0001 I o C rt r: ~ r vVr vo vr t~Ar v 9 cw.op iobj vt m " tw tit tpIt" t bott t ittt v .Iovv- '.v ~ yt"rrr rrrv, ~'r~ 't rr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,","'"" ""„,'„',„", Ilollyburn SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, Aug 8 andi 9 Telephone Service hiiNCED CHICiiEN for ooodoith- oo ..................... 2 lioo 25c Rod iii White JELLh"OVI'DERS 4 for zst CORN, Ontario ishiio Cora 2 for zst Rod a White GRAPB FRUIT, pvr iia ............................... 25o Nobob CATSUI', por bottle.... 194 DATES, Pitted. pov potkoso 15o Rod R White BREAD FLOUR, 7 IR sack sso CORNED BEEF. Fray Bootoo 19c Nabob PRUNES, potkogo....... 29c GRAI'E NUTS ..... 2 pockoio 25t Free Delivery Rvd a iyhito RED YLUhia, torse iio .............................. 18c Rod R White APIIICO1'S, oito 2 pot tio siv "Soooodooo" CARE FLOUR, pov packet ........ Sso Christie' Assorted BISCUITS, pov IL .......................... hec ! GINGER SNAI'S......... 2 lbs. 29o Rod R ii'hiio PEANUT BUTI'ER I lb. iio 194 'OILET PAI'ER, large site. 2 for 254 Iiod a White I'EAS, por iio.... 20o I,IDION ov OIIANiiE JUICE, Nabob, 12 ot. bottle.............. 25c Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive TOO HOT!-- Let our Modern Refrigerated IVIndow Offer suggestions when you can't think what to eat. Ail provisions stored and handled in the most careful and sanitary manner. FRESH AND CURED MEATS COLD COOKED MEATS for picnics, in large variety FISH AND VEGETABLES fresh daily CREAM AND NEbv LAID EGGS "EoerythinII Good to Eat" est 190 eral Government's part in its sol- ution; the future of immigra- tion into the province; the pro- posed transfer of provincial parks to federal control; the pos- sibility of 'federal aid to high- ways and particularly to the pro- jected Alaska highway; the question of providing greater tariff protection for British Col- umbia's agricultural products, particularly vegetables and fruit, and federal assistance in handl- ing the difficult Doukhobor situ- ation in the southern interior. ROADS TO BE GIVEN FLUSH COATING The council have ordered a flush coating to be given the following roads: Third Street from Keith to Mathers, Mathers from Third Street to Brothers'reek, hfathers from 20th Street to 25th Street, Inglewood from 11th to 20th Street, 14th Street from Marine Drive to Inglewood, and 16th Street from Esquimalt to Mathers. TOLlhIIE SEES HOPE FOR P. G. E IVith its friends definitely re- turned to power at Ottawa, the Tolmie government prepared to- day to open a new era of close cooperation with the federal government of Hon. R. B. Ben- nett in the handling of British Columbia aifairs. The first step in this direction probably will be 0 visit by Prem- ier Tolmie to Ottawa to discuss with sir. Bennett important questions outstanding between ~ the federal and provincial auth- orities. Dr. Tolmie is expected to go East soon after Mr. Ben- nett takes office. The biggest of these issues in which the prov- ince will seek the c~peration of the Bennett government will be the provision of a Pacific outlet for the Peace River Railway and the solution of the Pacific Great Eastern RMiway problem, the overshadowing quebtion of un- employment relief and the Fed- 51UNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION CO. Evening Cruises Up Howe Sound Will be given on FERRY Noo 6 On Wednesday, August 13th, 20th and 27th ! Leaving Ambleside Wharf at 8 p. m. and Returning 10:30 p. RL Adults, 50 cents -- Children 25 cents. THE WEST VAN NEWS SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES It was resolved that Miss M. kicFadyen be engaged for 0 fur- ther year ae from September 1st, 1930, on the stair of the Holly- burn SchooL Trustee Mr. Smith reported that the Chairman and he had waited on the Municipal Council with request that any unexpend- ed balance of the Board's esti- mates for the year be carried for ward to the credit of the Board for the ensuing year. This mat- ter had been referred by the Council to the Council's Finance Committee, and upon waiting on this Committee on July 2nd, at which meeting Reeve Leyland, Councillors Jackmen and Elgar were present, the Board's Com- mittee was advised that any bal- ance of the year's estimates re- maining unexpended at the end of the year would be left to the credit of the Board and carried forward for the use of the School Board next year. It was resolved that Mr. J. R. Allan be advised that in view of the fact that it was unlikely that the Capilano School would be re. opening in September, his serv- ices would not be required after August 31st. It was resolved that the Cap- ilano Timber Co., be advised that in view of the very small enroll- ment at the Capilano School, it was not the intention of the Board to re-open this School in September next, and that no rent would be paid for this school after August 31st, 1930. It was resolved that Mr. G. Dorman be advised that due to there being insufficient work to keep two teachers employed at the Manual Training Centre, the Board is reluctantly compelled to advise him that it is imposs- ible to renew his present temp- orary appointment. Trustee Mr. Smith reported that the Finance Committee had invited local fire insurance agents to meet the Committee with a view to securing some reduc- tion in the rates at present being paid. Messrs. Byrnell, Chapman, Hay, Lawson, Savory and Ham- ilton had been present and the agents had promised to form 0 Committee among themselves to wait on the Board of Fire Und- erwriters to take this matter up. The following tenders receiv- ed in response to advertisement were opened and read. All prices were for scow run. Clarkstone Bros. (Caesidy- Wellington) 39.70 per ton. Ferguson's Transfer (Pem- bina), 69.00 per ton. J. Thomson, 69.85 per ton. Hobb Coal 4t Transfer (Cas- sidy-Wellington), 610.25 per ton. H. G. Williamson, (Comox), 610.70 per ton. Ed. Black (Nanaimo-Welling- ton), 69.75 per ton. Evans, Coleman & Evans, (Na. naimo-tVellington), 69.87 per ton Evans, Coleman Jt Evans( Co- mox), 69.77 per ton. It was resolved on motion of Mr. Smith and Mrs. Selwood that the Secretary be directed to make enquiries as to the relative fuel values of coals quoted upon by J. Ferguson and Ed. Black, and that it be left to the Finance Committee to decide between these two tenders, hir. G. Dorman waited on the Board in regard to termination of his appointment, stating that since he had not been officially advised of this before the end of June, he had been under the impression that he was to be re- tained on the stair. Mr. Dorman wae advised that his work was entirely satisfactory snd the only reason his appointment was not renewed was that it was not con- sidered there is sufficient work at this centre for two teachers. If it was found in the fall there August 8, 1980. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAI„Etc. COOKED blEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AMBI.ESII)E STORK West 3 WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 16th snd 51arine. I.IMITED Phono West 116 1V. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOF Lamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board was 0 substantial increase in the work carried on, the Board would be only too pleased to re-engage him. ING BUILDING PAPER -- I'laster Board -- Shingles Coal tender awarded Ed. Black on authority of Finance Commit- tee. From analysis submitted it appeared that this coal would be most suitable for use in school heating plants. Report was read from the De- partment of Education covering entrance examinations. The Sec- retary was directed to write the two public school principals ex- pressing the appreciation of the Board at the success of their pupils, and to write a letter to Dorothy Evelyn Boshier, Holly- burn School, congratulating her upon winning the Governor-Gen- eral's Medal. "High Society Blues," st the Hollyburn Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 7th, 8th and 9th, with Janet Gay- nor, Charles Farrell, Lucien Littlefield, Louise Fazenda, Joyce Compton and many others. A movietone musical romance with five big song hits--"I'm in tho Market for You," "I Don't Know You Well Enough for That," "Eleanor," "High Society Blues" and "Just Like a Story Book." This is one of the most dehghtful romances ever brought to eye and esr. Regular admission prices. Parents wishing to send child- ren who have passed entrance exam. to Technical School must make application to the Board, who undertake to pay half annu- al fee. Application must also be made in regard to pupils who have been attending the Technic- al during the past year for re- newal of authority. Pansy says it's 8 great life i! you don't weaken, but 8 greater one if you weaken just 0 little bit! COME! Dundarave Fourteenth Annual REGATTA AND AQUATIC SPORTS Saturday, August 9th at 2 p.m. t ~ REGATTA DANCE AT ORANGE BALL, 8130 to 11130 p. m. Admission 60 cents DEAL WITH THE I,ARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUhiBIA Sectional Govoeeo, 10 by 10, delivered.................,. ~...... 846.00 Ioo.ft. ooihi booed Ioooo, materials, delivered.......,.v 11.00 I by 4 ceder rottio, 6 to 7 It. Noo. I ood 2 .............„.„. 10.00 hh by 4 No. I Cedar V Joint, 8 io 'I Ii....................., ..... 10.00 I by 8 sized boards............................................„...,....„.. 10,00 2 by 0 to 2 by 12 oisod, any lengths...................,...,......„ 10.00 2 by 4 common sited, any ioosih.....................„.„„,„„.„.,„... 0.00 I by 8 Siding....................................................„... „ Ie.oe 4-io. Fir Gutter, any length, clear, per iio. foot.....; ..„.„....00 I by 2 D.D. Fir, pot 100 lie. feet.........................,.... JN hh by 2 ood hh by 4 V Joist, dry................,........,... 11.00 I by 8 Fiooriox, long lengths ..................,........ 12.00 No. I XXX Shingles........................„...„,... 2.75 No. 2 Perfection Shiosios..........-................... „„2.50 Wall Shingles, 0-Io. clear...-...-,...,,.......,.. Idei Ceder Bevelled Siding „000 2 b 8 is. by 8 It 8 in. Doors, No. I, each....................„... 2.06 Cedar Lattice, 8 io 7 It., por 100 iio rh „...... Xe Gyproo Plaster Board, Boiidioe Papers, Fir Veneer ead Ail BoSdioe Hototiois, Vancouver Cartage Added. Piece your order with us snd get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m., West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent