0001 lhtr fib 335 est), littd ttllf. y Illtn6 )sdtf k ti Vtt. oifit. Balt, iiiitf 1766 eluln tfthe August 29, 1930. Mrs. Clara Wilson Teacher of I'ianoforte Specializing in advanced work snd classes for begin- ners. Intending Class pupils are asked to enroll before Sept ember 6th. Miss Hilda Wilson Only First-Class Honors A.T.C.M. Solo Performers in British Columbia 1930. Winrer of Sigismund Stojowski Scholarship 1929. Has vacancies for a few pupils. Studio:--2367 hiarine Drive Dundarave Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Try Our 0 LUNCH ROLLShIEAT PIES, FltUIT PIES, HOME-MADE BREAD '3 for 20c. Closed all Labor Day 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, VVest 143 Real Estate Finance and ! CHORAL SOCIETY The opening social and dance in connection with the Choral So ciety will take place on Monday, September 8th, at the Legion Hall, at 8 o'lock. All members or associate members are invited and are asked to introduce new members in order that the reg- ister at the opening rehearsal may be as complete as possible. MRS. I'ATOiV TO Ol'EN STUDIO OF DANCING West Vancouver, offering ss it does, a delightfully artistic set- ting for the teaching of artistic dancing, hss attracted as a resi- dent teacher, Mrs. Catherine Paton. Recently returned from the south, where she made a special study of these new meth- ods of teaching dancing snd self- expression, her work incorporat- es the best of various systems. Eurythmics, based on the work ofJacques-Dalcroze, nature danc- ing and the technique of the school of ballet, gives to the child or the adult a wide scope for individual expression, as well as developing a fine physique snd the beauty of harmonious move- ment. In connection with these class- es, if desired, or as a separate study, Mrs. Paton will teach the art of vocal expression, giving children from an early age that confidence and poise without which no one is fully equipped for the experiences of life. Mrs. Paton will be st the Leg- ion hall from 10 a. m. to 12 a. m. on Saturday, September 6th, to enroll pupils, and the fall term will start on Saturday, 13th Sep- tember. Mrs. T. Barnott and her daughter Marjorie, 23rd and Jef ferson, left on Sunday to spend a vacation at Harrison Hot Springs. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY The first general meeting of the Ladies'uxiliary to the Legion was held last Monday afternoon in the new Legion Memorial hall, twenty-four ladies being present, The afternoon was taken up chiefly with organization mat- ters and plans for the carnival on Monday. It was decided that the regular meetings of the aux- iliary be held on the last Mon- day of the month. Insurance Golf Widow's Consoler. -- "My hus-band is away much of the time osd i want o parrot for company. Does this one uxo rough loogoogol" "Lady, with this bird in the hoovo you'd never miss your husband." Court News -- Tbo Judge yelled: ""Answer the qoootlos, yos or so.o Aod the prisoner said: "Yeah," CARNIVAL (Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion) Labor Day-Sept 1st 17th and Marine Hollyburn ~ fj Dancing in the Evening AND BATHING BEAUTY PARADE (Ity W.V.A.S.C.) OPEN TO WEST VANCOUVER GIRLS ONLY In the Legion Hall Admission to Hall 50c. Competitions Midway Games Lots of fun for everybody Bring your basket and Make a day of it THE WEST VAN NE)VS Local and Personal SCHOOL Go to the Fall Show. ~ ~ ~ The miniature golf course at 17th and Marine Drive will be opened for play tomorrow (Sat urday) afternoon and evening, and a special prize is to be given for the best score on that day. Thereafter the course will be open every afternoon and even- ing. \ o \ Mr. anJ Mrs. R. M, Bruce, 14th and Esquimalt, have moved lo Vancouver. ~ o Mrs. Catherine Pston of Van- couver, has moved into the Raid house at 14th and Gordon. Mrs. Winifred Reid, 21st St., has moved into a suite at Apple- ton Court. o Miss Suffie, who has been spending the summer at a house at 25th and Marine Drive, is moving back to the city. ~ ~ Miss Lorna Cameron Smail of London and Edinburgh, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Rev. H. P. and Mrs. Davidson, 2918 Marine Drive. Miss Smail has won the bronze, silver, and gold medal from the London Royal Academy for elocution\ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean snd family, who have been oc- cupying the Reid house at 14th and Gordon, have moved to the city. ~ o o The high and the public schools open next Tuesday morning at 9 o'lock for the fall term. o o o D. Crawford and his mother, of Edmonton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnott, 23rd and Jefferson. ~ ~ ~ Miss Dorothy Davidson of Winnipeg, who has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Rev. H. P. and Mrs. Davidson, 2918 Marine Drive, has left for home, going by way of Prince Rupert and Ed- monton. o ~ ~ Miss E, Hibbsrd was hostess at a going-away shower held at her home at 576 16th Street, in honor of Miss E. Montgomery who is leaving on Saturday for Newlands, B. C., where she will teach school. The room was prettily decorated in mauve snd pink eaters and sweet peas. The evening was spent in music and games. During the latter part of the evening hIrs. Hibbsrd, sr., presented Miss E. Montgomery with a bouquet of pink and mauve sweet peas also a valise colored in pink and mauve which contained miscellaneous gifts from the guests. Among those present were: Mrs. Hib- bard, sr., Mrs. Hibbard, jr., Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. O. Britton, Mrs. Robinson, the Misses H. and E. Colpitts, D. and E. Montgom- ery, H. and A. Humphreys, Miss D. Armstrong, Miss E. Hibbard, Miss E. Campbell. Go to the Fall Show. Birthday Party A birthday party in honor of her daughter Constance, was given on Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'lock by hIrs. H. P. Davidson, 2918 Marine Drive. The afternoon was spent very pleasantly in games the most important event being a treasure hunt through the grounds, pret- ty favors being the reward. Re- freshments were served, the dainty tea table being decorated in pink and blue with a birthday cake in the centre and tall white tapers in silver sconces. The guests were: Misses Patty VVee- den, Sheila Edwards, Marjory O'Donnell, Joan Sparrow, Bar- bara Sparrow, Betty Gourlay, and Joan Sheffield. Miss L. A. Simpson hss return. ed from spending a summer va- cation at Peterboro, Ontario. o o Nrs. P. Hastings has left for Peace River, where she will re- join her husband. ~ ~ ~ Miss Harrop returned on Fri- day to her home at West Bay after a motor trip to Calgary. 1 ~ o The Rev.snd Mrs. A. Harding Priest returned last Friday from a two weeks'oliday spent st Seaside, Oregon, and intermedi- ate points. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. James de Pas Murray and family, 22nd and Inglewood, are leaving this week to take up residence in the city. o ~ H. H. Colpitts of Tacoma, Washington, spent a few days last week visiting his relatives, F. P. Colpitts and family, Mrs. J. G. Tearedtnd Mrs. H. Chin- nery. ~ o o Leslie Brooks of Vancouver, has taken H. D. Southern's place on the staff of the high school here. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Philpot and Mrs. S. S. McGoifin all of Caul- feild, vvere guests at the Tre- mayne-Stiefel nuptials at St. Mary's Church, Metchosin, last Tuesday. ~ \ Nr. snd hirs. W. St. John Wil- son, who purchased the Pascual house at 14th and Esquimalt, have moved in. ~ o o Ensign Stratton, who has been spending her vacation with her parents, Nr. and Mrs. J. 51 Strst- ton, 1468 hfarine Drive, left on Thursday to return to Winnipeg going by way of Fernie and NeL soli. hire. C. H. Johnston and fam- ily, 27th and Nelson, left last Sunday for Spokane and iVelson to visit her father and mother. She will be gone for about sve or six weeks. SUPPLIES SCRIBBLERS EXERCISF. BOOKS NOTE BOOKS hicLEAN'S PENS snd PENiCIL BOXES CRAYONS PAIN'TS PORTFOLIOS Lesage Drug Store G. K REID, Mooogov Goo. Boy Boildmg Covoov l 4th olol Morlso WEST 323 Studio of Dancing EL RYTH MfCS -- NATllRE DANCING -- BALLET VOCAL EXPRESSfON Fon Term, September 13th, Enrollment Logioo HoB, Soptom bov Stb, 10 o. m. to lg i m. CATHERINE PATON ltooidvoco Phone Boot zdlg ls booisooo io Woot Voa. 3 Yean C. J. Overiugton BARBER ls Now Store Morioo Dvlvo ot 14th Next Joffovioo Moot Stare Exyvvl. Work--Lodioo', Chndvoo GooUo moo pbooo Boot l33 for oppolotmoot BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. igHITE. bigv. Dmuoonvo Fooovol Sovvmo Lady Assistant 3ve--3rd SL K Phoae North Sza He (at s dance, to She) i "Do vou think my dress suit is a 'perfect fit?' She: "Yes. Almost a convul- sion." BRITISH ISRAEI. WORLD FEDERATIOV Rev. Dr. W. Pascoe Goard (of London, England) Will give a Lecture at the THE iVE1V ORANGE HALL TO-NIGHT, (I RIDAY) No Admission. at 8 p. m. Ever& body 8 ekome VVEST VANCOUVER MINIATURE GOLF LINKS Next to Royal Bank, 17th and ihlafine OPEN TQ-MQRRQQ (SATURDAY,) And every afternoon and evening thereafter BIGGEST SNAP Ever Offered in Homesites I.ots 50 feet by 142 feet. All cleared in heart of this municipality. I'RICE, $200 and up to 3250. Apply-- GEORGE HAY. 14th and hlsrlne Drive, or K, A, RAY, Phone West 301