West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Sep 1930, p. 2

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0001 THF. WEST VAtV NEIVS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society BOUNTIFUL BARGAINS CHURCH EDIPICR 20th asd faeuimsk, Houyburs This Socivty is ~ Braach of The Molhav Church The I'irst Church of Christ, Sclvutist, ia Boston Massachusaiis. Sunday Sorvicos 11.20 ~. m. aud T.SO p.~ SUBJECT, SEPT. 14th "SIIBSTANCE» United ChurchNURSING HOME (bira M. E LaChaaco. R.N.) 204 - 24th Street East North Vaacouvsv 14aidvaco Phone: Norih 1666k Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday. September 11th. 1930. Dr. Henry will preach at both sei'vices. 11115 Morning topic »Joy as Jesus Saw It." 7:16 Evening topic, "Christi- anity a Manly Thing." 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School. Next Sunday morning a retir- ing offering will be taken up on behalf of the bereaved miners'ependents in the Blakeburn Coal Mine disaster. It is hoped to resume the meetings of the Young Peoples'ociety on October 3rd, chang- ing the evening from Monday to Friday. A program is being ar- ranged that should be of great interest. The meetings will be held in the lower hall. At the Wednesday evening prayer meeting Dr. Henry for a few weeks will follow a series of talks on aA Chain of Graces." The meetings will be of sn hour' length. Sunday School ai 10.00 a. m. Tostimouy hfooiiug Woduosday at 6.16 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 13 (Sept. 14th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a, m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 8 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7:16 p. m.--Evensong. Get Ready For Fall IVow is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. Iilcn'0 and Idldies Plain Suits, 61.25. SPECIALTY--Men's Suits to order M. WILLIAMS 1666 MARINE DRIVE Phoua Wast 20 The annual Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, Septem- ber 28th. There was a splendid attend- ance at the first meeting of the Women's Auxiliary for the aut- umnseason held on Tuesday. The study of Canon Vernon's 'The Old Church in the New Land" wss continued and reports were made by the various officers, including the social service sec- retary. It was decided to hold the Harvest Supper on Tuesday, September 30th. At the supper meeting of the teachers snd officers of the Sun- day School on Thursday evening the outlines of the new courses for the autumn were discussed and the classes regraded. Par- ents whose children have not yet returned to the Sunday School after tbe spmmer holidays. are urged to have them in their clas- ses on Sunday. The choir picnic held last Sat- uray at Eagle Harbo was thor- oughly enjoyed by those present. There was a program of races for both seniors and juniors and much amusement in the prizes s- warded. The members of the track team who will represent St. Stephen's at the Sunday Scbool meet at Brockton Point tomor- row are asked to be at the rec- tory at I o'lock sharp to pro- ceed to Stanley Park. As there are over one thousand entries in all events on both days of the meet competition will be very keen. September is the month for Photographs A Fow Suggvstious 1Vedding Groups Baby Pictures Favnily Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Prices to fit sil pocksbh The C. G. I. T. are gathering Friday evening at 7 o'lock to talk over plans for the season. Sunday 21st, will be annual Harvest Home services, with a decorated church. Sunday 28th will be the Rally Day for the Sunday School. The morning service will be devoted to that important part of our work.. Next Tuesday, September 15, at 2:15 p. m., the opening meet- ing of the Women'0 Missionary Society will be held, when Miss Sutherland of the city, the Strangers'eaconess of the United Church, will tell the story of her visit to and experiences at Jerusalem. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. W. Establishod 1002 Ail Work Guaranteed On Thursday, September 18th, the Women's Association sre holding 0 social afternoon at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Henry, 2174 Argyle St. Fuller details next week. A collection tea with a musical program will be given by the W. A. on Thursday afternoon, 18th September, at the home of Mrs. Henry, 2174 Argyle Ave. It is hoped that all the women of thc congregation interested in the social life of the church will make it a point to be present. Phone Sey. 1046 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th R Mariuo BXPERT SERVICE E MARSH, Proprietor Eslabiisbsd on North Shore 20 Ysats. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAMSON gunetal Btref tiIr8 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Heywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, Sept. 14th. 10 s. m.--Bible School. Clas- ses for all. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, aA Church That is Strong," 7:30--Evemng worship. The monthly service by Young People for Young People. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Best Burden for Young Should- ers" Mr J Welch will sing A special invitation to young people. Wednesday 7:30--Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday 7 p. m.--C. G. I. T. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2568 Marine Drive. Sunday: 8:45 a. m.--High Mass Sermon. 7:30 p. m. -- Evening Devotions. Week Days: 7:30 s. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 s. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a.m. snd 7:30 p.m. West Van Nenes Published Every friday Buaiacas aad Ediioriai Office: iyib sad )isriao Drive (Nsxi to Hoiiyburu P O.) Phone West 363 )isii Addrssst P. 0, Box 61. Hoaybora, B.C. Pubitahor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 61.00 ~ ysav by IaaS sv carrier, Nowssiamls ss. psr copy WEST VAN Y The next meeting of the West Vancouver »Y» will be held in the Baptist Church, Tuesday. September 16th, at 8 o'lock. All young people over the age of sixteen who are interested are cordially invited to attend. The aY» banquet will be held on Thursday, 18th inst., at Chown Church at 6:15 p. m. The speaker for the evening will be Miss Bollert, J. Vigar has returned from the Peace River and is now oc- cupying his house on the Keith Road. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ross, who have been at their ranch this summer at 24th and Ottawa have moved back to their home at 24th and Heywood. &th.tt C jFr Sf')~ p 4 N C)CT Tcp Rsp)rAI SANK MSL& A ~ J. MAO-LI N & ~ P. Cy. B)O)C 22 y P)4OPIEI WH'ET 22A. September 12, 1930. BRITISH ISRAEL t ~ Dr. Marjory McCuhbin DENTIST 10 a. m. Io 0 p. m. Evooiogs by ~ppoiatmouL Royal Bank Building Pi«as Wvat 440 Rosidasco Pboas Weal Ssx Lecture Committee Breach of tho Bruish Israoi World fvdavauoa ('ANAUIAN LEGION MEMORIAI HALL NEXT SUNDAY ai stee P.M. Sposksv: MR. PERCY KING Sublovit "THE I'ROGRESSIVE I'I,AN OF GOD.» (A Ssvias sf Lsciarss) Mr. Kiug broadcasts over CKWX every Monday from 0:46 to TI16 p. m. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th dt Duchess I,ORD'8 DAY-- 10 a, m.--Sunday Bchool. 11 a. m.--Worship s n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. Speaker for next Sunday Mlt. J. CLELI.ANI) Mr, and Mrs. J. Clelland will sing. WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer and Bible Study, L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the New Orange HalL a o ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fletcher of the Hollyburn Theatre, are moving next week from 16th snd Gordon to the Hyam house st 17th and Duchess. GARDENS and GARDENING even an experienced gsrdner to remember the Identity of some new importation into the garden. It's quite embaraasing too. Many will be placing new plants, such as Iris and Lil:es, and by spring- time after the lapse of several months 0 little aid to memory is quite appreciated. The use'of good durable labels will aid. They should always mark the dahlia bulbs when they are dug so as to facilitate the proper col- or arrangement when planting In the spring. NOTE--Tbr Itrr Ul caaohnr It ~ p4« to aao» Oa tloa cove»orna ulo S» I ~ I thu ca4»a. T1 aw thaw ohaals 1o ass»ccd to tbo «It» Ia c ot tho Esto . Tho r at ppo» Ia aa «rlr l»w a II ~ p««N rrplr Io 4«lros ~ I «Iel, Mr. aad isvs. J. F. Louuox sud family wish io express ihsir sin- cere thanks io their msuy friends who were so kind aud symmihotio during their recent sad bereavement in the passing of the late William Thompson. NOW PLAYINC ANNO UNCL'31ENT DR. E. L. MORGAN moved his office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Wharton Block to the Ystes Block at 1449 Marine Drive at the beginning of the month. Hours--10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8:30 p.m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment. By NINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect ora4 t Ia L«4 wlas U. ot c. A«rt«a schoat ot Iaaoccaw A 1lt»t ro aas 0 4 atav. N»L Natloaal La sc«po S»r4 . If you are planning to in- crease your stock of perennials and biennials now is the time to plant the seed. There will still be two good growing months and perhaps a little longer period. Shade should be provided for the seed-bed, especially during the hest of the day, until the plants are well up. Madonna Lilies (Lilium Candi- dum) should be planted now. You will be pleased and surpris- ed with how they will multiply when given good growing condi- tions. A light fertile well-drain- ed soil, mellow to the depth of at least one foot, with a handful of sand beneath each bulb are the general requirements. The bulb should be planted not less than four inches beneath the surface. Lilium auratum or gol- den-banded lily, should be plant- ed from eight to twelve inches deep, because the new bulbs form over the old one and very soon the bulbs are out of the ground if they are not planted deep enough in the beginning. Iris roots must be lifted and replanted frequently, some vari- eties seeming to require this ser vicemore frequently than others. German Iris seems to demand I THEATRE the amount of bloom. When blos- soms are few it indicates in near- ly every instance that the roots need dividing. The bulbous part of the roots should not be deep- ly buried, merely reset within H. B. WARNER two inches of the surface, while the side roots should be firmed into the soil following their nat- gibed GOmpany ural tendency, German Iris lik- es best of all a dry location while A Pisasiag I'icturo the Japsnese Iris prefers a moist location. Siberian Iris also likes .1"1 the damp ground and it and the German Iris spread quite rapid- ly. By using these three varieti- es one may have quite an ex- tended period of bloom. Thc German Iris is flrst to blom, fol- lowed by the Siberian and lastly the Japanese. ia Daffodils like to be in the / "New York Nights"ground early, so if you are in- cluding new ones this year, do NORMA SHEARER try snd place them before the ia middle of October anyway. »Lct Us Be Cay" Sometimes it is difficult for c ~+pi pl yvo II Cst Ikl psi 0 sl/