West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1930, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER August 16 19SO c C \ Accrrc CA c rv" VYVA v'rc Cl 'v 1 cw 'c9 ~ ib -v' rc ~-v 4 11C" 1'rr CO~'c; vwy C%1'1 I *+ 'rro ~ 'r r rre 1 rrrrrv 'rl r' orr wr sPEGIAL 49e. sALE Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,', "..,"'"„'.,'," Hollyburu SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, Aug 15 and 16 Telephone Service STUFFED OLIVES, 1 - 1$ oa joc LUNCH PAPER, 9 roke...... 49c kod e White JELLY POWl)ERS Acoocicd ................... 9 for 49c 1 HERR1NG ia T. S. 1 SALhlON 1 SARDINES . 49c PICKLES, large screw lop iar 49c 9 I'ORli Jt BluiNS 1 CATSUP, Nabob .............. 49c 1 BONELESS CHICKEN 1 PkEP. 11USTARD .. 49c Free Delivery PBACHES ........................ $ iioo 49c STRAWBERRY JAhl. Nabob, 1'uvc Berries ood Sugar, 49 oa Screw lop icv ..................... 49c Rcd R White COFFEE, 1 ttx iia 49c $ CORN FLAKES 9 1'l' ........ .. ..... ... --... 49c 1 kcd a White I%ESTER. 14 1 MAYONNAISE, Bcoi Foods 9 oc. ................... .................... 49c Rcd R White TEA ................ 49c B. C. PEAS ...... 9 ties 49c CINGEk SNAPS, 1 lb. CHOC. ECLAIRS, 1 lb ........... 49c SLICED PIN EAPPI,E. $ tins BARTLEIT PEARS, 1 iio. 49c 9 JELLY PoiVDERS PEANUT BUTYEk, 1 iis........ 49c BUTI'ER. Finest Quality, 9 lba 99c CAliB, 9 nx Cherry ......... 49c ORANGE MARMALADE 4 lb. iis 49c 1 Rcd e White FLOOR WAX B. C. SUGAR, 9 lbs. 1 Noggci. SHOE POLISH ....... 49c RICE, Caroline, 9 lbs............... 49c I Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive NOTED FOR FINEST COOKED HAM (Baked snd Boiled) Large Variety Cooked Meats DAISY LOAF, WEINERS VEAL LOAF SAUSAGES BOLOGNA Home Cured Hams and Bacon, Prime Steer Beef Local Lamb and Veal "Everything Good to Eat" Phone West 190 DEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL OkGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUhlBIA Get Our Prices First THERE IS A REASON Pmce your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone lVest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m„West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION CO. Evening Cruises Up Howe Sound Will be given on FERRY No. 6 On Wednesday, August 20th and'27th Leaving Ambieside Wharf at 8 p. m. and Returning 10:30 p. m. Adults, 60 cents -- Children 25 cents. I'OLICE Summary of various Police sc tivities taken from monthly re- ports, January to July, 19SO. Police Court Fines...... 6 437.00 Trades Licenses ............ 1,480.00 Dog Licenses .............. 190.00 Summonses & Warrants is- sued .. ............................ I 18 Arrests for other Police Depts............................ I Motor accidents.................. 40 Missing persons, Indigent & Hospital cases, searches & enquiries ........................... S2 Business premises found in- secure .............................. 33 Street Lights reported out.. 27 IVsrnings to Drivers............ 6 Coroners enquiries & in- quests ............................... 6 Warnings to parents of juv- en iles .... .......................... 3 Juvenile Court ...................... 1 Committed to Mental Hos- pital .............................. 3 Lost articles restored to owners ................................ 16 Dogs destroyed ..........,......... 5 Fires attended ...................... 10 Blasting Permits issued ...... 22 Beach Fire Permits issued 27 Shooting Permits issued .... I Burning Permits issued .... 106 Constables'eports ............ 36 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAliIB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, Etc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Ail kept in refrigerator during hot weather) {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AMBI.ESIDE STORE West 3 WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 16th snd Marine LIMITED I'hone 1Vest 116 W. J. Turnbuli, iiIanager, Residence I'hone 1 1Vest 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Piaster Ikmrd Beaver Board -- Shingles A visitor to an old church, wanting to learn something a- bout the history of the edifice, went up to an old man snoozing in a corner, and asked him if he was an official. He replied, some- what to her surprise:-- "Well, there's some as calls me the 'beetle," and some as calls me the 'virgin', but I suppose by rights I'm the 'sextant'." A Poor Dlplomoi Bcggov: "Do you 'eppes to qmvc lost yor purse, mo lord 1" His lovdchip (hurriedly feeling In hlr pockets): "Ah--no." Beggar: "Then perhaps you can lot mc 'cvc a little orsicionco, mc lord." How io Dic Young -- Shoi You'e the last mco I expect to marry. Ho: How mcoy are ahead of me 1 Scandal There were monied sounds of ~ struggle is tho other room, csd ~ girl' voice squealed, "Stopl" No response. "Oh, please don'. Mother said--" No response. "Oh, walt s minute, please." "Lct mo go this minute." "One mora yank cod 111 have It oot," consoled the dcoilot. What we say to Our Employees E VERY public utility company needs the goodwill of the public before it can bring the maximum benefits to the community. But goodwill must be earned. It is essential that each of us in the B. C. Electric Railway Company render that alert, helpful and intelligent service to our customers which is their due. Only so shall we merit their goodwill. What we say to Our Customers E need your goodwill but we realize thatW goodwill results only from honest, eui- cienr. and economical administration; from ser- vice that is safe, certain and abundant for all demands; from fair prices and rates; from employees who are courteous, painstaking and eilicient. Public utility companies need only one rule: to serve thc public well and truly. Only on that bash does the B. C. Electric expect the attitude of public mind towards it whiclr will enable it to progress with maximum benefit fo itself and its customers. W 8 MURRIN President BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.