West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1930, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 22, 1930. J ~ u'V'VV . h V' vc» ~ W cu r ~ c ~u c 'c cu V aw L. ~9 c. cm ry -. ~"v Vk 4 a c u'vuy 'Fm w I c ~ c Cg ~ ~ VV ~ ~ '1 'V V 'icrppv- r . ~, ' ~ ' CV V THEM CREES--AND ,! Useful Recipes [ a camp fire on the shore of Wat- SKI CHASIPIONSHIP MEET A'r REVEIATOKEBREAD CALYCES PASTRY Do You Know That The skiing fraternity In the West are jubilant over the recent decision of President C. Allen Snowdon of the Canadian Ama- teur Ski Association to reconsid. er the West'8 application for the Dominion ski championship to be held at Revelstoke next winter. President Snowdon, according to information received yesterday by R. J. Verne, president of the western branch, is strongly in favor of the West being given this important tournament. Through his sportsmanlike move the Montreal Ski Club, to which the event was originally award- ed, has consented to let the event go to Revelstoke, for which venue R. J. Verne and his west- ern clubs have been vigorously campaigning. The western clubs are jubilant over their victory, which will mean a banner year for the west as far as skiing is concerned. The best talent in the Dominion of Canada will thus be seen in ac- tion at Revelstoke next Febru- ary, and the B. C. tournament at Princeton, the western cham. plonship at Grouse Mountain, and the 50-kllometre long-dist- ance race Dominion champion- ship at Burns Lake will greatly benefit through the very sports- manlike decision of the East. erton Lake some years before that district was made 8 National Park. The fulness of summer was replete and all the world seemed to be resting in the serenity of the halcyon days when the ruif- ed grouse and the white-tail deer sre assuming their grey coats and the middlmciistant atino- sphere is a pearly haze at dawn. It was the time of the "short blue moon." "Kootenayu Brown, afterwards park ranger, Wolf- Sitting-Down and Many-Bears, two Blood Indians, and the present scribe had been talking lish and game for an hour or so when hiany-Bears de- livered himself of the fol- lowing: He was by way of being the "Gassy Jack" of the Blood tribe, for which failing his audience made every allowance. "I kill him one buffalo near Fort Macleod in '79, after that no more buffalo all gone, then Blood Indians and Peigans come to hunt in this country more and in Porcupine Hills country too. All this country good hunting coun- try that time iotas game, plenty fish everywhere." "Then them low-down Crees they come here and say they hunt here, but Bloods snd Pei- gans chase them down Belly River and kill some too, iotas pretty good fight. Bloods and Crees have them times." "But we always lick them Crees and take most of their horses. Crees is pretty poor fighter for Indian, but mighty good for telling lie." "I 'member one time I hunting in this part all myself and find camp of Crees hunting, three Crees, and them Crees find me." "I try two days to lose 'em but over on Old Man River one feller he shoot pretty good and hit me in leg, right here, then I fall oif horse and roll down hill into river and say "Good bye Many-Bears." "River wash me down a ways but soon I crawl out and find hole in bank and I crawl in and go sleep." "When I wake up I pretty sick man with big hole in leg and all swell up and worse too, by gosh, that hole is bear's den." '"I'hen I get busy and dig bul- let out of leg. That bullet he' pretty near as big tobacco plug. When I get him out I sick some more, you bet. This time Many- Bears want to die." "Soon I hear noise. My gosh, that bear is come home and see me. She stand over me and I ssy nothing, then she start to lick blood oF leg. She lick and lick till I think she's scraping leg oif:" "Bimeby she go out of hole and I think I better go too, but Many-Bears is too sick, can' move so just wait for die." "I sleep some more and when I wake up again, here is that dam bear too. You know she do I She go out and chew up sage brush and juniper and she slap it on hole in hfany-Bear'8 leg, big as buFslo chip for poultice. "Two times every day she lick oif old plaster and put on new one. I guess she know more a- bout fixing legs than missionary do." "Sometime she bring bird and gopher for Many-Bears to eat. I getting hungry that time, by gosh." "You know, soon that leg she heal up and don't hurt and one day I creep out snd find two Pei- gsn and we go to Chokio till I alright again." '"I'hem Crees tell down Sask- atchewan they kill Many-Bears, but Crees always was big liars." "Yeah," murmured "Koote- nay," snd them Crees ain't the only ones, neither." Tomato Conserve 8 quarts tomatoes 6 lemons 8 lbs. sugar h(4 lb. raisins Peel tomatoes and cut in pleo- es, then the lemons, Put togeth- er snd let come to a boil. Add sugar and raisins chopped. Cook until thick. I'ickle for Pears or Iseach«s I quart vinegar 3 lbs. brown sugar I teaspoon salt 'Fi os. cinnamon stick ipsoz. cloves (whole). Pears or Peaches. Boil vinegar, sugar, salt and spices together. Stem the fruit and clean the outside skins with 8 coarse clean cloth. Cook fruit until soft, a few pieces at at time. Put in sealers or in a crock and pour liquid over them. Keep tightly covered. Cucumber Relish 1/ bushel cucumbers 4 lbs. onions 4/8 cup salt 2 quarts vinegar 2 cups brown sugar 4 oz. whole spice ii(. cup mustard 1/scup fiour 1/ lb. butter Peel and chop onions and cu- cumber, leave in salt for 30 min- utes. Pour oF liquid. Tie spices in cheesecloth and boil with vin- egar and sugar. Add cucumber and onions. Boil all together for 10 minutes. Make a paste of fiour and mustard and stir it into the relish, then add butter. Boil all together for 6 minutes. Stir well and bottle. The sea curls its waves and uncurls your waves. We are giving 8 25ch REDUCTION IN BATH- ING CAPS. All colors and sizes. Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread Birthday JE Wedding Cakes hfade in West Vancouver at Strattoih's Bakery 1488 Marine Drive Phoae Wcsi 81 Come and see us before our stock ls exhausted. Lesage Drug Store G. SL iigiD, Mcucscc Gca Hey B su diag Corner 14ih aud McMuc WEST 323 JAPANESE ELECTRIC STEAM MASSAGE 88th A Ncicou, Wusi Vancouver Successful treatments by ccm- pcicui operator frow Tukiu fcc cerebral uud cpiuui ucrvuucuccc, rheumatism, arthritic, sciatica, tonsilitis, neuralgia, paralysis, stomach, iutcctiucs. kidneys, habitual ccuciiputicu, prostatic troubles Free iufcimstiuu. Hours 9 io 8 p.m. or cppuiuimcut Phone West 489R1 After 8 p. m., Fairmont 48481 Get Ready For Fall Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated snd Cleaned before fall sets In. Men's and Ladies I'lain Suits, $1.26. SPECIALTY--hfen's Suits to order LOOK Cedar %Vood $2,.50 a load CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Phone North 188 /BELLEVUE SCHOOL The fall term at the Bellevue School for girls, situated at 23rd and Bellevue, will begin on Tues- day, 2nd September, according to an announcement made by Miss Philip. The school is established for both boarders snd day pupils, and there is also a kindergarten. For further particulars phone Miss Philip, the principal, at West 178R. IEI. WILLIAMS 1888 sfAiiiNE DRivE Phone West se Hollyburn 'HEATRE 'HURSDAY,FRIDAY aud SATURDAY WENNIE 1.1GHTNER 'he Couldn't Say ND ifONDAY - TUBS - WED. AL JOLSON iu 'Say It With Songs'CHOOL BOARD ASK FOR I'AINTING TENDERS The Board of School Trustees are calling for tenders for paint- ing the exterior woodwork of Pauline Johnson School Two costs are to be applied. Tenders must be in by Wednesday, Aug- ust 27th. An advertisement rela- tive to this appears in this issue. Apple Marmalade (Very Economical) 3 oranges 3 pints water 3 lbs. sugar I pint apples Chop oranges very finely, add water and sugar, then add ap- ples very finely chopped. Boil to jelly. "Sir, your daughter has prom- ised to become my wife." "Well, don't come near me for sympathy. I knew something like that would happen to you hanging around the house five nights 8 week." Literary--What boot hac helped you most iu your careerf The volume cf buciuess. THURS. - FRI, - SAT. August 88, 89, 80. JANEPGAYNOR CHARLES FARRELL Spiced Grapes 5 lbs. sour grapes 4lbs. granulated sugar 2 tablespoons cloves 2 tablespoons cinnamon I pint vinegar. Pick, wash and stem grapes. Separate pulp from skin. Put pulps in a lined saucepan and heat to boiling, cook slowly until seeds separate from pulp. Rub through a sieve. Return to kettle and add sugar, cloves, cinnamon snd vinegar. Cook slowly sg an hour, then pour into jelly glass- es. ANNOUNCEMENT "HAPPY DAYS" I DR. E. L. MORGAN will move his office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Wharton Block to the Royal Bank Building at the beginning of the month. Hours--10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment Learn to Play Golf THE HASTINGS QUADIIILLE CLUB are putting on an Old-Time Dance 'overnor'sSauce I peek tomatoes I cup salt Vinegar 4 onions 6 green or red pepeprs I cup brown sugar 1/4 lb. mustard seed 1 tablespoon each, cloves, all- spice and white pepper. Slice tomatoes. sprmkle with salt snd and let stand over night. In the morning pour ojf liquid snd put mixture in preserving kettle with enough vinegar to cover same, add onions and pep- pers chopped fine, sugar and spices. Let simmer until soft. Putin jars and keep air-tight. at in thp LEGION MEhIORIAL HALL, 18th ik Dtschess on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27th, at 8 p. m. Admission 25 cents "Merrymakers" Orchestra Gleneagles A little private instruction will help your gscuc wonderfully. Lessons given by ROLY GOODCHiLD (Pcufcsciuuui in aiicuduuc ) Pur appointment: Phoae, Long Distance, Gicuccgica VANCOUVER CREOSOTING t:O., LTD. or WEST sfriY8. Deadly--I play the piano just tu kiii time. You ccriciuiy have s fluc weapon, Mixed Drinks "Wumuu, dst ~ iu'1 white mule in dsi bciiic dci am Pluto water. Yuu ain't genus drisk dsi, am youf" 'Big buyi 1 siu'1 gonna du ucihiu'lse." "Ycc, yuu M. hussy, 'deed yuu 4.u NORTH VANCOUVER iuiciakc Somcuhcrc Cars: "Ycs, hiuriiu is an indefatig- able worker." Barr: "Why, 1 thought be belonged iu the unius." --P. H. Maelean's Orange Pekoe Tea, the BEST by Test