West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Sep 1930, p. 3

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0001 8 piombcr 19, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS ae to io ii ka)e 1st ia )ro(nr to tell lannint llowe o eoo n earn ~ marin e ieenkea, l]C-- [IVE'SU RUB SEX1 a?" HEX? BO i»eIaM ssd™ Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY All Goods llome-Baked Try Our LUNC I I ROI.I.S and MEAT PIES, HOME-iMADE BREAD 3 for 20c. Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 Studio of Dancing EU(1VTHbi)CS -- NATURE BANC)NG -- HALLPT VOCAL EXPRESSION Fall Term, September 1sth, Fmoilmooi twgioo Hall, Satur- days, 10 o. m. io in noon. CAT)IER)NE PATON Rexidooeo 1'hose West 311X 1)ANi'1NG--Guo Dawson, "Tho Professional Donner," holds claa- ex in the Dondorove Hall every Wednesday afternoon. Musical Comedy Ciooo at 1:16 which in- elodex, ballet, aerobatic ood the popo)sr Top Dancing. Pupils oow enrolling. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAUR)E SPECK, Proprietor 145G Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 4371.2 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Looky Dod--Dod, yoo'eo o lucky moo. Yoo won't have io boy any new ochooi books for mo. 1'e been left in the same cioxoi ('OUIMUNICATION Editor West Vsn News. Dear Sir:--Will some of your readers tell us why the Horticul- tural Show doesn't evoke more interest amongst the population of West Vancouver? Every year the same faithful few gather, do the work, fix the meetings anil socials, collect the prizes, etc., but those who used to always be in attendance, some of our best citizens, especially the council, fail to show interest. Don't people care about our municipality being beautiful? I woulti like to see others'pinions in your pages. Yours, M. BULKI EY. EX. HIGH ASSOCIATION The West Vancouver Ex-High Association are holding a meet- ing next Monday, 22nd instant, at 8 p, m. in Inglewood School. As this will be the opening meet- ing of the season, all members are asked to make a point of be- ing present. Page the Ambulance On the door of the office wss chalkiqi: "Rack in ten minutes, I have gone opposite for a drink. 'St olze." Underneath was chalked: "Please wait a minute; I will fetch him back--Mrs. Stolze." Dmven to It. Doctor: "I'l soon have you on your legs again.o Patient: "Yes, I know that,I'e just sold my car to pay your bill." Naturally Scoutmaster: "Now if you sud- dnely found yourself in fiames )vhat would you do?" Scout: "Try to keep cool, sir." A Dramatic Note Villager (to tourist):: "This 'ere 'ouse, sir, is where Kather- ine of Harragon is said to have been bitten by a mad dog.o Tourist: "Tudor, eh?" Villager: "Yes, sir, chewed 'er something 'orrible.o Yeo, Indeed'ary hoo o little skirt, So neat, xo bright, oo airy; it never shows a speck of dirt, Boi surely does show Mary. "Have ooy of your childhood hopes been mxHxod?" John )xerxes--"Yeo. When mother used to comb my hair 1 wished that 1 didn't have ooy." Passing the Bock "Door father: 1 am in the city xod om broke aod have no friends. 1Vhaa shall 1 do?" The father wrote back: "Dear ooo: Mxko some friends quick. Father." "The boss oifered me an inter- est in the flrm today.o "He did?" "Yes, he said that if I didn' take an interest in it pretty soon he'd fire me." A MEETING WiU be held in Inglewood School To-Night at 8 p.m. OF sa parents and those interested in the Formation oF a '~ West Vancouver School Band A birthday party in honor of Miss Helen Stephenson was given last Saturday evening at her home at 19th and Bellevue. The evening was spent very pleasant- ly in games and music.\ \ o Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth of Portland, Oregon, were the guests for a few days of Mrs. Jacoby of Dreamy Nook, 26th and Bellevue. They were delight- ed with the beauties of West Vancouver. ~ ~ Donald Stephen, who has been in the Southern States for the past two and a half years, has returned to his home at 23rd and Heywood. His brother, Leslie, also came back this week from the prairies. ~ ~ ~ A presentation of a cut glass water set was made last Friday to E. Edgar of the Hollyburn School stafF at the school by his i.eacher friends. Principal David. son made the presentation. ~ ~ o Major A. D. Brewis, who has been In the interior for some weeks, has returned to his home at 2450 Bellevue. ~ ~ o Miss Chalmers of Vancouver is a guest at the Clachan hotel. ~ ~ ltobert Smith of the Dundar- ave Cash Grocery and his father, F, R. Smith are spending a few days'oliday in Victoria. Hollyburn School now has an attendance roll of 361. There was a large beginners'lass of 46, and in addition 3G new pupils were transferred from other schools. ~ ~ A fire broke out on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Whipple, 1075 Duchess Avenue. The fire brigade turned out very quickly and soon had the blaze out. o \ Mrs. H. T. Curtis has returned to West Bay after spending a holiday on Vancouver Island. J oThe Burrard laundry in addi- tion to their regular laundry business have become agents for Swan Rros., dry cleaners. If you want any laundry or dry cleaning work done, phone West 410L and the driver will calL ~ o Miss Phyllis Bell of the local stall'f the B. C. Telephone Co., is a patient in the North Van- couver General Hospital. o o ~ Nrs. P. D. NacKenzie and children, who have been spending the last few months at their summer home in Sandy Cove, have returned to Vancouver for the winter. W. Gentleman has returned to his duties at the municipal hall after taking h'is annual vacation. ~ o On Thursday afternoon, 11th instant, the chiklren in the sen- ior grade of Hollyburn School under the supervision of Princi- pal D. Davidson and E. Edgar, visited the Sportsmen's Shpw iu Vancouver, where they sa~n exhibition of the wild anim and game of B.C. The show was of an educational nature and talks were giv'en the children by guides. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. F. E. Armstrong, 12th and'squimalt. has an Easter lily in her garden with two blooms on it. This is somewhat remarkable in view of the fact that it is the second time the plant has bloomed this season. ~ o ~ G, Dorman, who was assist- ant manual training insta)ctor in the schools here but is )ow in charge of manual training h the Nanaimo Schools, spent the week end at leis home in Dundarave. 1 I kfrs. E. J. Pearce, who has been sway in Selma Park, has re- turned to her suite in the Holly- burn Block, 16th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ St. Stephen's Young People' Association wll hold their first meeting on Tuesday, September 23rd, at 8 p. m. All young people in the parish sre cordially invit- ed to attend, and refreshments will be served after the meeting. ~ ~ A son was born to Mr. and Nrm C. L Konings, 25th and Mathers, on 9th inst, in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, Nrs. Konings returned to her home yesterday w'ith her Aon, / ~ ~ ~ Edward Pretious, B.A.Sc., has received an appointment as In- structor on the civil engineering staif of the University of British Columbia J o ~ Pauhne Johnson School has a total attendance of 332, the re- ceiving class numbering 29, while 34 pupils were admitted from other schools. In order to facili tate the grading of children, 32 I'acific bus school children were transferred from Pauline John- son to Hollyburn School. Councillor I S. Garthorne, 2203 kiarine Drive, has been a- way this week on a hunting trip up the Fraser Valley. o E. Pearce is having a store built on his property at 19th and Manna Drive. o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews of Doncaster, England, who are on a world tour, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Andrews, 1766 Fulton Ave. Mr. Harry Andrews is a brother of hfr. Andrews here. Nrs. A. R. Carrington of Nic- ola Valley, is visiting her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Brooks'ry Goods, 14th and 51arine Drive. o Mrs. Wood and kirs. Barry, both of Vancouver, have taken Miss Jack's house at 23rd anal Bellevue. o o Ex-Councillor Fiddes had a visit last week from his brother, Mr. John Fiddes, N.D., Aber- deen, Scotland. He was accomp- anied by his wife and young son and arrived by the R.N.S. "Aor- angi" from Australia, where they have spent the past three. years. Dr. Fiddes expects to start his new duties as Profes- sor of Philosophy at Saskatche- wan University at an early date. After a game of golf trv the Ambleside Fish and Chip and Sandwich Shop for 6sh and chips or tea and sandw)ches. Brushes DR. WESTS'or ~ short time oo)y. Gea iwo or more omt novo iuoo-- GEE(M)LL'S COUGH SYRUP Oor own forms)a. Sos Bottle ........... -- Eoo 11 hoo provw) iio scoria over o opere of aoo yooeo. WEST VAN PHARMACY 'The Stere o( Sorviea Wool $7 WE DELIVER WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY With an attendance of 62s'he opening rehearsal on Mon- day evening last, the society is justly pleased with the interest maintained by the members, and it is expected that the full mem- bership of 100 will be sustained throughout the season. Fourteen new members were enrolled at the first practice and we understand that any ladies and gentlemen with singing abiL ity who wish to become mem- bers will be well advised to get in touch with one of the execu- tive at sn early date as there is a limited time for entry. In order to give the chorus an opportunity of becoming famfi- mr with the works selected by the musical committee, the con- ductor spent a little time on the following: O'aledonia Stern a Wild, Hamish NcCumm; There is Music in the River, Pinsuti; Karmesse Scene, from Gounod's Faust; Gipsy Chorus, Verdi; Song of the Gale, Foster; several choruses from "\Valpur- gm Night Mendelssohn The singers at once entered into the spirit of all these beau- tiful compositions and it is pre- dicted that one of the most inter- esting musical seasons is ahead for )Vest Vancouver singers who have in view the presentation of two of the finest concerts offered to the residents of West Van- couver. Aho).i--1'0 guess we'l moke port said the sailor as ho threw in another handful of roixioa io box)worn io West Yoa. S Years C. J. Overington BARBER io New Sioeo nloeioo Drive at Ilia Next Je(lerioo Meat Stars Expera )Vora--Lodioo'. ChiMxow Goouomoa phono West laa ior ooeoioamoaa Help Home Industry We fry Chilliwaek potatoes in Bur)m'hd easy. After a game of golf have golden brown FLoh and Chips tcxicalx oUUUee)o) Couples Tournament 'pen Tournament Toimorrow (Saturday) Next jafonduy, 221)d Local and Personal ) TOOt}