West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1930, p. 1

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0001 IR!I )Rk 0. .! !s PER «nd'i & iiii- 1 ha» 5 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatfng iyJ thg District of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hollyburyf, Wgstoyf, Duyfdaravc 51.00 per year. CypreSS Park, Caulfeild, WhyteCliff, EJC. Newsstands 6c per Copy Vo! V J WEI.CO!IIE TO OUR VISITORS Tomorrow West Vancouver will be host to two hundred jack tars of the British Navy, come here from the West Indies as part of the crews of H.hf.S. Despatch and H.M.S. Dauntless. There is to be an aquatic gala at Dundarave pier in the afternoon, and following supper various forms of enter- tainment have been arranged for the pleasure of our visitors, during the evening. Sailors sre usually popular wherever they go, and none more so than the O.D.'s of the senior service. The sea is a rough old mother, broad, deep bosomed, stormy tempered, and as a natural result she breeds men. Little souldi and little minds don't go down to the ses in ships--at any rate for very long. It is impossible to look day after day and year after year on the vast expanses of the seas and witness the power of raging storms without in some sort being broadened by a Q )realization of man's insigniflcance. We of Greater Vancouver, a great port, should know how to welcome and how to appreciate the men who make it pos- sible for our ships to pass unmolested on their lawful occasions over the seven seas. Occasionally, our guardians come to this port, when as strangers in a strange city they are dependent largely for any enjoyment they may get on the hospitality of our citizens. This is the first time we in West Vancouver have been asked to entertain any officers or men of the British navy. Let there be no doubt about our welcome! Let us ofter the hand of real fellowship to them, and make the few hours they will be with us stand out from among the many welcomes given them in other ports and other places l They are not likely to forget IVest Vancouver's natural beauty. May our welcome be such that they will carry away equally pleasant memories of ourselves, the people who live there. MAN DROWNED IN SCHOOL OF DANCE THE NARROWS SUNDAY TO BE OPENED Mr. Gus Dawson, the profes- George Leighton and John Mc- sionaj dsncbr, is et!izing el»is»m Cormsck, both of Vancouve~ in ballet, toe, acrobatic, and tap had their boat swamped about dancing on Wednesday, Septem- noon last Sunday in the First ber 3rd, in Dundarave Hall.. Narrows by the wash of the in- He will be at the above hall bound S.S. Prince David. They next Wednesday, 27th instant, were fishin at the time of the from 2:30 to 5:30p.m., when he accident, which took place close will be pleased to give full partic- to the First Narrows lighthouse. ulars to intending pupils. Both were thrown into the water from the capsized boat, but had Principal Patterson will be at managed to struggle to the shore the Inglewood School, 17th and when the back wash of the Inglewood, Friday, August 29th, waves dragged them back into and Saturday, August30th, from deep water. 2 to 4 p. m. when he will be Alfred Dickinson, lighthouse- pleased to meet parents and pros- keeper, put out as soon as the pective students. Those enroll- accident occurred, and, display- ing for the first time are urged ing considerable courage, hauled to avail themselves of this oppor both of the victims into his boat tunity of meeting the principal and rowed them to Ambleside wharf. There an eifort was made to resuscitate them by ' means of an inhalator brought from North Vancouver, but un- fortunately Leighton was beyond help. Police Constables Bell and Shepherd took charge of McCor- mack. He was cared for at the Ambleside Tea Rooms and was sufficiently recovered by the evening to proceed to his home. The body of Leighton was tak- en to the undertaking parlors of Harron Bros, and Williamson in North Vancouver. i At the inquest on Tuesilay aft- ernoon the coroner's jury ."1 brought in a verdict of death due to drowning and shock, and com- Q mended Alfred Dickinson for hisprompt action. The verdict also made the sug- gestion "that the Harbor Com- mis!on enforce any rules and reg- ulations regarding vessels enter- ing the Lions Gate st an exces- sive speed and that persons hir- ing boats be warned of the dang- er existing in and around the I'irst Narrows while flshing." The evening cruise up Howe Sound on Ferry No, 6, has been cancelled. IVEST VAN. TO HAVE MAIL DELIVERY AND NEW I'OST OFFICE Thanks to the efforts of Gen- eral A. D. McRae a mail delivery it is nnnounced by Reeve Ley- land, will shortly be established in West Vancouver, and a federal appropriation for a new post of- fice will be included in the esti- mates to be brought dovin in Ottawa early next year. Plans for this building are now being prepared. The West Vancouver board of trade started the agitation for n house to house delivery over toro years ago and they and Gen- eral McRae have been agitating for it ever since. During the last few months, the reeve and council joined in ihe light, which has just been brought io such a successful conclusion. Before house to house delivery can be established, it will be necessary to have name signs erected at ihe corners of the streets. Householders will also have to have their houses num- bered and letter slots cut in their front doors or receptacles made for letters. viREEVE I.EYI.AND ASKS FOR CITIZENS'UPPORT An event, unique in the his- -tory of West Vancouver, will tqke place orhoSaturdap, when the 'itizens will 7ie hosts to t»'o hunt dred men of the Royal Navy. Many of our local organizations snd private individuals have per- fected arrangements to give the boys a rousing welcome, and everything possible has been arranged for their entertain- ment. May I make a personal appeal to all citizens for their support of the eiforts that have been made on behalf of our vis- itors, and to express the wish that homes and places of busi- ness be decorated with flags and bunting. Let us make Saturday a gala-dsy, and one long to be remembered! J. B, LEYLritND, Reeve. NAVAL ENTERTAIN51ENT PROGRA51, WEST VAiN, SAT„AUG. 23rd, 1930 2:00 p. m~Naval Detachment embark at Pier A on West Vancouver Municipal Ferry No. 6. 2:30 p. m.--Detachment arrive Ambleside Wharf, and pro- ceed by Municipal buses to Dundarave Pier. 3:00 p. m.--Aquatic Carnival at Dundarave Pier. Prizes to be presented at conclusion of program. 6:30 p. m.--Supper served to Naval Detachment by I. O. D. E. and other organiza- tions at the Orange Hall, 22nd Street and Marine Dr. 8:30 p. m.--Smoking Concert at Legion Hall, 18th Street and Marine Drive, by IVest Van. couver Canadian Legion. Dance--Naval Orchestrs- Orsnge Hall, 22nd Street and Marine Drive under sus pices W.V.A.S.C. and I O.L No. 2990. Hollyburn Theatre, special pictures. 12:30 a. m.--Naval Detachment leave Ambleside Wharf on West Vancouver Municipal Ferry No. 6. Sailors in uniform will be guests at all of the above events. 5IINIATURE GOLF An 18-hole miniature golf course will be opened in West Vancouver on Marine Drive at 17th Street on or about next Saturday, August 30th. This will be one of the largest courses yet opened. It is being built and operated entirely by West Van- couver people and it is their in- tention to make it not only n place of recreation and amuse- ment but a beauty spot. This game at present enjoys the spotlight and everyone is playing miniature golf. The Limit No more alarming oombiaatioo could be imagined than a dominating per- sonality driving a Sve-ton tract. " F i safl5 Im HORSESHOE BAY RAND CONCFRT Sunday, Augusi 21th, Whytecliif (Horseshoe Bay) March, The Middy......... Alford Overture--Calif of Bagdad.... Boieldieu Selection--San Toy......... Jones Waltz--Garden of Roses, Brooks Solo--In CeHars Deep ...... J. Kennedy Intermission Overtur~ems from the Op- Beyer Myg The Butterfly Bendix Descriptive--Huntmg Scene ............. Bucolossi Medley--Old Time Songs, Foster March--Hostrausser... Woods God Save the King Vancouver Legion Band under the direction of Bandmaster Ed- ward Cox. P SCHOOL BOARD NiOTES Mr. W, D. Kirk waited on the Board and insde request that permission granted him to reside in Vancouver be renewed for a further period, as he intended taking night classes during the coming winter. It was decided that authority be granted util the end of June, 1931. A letter was read from the Department of Education in re- gard to four-year High School course. Received and fllmL -- Applimitions wein read from'heparents of the followmg boys asking that they be authorixed to attend the Vancouver Tecii- nical School: Jack Edwards, Arthur Ed- wards, A. H. Albin, W. G. Lang, Gordon Stemson, James Savory, G. W. Saunders, C. Baldwin, W. J. Albin, Philip Farmer, Michael Savory. It was resolved on motion of Trustees Mr. Smith and Mrs. Selwood that the Board pay half the annual fee and that parents be advised accordingly Reports were read from Am- bleside Sheet hietal Works and Burrard Sheet Metal Works cov ering the condition of the furn- aces in Inglewood and Hoflyburn Schools. It was decided that no action be taken in regard to these repairs until report from Tacey 5 Sons, which had already been requested, had been received. The following tenders were opened snd read covering janitor supplies: Dustbane Co......=... 3294.90 Van. Supply Cia.... 227.65 D. Spencer Co............. 235.08 It »ms resolved on motion of Trustees hir. Smith and Mrs. Selwood that tender of Vancou- ver Supply Gx, be accepted, with exception of items of paper tow- els and toilet paper, order for these items to be placed with Vancouver Pacific Paper Gx, at price of 584.14. Dr. McCubbin».sited on the Board and discussed the question of some arrangement for dental work to be available for school children. It appeared that it might be possible to make ar- rangements whereby dental ser- vices might be prov»dad at nom- inal cost to parents, and Dr. Mc- Cubbin was asked to secure fur- ther particulars and bring the matter up again at the next meeting of the Board. SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1930 ~ No. !3