West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1930, p. 5

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0001 ddel ever rveh kh I .icptember 6, 1930 P ERSON ALS Mrs. F. X, Hodgson will re- sume her singing classes at her residence studio, 23rd snd Belle- vue, next Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clck. e ~ a News of the death of her uncle the Rev. Andrew Benvie, B.D., D.D., Edinburgh, Scotland, hss been received by Mrs. P. B. ~ .Christie, 2317 Jei?erson Avenue.r. Benvie during his ministry in the church of Scotland, which continued for 54 years, had only two parishes, Old Scone and St. Aidens, Edinburgh. He publish- ed several works on church hist- tory, etc., one of the best known being aliigher on the Heights." ~ ~ Mr. Gus Dawson's dance class- es in the Dundarave Hall, which are causing so much interest, promise a fund of healthy exer- cise, graceful movement and snappy rythms for the forth- coming months. The musical comedy class at 4:15 is a partic- ularly interesting session as in ~ 'his class ballet, acrobatic amltap dancing are all included. Mr. Dawson will be at the Dundarave Hall from 2:30 to 5:30 every Wednesday conducting classes and enrolling new students. In- tending pupils are advised to make application for 8 place in this class, ~ \ ~ A very pleasant afternoon was spent on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs. John Reid, 1133 Keith Road, when she entertain- ed in honor of Miss Anderson, who is going out on the Empress of Japan to take up missionary work in Kobe, Japan. Miss And- erson is a sister of Mrs. Robert Cripps, Marine Drive. The rooms were tastefully decorated with sweet peas and gladioli. After an interesting address by the guest of the afternoon, dainty re- freshments were served. Those invited were the members of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church of which Mrs. Reid is the president. ~ e Mrs. Stevenson and Miss Helen Stevenson, 19th and Bellevue, Mrs. CIII?ord of West Bay, and Mrs. F. P. Colpitts and daughter Eunice, 13th and Fulton, are spending the week at Buccaneer Bay. e Mr. and Mrs. J. Haydn Young and Miss Wenona Young have returred to their home at 24th and Inglewood from Vaucroft, where they have been spending a vacation. Mrs. Patterson and family have returned to their home at 24th and Bellevue from an extended holiday at Powell River, ~ ~ ~ hir. and Mrs. George H, Faulk- ner and Mrs, David Thomas left on Monday morning for 8 trip to Toronto. Before returning to the coast they expect to visit Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Buf- falo, Cleveland and Chicago. ~ ~ ~ Captain and Mrs. F. F. Love- grove moved last Saturday from 21st and Marine Drive to Mrs. W. Reid's house at 675 21st St. e ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black and family have moved into their home at 19th and Mathers. ~ ~ e Mrs. George Macdonald left on Wednesday evening, 27th Aug- ust, by C.P.R. for Montreal where she will board the Emp- ress of Australia for Southamp- ton. Mate Macdonald will meet her there on arrival, and accomp- any her to London, A number of friends were at the station to wish her a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fox of Sussex, England, have arrived here to visit their sons, John Fox 26th and Lzwson, and Eric Fox, of Vancouver. They are at pres- ent the guests of Reeve and Mrs. Leyland. Both are delighted with the beauties of West Vancouver, and expect to spend 8 year in B. C. before returning to Eng- land. a a ~ Mr. Waite moved on Saturday from 14th and Clyde to a house at 14th and Bellevue. Mrs. Hutchinson, who has been living at 24th and Bellevue, has rented the Stevenson house at 25th and Bellevue. Pauline Johnson School is starting the new school year with a total roll of 351 and a re- ceiving class of 29 scholars, Hol- lyburn having altogether 336 children and 8 receiving class numbering 26. ~ ~ \ Mr. and hire. Fred J. Patter- son, 1483 Gordon, entertained last Friday evening at a dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Southam, who are leaving shortly for the east. The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Southam, Councillor and Mrs, G. D. Elgar, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Con- don, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell. Mrs. S. KNIGHT-HODGE (Cert.) Teacher of VIOI.IN, PIANOFORTE and THEORY Late of Watford School of Music and Guildhall School of Music, London, England. Pupils prepared for Associated Board, Toronto Conservatory and B, C. Musical Festival. Over 200 pupils have gained Diplomas, Certificates and Medals, 1332 Duchess Avenue West Vancouver Residence Phone West 624R. FALL TERM STARTS ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th. iVEST VANCOUVER MINIATURE GOLF COURSE 17th Rnd Mnrine OPEN EVFRY AFTERNOON AND EVENING (except Sundays) THE WF9T VAN NEWS CONTIIACT FOR TAINTOR GATFS I.ET Seven giant steel gates, among the largest of their kind ever built, are under construction by the Western Bridge Company, Vancouver, for the B. C. Elec- tric Railway Company's new hydro-electric plant at Ruskin. The company announces letting of the contract for these gates at 8 cost of 865,000. Called Taintor gates, they con trol the spill water over the crest of the dam. Each is 33 feet wide and 26 feet deep and the combined weight of the seven gates is 400 tons. Since the dam itself from bass to crest measures 185 feet, a tot- al height of 211 feet will be reached when the Taintor gates are installed on the crest of the dam. CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Claggisad Adccttheamtg lc 2 cattc yet ward, alelaea 25 caeta. Except ie tbc aa of theet batieg ttgelat eccceetg. an dacd- Stda atc psychic attictly ie edtgece Rcaeabet Claaiscdg le thc Wat Vae Newt get laaaliatc tcaelta PIANO--plica Ftaae tach«ca taach- ieg. Eagy tame. Phone West 46TL2 FOR MOVING ced BUILDING SUP. PLIES. Phone West 11 or Rcgideea Phage Wegt 882R. FOR THE BFJIT SI.ABS eed Inside Fit phase West 280. WANTED--Timbct ta cet ey for Stc- wccd. Apply "Wood," e'c West Vae News. SCHWEPPES LBMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE eed eU the Gccd Btaeda ci Cigars et Tbc Ambleglda Tae Rccma. POR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- . Apyly C. L Kaeiegg, Bagidaece phone Wcgt 294R. To RRIT--h elec modem iaet-toga- ed bengalaw. Feteecc aed Stcplaca Phone West 251X. MAH DEI.IVERV--Wc wiU hiatal letter slot in yacc door very megce- ably. Phone West 84L or West 282R.TO RENT--Naw Beegalawi Fall Plumbing; Fitacleca; Feteccc. Ap- yly 16th aed Waterfront. 2 ROOMS Pcttly Fettdab«L Sta-place. foot of 24th Street, West Vae., 810 pat month. Owner, 2115 GtaeviUc St. Baytiew 498, TO RENT--Salle, ieteiahed or ee- Cemlghcd. Hat water heat. Apply 16th aed Matlec Drive. WILLOW DENS CO11 AGE, 26th R Kings Quiet aed tagtfel eetidgt baeetifel gettcmmnagc, for tent September lgt. Phone West 404L FREE I.IVINt(l QUARTERS for elec whc will take care o( Deedeteve Hall. only detleg tc look artcc Iete- aca at eight when needed eed keep hall clean. Phone West 80L. FOIl SALE--Thtec-piece Solid Ma- hogany, Spanish Leathat Parlor Sah Apply I Hay Block. West Vaecaetct FOR RENT--Five-roomed bouse; ieU plumbing; Stepleca. Partly furnish- ed. Splendid location, eeet Tarry, 620.00. Phone West 8$iL. FOR SAI.E--Four team modern bung- alow; Seapiece; large verandah, eeet watetltcet. Phone West 419L. Bermuda I'udding 4 oz. stale cake crumbs I/ pint milk iboiled) 4 oz. preserved ginger I/I cup sugar 8 eggs Put crumbs in a basin and pour over the boiling milk. Soak for half an hour, Beat thorough- ly with a fork. Add the well beaten eggs and sugar. Butter 8 mould and line it very careful- ly with strips of preserved gin- ger. Put in the mixture gently so as not to move the ginger. Put buttered paper on top and steam for 30 minutes. Serve with a custard sauce. FOUNDATION CRVIENT WORK- Laedacepteg eed Lawns lekL Rock wana, drains, septic taekg, Icedeg eed land Mcetieg, chiaeaya aed Illtlaca clceiad eed tcpeitwL Phoae T. Bateatt, tacidaece phage Wat 2908. FURS CLEANED, STORED or Re- modeled. Semaat pticcg. HaUybete Fet State. Kaith Bleak, Hanybete. CARPENTER aed Uplalgtctet. Fete- itetc tepebcd. Liealeme aed Carpet ectk. Sewa Sled. Lawn idawetg ~hatpcecd. IL Ellis, Phoae West 87.FOR RENT AT O'N CE--Fully Icta- lghed four room modern bungalow. Phone West 246L. WEBB'S SHOB BEPAIRS WEAR BEST-- Deedatatc.LOST--On Waterfront, West Bay, Ladies gold wrist watch with ieitielc E.B.P. Reward. Phone West 196R1 GARDF'IS--Degigecd eed laid aet. Original designs ie Lily aed Oma- meetel Peale, Rack aed Wall gatd- eeg. Lawns, Formal eed Rose getd- aeg. Regtic Work Seamct haecea Cmgy paving. R J. Kyta, Phma West 411. WO'llAN WANTS Work by the Day or by the hour. Phone West 4411 Chinese Logic A man who resided abroad had employed for many years an ex- cellent Chinese cook. He decid- ed to raise the man's wages. When the Chinaman received the increased money at the end of the month he said: «Why have you paid me more?" "Because you have been such a good cook." "Then you have been swin- dling rvis all tllgse years," said the Chinaman. Adam iproposingl: «Why do you keep me in suspense? Is there another man?a Eve: "That's what I'd like to know." Why Not? «IVhat became of that hired man you got from the city'I" «Aw, he used to be a chauf- feur, and one day he crawled under a mule to see why it wouldn't go." FOR PLUMBING REPhIRS -- Rcc idaeca Phone West 241R. GOOD RL'ILDINtG LOT, Amblaaida, with view af water, on paved med. Water, hght, phone, gcbaaL Just simply 610 down, 510 monthly. Full ptia only 8~& SUMMER CCTITAGE, 2 teaaa, watat, light, garage. Very attractive aed convenient lccetice for building pet- maeeet home; giteated N. R career I'1th eed Duchess, 51260, or will fully consider an cget. Phone Saymcet 1484 IL IL CLARK Jt CO. ESTATES. LTD. or Phase C. J. ARCHER. Wage 226 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect 0 I t i 1 I el au otc A N eh tote &«y A Ut«««a«i 6 gelt. tg h«Nt~ 1 eeet 8 ic. If you were like we were this year and neglected to stake up the tomato plants, now is the time lo place sticks under the bunches of fruit so that the fall rains will not beat them down into the dirt where they will rot. The tall growing flowers should also be staked before the rains break them down. If you are the possessor of 8 coldframe try sowing 0 little let- tuce in it. The leaf lettuce is the best for the purpose. As soon as the cold nights come, close down the sash in the evening. Use the leaves as soon as they are large enough. In this manner you may if you wish have fresh lettuce for Christmas from your own gar- den. A bed of winter onions may be started this month. The Egypti- an Tree onion is one of the most hardy. It will stand almost any climate and will require very little care after it is once started. The little bulbs should be set in a trench in somewhat the same manner as celery and the earth should be filled in in the same manner. This variety of onion is very strong and blanching the stalks the same way as celery, removes some of the strength. They will be ready for use in the early spring. Those left in the ground will multiply front year to year until each clump almost becomes tree-like, hence the name Tree Onion. If you are planting your seeds in fiats or pots, and have trouble with weeds in the soil you use. it is quite easy to get rid of them. Get a terra cotta pot from your seed house, and fill it with soil, place in 8 hot oven for a half hour and bake the soil. This will kill practically all weed seed, and worms if there are any. Plant your flower seeds in the baked soil after it has become cool You know at this time it is rather easy to slacken up on garden care and quiet one's con- science by thinking that next year's garden will be a joy for- ever and that the care you should have given now will not be miss- ed, when spring revives your en- thusiasm and energy. This would be a soothing idea if it could be accounted true, but alas, experience proves its fallacy. Your fiower borders, your shrubs and lawns of next spring will re- fiect your care or neglect given before the frosts and thaws of winter set in. So don't relax your care in watering and fertil- izing your garden spot until old mother Nature takes the matter out of your hands. NOTS--Th tt te ce t4 it ~ abaca« ~ ee«t««caa ~g t1 g~ te Ihl Uecate The c cetic ohoeic ~ ae««4 t ch «tt ta «ai th gilt«. Thw « iii etta« ta tt t « ~ ti ~ ~t «ait tc 4 ha ~ otaaa ~ tv~~ oa dac oh U 1o ~~ GEO. HAY ReRI Estate Rnd Insurance Notary Pebuc Fire Iegeteecc -- blaeey ta Lees TAX SALE LOTS 1406 Mctlea Drive Oiiica Phone ili'egt 21 or Sey. 1260 Rccidaecc Phase W. 22R ct W. 204X ega You'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service totx Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phage North 846 Rea. Pbaa«to Neith 8181-1662X Maclean'8 Orange PekoeMore Cups to the pound and Better. h h«h I