West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1930, p. 2

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0001 i tv x ~;v 4Acf Aw t' rr x h V'~I .Amw oru-'4 ' ~rx r ~m ~wxt~'"~ r o w x t ry ot~"* 4'rr It otu 'to rw~rrt ~ rrrr. t~4 ~V rr'/ rr trwe\ 'A r rrrrrarr - r&errerr r r re rrr rrrr THF. IVFZDT VAN NFVVS STOCKTAKING SPECIALS BRITISH ISRAEL 1WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Lecture Committee Branch of iho Btiiiob Ixtooi World Ftdotoiiou CANAI)I AN Lfd'ION MEMORIAL HALL NEX'r SUNDAY oi 2:00 P. M. Ssoobot: MR. PERCY KING Sub l oui i "THF, PROGRESSIVE PLAN OF GOD." (A Sotioo of Lotiutoo) hit. Kiug btwuitaxix over CKWX sooty Monday from si45 io 7:16 F. m. 6IFT cbjfOp p'6 Nmbx To SbobtA gk N& Ib/ISL& A. J. hrdAQ.LI N &. CHURCH EDIFICE20th xud Eoeuimoii, Hoilybutu This Society ix o Branch of The bioihot Church Tho First Church of Christ, Stieoiixi, In Boxiou Mxsxuchuxoiix. Sunday Sotvicoo 11.50 u. m. oud 7.50 p. m. SUBJECT, SEPT. 7th, "hIANo IS. cy. Etc)M 227. pk(oNl wasT 22A. SCOTTISH SOCIETY A special meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society will be held at the Clachan on Mon- day, 8th instant, at 8 o'lock when an address on educational matters will be given by Mr. John Clark, M.A., late director of Education in Glasgow. All the members of the Society are invited to be present. A special invitation is extend- ed to the Parent Teachers Assoc- iation, also to all members of thc teaching profession to attend the meeting. Go to the Fall Show. Get Ready For Fall Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. hlcn's and Ladies Plain Suits, 31.25. SPFCIALTY--Men's Suits to order Sunday Scbool si 10.00 o. m. Tosiimouy Mootlug Woduoxdoy ~I 0.15 F.m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A, Harding Priest, B.A. 8 s. m.--Holy Communion. 10 s. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 11115 a. m.--Holy Comunion. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. There will be divine service at Si. Francis'hurch, Csulfeild, at 3 p m Sunday Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Heywood, Phone West 262R Sunday, Sept. 7th 10 s. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices; topic 'God's Identification.'he ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of morning service 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Pastor will commence 0 series of Sunday Evening sermons on Questions of the Day. Topic: "An All Important Question." A cordial invitation to Hll. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday--Bible study and prayer. 7 p. m, Friday--C. G. I. T. All teen age girls welcome. M. WILLIAMS 1545 hiARINE DRIVE Phoae Woxi 20 lhVEDDIN(: OF hIISS KATHLEEN IVILLIAMSON A vei7 pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, 27th Aug- ust, at the home of Mr. snd hire. Geo. IVfllismson, 23rd and Kings, when their younger daughter, Kathleen, was united in marriage to Mr. Allan G. Bean, son of Mr. and hirs. F. Bean, Cspilsno. The rooms were beautifully decorated with summer flowers. The ceremony took place under an archway of greenery inter. spersed with mauve snd pink ast- ers, and wss performed by Rev. J. P. IVestmsn (sn old friend of the family, who christened the bride.) The bride, who wss given a- way by her father, wss lovely in s gown of white georgette, her veil being held in place with a spray of orange blossoms. Her bouquet was 0 sheaf of Ophelis roses. Her only .attendant was Miss Florence Stover who wore s gown of pink georgette and hsd a sheaf of gladioli snd csrns- tions. hir. Edmund Pollin acted as groomsman. The wedding musie wss played by hfrs. F. M. McLeod and dur- ing the signing of the register she also sang with much accept- ance, "I Love You Truly." Later s buifet supper wss serv cd, the tastefully decorated table being centred with 0 three-tier wedding cake. The gifts, which were many snd beautiful, were displayed in an adjoining room. Following the honeymoon Mr. and hfrs. Bean will take up resi- dence in Cspilsno. September Is the month for Photographs The Women's Auxiliary will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 2 p m. in the Parish Hall The first autumn meeting of the Sunday School teachers snd officers will take the form of 0 supper in the Parish Hall next Thursday at 6:30 p. m. A Fow Suggoxtioux IVedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Pticox io si xii pockets St. Anthony's Church Pastor Rev Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine DriveMembers of the congregation as well as choir members are in- vited to the annual outing of the choir vthich will take the form of 0 basket picnic at Eagle Harbor tomorrow. A special municipal bus will leave Ambleside at 2 p. m. and stop en route for those attending The monthly meeting of the church committee will be held on Monday night in the Parish Hall at 8 o'lock. Sunday: 8:45 a. m.--High Mass Sermon. 7:30 p. m. -- Evening Devotions. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Maes. Bible snd Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 s. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 s. m. and 7:30 p. m. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. W. Established 1902 AS Wort Guxtxuiood hIILS. F. X. HODGSON RESUMES TEACHING Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, conductor of the Dundsrsve Ladies Choir, announces that she will open her fall term next Monday, 8th Sep- tember, for the teaching of voice culture snd interpretation of song. Pupils trained for concert, operatic, and church soloists. Her residence studio is at 2310 Bellevue. She will also be in her studio in the Fairfield building in the city on Wednesdays snd Fridays, for the benefit of those who cannot come during the dsy. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Phone Sey. 1046 September 7th 1930 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a. m.--Public worship. 7:15 p. m.--Public worship. Dr. Henry will preach morning snd evening. Morning topic: "The Charac- ter snd Purpose of the House of God." Evening topic: "The End of Summer." HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th e hixtiuo BXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Ptoptioiot Exlobiixhod on North Shore 20 Yoota (Lxdy Assistant) HARRON BROS. St WILLlhhfSON funeral Sirtrtors North Vancouver Pariors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 NURSING HOME Mrs. M. E, LaChsnce, R.N., who formerly resided in West Vancouver, hss opened s nursing home in North Vancouver. The home is situated at 264 East 24th Street. Mrs. LaChsnce will give special attention to convsles- cents. On Monday evening Dr. Henry would like to meet the Young People's group snd talk over the new term's work On Tuesday the opening meet- ing for the season of the Wom- en's Association will be held in the church hall at 2:15 p. m. Wednesday at 8 p. m. the weekly congregational gathering for prayer and meditation will be resumed. In these days of stress snd ac- tivity there is nothing more im- portant than quiet times for con- templation. Thursday at 8 p. m. the month- ly meeting of the Board of Stew srds. Also on Thursday in the lower hall st 8 o'clock the first meet- ing of the Literary Society. The topic is "How to Use a Magic Lantern " Fish Chowder 2 cups flaked cod, or fresh cod or soaked salt cod 8 potatoes cut into I/4-inch slices I pint boiling water I sliced onion Salt pork fat, I inch by 3 inch- es I tablespoon salt I/s teaspoon pepper I quart milk 8 crackers Try out fat, sdd sliced onion snd cook to 0 light brown, with- out burning. Strain fst into saucepan, add potatoes snd boil- ing water and cook 10 minutes. Add the fis and simmer 10 min- utes. Add the milk and season- ings. Hest to boiling point and serve with crackers, split snd previously dipped in cold milk. K A Rsy 21st snd Argyle returned on Tuesday from a holi- day st his ranch at Agsssiz. He brought with him samples of 0 special kind of pea indigenous to the Near East also some lentils, both of which he finds grow well on his ranch. The officials at the experimental farm at Agassiz have been watching his experi- ments with considerable interest. THE West Van NeDJs Published Every Friday Mrs. Reynolds, who has been residing at Pitt Lake for some time, hss returned to her home at 13th snd Heywood. Buxiuooo uud Editorial Offltoi 17th xud Mxtixo Dtito (Next io HoSybuts P'.) I'hone 1Vest 363 ANNO UNCEMENT Mail Addttoxi P.o. Box 61, Hoiiybutu, B.C. Pubiiohot F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 61.00 ~ your by mail or carrier. Nowxoissds so Pot copy CARD OP THANKS Mtx. George Mocdooxid wixh- as io ihooh oil ftloudx who hove sent their best wishes sud gifts for bou voyage. Kindnesses ex- tended io my dear husband ood myself wui uoi be fotgoiiou, oud ~otto io totivo my belief io iho ~intotiiy oud gooduexs of hum- ouiiy. DR. E. L. MORGAN moved his office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Whsrton Block to the Ystes Block at 1449 Marine Drive st the beginning of the month. Hours--10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment. Stpttmix r II, 1930 Dr. hfarjory McCubbin I) F NTI ST 10 ~ . m. Io 0 p. m. Erouiugx by oypoiuimout. Royal Sank Building Phoae West 440 Rooidoxto I'houo Wooi beL Hollyburn Hall C .14ttto t I.ORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m. Sunday School, 11 a, m.--Worship 0 n d Breaking of Rread. I 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. l Speaker for next Sunday hlk. ItOBEIIT HARVEY WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer and Bible Study. LOOK Cedar 1Vood $2,.50 a load CHFMTERFIELD WOODYARD Pbouo North 132 GORDON ROBqON Sxttioiot e Soucnot WEST VANCOUVER- Offico No. 1447 Motiuo Drive. Phone West 406. VANCOUVER OffICE- Suiio 515; 610 Hoxiiugo Si. W Phoue Seymour 4100. I NURSING HOME (hits. M. K LxChxoto. ILN.) 264 - 24th Sittti Exxi North Vancouver Rtxideuco I'hoxoi North 125SR Cream of Corn 2 cups cora I pint water 3 cups milk I slice onion 2 tablespoons flour I teaspoon salt I tablespoon sugar Few grains pepper. NOW PLAYING THE KING OF JA22 wnb John Boles AN I) A IIOHT VF STARS Music bt Paul Whitman ood Ills Iioud A New Era SOUND ~od COI.OR k NTk IITAINIIFVT Lsiig'SA'IE, NEXT biu'4 TUSH WED GRI";TA GARBO aud MARIE DkESSI,I'.R ix 'ANNA CHRISTIE'o io the Fall Show. se ei lIl I