0001 August 15, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS El. Ilbi tht kfb ~ 103 lish 'thc 84ls iten 'cN bk,'I, &Ioi f8&8k 1ihe City niici ,'for. Iict ileh isa&i chief 1the Ictiu 49 Dunjlarave Cash Croccry 85&6 ~Ild BcuoTllo GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, FISHING TACKLE ICE CREAM I'ARLOR BOATS FOR HIRE Phone West 1 We Dc&ivor Spend a few hours at HORSESHOE BAY. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHING TACKLE, FOR HIRE Agk for Howard Rogers on float for information re- garding fishing. ~4c ~MS~ AbgyV4 You'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. 8urrard Sheet Pletal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phone North 545 Rcc. Phones: North 81ST-1588X K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Vest 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate . 9 Finance and Insurance g Humphreys-Jackson A very pretty wedding wss solemniged on Monday, August 11th, in West Vancouver Baptist Church at 11 a. m., when Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Cather of the groom united in marriage Miss Alicia Ann Campbell Jackson, eldest daughter of the late Lorne W. Jackson of Pretoria, S.A., and Mrs. Jackson, now oC Seattle, to his fourth son, Alfred Noel Hum- phreys. The bride, who was given in marriage by her mother, Mrs. Margaret Jackson, wore a charm- ing sleeveless gown of white georgette crepe, the skirt of which featured Clounces and dip- ped to the ankles sll around. Her veil of embroidered net was hei&i in place by a circlet of orange blossoms while he& shower bou- quet was in pale pink and white sweet peas. She was attended by Miss Gs- xelle Spiller who wore a gown of yellow flowered chiiton and car- ried s bouquet of pale pink and mauve sweet peas, Her hat was trimmed with broad yellow vel- vet and small cluster of flowers harmoniging with the floral de- sign of her dress. Mr. Farely Dickinson of Chil- liwack, attended the groom as best man; Miss Humphreys play- ing the wedding march from Lo- hengrin as the bridal party ent- ered the church. During the signing of the reg- ister the soloist, Mrs. Dewar of Vancouver, sang "Because" very acceptably. Mr. Alfred Jordon officiated as usher. Following the ceremony 8 wedding breakfast was held at the home of the groom, Heywood Avenue. Mrs. Jackson, mother of the bride assisted Mrs. H. P. Humphreys in receiving the guests, after which Mr. and Mrs. A, N, Humphreys left for a motor trip for points south and on their return will reside in Princeton, B. C. SUMMER Clearance Sale For One Week (AUG. 16 to AUG 23rd, inclusive) we are clearing out all odds and ends of our Summer Stock at big reductions. 1VATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS Only one or two left of cer- tain lines. Here is one you can't alford to miss Ladies Pique Dresses 61.59 BROOKS DRY GOODS arine Drive1460 M Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Try Our LUNCH ROLLS hIEAT PIES, SAUSAGE ROLLS, FRUIT PIES, Fresh Daily Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 26th St.) Phone West 366 UNDER NEI HOLLYBURN SERVICE 15th and IIOhIE GA ! GENER Phone West 100 Residence: West 344L V hIANAGEAIENT GARAGE AND STATION hiarine Drive S PRODUCTS AL REPAIRS HARRY DAVISON, Proprietor ! FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Pbooo West 8 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Suppues. Sotc Thing One mao wbo cannot ciog ot bic work ic the glass blower. i P ERSONALS West 37 Delivery Service Call West 37 Cor anything you need from the Drug Store, and it will be deliver. ed to your door st once. This is our service for you Make use of it as often as it will help you. WEST VAN PHARNACY Tbo Store of Sort&ca Wm& sf WE DELIVER Exhibition Tickets on sale here. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside SheetMetalVTorks tAU&ux SPECK, stop&lot 1456 Marine Dnve Phone West 437L2 THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LIIIHTED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. ood ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I bone West 410L &o bocioccc io Woe& Voa 8 Toots C. J. Overington BARBER lo New Store rdctioc Dtirc oi 141k Next Jeffct&ce bico& Stere Expert Work--Lodico', Cbibitco Gooiicmco Pbooc West 186 for oppoiotmcoi GORDON ROBSON Bctticiot 0 Soucnot WEST VANCOUVEB- Offico No, 1447 bio&km Dries. Pbooo West 4OX VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hop&mac Si. W Phone Soymoot 4188. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. WHITE. 6>. Dict&pc&its Fooctoi Scot&co Lady socio&oct~ S&. &A Pbooo North 888 Saddest Story of &bc tdoo&b -- A mco c wife bod been away fot o month. Hc wrote bct every wook tall. iog bot bow bc woc opoodiog the ctvcllklgc oi bollwt. Wboll cbo wife camo bock the light bill camo is- for afty &cata Our Ice hiachine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase at the plant at half price- 50c per 100 lbs. Phone 11 est 456 MARINE MOTORS 2153 hlarine Drive i. Among the outstanding pic- Aubrey Gsrke of the Dokay tures at the Exhibition should be Quartette has returned from mentioned 8 handsome portrait Banif, where the qusrtette have of Sir Thomas Tyidesley, the been singing with the Alfred artist of which is unknown. This Heather Light Opera Company. portrait is interesting forseveral A very successful broadcast of reasons. Sir Thomas, who ls an excerpts of Gilbert snd Suni- ancestor of Reeve Leyland, vsn'8 "Yeomen of the Guard" fought on the side of the King was made on sn all Canada hook- during the clvll wsr and wss up. They expect to broadcast killed at the Battle of Wigan, from Vancouver over CKWX on where a monument, which stifl sn all-Canada broadcast on 12th stands, was erected to his mern- September. ory. The painting ls owned and loaned by the reeve. Miss Eva McBsin of Blasdell ~ o ~ School, hss returned from taking Mrs. Gordon Moe snd Trustee a Normal School refresher course hire. Selwood left on Tuesday for in Victoria. 8 trip on Vancouver Island. Mrs. David Dewar lett on Sun- Mrs. MacKewan, 11th and Es- day evening Cor Regina and other planade, has left to spend 8 week eastern points. She will join Mr. left a fortnight ago for Ocean Mrs. H. B. Garland has pur- Fslls. chased a beautiful home site at \ c 22nd and Bellevue.~ \ A daughter was born last Fri- day at the North Vancouver A new canvas uPPer deck General Hospital to Dr. and Mrs is being laid this week on the Richardson, 1343 Fulton. upper deck of ferry No. 6. o o ~ Brooks Dry Goods, 1460 Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Perriton of Alt&a ine Drive, are holding their sum- mont, have returned from 8 holi- mer clearance sale from tumor- day at Bowen Island. row, 16th to 23rd August, inclu- sive. See advertisement in this Mrs. and Miss Wish snd Mrs. issue for bargains. J. Neil, sll of Vancouver, are oga ~ guests at the Clachan hotel. ~ o ~ Raymond Olsen, 11 Fears old, W U h rt 15 h d of Ambleside, was knocked down Mrs. W. rqu art, t sn by an auto at 25th and Marine Fulton, left here on Monday for Fortunately he was not seriously hi ph fl g u c ~ Telephone staff here, is on her Mr. and Mrs. Blair, who have annual vacation, o Miss Margaret Gillett of Burn Miss Doris Bulkley, who has ab has returned to her home been on a visit to her parents, h&. and Mrs. G. Bdkley, 26th a visit to Miss Marion Bb,ir, and Bellevue, left on Thursday'5th d G rd 7th instant, on the Empress of " o' Canada to return to Honolulu. Q t be fo c ~ uieanum rotook advantage of the evening J. Macdonald of West Bay, has cru~ up Howe Sound by fe~ returned to Shaughnessy Hospi- N 6 tal. Another cruise will be held next 1Vednesday leaving Ambleside Dr. and Mrs. F. Stainsby snd wh f t 8 m snd returning family, who have been sl nding 10 30'helast few years at Mayo, Y.T., ' o o ~ are expected bacl in Vancouver M John Gait of Vlct,ria, today. was the guest this week of htr. and Mra W. D. Frsser, 18th and Mrs. A. Webb, who has been Esquir a patient in the Vancouver Gen- q ' ~ eral HosPital, has returned to Mrs. Williamghiranddaugh- her home at 25th and Marine ter getty,havereturnedtotheir Drive. home at 15th and Gordon, from Crescent Beach, where they have Rev, and Mm. Hay Bey ot been spending a week's hohday. South Vancouver have taken a ~ ~ ~ suite in the Messinger block, In the West Vancouver police 1Gth and Marine Drive. Court yesterdav, a motorist was given ten days m Okalla for dr&v ing an auto while under the in- daughter, Jean, 11th and Esqui- fluence of liquor. malt, are visiting Mrs. Mitchell, ~ o o Long Bay, Gambier Island Mrs IValter Forrest 25th and Mathers, is spending a holiday st Miss Gwen Hodge of the local gowen Island. B, C. Telephone Co.'s stait, has o' ~ returned to her duties after tak Mr. and Mrs. 1Valter Cldt of ing her annual vacation. Loughborough, England, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ensign M. Strstton of Winni- Bruce pollard st the Is&&~8 Peg, is snending her annual va- home at iifracombe, Devonshim, cation with her parents, Mr. an England. All were formerly old Mrs. J. hL Stratton, 14G8 Marine flme residents of West Vancou- Drive. She is divisional secre- ver, but are now living at their tsry for Manitoba for the Young old homes in England. people s Work of the Salvation Artsy. ~ ~ ~ 8 Miss Marshall of Capilano and Mr. and Mrs. F. hforgan of North Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hotel. ~ \ Mr. and liirs. Harold Crossley, who have been the guests for the past few weeks ot liir. and Mrs. Joseph Tits, 16th and Marine Drive, have returned to their home in Moose Jaw, They ex- pect to later settle in 1Vest Van- couver.