West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Sep 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE WFST VAN NFWS September 19, 1930. 'rIh »' I,r:wcr 'str » t, r ~ ~r 4 srr sw 4w "'rrtw sr» s%stp s Aw w *'s G tsot~' cr»r s~c 4»rs cc » '~' s' 'l t * r'~r » » »»»rr»rr. ~t r% rrrrs4r-r«.r rr'rr s rr rrrs rr»» ™r~r rrr- WEST VANCOUVER I ~ BRITISH ISRAEL I) . M yjory IRICCubbin DENT)ST BOUNTIFUL BARGAINS Christian Science Society Lecture Committee Branch of &he British ixtxpi World Fsdsrhtioh CANAD)AN ).FÃ)&)N MEMORIAL i)ALL NEXT SUNDAY at 8:00 P. bi. Bpphkcpt MR. PERCY Ibffs&G Seblpc&t "THE PROGRESSIVE I'LAN OF GOD." (A Scpich pf Le&is&ps) Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX hrpry bihndhy from 6:46 to 7:)6 y. m. 6IFT gjfop +Pl NC)CT TO ROYAL SANK fbt&IRL'+ A. J. MARll N G. )0 ~, m. io 6 p. m. Eveaihgx by ~pphihtmca&. Royal Bank Bxi)ding 1'hose Vl'cct 4&6 Rcxidchch I hone 'a cx& 80L CHURCH RD) ~)CR 20th had Esse)man, Hpnybxrs This Sot)sty ix 4 Branch of The Mother Church The Fitch Church of Christ, Scipstix), in Boston )dhxuchucht&x. Sunday Services )).80 a.m. Aad 7.80 f4m. SUB)RCT, SEPT. 2)xt "MATTER" P). O. R)OM 227. Pb(OfdEI V&fHSY 2%4. Hollybtirn Hall United ChurchNURSING HOME (b)ra M. E i.xchaacp, R.N.) 264 - 24th Street Exp& North Vhhcouret Residence I'heap) North )866R Cor. 14th dt Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11 a. m.--Worsh)p a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad- &I ress Speaker for next Sunday i)lit. J. ('I.EI.I.AN I) Mr. and Mrs. J. Clelland will sing. IVEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer snd Bible Study. lilinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunda!, Sept. 21st, 1930. The Sunday departments meet at 10 a.m Public worship at 11:15 a.m. sml 7:16 p.m. Dr. E. A. Henry will preach at both services. The morning topic ix 'Renewing Our Strength.'n the evening Dr. Henry w'ill begin s series of sermons on "Great Bible Tragedies." Next Sunday, "The Tragedy of Eden." This will be followed by such themes as The Trs~ly of Saul, of Absalom, of Samson, of Essu, of Cain, of Judas, of Pilate, af Lost Opportunity, closing with the Tragedy of the Cross. The Annual Rally Dsy will be on September 28th, The Harvest Ilome services «'ill be on October 5th, instead of next Sunday as previously an- nounced. J. A. Smith wrote the council in regard to condition of ditch on 24th Street from the south- east corner of Mathers. Referred to chairman of the boafxl of works snd the foreman. J. L. Smuck asked for access to his property st D. L. 1063, N.E.)/I-I snd 2. keferred to foreman. Sunday School at )0.00 a. m, Testimony Meeting Whdhaxdsy I at 8.)6 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. St, I&latthew's Day nnd Trinity 14 (Sept. 21st.) 8 a. m.-- Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School snd Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Morning prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. Get Ready For Fall Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. Sian's and Lndies I'lain Suits, 31.25. SPECIALTY--Men's Suits to order M. WILLIAMS )668 h)AR)NE DRIVE Phone West 20 There will be Divine service nt St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, st 3 p. m. Sunday. The first meeting of the Girls'uxiliaryfor the autumn sea- san will be held this evening at the home of the superintendent, hire. Fred Parkes, 2227 Ingle- wood Avenue. The Trail Rangers will re-org- anize next Friday night in the Parish Hall and if numbers war- rant it, u Tuxis Square of the older boys will be formed. These groups sre part of s Canads- wide organization for boys from eleven years of sge upwards. The first week's events in thc Sunday School track snd field meet, postponed last Saturday owing to inclement weather, will be included in ane full day's pro- gram commencing tomorrow morning st Brockton Point at 10 s. m. snd continuing until the late afternoon. All bantam and juvenile snd s majority of junior events will take place (n the morning and intermediate snd senior events will begin at I:20 p. m. The opening meeting of the A.Y.P.A. will take the form of a social in the Parish Hall next Tuesday night. All young people in the parish sre invited. There will be 6 special meeting of the IVomen'6 Auxiliary next 'I'uesday at 2 p. m. in the Parish Hall. September Afternoon tea with music wss held under the auspices of the Women'6 Assn. at the residence of Mrs. E. A. Henry, 2174 Ar- gyle Street, on Thurs&lay, from 3 to G. The object wss to help new-comers to meet the old-tim- ers, snd also through the oifer- ing to assist the Association in its work sx )fell as the IVel- fare Work which they carry on. The members of the Junior choir are asked to meet next Sat- urday morning at 10 o'lock to start the season's work. All boys snd girls between the ages of 8 and 14 are invited. The choir will be under the leadership of Mrs. Colin MscLean snd Mrs. Sheffield. is the month for Photographs A Few Suggestions 1Vedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of 1our Home Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Prices to iit aii pocke)a THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. VV. AR Work Cuxrhxtccd toa of Phone Sey. 1046 pletion it )6 very essential to be intensely interested, to give your plan plenty of thought snd to have the determination t'o carry out the plan, hard work snd all, and there will be plenty of that in even preparing the ground so that the plants will do their best for you. In planning your garden do sort. Any person csn cut down a tree in 8 very few minutes but it takes Mother Nature many years to grow one. Next week we will try to tell you some more about planning your home grounds. The Design of Small Properties by M. E. Bottomley )s 8 good book for the beg)nnernot try to imIitste your neigh- bor's garden even though it is 8 part)cularly attract)ve one, for what looks good in some location in one garden msy be very much out of place in another. First of sll, if you do not al- ready know the exact size of your lot, take 8 tape line or yard stick and measure oif the width and length of the lot. Your next step should be to decide on what scale to use in transferring the dimensions to 8 sheet of paper. Four feet to the inch is a handy scale, Suppose your lot is 60x 120, divide the 60 by 4 nnd you get 16, 120 divided by 4 gives you 30. You will therefore re- quire a sheet of paper at least 18 by 36 inches allowing for the margin. Mark oif the paper in quarter inch spaces each way with lines. By so doing you will have a number of quarter inch squares, each one of which will represent s foot. If there are any buildings on the lot use the tapeline or yard stick to get their size and loca- tion snd spot them on the sheet of paper. Do the same with all trees, shrubs, walks, driveways, ctc. After you have done this you will have s picture similar to that which you woul&l get if you were looking down on your plot of land from the sir. A» quite often happens, s num- ber of th be located into your vantage 8 to move case it is planner t MOTE--Tbs wrtts Sl cw 4l» it ~ plwsws to ~ cc tl csscs cisx ths cwssc ls tl I csl s. vbs qwstlso sbs Is b c44 ssri t the Its» lc wts I ths Zsttw Vb c r SI pmw lc co rwlp I cs sr u ~ ps wd plp ls 4 It 4 ~ hwWA Words pf Wisdom--Yos mhy be s Ane, upstanding, recpectsb)e caixes, but a banana skin doesn't care. 'I'he opening meeting for the season of the Women'6 Mission- ary Society wss held on Tuesday afternoon under the presidency of Mrs. John Reid. Miss Sutherland of the c'ity, the Strangers'eaconess, gave a very interesting address on her visit to Jerusalem. IVe welcome all to the Wednes day evening cosgregstionnl pray- er snd meditation hour from 8 to 9. We are studying s "Chain of Graces," and on this week we have "A Chivalrous Faith." It will be followed by "Zeal snd Knowledge," "Self-Control," "Pa- tience," "Love of the Brother- hood," "Love of Man," 2 Peter I, 5-7, is the text. -- NOW PLAYING-- Jack Oakie -- ~ hs Jeanette MacDonald In An Or)fish) Farce wnh Mxc)x HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th A igxrine EXPERT SERVICB E. )4ARSH, Proprietor Baptist Church 'LET'S GO NATIVE'A HI.I'.8 0, hhs CIIARLIE CIIASF, COthl I',I) Y Pastor Rev H P Humphreys Residence, 13th snd Heywood, Phone West 252k. Sunday, Sept. 21st. 10 s. m.--Bible School. Classes for sll. We study the Interna- tional Lessons. 11 s. m. -- Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic "The Obligation of Opportunities." Mr. D. Thomas will sing. 7:30--Evening Worship. Pas. tor will preach. Questions that perplex: topic, "Why Trouble Comes." A cordial invitation to nll. Tuesday, 8 p. m. -- Opening meeting of B.Y.P.U. All young people over 15 cor&lislly invited. Wednesday 8 p. m. -- Prayer and praise. Friday 7 p. m,--C,G.LT. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: ltev. Father Carey Itesidence: 2558 Msmne Drwe. Sunday: 8:45 a. m.--High Mass Sermon. 7:30 p. m. -- Evening Devot)ons. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible snd Catechism Classes: Saturday 10 8 m Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Established on North Share 20 Years, (Lady Assistant) HARRO&V BROS. fk WfLLIAMSOIV guiirral lirectffrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 MON., TUES., WED. NEXT NORMA SIILAkl.k slid MAkl I', l)RESSi,lik ih MLET US BE GAY" THUR„FR) „SAY. NEXT iiklVILA &LttkBO )N »kOhlANCI;" The C.G.LT. hss resumed und- er competent leaders snd sll g(rls from 12 up are invited to link up with the group. 'he Trail Rangers will be call- ed together in s week or two. e trees, etc., may nat Iust where they w)ll iit plans to the best sd- nd it may be necessary ~ THEATRE M ~ them. If such is the -- /ON S OAL gbest Tor the amateur o take another sheet ANNO UNCL&AIIY NT On Friday, October 3rd, the Y.P.S. will convene in the lower hall. Note the change from Mon- day to Friday. THB West Van Nenes Published Every Friday Box)ecch ami Editorial Office) )7til xwd bfxriac Dtirc (Next to Hoiiybxrh P O.) Phone 1Vest 363 Ma)i Address: P.O. Box 6), Ho)i)hera, B.C. PwbBchpp F. F. LOV EGROV E Phone West 363 8L00 ~ year by mxi) or carrier. Nhwm&htxix 64 Pcr copY Through the generosity of the people 8 retiring oifering wss taken last Sunday morning for the Blakeburn Miners'und snd 832,9:I was given to help the destitute. COMING EVENTS September 30th St. Stephens Church Harvest Supper in the I'ariah Ilail fram 6 p. m. on- wards. Ociaber 3rd--Musicians'lub Recital in the New IAT(lan Hull. his office for the practice of IVhsrton Block to the Ystes Drive at the beginning of the snd 7 p.m. to 8:30 p. m by appointment. GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTr, Landscape Architect arcs I I~ Lscss cplcc u. ot c A rhw 8 bM oI Lscss p Ar ~ Ittct ~ 44 I Gc 4 ~ lsx. Msrsltst N l4 ~ I I wl caps 0 Ic . ~if The next few months should paper and mark it oli similar to prove to be sn opportune time the first sheet snd transfer to it for planning 8 new or re-arrang- all trees, shrubs, etc., which are ing your old garden. Of course in in the right location and re- before you can plan a new garden locate those which sre not in it is necessary to have a plot of their proper place so that you land. Tosuccesxfully plan agar- csn move them at the proper den snd carry it through to corn- timeUse the sxe as 8 very last re-