West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1930, p. 5

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0001 August 22. 1930. NI 11. sf 9'9 !TI If. k. N. Ig,' SCHOOLS ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN cud GIRLS'CHOOL WUI Rc-Opec lNONIIAY. SEPTEMBER 8th ART cud MUSIC iiiiSS J. DUBBIN 20Th cod Heywood I'bouc West 97R FRAMAR MONTESSORI School for Young Cbndlcu Folk Dcuciug cud Rhythm . included Fall Term opens Wednesday, srd September Phouc hIRS. W. D. FRASER 18th cud Ecquimclt Bellevue School for Girls BOARDERS, 1)AY PUPILS cud KINDERGARTEN 23rd uud BCBccuc I'crm commences Tuesday the 2ud September. Phone Wcci 178R MISS PHILIP Blasdell School 19th cud Waterfront, Aiicmout. From KINDERGARTEN ic GRADE Vi. FALL TERM REOPENS IVEDNESDAY, SEI»r. scd MISS EVA McBAIN, Priucipcl BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS 29th Street DAY BOYS cud BOARDERS . taken TERM STARTS SEPT. 8th. Phcuc Wcci 150Y2 ,st FRASIAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL The Framer Montessorl School will reopen for the fall term on Wednesday, Srd September. The system ls specially adapted for young children between the ages of 3 and 7 years. Folk dancing and rhythm are also included. For particulars phone Mrs. W. D. Fraser, residence phone West 93L. The Sea Captain's Story Apparently "They that go down to the sea in ships" can tell a good tale, judging by the fol- lowing related by the captain of a western ocean liner: A steward, he said, stood at the gangway of 8 ship of mine, and as he stood there he kept shouting for the bene0t of the arriving passengers: "First class to the right! Second class to the left." A young woman stepped daint. ily aboard with a baby in her'rms.As she hesitated before the steward he bent over her and said in his chivalrous way: "First or second?" "Oh!" said the girl, her face as red as a rose. "Oh, dear, it's- it's not mine." Sulu Thing--It uppcccc io mc, Doc- tor, ibct your charges are rather steep. Well, I'm uot running ihic cuuiiczi- um for my owu health. Tomato Pickle (Green) I/» pk. green tomatoes 6 onions 3 green peppers I tablespoon white sugar 2 tablespoons whole mixed spice Vinegar Salt Slice tomatoes, onions and pep- pers and lay them alternately in the dish with a layer of salt. Let stand all night. Next morn- ing strain oif the liquid and place mixture in preserving kettle with sugar and spices. Cover with vinegar, boil until quite soft Seal ready for use.-« PAINTING Tenders will be received for pciutiug the exterior woodwork, Pauline Johnson School Two coute to be applied, paint to be Ircpcccd from best quality wbRO lead with 20'/o xiuc, pure rxw linseed CU with 6'/c cobalt driers. Tenders to be in by IVcducc- dcy, August 27th, marked "Tender." The lowest or any tender uoi necessarily accepted. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees. NAVAL ENTERTAINMENT Programme 3:00 p. m.--Aquatic Carnival, Dundarave Pier. Admission-- Reserved Seats, 60c; General 25c; Children 10c. 8:SO p. m.--Smoking Concert, Legion Hall. Admission 60c. 8:30 p. m.--Dance, Orange Hall. Admission: Gents 75 cents, Ladies 60 cents. 8:30 p. m.Hollyburn Theatre, special pictures. Usual admission Sailors in uniform guests at above events I), BIGGEST SNAP Ever Offered in Homesites Lots 50 feet by 142 feel. All cleared in heart of this municipality. I'RICE. 5200 and up tu 8250. Apply- (lEORGE HAY, 11th and hlarlne Drive, or K. A. RAY, Phone VVcui SOL. THE WEST VAN NEWS DEVELOPSIENT Development of mineral prop- erties in British Columbia during the first half of 1930 was at a decreased rate as compared with the last three years, In general, It may be said that the big fall- ing olf in development has been in those properties hnanced by public subscription to small local stock companies. Except under special conditions there is no great incentive to develop at present properties carrying val- ues in silver, lead and zinc; in fact, many such properties with developed ore reserves and equip- ped with modern type concentra- tors are closed down ax it is im- posible to mine and sell lead and zinc concentrates at a profit at present metal prices. The larger mining companies have maintained development on the usual scale, not only at pro- ducing properties but at many which are in the semi-developed stage. In particular, the Consol- idated has continued its wide- spread development programme throughout ti.e Province prac- tically without curtailment. This company normally each year takes up and drops after exam- ination or a small amount of work, many properties, but at the present time has an average number under development. The most important results recently obtained by this company are on the Big Missouri which now bids fair to become an important gold- producer. Mill construction is to be commenced this year but no details have yet been officially announced. The Consolidated Company is also vigorously push- ing development of the Emerald property in Omineca Mining Div ision. The most important feature of the Consolidated Company's ac- tivities this year is the construc- tion of the chemical-fertilizer plant at War6eld Flat, near the company's metallurgical works at Trail. This construction work comes at an opportune time to take up some of the slack in em- ploymeiit created by the cl'osing down of many small mines in the Kootenay District. One disappointment of the year occasioned by the abnorm- ally low silver price and uncer- tain outlook for the future is the indefinite suspension of work by the Britannia Company at the Toric and adjoining properties in the Alice Ann section. The Britannia Company, however, has acquired a property in the State of Washington, which ap- parently is promising, judging from the re-arrangement of company officials, recently an- nounced, evidently with the idea of providing the best possible technical supervision in develop- ing and equipping this new prop- erty. The Granby Company has not been particularly active in scout- ing for new properties but is steadily improving the position of the Copper Mountain mine by development and is engaged on a thorough testing out of all pos- sible mineralized areas at its Hidden Creek mine at Anyox. The Premier Company is con- tinuing the development of its three new properties at Stewart and in addition, the Prosperity is now a steady producer. At the Premier mine, operations con- tinue as in the past with steady efforts to discover further oru- bodies. A keen search is being made by scouting engineers for gold prospects and plans initiated in 1930 may be expected to bring results in future years, There is no question that in both lode and placer deposits, there are poc- sibilities for further gold mining In British Columbia. Prospecting has been well maintained, some districts re- porting more men in the hills than in 1929. An important strike has been reported on the Stiklne river but exact informa- tion has not yet been obtained. FOR SAI.F~ldwcy Rcrcrcibic Bcby FOR MOVING cud BUII.DING SUP PLIES, Phone West 17 or Rccidcucc Phone West $82R. FOR THE BEST SLABS cud Inside Fir phone W«si 220. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L Koniugc, RccMcucc phone West 894R. FOR RFNT--Tblcc-room cuiic cuii- able for dentist or pcotcccioool mus, ~ ico one room cuacbic for o(Dice. Hoi uud cold wumz. Hoi water hest- iug. Apply Royal Bank of Cuuuds, West Vcucouvcz. FOR SALE--Ock Diuiug Romu Sunc, Walnut Console Victrola cud rcconic Walnut Fiuwh Dlccccz cud ChUICO- icr, IKichcu Table cud Chain, 2 Couch Beds, one Doubic Bcd cud Mattress: Garden Tcoic. Cheap for cash. Phoae Wcci 476L; 2159 Argyic Street. FON SALE--One 402 Roco Bine. Good chcpc. 527.60. Phone F»L Bicck, West 58. TO LET--Puzaichcd boucc, Shccmcu. Thcco bodroomc, sleeping porch, beth, full plumbing, Icrgc living room, fizcpiccc, breakfast nook, turu- ccc, half-acre ground. Three miu- utes Ilom stage, post ottico, uud store, flvc miuuicc from Beady Cove. Vacant cud of September. Phone West 888X. COUPLE wahoui family want io leuc fivc-zoom modern houcc. Noi wct- crtroui. hiodccuic rent. Might cou- sider purchase later. Phouc West 184 R. TO RENT--A nice modcru tour-room- ed bungalow. Fuzuocc oud ficcpic«c. Phone West 261R. FOR SALE--80 Chickcuc wcighiag Crom I M to 2 lbs. at 60c ccck Phone West 218 R. FOR RENT--Five-room modczu bouse fully furnished. Full piumbiug. Ap- ply 1782 Marine Drive or phone West 215 R. FOR RF IT~ocr (uluichcd bcdlooul Board opiioucl Phono West 2071 WANTED--Furuicbcd Houcc for wiu- icr from Ict September. Four or ~ five rooms. Modern. Phone West 103Y. FOR RENT--Five rooms uud haik Finp'.Occ, pczuy Culuicbcd. Spicu- did location. Near ferry. Phone West 806L. FURNISHED ROOM iu Apcciacai with or without board. A real home for one or iwo. 1041 Comox Street. Douglas 8222R. WANTED--By Adults. 15th Scpica- bcz, four or five roomed bungalow or suite. Partly Cucuichcd. Cioco io water. Phone West 664R. ! allv cnonsaelknH 294 clkytAzba I ! au»rim.'.I'Im" I I; ' ax I'I ea~.'I I IIauI O ~ I I'K I I ' x~ WANTED--Room cud board ia quiot holuc couvouicui io boih puMK ccbcoi~. Apply, "Boom," clo West Vau News. WII IJIW BENE COTTAGE, 24ih a Riage. Qubt aud cccitui amidst bocuiitui ouccouudiugc, for rent Scplculbcz Ict. Phoae West 404L TWO CARPENTERS Wcul Auy Kiud ot work. Rcucouubia Phcuc Wcci 894 R. FOUNDATION CEMENT WOBK Lcudccopiug uud Luwlm ICM. Ruck walls, drains, septic tanks. Ccuciug oud loud ciccl'lug, chlluucyc cled Cucuoccc cleaned cud zcpuilcd. Phone T. Bocucit, ncidcuco phouo West 290R. WOMAN WANTS VI ORE by the dcy or by ibc bouc. Phoae West 441L SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE uud aa the Good Brands ot Cigars at TIK Ambiccidc Tco Rooac. FURS CLEANPD, STORED or Re- modeled. Summer pzkwa HCUybara Fuc Stlwc, Kciih Biock, Honyburu. CARPENTER aud Up oicicccz. Para- Bulo lupuircd. Liuoicum cad Cucpoz work Scwc fiicd. Lawn Mowcn chcrpcucll B. Ellis, Phoae West 87. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duuducovc. GARDENS--Dccigucd cud icki COL Original designs in Lily aud Orna- mental Pools. Bock uud Wall guzd- cuc. Luwuc Formal cud Rose guid- euc. Buctic Work Smumcc houses Ccuxy paving. B. J. Kytc, Phoae West 41L FOR PLUhI BING REPAIRS -- Rcc- Mcucc Phone West 241R. GOOD BUILDING LOT. Ambiccidc, with view ot water, on puvcd road. Water. Ugbi, phone, cchool Just simply $10 down, $10 mouihiy. Full price only 5250. SUMMER COTFAC E, 2 c~ wui . light, garage. Very ciircclivc uud convenient iocciiou for bmidmg pcr- mcucut home; citucicd N. E. cozucc 17Th uud Duchccx, $ 1250, or will tuny consider an otter. Pbouo Seymour 7484 R. P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER, Wcoi 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Puhuc Fice Iocuccuco Mosey io I»mu TAX SALE LOTS 1406 Muziuo Drive Office Phouo West 21 or Scy. 1200 Residence Phoae W. $2R or W. 204R Everybody Can assist in the preservation of the forests of British Columbia from the ravages of fire, but not every- body does. Elaborate and far- reaching measures are being em- ployed to control the annual cut, but the general public can do the most to eliminate the annual waste. B E CA R E F U L U~ 1TH FIRE Al ALL TIMES AND AND EYER I'O'HERE. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS Thc rate for Cicccismi Adrcciiccacuic ic 2 ccuio pcr wonl aiuiaua 25 costa Rxccpi ia ihc coco ct ihcoo buviug rcguioc ccccuuic, OB ciucci- Scdc clc payable ciriciiy iu cdrcucu Rcmcabcl Claccisodc iu the West Vcu Ncwc gci imacdicio zocuRa