T VANCOUVER Besidence Phooo W. 82R or W. 204K shall bear interest at the rate of Ave per cent (5'/ ) per annum, payable on Notice to Electors the 2nd day of January snd the 2nd day of July in each and every year pUBLIC NpTICF is hereby given during the currency of the said de- that tbe vote oi ths Fl«tor quaRIY- Princiyal ot the said deb'ntums, or Municipality, will be taken at the Ncw any of them, shall I P ysble on the Ambiesidc'H'sg'corner of 14th St~& 2nd day of January, 1061. There shall and Marine Drive, «'est Vancouver. v o be attached to each of the said i eben g C on Wednenlay the 1st day of &urea couPons signed by the Reeve and P~mbcr, N30, b«ween the hours of 3 Clerk for each snd every payment «, '4 0 p.m. n "&vest Yancouver interest that msy become due. ' terworlis Cetic&ruction, Reconstruc- such signatures may be either yrin tii,n and«Extension Money By-Law No. 0 written or lithographed. 449, 1930," and that Jas. Ollason hss (3) The said debentures shsR be b« inted Returning Oflicer to AND WHKREAgtheestimatedcoct cxpresm to bc payable in tale the votes of curb electors with)earful of such work Is One hundred sixty-Sve money of Canada. the usual powem in that behalf. thousand Dogars ($ 165,000.00). (4) The said 4 bentures as to prin. .&(6%5 AND WHEREAS the sum ot One cipal and interest shall be payabie at hundred sixty-live thousand Dollars any branch of the Royal Bank of Ca&&- (Signed) JAS OLLASON, A'"&g8 j. ($ 1(16,000.00) is the debt intended to ada in Canada at the holder's option Clark. OI~ be created b ibis By-lsw. by the Corporation. AND WHEREAS it is necessary (6) There shall be raised and Ievlivl nnnually by SPeeial rate SuftiCient M(60 Mary Gordon of Fo th «for upon sll rateablc lsml or foiiii hns mined& tu hey homelands and improvements of the Corp- You'l find that when oration the sum of Two thousand nine after speliding the past year 0- G hundred Atty-lhree Dollars Afty centi bronii in study and traveL EoALT ($285350) for the purpose of form. I herc sho spent some time work the work «1ing a sinkinit fund for tbe pnymen& in Mon(real ihe guest of Sir Al and yourffyou e 'U like the COAL prompt aeyvioo too. of Ehcht thousand two hundred anl ('hnr4'a nnd Lady Go on. Iifty Dollars ($0~0.00) for the Pay. ment of internet st the rate atom- "Nothing could possibi) be as 8Urrlrll ShPHONE wid, tp become due pn such dibentnrvs 'ni artists oboo& Iho during the curreniy thereof (bemg tho vaui ac yo&i artie s 6 229 Lonndoie Avenue snnuul sy«i~ 1 rate of &bme pictures you paint." desi 1 fifty nine mills (359) on thp ph )cc there in--our cfforin R phmws vier&6 ~ISY )562t( dollar ot the yrescnt land valuation) to xeB &hem." or such further or other rate as shall ror&«rp«rA .* A rA 'v tr pa rrrorr I ~ r * v