0001 Ilug tay. lifiy ait. ihia billa lore o)te "In .,I) ib, ublo. stcd 'ully, peti. ubar ou" utcr- lay," tiana young atllof ahaad luton ulaof Iala- light. lothe pithc ltnotl. Dog oof aibk August 29, 1930. SCHOOLS I == ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN ~ud GIRLS'CHOOL~&) Will Rc-Open..I MONDAY, SEI'TENSER 8ih I ART oud MUSIC MISS J. DURBIN 20ih olid ifor wood Phone Wooi 87R FRAMAR MONT ESSORI Svhooi fcr Young Children Folk Douciug oud Rhythm .. Included Fall Term opcuc Wednesday, 8rd Svpicmbtr Phone MRS. W. D. FRASF.R % dru iuih aud Eoquimoii Bellevue School for Girls BOARDERS, DAY I'UPii.S tud Ki'ADERGARTEN 23ld oud Bcncvut 1'crm commences Tuctdoy the 2nd September. I'bouc iycti 178R MISS PHILIP Blasdell School tush tud Wxlvlfroti, Aiiomoui. From KINDERGARTEN Io GRADE Vi. FALL TERM RE.OPENS )VEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3rd MiSS EVA MCBAIN, Principal. BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS 29lh Street Thorough education up io High School (Grodo IX Exam). DAY BOYS uud BOARDERS taken TER51 STARTS SEPT. 8th. Phone West 150Y2 IVEST VAN. HIGH SCHOOI, BOOK LIST Grade X Commercial (New Course) 1. English -- Composition through Reading, Book I, revis- ed edition; Scenes from Shakes- peare, Copp Clark 1930; Msc- Donald & Walker Selection of English Poetry, revised edition; Golden Treasury of Canadian Verse, Stephen. 2. Social Studies -- West's World Progress. 3. Health -- Ritchle, Human Physiology. 4. Bookkeeping--Drill Exer- cises in Canadian Bookkeeping, Beech & Bruce, Gregg Publish- ing Co. 6. Shorthand -- The Pitman Shorthand Instructor; Journal of Commercial Education (To be ordered by teacher for class when school opens). 6. Typewriting -- New Inten- sive T)7)ing; Typewriting Speed Studies; Adelaide B. Hakes, Gregg & Co. 7. Spelling -- Peter's Speller. Grade IX Commercial 1. English -- Composition through Reading, revised edi- tion; MacDonald & Walker, Nar- rative Poems (a free text); Kid- napped, Stevenson; Cassell & Co. edition; Golden Treasury of Can- adian Verse, Stephen. 2. Social Studies -- West's World Progress, also Map Exer- cises in Ancient History, Ginn & Co.; McArthur History of Can- ada; McCaig Studies in Citizen- ship. 3. Health -- Ritchie, Human Physiology. 4. Bookkeeping -- As for Gr. X. 6. Shorthand -- Canadian Course in Isaac Pitman Short- hand. 6. Typewriting--New Ration- al Typewriting, Canadian Edition Gregg & Co. 7. Spelling -- Peter's Speller. Students should be careful to secured the edition indicated. As textbooks are the student'6 tools, they should be in good condition. Tom or badly soiled texts should be discarded. Home Economics--Grade IX. Pearl Bailey: Foods, Prepara- tion snd serving. Buttrick: Principles of Cloth- ing Selection. It was on a sleigh ride. The cuddly sweet young thing heav- ed a deep sigh, for the benefit of the nice young msn at her side. What's the matter Miss Smith- kissy She managed an artistic catch in her throat. "Nobody loves me, and my hands are cold." "Oh, that's all right," he comforted her, "God loves you, and you can sit on your hands." I It(j(PI& I PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL Mrs. S. KNIGHT-HODGE (Cert.) Teacher of VIOI.IN, PIANOI)ORTE and THEORY Late of Watford School of Music and Guildhall School oi'usic, London, England. Pupils prepared for Associated Board, Toronto Conservatory and B. C. Iiiusical FestivaL Over 200 pupils have gained Diplomas, Certificates snd Medals, 1332 Duchess Avenue 1Vest Vancouver Residence Phone 1Vest 624R. FALL TERM STARTS ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th. THE WEST VAN NEWS HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS Grade Xl (Slatriculation) 1. English: High School Com- position, Western Canada Series; Travels with 8 Donkey and In- land Voyage, Stevenson (Mac- Millsn); Silas blamer, George Eliot, (Copp, Clark); As You Like It, Shakespeare; The Mer- chant of Venice, Shakespeare, (Copp Clark); Selections of Eng- lish Poetry, Book Il, MacDonald & Walker. 2. History: West's World Pro. gress, Can. Ed. 3. Algebra) Hall & Knight's. 4. Geometry: Godfrey & Sid- don. 5. Physics: Merchant & Chant's High School; Laboratory ManuaL 6. Chemistry: Black & Conant Laboratory Manual, 7. French:Seipmann, Part Il. 8. Latin: Hamilton & Csrlisle, Senior Lessons; Henderson Little, Matriculation Caesar, Books IV and V; Robertson, Ben. nett, Glassy, Selections from Vir- gil. Grade IX (New Course) 1. English: Composition through reading, revised edition; Narrative English Poems (8 free text); Stevenson, Kidnapped; A. M. Stephen, Golden Treasury of Canadian Verse. 2. Social Studies: West's World Progress; History; hfc- Arthur's History of Canada; Mc- Caig, Studies in Citizenship. 3. Arithmetic: Dominion High School. 4. Algebra: Hall's School AI- gebrs. 5. Geometry: Godfrey & Sid- don's Elementary 6. Latin (free text): Hamilton & Carlisle, Latin for Young Can- adians, 7. French: Oral Lessons in French, Parts, I, II & III. 8. General Science: Wood & Carpenter, Our Environment. 9. Health: Ritchie, Human Physiology. 10. History Note Book: Map Exercises in Ancient History, (Ginn & Co ) Grade X (New Course) 1. E n g I i s h: Composition through Reading, Revised Edi- tion; Scenes from Shakespeare, Copp Clark, 1930; MacDonald & Walker's A Selection of English Poetry, Revised edition, 2. Social Studies; 3 Health; 4 Algebra; 5, Geometry; 6, Gen- eral Science; 7, Latin, same as for Grade IX. 8. Chemistry: Black & Con- ant; Laboratory Manual. 9. Physics: Merchant & Chant, Laboratory Manual. 10. French: Oral Lessons in French, Renauf, Parts I, II, IH, IV and V.; Fraser & Squair's French Grammar. Pupils are recommended to procure books early being careful to get edition indicated. High School students must provide their own pencils, scrib- blers, note-books, etc. POR MOV1NG oud BUlLDLVG SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Residence Phone West 382R. FOR RENT--Mtdttu futsiobwi coi- iogv with piano, on WototfvouL mocv io ferry. Rtotouobi& Fbout West 310X. FOR SALE--Ladies utw fowu iwtwi cost. $ 10.00. Sixt 42. Phoae Wvti 669L. FOR THE BEST SLABS oud iooMC 5'It phone West 230. FOR PALNTING, KALSOMIAING- Apply C. L Kcuiugt, Rocidcuco phone West $94R. wtLIJ)w nEVE cfyfTAGE 26th a Kiligt Quiet oud totifui urn)dot boos)its) tuttouudiugo, tor rent Scpivmbct 1st. Phone West 404LTO RENT --A tice wodcvu tout-loow- Cd buugoicw. Fuluovt oud Sttpioct. Phone Wtti 261X. FOUNDATiOA CE31ENT WORK- Lliudtcopuig olid Lowuo Imd. Rock walls, drains, mptlc tanks. tostiu ~ lid loud chuitmg, chuuucyt tutuocco ciooucd osd tcpuito& Phouo T. Botscii rooidouco photo West 290IL FURS CLEAVED, STORED or Ro- mcdtiod. Summer privoo. Hoaybuts Fur Store, Kciih Block, Hoayburu. FOll SALE--80 Chitkvuc «cighiug from I 11 io 2 Ibt. at 60c tach. Photo West 218R. I'OR REAT--Fivt-loom models boutc fully furuishtd. Fall piumbiug. Ap- ply 1762 Marine Drive or phono West 2161L WANTED--A girl 17 io 20 years old for light house work. Hours 9 io 6, uoi on Sundays. Wages $2000 pot month. Phone West 297R. CARPENTER oud Uphoioittct Para. iisto tvpuirtd. Lisoiomu oud Corpci «ork. Sowt siwL Lowu Mowclu ~botPoutd. B. Ellis, Photo West 67. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS 1FEAR BEST--Duudovuvo, FOR BALE--Boo)os Bull Puppscv. Phone West $64L TENDERS WAVTED fot Hoi Ait Furuocv. Phono )Vest 187Y. TO RENT--Potiituiotiy Bligh) Coi- iogc, 1568 Argyle Avv., 820.00. GARDEVS--Dtoigucd oud loki COL Original designs in Lily oud Orna- mouioi Pools, Bock oud WoB gold- tut. Lawns, Formal oud Boot gold- suo. Rutiit Work. Summer boosts. Ctsxy povmg tL J Kyat Pbouo West 411. FOUND--Sum of Mosey on 17th SL Apply West Van News. TO RENT--New Bungalow; Fall Plumbing; Fireplace; Furuocc. Ap- ply 16th oud Waterfront. FOR PLU81BIAG REPAIRS -- Roo- idcuct Phone West 241R. TO RENT--Suiio, futuiohcd or uu- futuishcd. Hoi water heat. Apply 16th oud Motiut Drive. GOOD BCILDIVG IAyf, Ambitoidt. with view of water, on povwi mod. Water, light, phone, tvhook Juti timyiy $ 10 down, $ 10 monthly. Pall price only $260. SUMMER COTI'AGE, 8 looms, water, light, gorogo. Very uiirociivt oud convenient location for buiMiug ptr. moutui ho)st sliuoicd N F- Curser 17ih oud Duvhtos, $ 1250, or WDI tully ccutidtt an ogtt. Phoae Stymout 7481 1L IL CLARK a CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Photo C. J. ARCHER. Wcoi 225 TO RENT--Thlco-roomed fuluiohcd Cottage on Waterfront. Close iu ferry; modern; very comfortable for Winter. Phone West 67R. FOR REVT--Thlto-toow ouiic tuii- obit for dentist or professional mou, Hoi oud cold water. Hci water heat- iug. Apply Royal Rank of Canada, West Vancouver. RENT--Nice fully mcdttu 5-loom buugoiow on very large ioi at Alta- mont with electric range, oic., nice garage, lawns, oud garden. Real snap at $40 por month Rcfctoucos tcquirt& Phone West 53R2, even-"" iugt. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN. ADA DRY GINGERALE oud oil iho Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambivsido Tto Rooms. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pubnt Fire iuoutouco -- Musty io Loss TAX SALE LOTS 1405 5totuio Dtivo Office Phono Wcti 21 or Sty. )280 Rtoidcuvo Phone W. 82R or W. 204X TRADB--Equiiy of $600 iu sko fuBy modern four room bouse. voiut $4300 on Duubot Heights as part payment on o 4-toom modern buug. oiow fairly close booth iu West Vou- touvtt. Priced up io $2500 ot might toussdct vocoui iui. TRADE--160 acres good Lud owl buildings scot Rtd Deer, Alberta. price $3000 as payment on ~ West Voutouvtt 4 or 5 toom imugoiow unccd up lo $3500 GILI.ESI'IE HART a CO.(1 oucouvct) LTD. 456 Howe SilccL Sty. 9380 You'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. 8urrard Sheet Metal 229 I.onsdale Avenue Phouc North 341 ROL I'hcocs iotih 918Y-1562X A youthful entrant wot thtiay whistling ~ popuior uit wiihiu the mtlcd pttciutit of the oftivt. "Bere, that wou'I do," said the scoudoiittd Chitf: "we cou'1 have you lthainug smslc hoR silt ul lhlu of- tice." "WCB. Cit," tvpikd ihc ycuug hopo- fui "you can't cxfoct gtoud optto fot $3 u wcck- SCHOOL OF DAiVCE Mr. Gus Dawson, "The Pro- fessional Dancer," who has open- ed a Dance School in the Dun- darave Hall, West Vancouver, started dancing only 0 little later than he started walking. Danc- ing in those days wss 0 very dif ferent study from what it is now, Months and sometimes years were spent before the young student was allowed to do anything but exercises and, es- sential as a knowledge of tech- nique is to the beginner, today the drudgery has been eliminated snd only the really necessary and interesting groundwork retain- ed. Such revolutionary changes have been made in teaching methods within even the last ten years that nowadays a pupil can learn in a fraction of the time it used to take. Mr. Dawson has some very clever and beautiful dance routines which he intends giving his pupils and most of them are dances which he has personally directed on the pro- fessional stage. 1VEST VANCOUVER AGRICULTI,'RAL AND HORTICULT- URAL ASSOCIATION wdl hold the 14th Annual EX H IBITION st DUNDAR kb E HAI I on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Entries received at hall on previous Friday night or earb on morning of exhibition CO31E LV CROIVDS CLASSIFIED ADS Tbc toit fol Cioociscd Advcrtivtwouio io 2 cwsio ptt word. mioimum 25 ctuio. Pxttpi iu the coot ot shoto hoviug ttguiot octouuio, sa timwi- Stdt are poyobit citiciiy iu odvoucc. Rcmtmbct Cloooiasdo iu ihc West Vtu News gti imwtdioio ttouao.