West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Sep 1930, p. 4

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0001 o r rrrr ~&rrv r&&rrr'r &o i%o I v r v rw i r *' 9 i&os&6 r "i r 'r.' ty iXr r ~ "e r 'r &' rrir t'~ oro% z r' r ~ rr r r2 r rr r.v-rrr ~ rr'r 'r%V '" r'. rrowrrr'rrf rr rrvrr W rr September 19, 1930.THE WFST VAN NEWS )YE&ST VANCOUVER hlUSI('IANS"].UB 2 W S(0fTISH NO( IETY S and Yvsen S vv ear The newly formed h]us]c]ans Phone IVest 144 At a meeting held ln the C]a. Club of IVest Vancouver sn- Hose and Universal Sweaters chan on Monday evening, Sept nounce their first recital fur Oc- s, School Supplies. 8th, a very Interesting lecture tober3rd in the new Legion Hall. was given by Mr, Clark, C.B.F, Thereafter the first Fr]&lay M.A., Hon. F.E,I.S., of G]ssgo&v evening of each month will be i&RUED BY COUN('IL who took as his subject opducs- devoted to recital &nusir of sn tional Matters." Mr. Clark who outstanding character. By a resolution Passed by the is on a tour of the worM, k]n&l]y The artists contributing to North Vancouver City Council consented to give the lecture M. this first program are Mrs. F, K. Monday night, the Provincial though not in the best of health. Hodgson, contralto, Mrs. Chas. Government will be requested to Hc held his audience interest~ Donohoe, soprano, hlr. Knight, start immediateb connecting uP throughout,giving 8 very thor. tenor,andMr.A.Addy,baritone. the Pacific Great Eastern Rail- ough idea of education ascarried Miss Hilda Wilson, sok& pian- way fron& Vancouver to Prince out (n Scotland at the Present ist, Mr. Leslie Brm&ks, violinist, George, using the 54,000,000 pro- tin&e; in fact he explained the and the Mcintyre String ()usr- vided for this purpose in the bill system of centuries ago up to passed by the House in 1928. Ihc present day. Gu]te a few of 'I'he music loving public are in- The resolution also suggests the teaching profe&sion of Weot vited to attend these recitats and legislation be introduced at the Vancouver were present and &'sn be assured of hearing music corn'ingsession for funds to corn- thoroughly enjoyed themselves of a uniformly high standard Piete the railway to I'rince After his lecture Mr. Clark and handled in an interesting George, as originally planned by answered quite a few questions the late Sir Richard McBride, porta]n]ng to education, to the thus providing a connecting link entire satisfaction of all present, CHII.BREN'8 ('EIOIR into the peace River block. after which the audience joined Aid. E. H. Bri&lgman, mover in singing "Auld Lang Syne." hire. Colin hiacLean announc- of the resolution, stated "that, es the first practice of the child- s&Turd]ng to the Press, the Fed- The first general meeting of ren's choir fur Saturday morn- eral Government cannot, at the the Society for the coming ses- ing at 10 o'lock in the United present session, take up the ques- sion will be held in the Clachan Church hall. tion of completion of the P.G.E. tonight, Friday, September 19th, Boys or girls between the Railway inconnection withrelief at 7:45 p.m. sharp. After busi- ages of 8 and 14 are eligible for to unemploymcnt." nes8 6 very enjoyable social eve- membership and an enrollment He suggested that the ProPosal ning will be held as arranged fee of 25c is charged to help psy outlined in the resolution will for by R. Reid and his entertain- for music. provide work during the coming ment committee. A full attend. parents are asked to co-oper- winter. ance of members is requested, ate by sending the chil&lren in snd any new members wishing time, so that practise can start WATER SCHEME SUI'I'ORT to join will be heartily welcomed. promptly at 10 o'lock, as they DELAYED ON NORTH SHORE Any new families who have ar. are ahvays dismissed promptly rived in the municipality of at 11. The North Vancouver City Scottish birth or parentage aro It is hoped to increase the Council Monday night referred requested to attend this first number of members this year in to the water committee for fur- meeting of the season, order that an even better show- ther consideration a resolution ing can be made over last year. from the BurnabV MuniciPal DR. McCUBBIN Sl'EAKS Mrs. A. E. Sheffield will again Council suggesting "that Mr. E. assist Mrs. MacLean and ac- A. Cleveland, head of the Gresi- J ON DENTISTRY FOR company the choir. I er Vancouver Water Board, be SCHOOI. CHILDREN requested to prepare an adequate -- POWER NETWORK I'ILI&S IN water scheme to include all dis- I'resentation of Cuix& and I'rise tricts of the lower mainland." Additions to the power net-The chief feature of the meet- work serving the lower main)and PROGRAM ing of the W V. P. T. A. held on of Brit,sh Columbia are makmg Home Gas Symphony Orchestra Tuesday, September 9th, in the their appearance now that the Sunday Sept 2)sf 1930 Pauline Johnson School wa " first unit of the B. C. Electricshort lecture given by Dr. Mc- Railway Company's new hydro- March of the Caucasion Chief Cubbin uPon the teeth and their electric plant at Ruskin is near- Iwanoif care in childhood. Dr. McCub- ing completion. (6) Coquette ............... Arensky bin sPeaking out of 8 wide ex- Two high tension lines will (5) Cossack Revels ....Tschakofl'erience in Oxford, England take the Ruskin power to Burn- prelude in "C" Sharp Minor.... stressed the need of scruPulou al&y substation and the work on ...,...................... Rachman]no]I care in looking after the wel- these is progressing rapidly. The Russian Lullaby ............. Berlin fare of the mouth from the earl- upper river crossings over the Slavonic Fancies ....... 7amecnik iest years. Fraser river have their steel Russian Fantasy ............ Lange Daily habits of cleanliness and towers comp]eted and there only From the "Nut Cracker" Suite Periodic visits to the dentist, are remains the stringing of the con- ........................ Tschaikowsky essential. Few PeoPle are aware ductors. The erection of steel , "Valse des F]ears" that many 8 di~~~~~d m~~th st b. "Dense de la Fee Dragee" matur]ty is due to neglect of the near New Westminster has gone c. "Danae Russe Trepak" first teeth. Parents, not realiz- ahead according to schedule and (Piano Cadenzas and Celeste 'ing that the second set of teeth will soon be finished. by Richard A. Douglas) commence to grow in infancy, al- Coincident with this line work, R.K.O.OrpheumPresentation. ]ow decay to attack the "baby" officials of the B. C. Electric Overture Soleneile (1812). teeth, with disastrous results to Railway Company report tho ............. Tschainkowsky thelaterset. Dr.Mccubbinalso construction of a 50,000 volt "There's No Gas Like Home" incorporated into her lecture a transmission tie-line between brief summary of her survey of Ruskin and the existing plant at fh I ) h88 8enf 6 IeIfe7 the West Vancouver Pub I i c S tave F6 i 1 8, a d istance of a I&ou t e counci a a schools as far as it has progress- three snd 6 ha]f miles. ed. General conditions here are This means that the three Atk average that is, 85'A of the lines running from Stave Falls p h h f I school children are in need of to the Horne-Payne substation ig t ouse ark w ic cost u - dental treatment of some sort. are linked with the new trans- The need of a dental clinic was mission lines from Ruskin toly 3,500 to extinguish, stating that the provincial Gov'ernment a arent t, all. At the close of Burnab, thus wi ing out the and that as the Federal Depar the lecture a hearty vote of Po~ssibility of any interruPtion eral ep r thanks was accorded Dr. Mc- to service, shouM the )ines on ment of MsHne was deeply ~~I~~- Cubbin for her ~tim~l~ti~g sd- either sideof the Fra ested in the reservation the dres9 or one of the hy ro p ants crip- council hoPed that it would Pay The Chafienge ('up offered by the balance. He was also inform- th local Parent-Teacher Assoc]- ed that full Particulars of the ation to the Dundarave Regatta fire could be obtained from the foi &he Relay Races were p&e- e Provincial Government's Fores- Marine Drive, have moved into a G try, DePartment, Vancouver. obeys and Pauline Johnson gir]s'ap MILITAR rcphed very suitably. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Barn&]en snd recitations by Miss Dowel] completed 6 very excellent program. Refresh- ments served st the close oi'he meeting oifered sn opportunity for a social hour. Brooks'ry Good 14th and Marine Drive. Exclusive Agents Corticelll Silk also Novelties, Toy Duadarave Cash Cracery 22th ood BoBoveo GROCERIES, COiNFECTIONS, FISHING TACKLE ICE CREAhl PARI.OR BOATS FOR HIRE ST. PATR)CIA KINDERGARTEN GIRLS'CHOOL Will Ro-Opoo hi&&NDAY, SEirfEIIBRR 6&h ART ood MUSIC MISS J. DURRIN 26&h ood Heywood Phuoo Woo& '27R I'bose Woo& 7 Ivo Deliver BREAD CAKES PASTRY Hollyburn THEATRE THURSDAY, I RIDAY ood SATURDAY Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread Birthday 8: Wedding Cakes "So this Is Konhon", m Made in West Vancouver at Stratton'a Bakery 1468 Marine Drive Phoae Woo& 27 with JAPANESE ELECTRIC STEAM MASSAGE 26&6 &6 Neiooa, IVooi Vow&su&or Successful treatments by com- petent operator from Tohio for cerebral oed spinal nervousness, rheumatism, or&hrhio. sciatica, tonsilitis, oosroigio, paralysis, stomach, intestines, kidneys, habitual constipation, prostatic troubles. Free information. Hours 9 &o 2 P.m. or appointment Phone IVeo& 429R1 After 8 p.m., Fairmont 4848I IVII.I. R&&&IERS FUEL VERNON FEED STORE The BURRARD LAUNDRY A, C. SEARLE Phono Woo& 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. «loses For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CLEAiVERS 1'BIRD ST, osd ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L I.earning Instructor (teaching girl to drive car): "In case of emerg- ency, the first thing you want to do is put on the brake." She: "\Vhy, 1 thought it came with the csr Enough "He's an awfully clever msn." "Not a bit of it. He only makes people think he is." "Well, that's enough, isn't it?" Credit All Round Dora: "I'l give Reginald credit &) for getting me 6 nice engage- ment ring." Nore: "I understand that' what the jewel)sr did too." LOOK Cedar %Vood $2,.50 a load CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Pboeo North 1.'12 Heartbreak House "A burglar broke into our house last mght. "What did he getr'Practice." GORDON ROBSON Bo&vis&or B SoS&Mor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Merino Drive. Phono West 408 VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 619 Hastings Si. W Phono Soymoor 4199. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEl. B. D. WHITE, Mgr. l&&o&io&U&o I'oooroi Service Io&dy Aooioiooi 226--srd S&. E I'hooo North 626Mr. and Mrs. William Reid and family, 2295 Fulton Ave., hav moved to New Westminster. Y WHIST RTI('.ULTU]IAI. NO('IETY &mng nt thc lachan" El'TEhlBER 251h, af, 8 I'. hl ach (No tickets). WEST VAN('.OUVER HO ar&. enterta «The C I'HUIISDAY EVENING, S Admission 35c. e Maclean s Qrange Pekoe for Quality'.".',",'."..."„"'