West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1930, p. 5

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0001 re. IIL de J. ss 2 te re ie September 12. 1930. WL& o""+~ ALL Cent% The SUPREME SOOTLESS COAI.. The Aristocrat of Coals You wiu be approached to buy s cheap Lignite Coal at Gait Prices. There is s vast difference between s Bituminous and 0 Lignite Coal. Lignite contains a large percentage of moisture, hence 8 great deal less heat. z cPI(rr $qzvv If you want a Lignite; then buy our B-B Tulsmeen It is the best by Test, snd we will prove it. A guarantee as to wheth- er you obtain our coal can be hsd by asking for Evans, Coleman Sr Evans receipt. hiake your delivery msn produce one. Also ofFer Balkan Sccuczz Lump Dvumhcucr Scctiezc Wcuiugecu Ccmcz Anthracite OS Coke Carbon Bziquctc Caumcrc Bviquctc ~p :,'!(3,"gi CO. WIA! ~ iPV,'4 LTD.~ & EsT. I 888 see; 2955 FAREWELL SHOWER Mrs. (Captain) Jackson and Mrs. George Jackson were joint hostesses st their home, 14th snd Haywood, when a farewell shower was given in honor of hire. R. Rhodes, 18th snd Wat- erfront, who is leaving shortly to reside in Penticton, B. C. A dinner service wss present- ed to the guest of honor accomp- anied by 6 host of good wishes. Among the guests were Mrs. Iiedfern, Point Grey; Mrs. Knight. Lulu Island; Mrs. Priestly and Mrs. Burnett, Point Grey; Mrs. Edgley, Mrs. J. Mc- Intyre, Mrs. J. Hunt, Mrs, Vaug- han, hfrs. C. McIntyre, Mrs, R. Jackson, Mrs. Bowes snd Mrs. Corbett. GOI.D DIGGERS OF BROADIVAY AT THE HOLLYBURN The play this week end at the Hollyburn Theatre is "Gold Dig- gers of Broadway" with Ann Pennington, Conwsy Tesrle, Winnie Uigntner, Nancy Wel- ford, and Nick Lucss, with s supporting cast of over 100 beau- tiful singers and dancers. The entire picture is in technicolor with scenes which fairly make you gasp with their msgntfi- cence. Altogether it is one of the best talking pictures yet made as is evidenced by the full houses which it hss been draw- ing everywhere. THE FAI.Ii SHOW (Continued from Page 4) Class 106, Bottled Fruit, any other variety--1, Mrs. E. Rhodes 2, Mrs. W. Tinney. Class 107, Black Currant Jsm --I, Mrs. C. Barrow; 2, Mrs. Grisdsle, Class 108, Gooseberry Jsm-- I, Mrs. W. 'Iiinney; 2, Mrs. Gris- dale. Class 109, Strawberry Jsm- Mrs. Grisdsle. Class 110, Raspberry Jam-- 1, Mrs. 1Vm. Blair; 2, Mrs. F. J. Patterson. Class 111, Marmalade--I, Mrs. F. Lefeaux; 2, Mrs. W. Tinney. Class 112, Any other variety --1, Mrs. G. Hswkes; 2, Mrs. S. Millsrd. Class 113, Crab-apple Jelly-- I, Mrs. F. Lefesux; 2, Mrs. Mc-'eod. Class 114, Black Currant Jelly --1, Mrs. Grisdsle; 2, Mrs. S. Gisby. Class 115, Blackberry Jelly-- 1, Mrs. S. Gisby; 2, Mrs. H. Gleed Class 116, Red Currant Jelly --I, Mrs. Grisdale; 2, Miss Frame. Class 117, Loganberry Jelly-- I, Mrs. S. Millard; 2, Mrs. Wm. McQusker. Class 118, Any other variety --I, Mrs. F. J. Patterson; 2, Mrs. R. Reid. Pickles Class 120, Home-made Beets --1, Mrs. Wm. Blair; 2, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 121, Home-made Cucum- ber--I, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 122, Home-made Must- ard--I, Mrs, Grisdsle. Class 123, Home-made Onions --I, Mrs. Grisdsle. Class 124, Home-made Sweet --I, Mrs. Lefesux. Class 125, Home-made Catsup --I, Mrs. Grisdale. Class 126, Home-made Chut- ney--1, Mrs. F. Lefesux; 2, Mrs. H. Gleed. Class 127, Home-made Canned Chicken--I, Mrs. W. Tinney. Class 128, Jsr Salad Dressing For GALT COAL PHONE ED. BLACK WEST 68 THE WEST VAN NEWS -- I, Mrs. Grlsdale; 2, Miss Bes- sie Frame. Special Prize, Silver Cup don- ated by General Foods Ltd--1st prize Best Jar Jam with Certo- Mrs. A. H. Albin. 1st Prize, Best Jsr Jelly with Certo--Mrs. F. J. Patterson. Needlework Class 129, Hooked Rsg Rug-- 1, Mrs. D. McDonald; 2, Mrs. E. Eyte. Class 131, Embroidered Lunch- eon Set-- I, Miss Hilda Wagstsff Class 132, Emroidered Towels --1, Madeline Cross. Class 135, Colored Embroidery --I, Mrs. Alex. Henderson; 2, Mrs. L. Burley, Class 136, Tray Cloth, Cut Work--1, Mrs. J. B. Leyland; 2, Mrs. Binning. Class 137, Best Pair Fancy Pil- low Cases--1, Miss Hilda Wag- sts(f; 2, Mrs. Geo. Bulkley. Class 138. Embroidered Van- ity Set--1, Miss Hilda Wsgstaff; Class 139, Cut Work, any art- icle--1 Mrs J B Leylsnd 2 Mrs. Binning. Class 140, Best Cushion--I, Miss Hilda Wagstsif; 2, Madeline Cross. Class 142, Embroidered Apron --I, hire. C. Donohoe; 2, Msde- line Cross. Class 143, Boys Oliver Twist Suit--I, Mrs. W. Tinney. Made from east oif garment. Class 144, Best Dress made from cast oif garment--I, Mrs. C. Sherman. Class 145, Child's Cost made from worn garment--I, Mrs. C. Sharmsn; 2, Mrs. W. Tinney. BOULEVARDS Best kept boulevard not less than 33 feet. 1st--W. E. Davies, 85 points. 2nd--A. Chilton, 80 points, 3rd--J. R. L. McDaniels, 75 points, 4th--C. Rsy, 60 points. 5th--Miss Frame, 55 points. FOR SALE--A Ccacdc Pride Range iu gccd condition, Phone Wcci 107R FOR RFvrT--Lvccmcd ccucgc. Cucs- izhed, 31000 Fcr mmuz Phone West 51R. FOR RENT--Aurcciivciy Cuvuizhcd Cour-rccm buugcicw. Fireplace. Fully modern. Phone Wcct 8461v FOR SAI.E--10 Ccce cedar rowboat. cheap. Phone West 7dXZ. FOR RENT--Modern Siz-vccm louse pcciiy cv felly Curuizhcd. Phone West FdX8. RADIO FOR SALE--Ccmpktc wnb Tubes, Batteries, Loud Sneaker, 835. Hzcr It at Ambiccidc Tcu Rccmc cuy lime. ALL THE BEST Brands ci Cigcvz. Cigarettes cud Tcbccccc. Aicc Ez- change Poker Hands cud Couzci cards Free. Ambiccidc Tcc Rooms. FOR MOVING cud BUILDING SUP- PLIES, Phcm West 17 or Residence Phcuc West 832R. FOR THE BEST SLABS cud iucidc Fir phone West 230. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMININO Apply C. I Kcniugz, Residence phone West 894IL TO RENT--Suite, Cucukhcd or uu- Cucukhcd. Hct water heat. Apply 16th aud Marine Drive. FREE LIVING QUARTERS for mcu wbc will take ccrc of Duudcvcvc Hall, only duties tc look after Furn- ace at night when needed cud tccp hall clean. Phoae West 801 PIANO--Miss Frame rccumcc teach- ing. Easy terms. Phone West 457L3 TO RENT In West Vancouver, I block Crom Marine Drive and twc blocks from the Ferry, bright front bedroom iu private home, also sitting-room cud board if desired. Very suitable Ccr busi- ness girl (cr girk). This is c home Crozu home for desirable party. Phone West 809. FOR SALE--Holly Trees from cuc ic Svc Ccct iu hcigiii. Phone West 647L or West 21. LADY would care Cm chiMrcu ciicv- nccsc cc cvcuiugz. Rcfcvvumc. Phcm West 465YI. FOR SALE-- Eight piece cck dining mela colic, $40.00 Pbcm! West 56L2. FOR SALP Fcuv room mcdccu bcmg- cicw; Svcpiccc; large vczsudcb. near wctcvfvcuL Phone West 419L MAIL DELIVERY--We will iuczui letter slat in your duce very zuuzcu. ably. Phone West 64L or West 232R. WILLOW DEME CCFFTAGE 26th a Kings. Quke usd restful smMce beautiful cuvrcuudiugc, for rent September 14L Phone West 4041 FOUNDATION CRMFvrT WORK- Lcurkccpiug cud Lcwsc laid. Bock wciic, dvuiuc, ccpezc tusks, Ccucing cud land eiccviug chimneys cud Cucucccc ciccucd cud rcpcnmL Phone T Bcvucee, cccidmcc phoae West 290R. FURS CLEANED, STOBED cc Rc- mcdcied. Summer prices. Hcuybura Fuv Store Kciih Bluet Hcuybuvu. POR SALE--Bccuiiiui Bedroom Sane in mahogany aud gumwood, lite new. Doable bcd, coil spring, high grade mcitzcvc, dresser, dressing izbic cud stool, cbcffcuicv cud bcd- ~ide icbic at bargain prices. Also pretty cecum enamelled dinette mite comp!sic uud several other bedroom pkccc In white enamel. Phoae Sut- icu, Weve 63R2. PAINTING, Dccccctiug, Fvvuch Pd- izhiug, Cuvicy, Bccidcucc Phone West 71Y. GIRL 'IVILL LOOK APTER CHILD- REN EVENINGS. Phone West 61L WEBIFS SHOB REPAIRS WBAR BEST--Duudcvcvc GARDENS--Dccigucd cud laid cue. Original designs in Lily cud Orna- mental Pools, Rude uud Wall gard- ens. Lawns, Pcrmai cud Rose gczd- zuc. Rustic Week. Summer hcuccc. Crazy paving. B. J. Kyee. Phone West 411. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcw- idcucc Phone West 241R. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Cozy LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER GOOD BUILDING LOT, Ambiccidc, with view of water, on paved mcd. Water, light, phoae, scbccL Juce simply $10 down, $ 10 monthly. Fall price only $250. SUMMER COTTAGE, 8 vccmc. wcicv. light, garage. Very attractive cud convenient icccticu Ccr buikiiug per- manent home; situated N. R cocucr 17th cud Duchess, $ 1%0, or will fully consider an cger. Pbcuc Seymour 7484 IL P. CLARK Si CO. ESTATES, LTIL or Phone C. J. ARCHER, West 225 Yoff Gan Save One Dollar GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pubuc Fire Iucurcucc -- Mcucy ic Lucu TAX SALE LOTS 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Scy. 1260 Residence Phone W. 82R or W. 204X If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY U@i& You'l find that when we do your Sheet hfetal work the work wul be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. Burrar(I Sheet I(fetal 229 I.onsdale Avenue Phoae Ncveh 845 Rcc. Phcucc: North 91SY 1502X CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for CIccaiacd Advccihmmcsic ic 2 conic pcv wcva minimum 25 coute. Ezccpe iu the casa of ihccc having vcguicr ccccuaic, cg dccci- Svdc are psychic civktly iu advance. kcmcmbcv Cicccismic iu the Wae Vcu News gve immcdkic rccuac. i ' t'ww 'i qw uv i