West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1930, p. 5

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0001 K t E I ', ~ I ~ a hw m2 6 Itw Ii tcihix( 4I fixi CI SIX se + I August 16, 1930. EMPIRE WATCH-DOGS WILL VISIT WEST VAN. All true Brltons feel a thrill of pride when they see the sleek grey ships of His Majesty's navy around, that silent and efficient service which creates such a pro- found sense of security to it' friends and respect from it' enemies. Ivithin a few days the City of Vancouver will welcome the arrival of two ships of the line from the Ivest Indies station when the fiagship, H.M,S. Dis- patch and her consort H.M,S. Dauntless arrive in port on a periodical visit. As a part of the round of honors tendered the ships'fficers snd crews West Vancouver for the first time is going to show it's appreciation for the service and her gallant Jackies when we entertain some 200 naval ratings on Saturday, Auguest 23rd. A splendid pro- gram has been arranged, a spec- ial ferry will pick the boys up in the City and bring them to Ambleside arriving about 2:30 p. m., whilst others will go dir- ect to Dundarave Pier by pinnace taking the boats, canoes, etc., for the sports. The monster gala will com- ence at Dundarave Pier at 8 . m. under the expert guidance of the officials of the IVest Van. Swimming Club, and visiting of- ficials from the City, the pro- gram including swimming, div- ing, canoe tilting, 12 oared, whaler and gig races, surf-board riding, pillow fights, rescue and tire-races, with other humorous items added, There will not be 8 dull moment. Great rivalry be- tween the teams of the two ships, together with the best from our own and city clubs will ensure bang-up action and thrilling fin- ishes. A cup is to be presented to the ship securing highest aggre- gate points. It is expected the whole of West Vsn. will be pres- ent to welcome the boys and make the dsy 0 success, Ar- rangements to seat the largest crowd ever assembled are being made. After the gala the boys will be entertained st supper at 6:30 p.m. at the Orange Hall, these arrangements being taken care of by ladies of the I.O.D.E. and other service clubs. At 8 p.m. there will be s dance at the Orange Hall to which all of our guests are invited, and s special appeal to our ladies old and young, is made to partner the boys in the evening's enjoyment. To those of the boys who prefer it the IVest Van. Legion are act- ing as hosts at 8 Smoking Con- cert in the Legion Hall at 8 p. m. The proprietor of the Hollyburn Theatre, Mr. Fletcher, has also generously invited all in uniform of our guests to attend his thea- tre. All service clubs have gen- erously donated the use of the halls mentioned for the day, snd the help of their members, and 8 special appeal is made to all mer- chants who can help by donating provisions, tobacco or fruit for the occasion, and to the citizens at large to show the old flag this day. A small charge is made for the gala and dance in order to de- fray such expenses as are una- voidable and any surplus will be distributed between the Sea- man's Institute, I.O.D.E. and West Van. Legion. The whole function is being handlel by the following organizations through their officers and the committee are: Finance. Reeve J. B. Ley- land; Sports, W. V. A. S. C., Mr. C. Reid, I.O.D.E., Mrs. W. B. Small; Transportation, Council- ior Elgar, Board of Trade, CoL K. W. Savory, West Van. Legion, THE WEST VAN NEWS Major B. H. Harrison, Orange Hall, Mr. J. Duckworth, Concert, Mr, J. Holt, dance, Miss Cwen Clay, publicity, Captain F. F. Lovegrove, Seamen's Institute, Rev. T. H. Elkington, general chairman, Mr. P. C. Chapman. Program Naval Aquatic Sports, Dunda- rave Pier, 8 p. m. Saturday, 23rd August, 1930, under auspices of W.V.A.S.C. and sanction of C.A. S.A., B. C. Section. 60 yards, swim, free style; 100 yards swim, free style; Tire-race, High diving, 3 and 6 metre board 200 yards swim, 60 yards swim, back stroke; tilting in canoes; rescue race; 880 yards swim; pillow fight; 200 yards swim, re- lay, 4 men to a team; 12 oared cutter race; 6 oared gig race; 6 oared whaler race. Admission--Adults, reserved seats 60c; unreserved seats, 26c; children 10c. BE SURE YOU'RF. RIGHT A cat(cia young mcn wcc tccccUy xpcodlng merrily along the road when hc caught up with c party of children on their wcy io school. He asked them H they eared ic ride, ocd for an answer they piled icio bic Ford until it wcx xo completely fiiicd that one nuit girl bcd ic xii on the driver' Ixp. Sbc wox a plump little thing, cxd the driver cuddled bct close (c keep bct sway from the steering wheel. "Do yoc like scbool 7" bc asked bct. "Ycc, xit," obc lisped. "Do ycc go every day i" "I haven't mitted o dxy this year," the little girl replied. "Good little girl!" said the driver, kissing hct toit cheek. "Do you like your tcocbcti" "Ycx, xit," said ibc girl, "I'm the teacher." Axd the Ford darned near went into the ditch. Hc: "What do you do for o iivicgi" Sbc: "I'm c deity maid in c candy kitchen." Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Sannie Transportation Co„ Limited PASSEIVGER SCHEDULE 1930 Bowen Island-Horseshoe Bay FERRY Edcciitc July Ici ic Scsi. Ixi. Fctcc 25 Cents DAILY Iwxvicg Leaving BOIVEN HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9I20 A. 5L 10(10 A. 5L 12I20 P. hi. 12I45 P. M. 3 as " 4 as 6 I20 7 Ise 8 as 9:40 SUNDAYS ocd HOLIDAYS Leaving Iocvixg BOWEN HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9:30 A. SL 10:00 A. 51. 11 I30 " 12:00 Noon I:30 P.SL 2iee P.5L 2I30 3:00 3 I30 4 Ies 5 ale 5I30 6I15 7 I45 8:15 8I45 9 as Spec(el Ttisx io any part of Howe Sound by arrangement. I'bone Bottcx Icioxs The Microphone Is Radioland's Leading Radio Magaxine ~ i For I"our ihlon(hs I ERE ic the mogoxicc that ix pcbnxbcd to meet the tcquitcmcxix of ibc vedicH Iixicxct. It contains advance programs of the leading stations c( the pccific Coax( ccd oibctc; detailed programs of the Nxuoxci Btocdccxting Compcxy; Picictcx o! your fcvctiic radio cxicticixctoi live editorials dealing with current radio (op(cx; Ice(etc ctticicx, dealing with inictfctcncc problems, cicq ccd news Items oi general interest io xn radio nx(cnctx, The regular xubxctipifcx price is ONE Dollar Iot Three Months, maned each wcck tc your name cxd address, bot ic Wcoi Vcc News readers ibix coopcn will be honored cx one cddkicxci month on your oobxctipiioc, thereby giving four mcntbx'ubscription for the price of Tbtcc. Tbio odct only good accompanied by this coupon. THE MICROPHONE, 419 Pcxdct Street Wast, Vancouver B.C. Gentlemen;-- I have pinned c Ooc-ijoilot Bill (o (bi~ coupon ic which I bcvc ~40cd my name ocd cddtccx. please send mc The biictopbocc for &out Mon(bc. ADDRESS .... FILL OUT THE COUPON AND I(AIL TODAY Hc: "Dairy maid in x candy kitchen! oIJ Can Save One FOR SAI.~(dwcy Rccctcibb Bxby ('.Otticgc ic good cocsitiox, $16.00. Also white cccaci bcoxiccuc wkb ~iccfi. $3.60. Phone West 76Z2. FOUND--Silk Wtxp. bc(Octa Dcx- dctovc 9(ct ond Marine Drive on 2(iib Street. Owner Phoae dcccrip- iioc io West 136. GIRL WANTS WORK--For AB Dcy. Phone West 240R. (IIRL ic Care for Cbkd Two Alter- coocc o week. Phone West 187Y. FOR MOVING ccd BUII.DI.(G SUP- PLIES, PboccWoxt 17 or Residence Pbcoc West 322R. I'OR SALE--Fcwtcu Regal Oscc Heater, nearly new. Phone West 4 75R. FOk SAI.E--Grey Wicket Reversible Carriage. also bccxiccuc, bath in good condl(icc. Phone WOO( 291R. FOR THE BEST SLABS cmi Icoidc Fit pboxc Wart 230 Fuk kENT--Feet-tccmcs partly or uxictcixbcd cottage. Fall piombixg, on Waterfront. 1420 Bclkivcc, Phone Sc& mcut 8770. FOk PAINTING. KAI.SO9IINING- Appiy C. L. Kocixgx, Residence phone West 394R. LOST--Black (ocher Ssxxici, answers (o name of Felix. Phone West 292Y TO RENT--A nice modern (cct-toom- cd bungalow. Furnace cxfi fircpicce. Phone West 261K. Cottage Cheese and Nut Ixmf I cup cottage cheese 1 cup coarsely-ground nut meats I tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons catsup and hot tomato juice to moisten 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion I cup stale bread crumbs I tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon salt I/I, teaspoon pepper fix the ingredients thorough- ly, add more seasonings if neces- sary, put mixture into well- greased baking dish and bake in a moderately hot oven until nicely browned. Cheese Fondu 1 cup scalded milk I cup stale bread crumbs 1/2 cup cheese, cut into small pieces 1 tablespoon fat I/2 teaspoon salt 3 eggs I tablespoon catsup Mix the first 6 ingredients; add the well-beaten yolks of eggs fold in the stiffly-beaten whites and bake in 0 well-greased bak- ing dish for 20 minutes in a mod- erate oven. WILLOW DKVE C(yITAGFC 20(b a Kings. Quiet cod tcx(fci caifici beau(ifci xcttoocsingx, for rent Scptcmbct I xi. Pbcco West 40(L. TWO CARPIU(TERS Wcc( Acy Kiwd of work. Rcocoacbia Pboco Wco( $941L FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK Lccibccoicg oxs Lawns Ickk Rock wcib drains xcpiic tanks Icccicg ~cfi iced ciccticg, cbiaccyx ons (ctiacm clccxcs ccd tcyc(twL Pboco T. Bctxou, mckbcco pbocc West 290IL SCRWEPPES LE5IONADB, CAN- ADA DRY GINGER&LE OO4 OB the Good Biwado of Cigcfc ci Tbc Ambbxido Tcc Roomc, FURS CLEANED, STORED ct Bo- modolc& Summer sricca Hoiiybqm Fct Store, Kciib Blcck, Honybcte. CARPENTER ccs Usboicictct. Fctx- kutc tcncitcd. Lbmimllc csd Cctyci wctk. Scwx fiiwL Lowe hicwctx ~bctscccd. R. Ellia, Phone %oct RL WEBB'8 SHOE RBPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dxxdxtxtx. GARDENS--Dccigccg ocd Ioig cci. Original ficxigcc in Lily ccd Otxc- mcxmI Pools, Rock oad Wok gxtfi- ~cc. Lawns, Pormci cxd Rose gctfi- ccx. Rex(it lvotk. Scmmct bccxco. Ctxxy Paving. K J. Kyic, Fbocc Wcxt 411. FOR PLUMBING REPAIks -- Ibo- iscccc Phoae West 24(IL WATERFRONT LOT oa Bcccb c( Ioo( of 16th Street, 40 (cci by 120 Iccx this over cxd make an odct. Owcctx oaxiocc to scil Cmb ot iotltix. CHEAP BUILDING LOT cc Ecqci- mciL Good view. Cccvenicxt loca- ((ox, $250 at $10 monthly. Phoae Scyacct 7484 R. p. cLARK a co. EsTATEs, LTD. Or Pboxe C. J. ARCHER. Wcci 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pxbnc Fito Icxcl'caco -- 31occy io (clew TAX SALE LOTS 1406 Mm(cc Drive Ofhce Pbccc Wcxt 21 or Scy. 1260 Rcxidcoco Pboco W. 32R or W. 204K $ 100 ONLY Large Io( ccxi io Cotcct 11(b ccfi JOI- Ictxoc. or sell double cotcct $250 TERMS. Noibmg ix West Vcccoxvct (o compare with tbic cc- cxcci xxop. Phone Mt. Kcctcc, Scy. 9380. GILLESPIE, HART. A CO. (Vcc.) LIMITED 450 Howe Street Scyaoct 9380 Everybody Can assist in the preservation of the forests of British Columbia from the ravages of fire, but not every- body does. Elaborate and far- reaching measures are being em- ployed to control the annual cut, but the general public can tlo the most to eliminate the annual waste. BE CAREI'UL hVITH I IRE AT ALL TIMES AND AN D EVERY' ER E. PREVENT FOREST FIRES-YOU CAN HE1P BRI'I ISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS The tate for Cloccificd Adtctuccacc(c ic 2 cccic sct wm& aiciaca 25 tccic. Exccv( ic ibc case of (bccc lmcicg tcgoiot cccccaic, OB cbort- fics» are ycycbic strictly Ic mitoccc. Rcacabct nccciscsc ia the west vxc Ncwo gc( iaaakc(c twmka