West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1930, p. 3

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0001 September 12, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS CHORAL SOCIETY HOLD I"NJOYABLE SOCIAL The West Vancouver Choral Society gave s social and dance in the Legion hall on Monday evening, when the members en- joyed s very interesting pro- gram which had been arranged by the committee, President P. C. Chapman introduced new members and outlined the work of the society. J. Haydn Young, the conductor, gave s brief re- sume of the new music it was proposed that the choral society give their attention to this sea- son. Vocal numbers were rend- ered by Miss Ellis, Miss Ivy Miles, and J. Welch, and a violin duet by Miss Beatrice Hodgson and Rex Rhodes, all of which were greatly enjoyed by those present. Miss Margaret McIn- tyre acted as accompanist. A very interesting event was a con- test, in which those taking part were asked to give a three-min- ute address on a subject, which they drew from a hat on reach- ing the platform. hlarks were given for deportment, delivery, time, and treatment of subject Some of the subjects were seri- ous, such as "the IVater By-law," and others in lighter vein such as rbVhy Do Gentlemen Prefer Blondesr'en contestants took part, Miss Gillam winning first and Mrs. Gleam second prize a- mong the ladies, the gentlemen' first and second prizes going to J. Lowden and Percy hfaster- man. The judges were Mrs. J. Haydn Young, James Holt, and Captain F. F. Lovegrove. Refreshments were served in the dining room and a very pleasant evening was brought to a close with dancing. The first rehearsal of the Choral Society will be held next Monday, 15th September, at 8 p. m, in Dundarave Hall. Local and PersonalDAVCINC~uo Dawson "TheProfoooioooi Dancer," hokfo cioo- oo in the Duudorovo Holi every Woduoodop otioiuoou. Musical Comedy Class at rn16 which iu- «ludoo, ballet, ooroboiio ood the popular Top Douoiug. Pupils uow ouroiiiog. Clarence Sorenson of West Bay, has returned to Pomona College, Los Angeles. He was accomparded by four college friends who have been visiting him this summer. ~ ~ ~ Brooks Dry Goods and Men' Wear, 14th and Marine Drive, have now on hand a full line of fall sweaters for ladies, gentle- men, and children. o Stanley Cuifington, Rsdclilf Ave., has returned to school in Victoria. ~ o Captain and Mrs. D. O. Lunn, 13th and Gordon, are spending a day or two In New Westmin- ster. ~ ~ ~ Francis Nash, 22nd and Mar- ine Drive, is leaving tonight for Toronto, where he will enter St. Augustine'6 Seminary. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Boehme of Point Grey, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ ~ Miss Geraldine Alexander of Kings Ave., is visiting 2-Bar ranch at 100 Min House, B. C. o ~ Mrs. E. G. Groom and her son Cliiford of the Fortune Cup Inn, are visiting friends st Allco, B.C. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Prendergast of Vancouver has moved into the Raid house at 23rd and Marine Drive. o o o A bush fire broke out very early on Wednesday morning in the brush at the corner of 25th and Marine Drive. The fire bri- gade rushed to the scene and soon had the blaze out. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. M. Harris of Vancouver, hss taken the Hamilton cottage on the West Beach and has moved in. ~ o o hfr. and Mrs. Cox, 11th and Mathers, left here on Tuesday for up coast. I/DEATH OF J. T. PONT James Tylden Pont passed a- way peacefully last Friday at his home at 15th and Duchess. The deceased who was in his seven- tieth year, leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one niece, hire. Nickoia of Central Park, The funeral took place last Monday at 2 p. m. from the St. Stephen's Church, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment was made in the Masonic plot, Moun- tain View cemetery. Harron Bros. and Williamson hsd charge of the funeral arrangements. Youroo11 ougoriug oud Ex- pouxo this winier, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Mitchell and family have moved frotn 22nd and Marine Drive to the Southam house at 2159 Argyle, o o o Mrx. E. C. Taylor and family, who have been spending the summer at Caulfeild, have re-j turned to their home in the city. ~ o ~ A large black flsh wss observ- ed on Saturday afternoon in the First Narrows beating its wsy out to the gulf. It appeared to be about twenty-five feet long and was distinctly visible from East Beach. o o o Captain D. O. Lunn of the municipal ferries ia taking a week's holiday from his duties. ~ ~ ~ Miss Elsie Harrison of the B. C. Telephone stafi'ere, is spend- ing ber annual vacation at Har- rison Hot Springs. ~ ~ ~ During the last few weeks there have been large numbers of salmon in our waters and es- pecially in the vicinity of the Capilano River mouth, but they have been in no mood for bit- ing. On Saturday, however, they were taking the spoon readily. and a number oi'nglers who were out came back with goixl catches. ~ ~ Frank Ellis of the municipal bus staff, who has been sick, is spending a holiday at IIarrison Hot Springs. ~ o ~ Miss Marjorie Barnott of the local staif of the B. C. Telephone Co., has returned to her duties following her annual vacation. ~ ~ Mrs. Crosby, who has been oc- cupying the Vigsr house on Keith Road, has moved into a houses at 14th and Clyde. 'arry Normand, 14th and Marine Drive, haa left for the halibut fishing oil the West Coast of Vancouver Island. He expects to be away about three or four months. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearce gave a farewell party on Thursday evening, 4th instant, at their home at 19th and Marine Drive, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, who are leaving the lat- ter part of this month to return to England. Mr. Charles Pearce is s brother of Mr. Pearce. ~ o o Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Boyd, 21st and Bellevue, have moved to 2111 Esquimalt. \ o o On Wednesday evening, 3rd instant, members of Whatsoever Circle of King's Daughters held their opening meeting, as the guests of Misses Baker and Mrs. Messinger at the home of the former. A buifet supper was served, after which the regular business meeting was held. Fur- ther plans were made for the autumn bazaar to be held on Sat- urday afternoon, October 4th, in the White Rose Ballroom, 1236 West Broadway. ~ ~ ~ The 6 year old son of Mrs. Forbes of West Bay, while get- tins oif the municipal bus near his home on Thursday, 4th in- stant, was struck by a passing motor car, in the hands of a hit and run driver. Fortunately the little fellow was only badly bruis- ed snd was able to go to school next day. ~ ~ ~ The Horticultural Society are giving a military whist drive on Thursday evening, 25th Septem- ber, at the Clochan Hotel. ~ ~ ~ Miss E. H. Crewson and hei niece Miss Muriel Bell have re- turned from a two months'isit to Toronto and other cities in Canada. Prepare Mrs. Clara Wilson Teacher of Pianoforte Yoor Spoioiu io resist tbo ~ ttooko of fiu, cold. brou- obiiio, oio. Specializing in advanced work and classes for begin- ners. Intending Class pupils are asked to enroll before Sept ember 6th. Miss Hilda Wilson Only First-Class Honors A,T.C.M. Solo Performers in British Columbia 1930. Winner of Sigismund Stojowski Scholarship 1929. Has vacancies for a few pupils. Studio:--2367 Marine Drive Dundarave Take Cod Liver Oil is same form--it oood not bo unpalat- able--Squibbo, Moods, Wum- poioo, Arorot, Scott ~ Emuioioa Ropior'o oud moup othora, WEST VII FEARPIACT Tho Store ot Soroiou Wuoi Zt WE DELIVER Studio of Dancing EVRYTAMICS -- NATVRE DANCING -- SALLEP VOCAI, EXPRESSION Fall Term, September Izih, Euroihooui Logioa HoS, Sopimm bor 6th, 10 o.m. Io IZ i m. CATHERINE PATON Rooidooco Pbmm Wool SsiX FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleslde Sheet Metal 1Vorks IAURIS SPECK, Proprietor 1466 Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 437L2 iu buohiooo Ia West Vom P Yours C. J. Overington BARBER Iu New Sumo Normo Drive at 14th Next Joftorioo Hoot Store Export Work--Lodioo', Cbndreu Goutlomou Phone Vi'oot 116 tor oppoioimouiCI OSING OF SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE AFFECTS REVENUEK.W. Savory Second Narrows bridge traffic in the flrst eight months of this year shows a substantial de- crease as compared with traffic of the corresponding period of last year, according to the man- ager's report. The decrease is attributable to the closing of the bridge for approximately seven weeks during May and June. Since January I, 1,689,562 persons, 662,834 autos, 79,522 trucks, and 10,917 other vehicles crossed the bridge, as compared with 1,917,177 persons, 6176,- 779 autos, 96,830 trucks and 13,- 742 other vehicles in the first eight months of last year, show- ing the following decreases: Persons, 327,615; autos, 113,- 945; trucks, 17,308; other ve- hicles, 2825. Average daily earnings for the period under review was $475, as compared with $580 in the corresponding period last year, a decrease of $105. Average daily earnings for the actual days of operation this year, be- tween January I and August 31, was $580, the same as the previ- ous year. In August 369,747 persons, 125,955 autos, 12,336 trucks and 240G other vehicles crossed the bridge. The average daily earn- fngs for the month was $831, as compared with $841 in August last year. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL E. D. WHITE, Mgr. Dmuuoffoo Puuorui Sorviou Lodr Aooioiout Ssib-Zod St. IL Phoae Norih SZS 1443 hlarinc Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Surprise Party A surprise party was given by the friends of Dr. and hIrs. A. C. Nash st their home on Saturday evening on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of their wedding. A very enjoyable time was spent, refreshments being served later in the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Price, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, Mrs. O.,Cullin, Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gemmill, Mrs, C. E. Burbridge, Mrs. G. Sparrow. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Try Our LUNCH ROLLS MEAT PIES, FRUIT PIES, IIOME-MADE BREAD 3 for 20c. Hollyburn Public Library (located at Gemmill's Drug Store) Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 3G6 "I eall mp girl o 'golf bugt" "For what ungodly roooou1" "Ii'4 hor ombitiou to go around in as little oo poooibio," They could uoi play cards on Noah' Ark because ho ooi on the deck. BIGGEST SNAP Ever Offered in Homesites WEST VANCOUVER MINIATURE GOLF COURSE 17th and Marine OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING (except Sundays) Special Tournament Monday Evening Lots 50 feet by 142 feet. All cleared in heart of this municipality. PRICE, $200 and up to $250. Apply-- GEORGE HAY, 14th and hlarlne Drive, or K. A. RAY, Phone West 301 NEIV BOOKS JUST PLACED OV THE SHELVES "High Winds" by Arthur Train; "Another Day" by Jeffery Farnol; "Rasputin, the Holy Devil," "The Red Knight of Ger- many," "The Hounds of God" by Sabatini; "Sam, the Sudden" by P. G. Wodehouse; "The Wrist hisrk" by Fletcher; and 20 others. $1.00 entitles you to a membership until December 31st 1930. Join now. New Fiction every month. rrrrr i r w '-.--,;I 4&sf -p-- . md' l g hQ wwv ioor