West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1930, p. 4

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0001 4 / 4r. ««. «4444 4 4r I . 4 ~ -* '4 "4 4 4' 44 4p'ry-44'rr4«4 ' '~ 'rv- 4 4 4", ep 4 ': '4.4'4'44' ~" '4 ver . 4 4'. « 4 '«rr «or ««rv r. 44«r«r."rr -r «4«r '« TENNIS CLUB DANCE I/ The West Vancouver Tennis Club is giving a dance at the new Orange hall next Friday evening, 22nd August. Dancing will take place from 9 to 12, but it is likely that the time may be extended to I a. m. A flve-piece orchestra will be in attendance, and there will be refreshmnts and novelties. This will be the only big dance to be put on by the club this season, and with the arrangements made it will be well worth attending. Admis- sion, gentlemen 75 cents, ladies 60 cents. BREAD CAKES PASTRY Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread Birthday fjt 1Vedding Cakes Made in 1Vest Vancouver at Stratton's Bakery ie66 Msrtse Drive Paces West 2T BOY DROWNED AT FISHERMAN'S BAY LOOK Cedar %Pood $2.50 a load Last seen about 3 p.m. Mon- day on a small wharf at Fisher- man's Bay, near IVhyteciiff Park, the body of David Snedden, aged 6, son of Mr. and hfrs. D. H. Snedden, 133 West Eighteenth, Vancouver, was recovered short- ly after 2 a. m. The boy and his parents ar- rived at Fisherman's Bsy on Sunday to spend a holiday. On Monday afternoon the youngster was seen loitering on the wharf. When the child was missed, Constable A. W. Kruger of the West Vancouver police force was summoned. Unable to find any trace of the lad on shore, Krug- er, aided by Constable C. Hall- atone, commenced dragging at 8 p. m. CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Phoae Noiib i32 Hollyburn Public Library New books have again been added to our shelves. Wallace, Richmond, Pedler, Wells, Rohmer, Norris, etc. are all represented. Fee, $1.00 for 6 51onths A daughter was born on Tues- day to Mr. and hirs. Paul Sykes at their home st 27th and Ot- tawa. Mr. snd Mrs. Sidney Call, and Mr. snd Mrs. E. Wolstencroft, all of Vancouver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. 51iss Irene Shirlaw, 24th and Nelson, is holidsying at Bowen Island. Learn to Play Golf at hfr. and Mrs. S. A. G. Currie and family, 21st and Argyle, have left for a holiday trip to AIoose Jsw, going by motor. 4 4 The Hollyburn Public Library have purchased twenty new books for their shelves. Includ- ed among the authors of these are Edgar Wallace, Sapper, Fran- cis Beeding, Ssx Rohmer, Wode- house, siargaret Pedler, Zane Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Filby of Vancou- ver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. \ ~ Mr. and hire. J. Knowles, 10th and Kings, had a son born to them last Saturday at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Gleneagles A tittle private isetvociios wi1l help your game wonderfully. Lessons given by ROLY GOODCH1LD (Professional bi attendance) For appointment: Phone, Lane Distance, Glesesglee. or WEST sfrjY2. ANNO UNCEMENT DR. E. L. MORGAN has opened an office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Wharton Block, (upstairs above West Van. PharmscyL 14th snd Marine Drive. Hours--10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER THE WEST VAN NEWS FAVORS A FutST NARROWS condition--the saving on these DAM two projects would go far to pay for the construction of the locks The Editor at the First Narrows; and, I may add that sll shipping men are against a bridge at First Nsr- Dear Sir:--Noting the re- rows, as they say no bridge can marks re the suggested locks 6- be built there that wal not be a cross First Nary ws I would ssy menace to it is 6 Pity to ridicule a scheme the same of the Second Narrows which is PerhaPs suPerior to anY brMge, snd it has proved true. hitherto Put forward for the de It would be wea to consider any velopment of Vancouver harbor. scheme that may avoid another As for the current, before the costly mistake very carefuay be recent very extensive dreilglng fore i ejecting it operations, a™at PeoPle are Locks sre not s new invention aware, there was an exceeding y the ancients used them almost dangerous current at First Nar- exclusively, When s King of rows,snd even now shipping Egypt wanted a reservoir for the authorities agree that eventual waters of the Nile, he dug 6 little ly the channel must be still fur- 6 t'fl ' I k f ther widen"d and deePened be- fifty miles in circumference, snd fore it can be Passed as sstis- three hundred and Afty feet deep, factory for the entrance of a controlled by a vast systemof'reatPort. I a neither eniDB subterranean channels, fjood- eer nor capt in, but I am sure 8 tes, dame and locks, md whilst that any of the tugboat caPtains we cannot hope to emulate the who are accused of the playful works of these mighty ancients practice of "wanderinif all over being s poor inferior eo ie it the fairway of the harbor ent- might be weR to bear in mind, rance,"wouldbesbletoconvince whilst planning our port, what the writer of the article of the works they were prepared to existence of the current, and undertaketoobtain andmaintain most PeoPle could see, without supremacy and then we ma not hin~d~errmth'use nwho "are 'tr jng to their tows are completely at the find 6 solution for uv by balking mercy of the current. He also at the cost. seems to be under s misaPPre- Yours truly, hension, as locks are constructed V JOBSON to facilitate shipping, not to ob- Jstruct it. I have seen many locks in operation, and have always re- marked the absolute orderliness and lack of confusion, or waste of Dear Sir:--This morning I was time, and I cannot imagine any- officially informed that it was thing more fascinating than up to the merchants and house watching vessels pass through s wners to keep clean and tidy lock. Wherever one goes in Eur- the boulevards in fi'ont of their ope one will note that the finest usinesses or residences. This harborsare developedregardless was with especial reference to of cost--one river in England Marine Drive. was entirely lined with concrete Seeing the very large number to facilitate the washing sway of ~cant lots on Marine Drive, silt--and if Vancouver harbor ay I be informed who should could be improved and developed keep these in order. at an expenditure of $20,000,000 Personally, I am of opinion it would be cheap, for this is'not that it is up to the municipality only the port of Vancouver, it look after the boulevards as is Canada's port st Vancouver. has been done in past years. The plan suggested might or . u d suggest that on Mari might not be voted feasible or '" Drive in the business areas advisable by competent authori- " on our "beaches" refuse re- ties, but there is nothing ridicui- eptacles should be placed by ous about it, it is a bolii plan he municipality. worthy of a great port, and the Yours truly, attempt i,o treat it as a comic- K. W. SAVORY, opera suggestion is unworthy President West. Van. and discourteous. As I under- B. of T. stand it, the dam would cross from Beaver River, leaving a A son was born to Mr. and sheltered stretch of water behind Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gor- the point where ships could wait don, on Tuesday, st the North The level of the water in the Vancouver General Hospital. harbor would always be high 4 water level,--a great, advantage Mr. and Mr's. O. Hoasnd of ~nd at high tide the level on Vancouver, have moved into the both sides would be the same McLeishhouseat27thandpalm- and even at the lowest 'tide the craton. rise would not be more than 16 feet in the locks. The time taken Mr. and Mrs. Callowsy of Van- in passing through would there- couver, have rented the Ireland fore be inconsiderable. cottage on Radcliif Ave., and The harbor would soon be a have moved in. fresh water harbor, and there- fore ships would be cleared of barnacles, and the money saved on the costly practice of being laid up in drydock to be scraped, would more than compensate for the few minutes delay at the locks, if sny. The roadway a- cross it would never be obstruct- ed as one gate would always be closed, and the steep grade for shighlevelbridgeof250ft. would be avoided; 6 great advantage to motorists. Bigger vessels that could afford the apparatus, could be steered in as accurately by wireless in fog, as in a clear dsy, snd it is 6 mistake to think that smaller boats enter the harbor in fog now, you can steal into English Bsy in a dense fog to wait for it to clear, and msy think there are no others there, but sound your whistle and you will perhaps be answered by 6 dozen or two others also waiting. The proposer of the scheme considered that as it would do sway with the necessity for the First Narrows Bridge and the construction of locks at the Sec- ond Narrows--the bridge now there, with the water always at one level and currentless, being then satisfactory in its present August 15, 193(L Do You i Know That Lien in Ireland ths most popular brick in summer is the Ice Cream Brick, We have here always on hand the finest lce Cream and Ice Cream Bricks. Phone your order in at any time and we will deliver it just whenever you wish it to arrive at your home. Lesage Drug Store G. E. iiEID, M444644 Gev. Hsy Bsudlhg Corsee telh snd Msrlse WEST 323 Get Ready For Fall 4Vow is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. Men'6 and 1mdles Plain Suits, $ 1.25. SPECIALTY--Men's Suits to order M. WILLIAMS f666 btAlifNB DRIVE Phoae West 26 Hollyburn THEATRE THURSDAY 1"RIDAY sod SATURDAY "SALUTE "j GEOfiGE O'RIEN sod iiELEN CHANDLER btONDAY - TUBS- Wk:D. 66 PARIS -]4' with lap4fE BORDONf A great deal of ibis picture ie in COIOr. News Item--Constable Green hse refused io do any more policing of Stony Creek Beach for the purpose of wstehisg for violative of the bvihing suit restrictions, on the grounds that 4 majority of the bathers he hae seen there are more to be pitied than cen- sored. CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER SPRINKLING HOURS SUSPENDED Until further notice all use of Garden Hose or Sprinkler is hereby Prohibited Failure to comply will reniler party responsible liable to prosecution without further warning. JAS OLLASON C M C A ely jffej eef4 ifie the Ase iehI ~ pei ehi Ye Ai 5 If i i I i I