West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1930, p. 6

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0001 'i . i-t t ih hrrhM'c hh h hrrh'vvr w W Vh % vh- i 4 rv i grii '" tiv'v i Wh '& h t p.. ~mt',ry wiiwr&\(net c c.t .-- 'iJ xr.i cw t 'l'"v ~ '. Wi 'I ~vg'iir'rri rrr~ 5 r'.rr. rr w wrrrrr r i'rit. ~wrv rrr rr r. rrrrrn rrvrr»r rr C THE WEST VAN NEWS qtpttmhtr 5 19')0 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS REPLENISHING SALE Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,","'"" "'.,",.,',„", Hollyburn Government Inspected Only LAblB, BEEF, I'ORK, VEAI„Ktc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, l)KLICATF&SKN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AbIBLESIDE STORK )Vest 3 WEST 303 Friday and Saturday, Sept. 5 and 6 Telephone Service Free Delivery Rcd (5 ivhiic FANCY WH(TB No(OVFA;IAN SAR()INES, Nc(m(X CORN. pct (is ................. (sc pct Os,, ........... 16c 3 tins 52c; 6 tins $ 1.00 3 (1st 42c kcd il While FANCY PEAS. MAY(iNNAlSE or pct (is . Rusk SP((EAD. R ci Fm». West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th nnd Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Mannker, Residence I'hone: West 3681. SERVICE -- ~ Everything for the Building. 8 ox. )x t .... . .. ... 25c Rcd 4( White Sl.(CE(i PEACHES, 2c, (is ................ 24c $ ( isx ................ ........ .. . 7(ic QU1CK OATS, Quaker, Ncs-ptcmium, pct packc( ...$5c Rcd 4( Whi(c CUT GkkEN BEANS pct (is ........... ............. . Ist 3 tins 52c; 6 (inc $ 1.00 Rcd 4( 1\'hiic CHOiCE TOMATOES 2 ! i s, ( in ............. ............ 1 5c 3 tins 4 $c; 6(i sc 85c i((EAT BALLS or QU)CK D(NNER Hcdlcnd'0, pct (in....... 28c 3 tins ........... ............... 8 1 c (.HER((Y CAKE. Rubct(xcm'c, 2 lbs. 60c CREA!(1 OF %kl EAT pct pxckci .................... 22c (il.(JCIOUS RED bO( hhk E, Fcslilccc, ptt (ix ....... 22c 3 tins ........ . .. .......... 60c Rcd 41 (thi(c JELLY 1'O)vl'iERS 3 pkix . .............. . ....... 1 sc , 6 fot 33c ', 1 2 for 65c bluttci'c )IARMALA(ik, 40 cm ict pct 1st Ssci 2 late 73c BUTTEk. Finest Qucli(y only 2 lbs. $ 1.00 Faultless SLICED PlNEA('1'(.E, Tin ... ... ............................ 1 1 c 3 tins sic; 6 tins 60c ('ORNED BEEP. Fray Bcsicc, pct (is .................... 33c 3 tins ........................ 85c 1'ORK 4( BEANS, A)(met, pct ( in ......... .... ..................... .. 1 1 c ' tins 32c; 6 tins 60c ~ LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plasicr lktatd Beaver Board -- Shingles ~ I fP I I I Roberts'etter w72 Prime Beef Local Lamb A man who had been waiting patiently at a post office wicket'ould not attract the attention of either of the girls behind the counter. "The evening cloak," explain- ed one of the girls to her com- panion, "was a redingote design in gorgeous lame brocade, with fox fur and wide pagoda sleeves." At this point the long-suffer- ing customer broke in with: "I wonder if you could provide me with 8 neat red stamp with 8 dinky perforated hem, the tout ensemble delicately treated on the reverse side with gum ara- bic? Something about two cents. "They say that a single oyster will lay from one to eight million eggs a year." "Gosh! Think of the married ones." If You )Vouldn't blind When the minister, who was a batchelor, had been helped to Mrs. Porter's biscuits for the third time, he looked across the table at Rhode staring with wondering eyes. "I don't often have as good 8 supper as this my dear he said and Rhoda'0 face dimpled. ")Ve don't always," she said, in her clear little voice; "I'm awful glad you came" Hope "Do you always look under your bed before you say your prayers?" asked the flapper neice. "No, darling," said the old maid, "first I say my prayers." The ferries were very busy on Labor Day, the total number who used them being 4071. There was a gratifying in- crease in ferry travel last month and also for the eight months ending 31st August as compared with the same periods in 1929. Last month 94,216 passengers travelled on the ferries, an in- crease of 1441 over the figures for Auguest 1929. The total number carried for the eight months just ended was 604,975 which is 44,560 over the total for that period in 1929. 1580 Marine Drive DON'T FORGET WEST VANCOUVER AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULT- URAL ASSOCIATIOiV 14th Annual Cctpctc(ics of the Dis(tic( ofWcc( Vancouver NOT(CE TO CONTRACTU((S Tenders are hereby invited for the work of Trimming 125 5"x6" pos(c for street semis purposes, including two arms of lx6 umber for attachment (o exch post, priced t usil of post asd acme «omplc(c. Pxt((culxtc msy be obis(std at the Music(pa( Hall, Holly- burn. Tenders (o be delivered nci later than 5 p.m. on Monday the 8(h dxy cf Scpicmbct, 11130, 01 the Offke cf.'he Municipal Clerk. They should be sealed xsd marked "Tender fct Trim-,'ing pcc(xr The lowest, or any iesdct sc( scc-i cxsxtlly acccp(cd. Pticcc will also be received on the'O work (labour only) of pain(leg lwo coats priced pct usl( cf posts sg stmc complete. JAS. OL(.LASON, '.M. EX H I 8 ITI ON at DUNDARAVE HALL, TO MORROW SATURDAY 2.30 t,o 10 p.m. "Mamma, I have a stomach ache," said Peggy, aged five. "That's because you haven' had any lunch yet," answered her mother. "Your stomach is empty. You'd feel better if you had something in it." That afternoon the minister called, and during the conversa- tion remarked that he had been suffering with 8 headache all day. "That's because it's empty," said Peggy sympathetically, "You'd feel better if you had something in it." Experts are people who are paid to tell you what you can- not do. (,orporation of the District of West Vancouver I'OI,ICE DEPARTMKN'I'ummary for August 1930:-- Collection~ (Police Court Fines, Trade Licenses and Dog Licen- ces) 3234.00. Summonses and warrants, 25; Motor accidents 11; iVarnings to motor drivers, 12; Coroner's In- quest I; Coroner's Enquiry I; Hospital, missing persons, etc, enquiries and searches 5; fire at- tended I; business premises found insecure 2; articles restor- ed to owners 9; street lights out 2; I'ermits issued; blasting 2; burning I; beach fires8. DEAI. WITH THE LA((GEST EXCLUSIVE I(EPAIL ORGAN(ZAT)ON (N BklTISH COLUMBIA Speeials 2 by 4 common sized, any length.... Shiplap, good grade ..............,........ Cedar Bevelled Siding ............ .. 59,00 ... 39.00 ... 39.00 OLD-TIME DANCE (In response to numerous requests) In the I.EGION MFbIORIAI. HAI.L 18th and Duchess )VKDNFL(DAY, SKI'TKblllER 10th, 9 lo 13. Admission--Gents 50 cents Merrymakers Ladies 25 cents Orchest Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone 1%est 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m., )Vest 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent &HIGH S('BOOL NOTFS The )Vest Vancouver High School opened Tuesday morning with a decided increase of enrol- ment over that of September 1980, being 168 as against 131 last September, and distributed as follows: Division I, Grade XI, 80; Division 2, Grade X, 40; Division 8, Grade IX, 601'Divi- sion 4, Grade X, Commercial, 19; SUGGESTIONS Division 6, Grade IX, Commerci. The High School staif with one exception is the same as last year: Prin. Fred J. Patterson, French and senior mathematics: Vic(hPrin. James Il. Mitchell, sci- ence; Miss Agnes Hale, Latin snd Social studies;Mrs. Winifred Reid, Commercial subjects; Mr. IAslie D. G. Brooks, English and History. bir. Brooks replaces Mr. H. D. Southern who resigned to pursue post-graduate work at Columbia University, New York. Mr. Brooks is a native son of B. C. aml a graduate in Arts of the U.B.C. Previous to taking his University course, Mr. Brooks was principal of the West Bank Townsite Superior School. Since obtaining the degree of B.A. at the U.B.C., Mr. Brooks has spent two years at University where he held a teaching fellowship and expects soon to obtain the de- gree of M.A. in English from that itstitution. During the pres- ent summer Mr. Brooks has tak. en the courses in Education at the ti.B.C. It is rumored that M Mr. Brooks has some skill with both the violin and tennis racket. The first school assembly, Tuesday morning was addressed Phone West 190 by Trustee birs, Selwood andTrustee blrs. Masterman. A pleasing feature of the program "Euerything Good to Fat" was the presentation to Mr.Southam of a silver cofFee pot by Mrs. Selwood on behalf of the Board. Teachers and students showed by their applause the high esteem which they have for Mr. Southern, Being "misery week" for the Dairy Fed Pork Freshmen, some of the teachers have been heard to quote snatch- es from Whittier's "Bare-foot Fresh Eggs and Butter Boy." FISH and VEGETABLES