West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE )VEST VAN NEWS Aiiguot 22, 1930, ~h Rv tO +hhh iw Ih W h Ohh ~««ht h «Vh t'h ' «op vt J'\v w'o " „ r"-- ~ R RR ~ 'V h ' '\ h h i'h h';rh rl hvtit r« ' v v hhhhV hhhf" ~h « BRITISH ISRAELSTOCKTAKING SPECIALS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dr. Marjory McCttbblfs DENTiST r io o. m. io 0 p. m. Evenings by oppoisimost. Royal Book Boiiding i'boas 'iyoot 440 iiooidooho Phono Wooi SSX Lecture Commit tee Brooch of the Sriiiob iorooi World Fsdhrotjos CANADIAN i.EGiON MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY ol Siss P. M. Spoobori MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE I'ROGRESSIVE I'LAN OF GOD." (A Sorioo of Lohioroo) Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every biondoy from 0:46 io 7:is p.m. GlFT S jf~~ +p v N Esse co RosbhAL OtANK MRL& A. J. MAQ LI N S ~ yS. Cy. ehOX 227. P64ONEt WatST 2%4. CHURCH EniptCE 60th ood Rseoimoii, Eonyboro This Society io ~ Branch of The Mother Church Tho First 'Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Momochsootts. Sunday Services tt.so o. m. Rsd T.ss p.m. SUBJECT, AUGUST 64th, "SHND" A I'rehlstorlc Find A fine specimen of s Stone Age knife or dagger, 7'/4 ln. in length, has been found by Mr. Croesley, of the Crescent Mill Lane, Pool, at the site of the yre-historic remains known as "De Rougemont," which is sltu- nted on a bluff of the Rive+ Wharfe on the Earl of Hare- wood's estate, about 0 mile from the ruins of Harewood Castle. The weapon was found about seven feet below the ground level close to the defence wall, by Mr. Crossley snd some school children, who were examining the site from an archaeological point of view, having on a previ- ous visit discovered a good specL men of a hand pounder. The upper part of the stone knife is worn into smooth hol- lows by the fingers because of long use, and despite the fact that it has probably lain In the earth for many centuries, Is ft~ a good state of preservatior~ both ss to point and cutting edge indicating that the stone used was carefully chosen. BOUNTIFUL BARGAINS J Hill--Slatthews A pretty wedding took place at St. Stephen's Church on Tuesday August 12th, when Hilda May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrib Matthews, 13th and Duchess, wss united in marriage to Mr. Howard Hill, youngest son of Mr. and 51rs. I(ill of Jellyby, Ont- ario. Rev. C. H. Short officiated, while Mr. Harry Smith support ed the groom. A wealth of pastel shaded sweet peas arrangmi with ferns decorated the church. Given in marriage by hcr father, the bride was gowned in a dress of fawn georgette with which she wore 0 large picture hat to match, snd carried a bou- quet of carnations and gladiolis. She was attended by Miss Anna- belle )Vsggener, who chose a dress of mauve floral georgette with hat to match. Her bouquet was of varied colored sweet yeas and baby's breath. Following the ceremony a buf- fet luncheon wss served to the immediate friends and relatives of the bride and groom at the home of the bride's parents, aft. er which Mr. and Mrs. Hill left for Regina where they will spend their honeymoon. Later they will take up residence at Crystal Springs, Sask., where Mr. Hill is manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia. j BLASDELL S('HOOI. Blasdell School at 29th and iVaterfront, will open again after the summer recess on )Vednes- day, 3rd September, for the fall'0 work. The curriculum includes 'kindergarten and upward to grade 6. Miss Eva ikicBain, the principal, requests any parents interested to phone her at West 150L8. Baptist ChurchStaldoy Scbool oi 10.00 ~. Io.Testimony Mooting Wodnosdoy ~4 S.i6 p.m. Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Heywood, Phone West 252R. 10 a. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. A cordial in titation to all. Miss F. Brooks is giving an exposition of parts of the Scrip- tures on Wednesday evening In the Baptist Church at 8 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 10 (August 24th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10s.m. --Sunday School and Bible Class, 'll:16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. The rector will take all servic- es on Sunday. Try It IVhen you read this through you will think it sounds a very easy thing to do, but you just try it: you'l find it is not so easy as it looks. Stand upright with the arms outstretched to shoulder height at the sides. Swing the right arm round like a propeller in one direction, and then swing the other arm in the same manner but in a different direction. St. Anthony's Church United Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a. m.--Mass, In- struction. 9:45 a. RL--Mass, Sermon. Benediction after Sec- ond Mass. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 s. m. and 7:80 p. m. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. August 24th, 1930. Dr. Henry will be back and will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. A.M. topic, 'The Soul's Etern- al Thirst." P.M. topic, "Things We Can- not Hide." AUGUST ls the moath for Photographs The "school spirit" is a great force and can be 0 fine mfluence but sometimes it merely suppres- ses individuality and gives noth- ing instead but slang words and 0 stamp album.--Miss Iris Tree. Rosioooo Noir--A real executive is one who can return o ioiior three times io 4 rsd-hooded stooogropher. A Fow Suggestions Wedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Boise Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Prices io iit oil pockets. THE CRY OF THE GARDEN "Water on the mountain top," The little gardens cry, "All we need is a larger pipe To bring that water nigh." I am a little garden in West Vancouver. In the spring I grew beautiful Bowers aud ajhrly veg- etables for those I love, and who are dear to me. Then the warm days came and I was so thirsty and no man gave unto me. Day after dsy I watched if only a little boy or even a litle girl would give me 0 drink. At first they gave me a wee drop that did not go down to my roots, but I struggled on and the City Fathers and Mothers drank their tea while I longed for a drink of water, but none came. 'I'he hot sun came smiling down upon me and I longed for s parasol to pre- vent sunstroke, but even that was denied me. Alas, alas! oh dear, how dry I felt! So hot, oh so thipsty! and I longed more than my tongue can tell for wat- er because I heard a larger pipe would bring me my heart's de- 0 II'e. I said to myself "Why, is it price7 Wejj, I would soon pay them for that pipe cost in car- rots, cabbage, parsnips, onions, potatoes, etc." Then I listened and heard my neighbor, the Lawn, ssy he could not keep green and was weary trying be- cause he was so thirsty, he in- tended to turn brown and I not- iced he did. So I just followed his example, and am considering wha tto do next; for my cry has gone up to the mountain top, and the lake up there said, "I cannot come down to you unless there is a larger pipe for me to travel through." I listened very carefully and that is what I heard. So I have just made up my mind to stop asking for 0 drink and die; though I intended growing many things for those I love. But oh I to be denied a drink of pure wat- er,when I know there is plenty just longing to come down to me, for the lake up there told me so and also the Cspilano River. Water, Water, everywhere in Capilano River All we need is 0 larger pips to bring that water hither. A POOR I ITTLE GARDEN RADIO I'ROGRAM C. K. W. X. Hour of Grand Opera Sunday, August 24th. Triumphal March from "Aids" .......................... Verdi "Pilgrims Chorus" from "Tenn hauser" ...............i..AVagner "Prologue" from "Pagliacci'eoncavallo "Meditation" from 'Thais" .... .................................. Massenet Solo Violin by Frank Harwood Ballet Music from "Faust" .... Gounod R.K.O. Orpheum Theatre Pres- entation. Prayer from "The Jewels of the Madonna" ... Wolf-Ferrari Entr'cte from "Mignon"....... ...................................... Thomas "Selections" from "Carmen".. ....................................... Bizet .."There's No Gas Like Home". BILTON HOUSE SCHOOL The Bilton House School for bove is re-opening for the fall term on Monday, September 8th. The school is situated at 29th Street snd the old P.G.E. tracks, and both day boys and boarders are taken. Parents who are thinking of sending their child- ren are asked to phone the prin- cipal, K. B. Foyster, at West 150Y2. This is the only school in West Vancouver conducted es. pecially for boys. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. W. Established 1006 AR Work Goorooisod C.P.R. Steamer "Princess Pss" Phone Sey. 1046 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop THEATRE ga LONSDALt Now Playing WITH4LL THE COLOR OF THE GOLDEN WEST q(A~RNE BROS. SINGING 'TALKING 'ANCING &6 /OttkiduralColor i6ib tb Merino EXPERT SERViCE E. 6(ARSE, Proprietor Essobjisbod on Norih Shore 20 Yooro, (Lady Assisioss) HARROiV BROS. Sr. WILLIAMSON funeral directors iVorth Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HIGH SCHOOI. NOTES The West Vancouver High School offers the following cours- es i 1. The Academic or General Course of four years leading to (a) Matriculation; or (b) Norm- al Entrance, or (c) High School leaving. These courses are all very similar for the first two years. 2. A Commercial Course of three years leading to the Junior Business Diploma. West Van Nerf(js Pobiiobod Every Friday Bosissos osd Ediiorioi Office: ifth olid Merino Drlhto (Noxf io HoRybors P. O.) Phone West 363 Phurh Pri., Ssi. of next week Mail Addrossi P.O. Bos ei, HoSybors, B.C. THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL AIR SPECTACLES "THE DAWN PATROL" starring Richard Barthelmess -d I'ly",,". "So you snd Harry aren't go. ing to be married this monthro "No, not for quite 0 while, I guess. You see, he paid 0 year' dues to the bachelor's club in ad- vance. Publisher F. F. I.OVEGROVE Phone West 363 stdo 0 year by mall or «orrior. Nowsstosds 64. por copy A THiiiLLiNii iiiissiA iiy'iis Hiii'4'isis O'LYJNO Ci)iii'0 Starring JOHN BOLES COMING MOiV., 'I'UES., WEFA -- Nehi 'irhhk- 'The Lady of Scandal' th Ch tt t, h S Ri:thh, R:thh I' ~ A brllllant comedy, an unlorgetable romance GREATPR TIIAN "MADAM l', X" 'tt" h h hhh O'h