West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1930, p. 6

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0001 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave ,", Hollyburn SUGGESTIONS Friday anfi Saturday, Sept. 12, and 13 Telephone Service Free Detivery Red a White BAKI'.&G POWDER I 2 cu t Iu .... ..... ............ 2sc WHOLE WHEAT GE$18, & &esty Whole %acct Biscuit, Scr packet ............., ......., 2$& Nabob SEEDLESS RAISINS, 15 cc.. 2 pk&c. 25c ZEI'HYR CREAII SODAIL &.'hristie'c New scckct, each 1st Finest Carolina RICE .. 2 lbs. Isc LU)11'UGAR (lcccc) 2 Iba 17c Rcd &I White TEA, Scr lb...... 49& Arlmer PORK R BFANS. large cise tiu ....................... Isc BL'TTER, Finest qccn&r cuir. 2 lbs. $ L0$ kcd 6 White COFFEF Scr IK 49c Roger's SYkUI', 5 lb. &Iu........ Ssc blur&a)'c MAR)IALADlk 4 IL &Iu ssc Rt&bc&t&tcu'c GFVOA CAKF I lb. 254 I'EAS IL C. New Pack, large tender Vc. 5 ccivc Puce 2 tins $$& kcd 6 Wkne I'ASTkY FIA)UR 5 Ih sack .............................. 214 10 lb. sack.................... 46c Australian Ai'RICOTS, Nc. 2H& cc c . ................ ....................... 29c BULK TEA, Scc lb.............. $5c 5 lbs. $1.00 BUI.K DATES, Fiucct Hckowi 2 lbs. 25c Nabob BABY BEE)'S, Nc. 2 uu . .. .................. .... I 9& Roberts'etter Meats Phoae West 190 "Euerythinjf Good to Eat" THE WEST VAN NEWS , SCOUT AND CUll NEWS Scouts After a lapse of several years. scouting has again taken a hold in this communitv under the ol&l name of the 1st N&est Vancouver Troop of Boy Scouts. Under the leadership of Mr. J. E. (Ernie) Cunningham, who ls quite well known as an energetic go-getter the troop is rapidly getting into shape with much interest being shown by the boys in the various aotivities. The meetings are held every Friday evening at 7 o'lock in the Canadian Legion Hall baseman&, which has been kindly loaned for that purpose. There are at pres- ent about 20 boys enrolled but more will be welcomed when larger quarters are secured. Many week-end camps have been held, and one camp of a week' duration has just been complet- ed st Brunswick Beach in charge of Assistant Scoutmaster C. Chapman. The whole-hearted support of the entire community is urged for this splendid effort to enable the younger generation to live right by thinking right. Cuba The West Vancouver Wolf Cube held their first meeting on 'I'uesdsy evening at St. Steph- en's Parish HalL Meetings will be held every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Practically ail of last year' Cuba have turned out again and they are looking forward to this Septe&nher 12. 1930 (All kept ln refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOI.LYBURN STOIIE A5IBLESIDE STORE Weel 3 W EST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 16th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 116 IV. J. Turnhull, Manuger, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE R SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAI'ER I,amatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster lb)ard 4 Beaver Board -- Shingles season's work and will do their best to hold the shield, won h! them last year, which is award- ed the leading Pack on the North Shore. Mr. Vernon Laster is again in charge nnd expects to have an interesting season with his Cuba. LOOK Cedar Wood $ 2,&50 a load CHESTFkFIEI.D WOODYAkD I'kent North 1$2 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEI", I'OIIK, VF.AI., Etc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KliVD.i, I)l'.I.ICATESSEN U' t r krk & ww --. w \ t & w '"r~ I,& ~ m'& ~" K '\" t &to + v Cr '&r w ~v r. ' 'rrr r rr& rrr- r 'r r rrr rr .r.~-rrrr rV Prime Beef Local Lamb Dairy Fed Pork Fresh Eggs and Butter FISH and VEGETABLES g +MB 'AT MORE LAMB ~Km~ Insist on B.C. LambSpecial Prices Sept. 14-20 ~I SEE OUR IVINDOW 1580 Marine Drive TRDDliiVG AND PAINTING CONTRACTS A WARDED W. L Jones was awarded the contract for trimming or.e hun- dred and twenty-five name posts at the council meeting on Mon- day evening, the contract for painting going to W. J. Wen- moth. The engineer was instruc- ted to stipulate the time for the completion of these two con- tracts. Particulars of tenders and prices were as follows: IV. Carley Painting, 50 cents. Wm. Millar, painting 30 cents. C. W. Konings, trimming 28e; painting 15 cents. W. L. Jones, trimming 160; painting 16 cents. R. H. Mayer, trimming 210; W. J. Wenmoth, trimming 160 painting 7 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garrod of North Vancouver, entertain- ed at a dinner and musicale on Saturday evening in honor of hIrz. Garrod's parents, Mr. and Mrb AValter Gray of eKith Road, on tl.e occasion of the anniver- sary of the latter's wedding. Those present were: Mr. and birs. Waiter Gray of Keith Roa&i, Garrod, senior, Mr. and Mrs. J. Summerfield, Mr. snd Mrs. J. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Steven- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Veitch, Miss Lorna Dunn, T, Gray, G. Veitch. "Wby dc ycu want to divorce this ment" inquired the judge tc c tearful wife. "&Veil, ycu ccc, your honor, hc made mc wash hic back every Saturday night." "Whcti" Interrupted the judge, cdo ycu cali that grounds for divorcc I" "Nc, your boner, but lest Saturday night hic back wcs already washed!" Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m„West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent DEAL WITH THE I.ARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAII, ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUbiBIA Specials 2 by 4 common sized, any length......,.„...... 69.00 Shiplap. good grade ..................................... 69.00 Cedar Bevelled Siding ............ ...... f9.00 Lower Rates ~ ~ ~ ~ Fewer Interruption& More Even Voltage Constantly Improving SERVICE RHAPS you have sever ccutidcrcd thatP'ight aud power service hct qucBty. Ycc it can be Scod or bcd, according to the power company'c cquipmcut, pcrccuucl cud devotion tc the public service. Electric ccrvicc should, cc fcr as humanly possible, be continuous cud free from iutcrrup ties. How well wc have bccu able to achieve this cud mcy be ceca from thi~ comparison: Twcuty years cgo, in 1909, tbc total iutcrrup- ticuc to light cud power service on the Icutcr mainland--the time wbcu the entire system wcc dead--amounted to four bours& 29 minutes. For the fivc years ending Dcccmbcc $ 1, 1929& total iutcrrupticuc in our system amounted to only turo uuuutcc. While there werc sectional iutcrrupticuc in addition tc this, they werc ccrrapcudiugly reduced. Tbc Ssurcc given above iudicctc bow light cud power service hcc bccu improved. How hcc duc rctulc been brougbc about) By Sccctly increasing the ccpccity of trans miccicu liucci by building up u network of iutcrccuucctmg tres&micciou Race between thc various cubctcticuc& cud most cf cil by j&crfcct- in tbc ay)tern of "rcicyc which loca(ice cudmg iccictc short circuits which formerly cpcccd to uud oftcu dislocated thc entire cyctcm. T b c ~ c improvements, cue&lug hundreds of thou&cud& of dollars& have been for tkc cols purpose of increasing d&c quality of B.C. Electric service. Tbc qucbty of your electric service i~ cc im- iht pot&cut as tbc price you pcy. Ihl : RITISH OLU BIA LECTRIC RAIL AY 0 ~w t&