West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1930, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS LEGION NOTFjI August 22, 1930. VX Av X»A ..kA A v j rA hr~P AiA v AA r* AV r w r" ,r rw ~ rn jqr jw ~ w 4 ~ w/2 ~ 'w pj r ~xwmxr j r r je 4 ~-~ r ~ ~ 1 ' v rr v*» t' Vv vr.vr~rV ~V1 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES 9uudarave '"-" ""'"24th sad Ma&isa Hollyburu SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, Aug 22 and 23 Free DeliveryTelephone Service ALL B.C. PRODUCTS Rjd R White TEA, per lb........ 49c SIARSIALADE, 49 ex. screw tiara ...Jar ....................... Ssc Red 41 Wbnc BAKING PO'ivnkk iia ..................... ................ . Szc Red R Wbije JEI.LY POWDERS 4 for 224 CAKE, Rjjbcjtxoa'x 'IViae. each 254 krd 44 Vl hite To&IATOES 2 terse tins .. ..................... 29c krd k White FI.OUR Nabob I'ILCHARDS, large tins 2 fur 254 PEAR9, Finest Ik C. Bxriicit, jjv r iid . . .................... 22c SODA BISCUITS. Red Arrow, per ssrkaec................, ...... Iec Rvd R White GkEEN BEANS, Scr ua ........ .......... ............. I Ic Ik&NEI.KSS CIIICKEN, Delta Maser, per iia .................... Ssc MEAT BALLS jjr QUICK DINNER tia .........................,............. .., 2ycPastry ..... 5 Iix xarli Syc 19 lb. sack 494 Bread...... 1 Iix sack Ssc 24 ib. xxck 994 PEAS, New I'sck, scr tia........ Ilc Red Jt White RED PLUihiS large tins................ 2 for Shc DINA-MITE, svr packet ........ 194 I Red R 'ivhiie EXTRACTS...... Isc Itrd jk White Cogjje. Gs............ 49c Red Sjjekrye SAL&ION, Vjx per iia ..... .., . ..... ... 2 4c Rrd 44 White TOILET PAI'Ek ixrse rjjkx 2 for 254 BISCUITS, Fiz Bars, lb.. 194 i Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive NOTED I"OR FINEST COOKED HA51 (l3aked snd Itoiled) Large Variety Cooked Meats DAISY LOAF, WEINERS VEAL LOAF SAUSAGES BOLOGNA Home Cured Hams and Bacon, Prime Steer Beef Local Lamb and Veal " Euery thill Good to Eat" Phone West 190 MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION CO. Evening Cruises Up Howe Sound Have been Cancelled DEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RPTAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUSIBIA Specials ... 59.00 59.00 .. 59.00 2 by 4 common sized, any length..... Sbiplsp, good grade ........................ Cedar Bevelled Siding ........,.... Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 1thth NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m., West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent i&id Yux Hear Abujt ihe Kentucky usdertxkjjr'x daughter who wss sent to s faxhioxsbie board&jig school I One of the girls asked her what busi- ness her father was is ssd shs care- lessly answered: "Oh, my father's s Southern planter." Conductor& "Next xtatijja ix Long Wait Junction. Chasse cars fjw Msuch Chunk, Squccdusk, Quakake aud Podunk, Hjjkmjdsqjm, Cstsxsqux, Mecaimqux ssd Tsmiiqiis, Green Brakeman (st other csd of cari: "Same at ihi~ esd." There was s large attendance st the special meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion, which was held last Monday evening at the new Legion Memorial balk The meeting was called primarily to settle the question of whether or no the branch should open a vret canteen in the basement of the ball. Following a full discussion of the matter, s vote wss taken, which showed that the majority were opposed to the project It wss decided to give a smok- ing concert tomorrow evening for the two hundred British blue- jackets who will be then in West Vancouver. P re I i m i nary arrangements were made in connectiim with the Labor Dsy carnival to be put on jointly by the Legion snd the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. in the iield on the east side of 17th Street behind the Royal Bank building. The car- nival will take place m the after. noon snd evening, snd there will be s number of booths for housie. housie and other games, s for- tune-telling booth, cocoanut shies, miniature golf, and other attractions. Further particulars of this will be given in our next issue. JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAhlB, BEEF, I'ORK, VEAL, Etc. COOKED hlEATS OF ALL KINDII, DEI.ICATESSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STOIIE AMBI.ESIDE STOIIE 0West 3 )VEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LliYIITED Phone )Vest 115 W. J. Turnbull, hlsnsger, Itesidence I'hone: West 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Buuding. LU HER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lnmstco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Ikjjrd Beaver Board -- Shingles Q His horse went dead asd his mule wejjt Amoas the Rjjjjkirjj--It was ttwlr lama nrst iargjt practice. The officer bjjd And he last hix cow in s poker game, worn bix xrisy patience thin over these Asd a cyctjjne came es ~ winter day guardsmen. They Just would sjjt iirs Asd blew the house where he lived volleys. In disgust he fleaky bellowed, away. "Fire at random." A rookie from Duck Hill &eked "Which one is her" Then an earthquake came ajjd when Short Story--A Siri from a tele- that was done phone exchsase fek axieep white at It swallowed the ground that hix house church. The yrescher announcing ihe house stood oa; hymn, said "Number 425." At that Then the iax cokector came around momjst the girl awoke, and mur- Asr charged him up with the hole in mured: "I'0 ring them assis." the ground. OI D T151E DANCE The Hsstmgs Qusdrdle Club of Vancouver with their orches- tra "The Merrymskers," will be on s visit to West Vancouver next Wednesday, 27th instant, and invite both young and old to be present with them on that evening in the new Legion Mem- orial hall at 8 p.m. at an old time dance. The club have con- ducted old time dances in Van- couver for the past three years, snd the Merrymakers Dance Or- chestra is Vancouver's knding old time dance orchestra. It con- sists of seven pieces including three medalists. The members of the orchestra are broadcast- ing artists over station CKMO, Vancouver. They will feature the following: old time wsltzes, circsssian circle, French minuet, scbottiscbes, csrmencits, quad- rilles, two-step, three-step, polka, Jersey, fox-trots, etc. Old time dances to the old time tunes. The dances will be under the sup- ervision of an experienced floor manager snd quadrille caller. Admission to defray expenses, 25 cents each. Bring refresh- ments. Coffee, tes, milk snd sugar provided. Saddest Story of the Month -- A man's wife had been away for a month. He wrote her every week tell. ixz her how he was spending the evenings at home. When the wife came back the tight bill came in- for Sfty cents. Asd that night, Just tjj prove ihxt "It Yjjx'je Wrong, Hjwxce!--A house jji couM be worse,'orrection is sot where proof readers The Stork left triplets--and he had no ark Djjsms is not a mama djjz, nurse. Dance School MR. GUS DAWSON (the Professional Dancer), will conduct classes in BALLET, ACIIOBATIC TOE and TAP DANCING in DUNDARAVE HALL Opening Date--Wednesday September 3rd Intending pupils msy re- ceive full particulars from Mr. Dawson on )Vednesdsy, August 27th, when Mr. Dawson will be at the above hall from 2:30 to 6:30 p. m. New Deiiakios--An optimist Is x man who buys a csr on time tjj so looking for s Job Among Us Girls Its ays here that girls are to be truly feminine this year. Oh, why can't they leave us alone asd Iet us be natural. A Pew Corrections, Heracei An aviary is sot sn hotel for avia- tors. A literary aspirant is not what an author takes when he has s head- ache. As much as it sounds like it, noodle soup is not e brain food. That Party Line "That Ix Mrs. Higgiss'eceiver that hss just come down," Mr. Brown told his brother over the wire. "I could tell the tick of her grandfather clock among a thousand!" "You'e wrong for once, smartyi" s female voice broke In triumphantly. "That clock of ours hss been stopped for over a week." 5 i1 ( j i 'I j ~j r 4 I' SOME OF WEST VANCOUVER'S BEAUTIFUL HOMES