0001 August 8, 1930 GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTF, Landscape Architect G sdmt lc )osd plsd V. o& C. A»« G dssl d. Mc ksc N t The common plants on which we depend for the gay dressing of our rockeries are for the most part easily raised from seed. There are hardy aubretias, creeping veronicas, primroseu in variety, and the daintiest of all, ~ .the Alpine and Iceland poppies.There are violets, violas andpinks. The pinks alone in their long list of variety will furnish a rock garden. The primroses are the most difficult to raise from seed, as the seed is very slow and unre- liable in germination. Continu- ous moisture and good drainage is the one necessity that must he provided. More delicate rock plants will respond to a mixture of one-third peat moss, which has been sifted, good garden soll, and silver sand. The peat moss helps to retain the moisture, and its heing of acid reaction there is less liability of oss through damping-oif, to &hich fungus pest many little seedlings yield tribute. These little plants may he started now so that the sturdy little seedlings may be installed in their places for next year' display. There is now a substan- tial list of saxifrages offered hy the seedsmen in response to the demand created by the increased interest in rockery plantings, and they are the choice gems of many rockery enthusiasts. The seeds are very tiny and the care of them exacting. They should he watered from below, the seed pot set in another vessel con- taining water, until the soil is moist. If you are planning to include more lilies in your garden next year, one that is lovely and yet not common, the Nankeen Test- aceum lily might interest ypu. It grows to a height of five or six feet with a sturdy stalk thickly t» SCI Csl Cl XO»ISC Ps X hit»t» Ssd lm I 1 sds p S»cus. set with narrow leaves. The blos- soms are 8 luscious pinky gold, with creamy ivory reverse. There are splashes of orange toward the centre of the flower and the anthers are a deep burnt orange. It may he planted in August or later. Maybe you would like to in- clude Speciosum lily next year too. To some the gorgeous Aur- atum lily does not appeal, their argument being that it is coarse and not particularly good in col- or, and to them the Speciosum is recommended. There is a new yellow lily from Russia which I have not seen but it is said to he exquisite. It is pure yellow, with no dark spots on its bright surface. The Cpndidum, the best white lily for the garden has 8 rival in Martagon Album, which is of pyramid growth, symmetrical and dainty and not difficult to grow. Lily bulbs are mature when the bloom fades, and they may be transplanted from then on to November, except Candidum, which should be put in the ground in August, so that the fall growth will not be delayed. During the following two weeks we will be sway from the city on vacation and for that time no articles will appear. NOTE Tbc lt mll ccc Id« it ~ pl c tc S CS tls COSC»m V tbs V d ls thl coi », Tbc Ccc tl ~ bmtd b dd c»l tc thc rut c I cc I th Edicts, Th ~cs w Ill ppc Io m»rip &vsse c ll ~ p o Ircplv t 4 Im ~ » psd, ~ 1& dd «scd cs Nsps b Id I misc d. PC)icemen--Why didu'1 Tou stop at the "Stop" cigu1 Eicic--I sou)du'1 gct my ccv stop- ped. Poiiccmuu--Why didn't you ucc your Good)et Eioic--The noodle 2 What is tho noodle I I pushed uud pulled on every- thing iu hcr, cud it wouldn't stop. EVERYBODY IS GOING TO VANCOUVER for the Canada Pacific Exhibition Coming of Age Brilliant Celebration From August 6 to 16 The Air Glide -- Most sensational feature ever attempted. Great Stampede; Fanchon & Marco Revue and Pageant. Caledonian Games; Provincial High School Olympiad International Sheep Dog Trials daily. Elks Flag Day--August 6. Forty-two sections of the greatest exhibits; Livestock, Agri- culture, industry represented in all its branches. Special Reduced Ticket Prices in the Advance Sale -- Three for One Dollar, which entitles you to participation in award of three wonderful automobiles, radios and orthophonics and Air Gliders. Get your tickets at once by mail or personally from Exhibition Offices, Hastings I'ark, Vancouver, B. C. If you want reservations at the coast write the Exhibition Manager. This will he the greatest show ever staged in West- ern Canada. WALTER LEEK, President JOHN K. MATHESON, General Manager. The largest and finest midway ever presented in Canada-- 25 rides, 12 shows and 100 games. Special engagement. THE WEST VAV NEWS PREPAY TEI.EPHOthtE STATIOtNS Telephone pay stations In six Vancouver exchange areas have been changed to the prepay type, which is being widely adopted on this contment, When using the old style of station, a person was answered hy an operator when he remov- ed the receiver, and did not de- posit 8 coin until the operator instructed him to do so. The new type requires the depositing of a coin in order to get the operator. Under the new method the user removes the receiver and deposits a large fivewent piece in the correct coin slot. This connects him with an operator, to whom he gives the number in the usual way. She connects him with the called telemphone with- out the necessity of any further money heing deposited. If the call is not completed the coin drops down into the return slot, where the calling party can pick it up as soon as he hangs up the receiver. Jellied Tomatoes 2 cups strained tomatoes I teaspoon onion 1 teaspoon sugar Dash of white pepper and pap- rika )/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons gelatine Pour tomato juice, sugar and finely chopped onion in 8 sauce- pan. Boil 10 minutes. Add sea- soning and strain through a fine strainer. Soak the gelatine in 8 tablespoon of cold water, then add to the hot mixture. Pour into small cups which have been rinsed in cold water. When firm turn out on shredded lettuce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with salad dressing. "Talk about c woman's oymputhyi I ioid my girl the other night tbci I wuc broke. What did shc ouyt 'Shcsaid co wcx our engagement." PREVENT THAT TIRED FEELING Extension of the highway net- work is adding greatly each year to the number of long tours made by motorists. No matter how smooth the road, a driver some- times finds his longwontinued po- sition at the wheel causes consid erahle strain. A suggestion which comes from Oldsmobile engineers is gratefully received by many who had suffered from driving fatigue. »IVhen on long tours, change the position of the adjustable front seat occasion- ally" is the burden of the advice. Even if the seat is correctly ad- justed, they say, moving it back- ward or forward slightly will cause a change in driving posi- tion and prevent fatigue. Sannie Transportation Co Limited PASSENGER SCHEDULE 1930 Bowen Island-Iiorseshoe Bay FERRY bgcctivc July 1ct io Sept. Ioi. Fused 25 Ccutc DAILY Leaving Leaving BO)VFV HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9&20 A. M. 10&10 A. SL 12)20 P. M. 12:45 P. M. $ )20 " 4&00 0&20 2 E)0 Sae 9:.40 SUNDAYS cud HOLIDAYS Lscv lug Leuc lug BO)VEV HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9&$0 A. M. 10&00 A. M. 11&$0 " 12)00 Noou tao F.bi. 2 oo p.bi. 2)$0 " 8&00 8'$0 4'00 SN)Q 5)$0 s:15 7:45 8&15 S &45 9 no Spec)hi Tv)pc to any part of Howo Sound by cvvcugcmoui. Phoae Bowcu Is)Cud WAN&TED TO RENT--Outhouse mot- or fm ihip month. Apply "Rotor," d~o West Vcu News. TO RICVT--Modcpu fouc-vomu boucc. Furnace. Phone West 251X. YOL'NG RELIABLE GIRL Wuuto Work, daily. Apply, "Girl," cfo West Vcu News. BAVIN&i TO GO io another pvoviucc have the following for quick ccoh sale: one 44 Iran uud bvoso bcdoicud uud Rcptmmu muitvcso, $ 154to; one y prior rocking chciv, $5.00; ouc ouugo, $5.00. Ail in good ovdcv. Can be seen ci an time at 1188 Kvith Roud. Phone West 3WI FOR SALE--Bcd, dsm»tv, gute-lcg table cud four chairs, kitcbcu table cud two chairs, ctc. Phone West 1SSR. FOR RUICK SALE--Will cccrifice fuiiy modern wuicvfrout bungalow, exceptionally large bright vcoum Very small firci puymcut cud iow rcuioi tcvmc to vol)chic party. Phone )vest 475L. IIANDY )2AN Wants Woch--Will do anything. Phone Vi'csi 4991 FOR biOVING cud BUILDING SLti'- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Bccidcucc Phone West 882R. FOR THE BEST SLABS uud Iuoidc Fir phone West 280 WANTED--Four. Cv.. F/ve.. Roomed Buuguiow, modern, with furnace, for year round. Apply West 2821 WANTED TO RFVT -- Furuiohcd Houcc in Ambicsidc. Phone West 499L WANTED TO RENT--Six mouthp or longer, fully modern furnished house. Six ov seven rooms. West of Duuduvuvc. Waterfront or near. Phone West 285B evenings after 0 o'lock. "Ycc" acid the muu iu the uucicui ovcrcoui wiib bulging pocket, "Bill oud mc are iu pcvtucrxhip, bui we don't carry ibe same goods." »Exp)die yourself," said ~ friend. "Well, Bill goes around cciiiu' stove polish ihpi icuvcc u stain on the lingers, cud I go around the next duT with. ibo only soap that, will tahe it oif!" A colored mcu went to hic pastor uud banded him u letter to the Lord, which read: "Please send this old dcvkcy $50.00 right away." The pcc- iov called together ccvcvui of his friends cud said: »This poor mcu huc co mach faith in the Lord wc should uoi ici him be disappointed. Let' make u collection for him." They cou- iribuicd $42.00 which wcc sent io the ingenious petitioner Next duy the colored muu gave ibc pastor another letter. Thio one ran: "Dear Lord, dc ucx'ime Tou send dic dcvkcy money, don't send it through uo parson--send it io mc div. Cci." FOR SALE--Miiidug Goons Phcuc West 24)R. FOR SALE-Rowboui iu good coudi- tiou. Phouc West 2852. TWO CARPENTERS Wout Aur Kiud of work. Rcopouobic. Phoae West 894 IL FOL'NDATION CEMENT WOBK- Lcudccopiug oud Lawns 1uid. Rock walls dvuiuc sept» icukp fcucmg <d tiled c1cuvhlg, chiluucrc Olid fuvuoccc cicouod utld vcputtu&L Phone T. Buvuoii, res)deuce phoae West 2901L SCHWEPPES LEMONADE CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE uud OB the Gcod Brands of Ciguvu uh The Ambicokic Tcu Boomu. FURS CLEANED, STOBED ov Rc. modeled. Summer prices. Hoiiybuvu Fur Stove Kcitb Biock. Ho))Thurs. CARPENTER uud Upboioicvcv. Fuvts. have repulsed. Lilloiculu Olid Cuvpci work. Saws filed. Lawn Mowcvc chcvpsucd. R, Eiii», Phone West 87. WEBB'6 SHOB REPAIRS VVEAR BEST--Duudosuvc. GARDENS--Dccigucd oud )uki euL Orig)upi duo)gee in lily oed Orna- mental Pools. Bock cad Wuii gutd- cuc. Lawns, Fovmui uud Bouc gurd- cuc. Rect)c Work. Summer hoeccu. Cruxy puviug. B. J. Kptc, Phoae West 41L FOR SALE--Fouvtccu PCBcio. Tcuv old uud one rooster, good layers. Two Chairs uud Kitcbcu Table, cmuii Kitchen Cupboutd, Lieu)curn. Phone Wcoi 159X1. FOR SALE--Womcu'c Dvcsccc. Coats, ctc. Small pixc. Phoae West 75X3. CO tCHIVG for Suppicmcutcic, Spec iuiticc I»tiu uud Moibcmuiico. Terms moderate. Phoae Peggy Cor- nish, B.A., at West 417L FOR PLUHBL&G REPAIRS -- Roo- idcucc Phone West 241R. WATERFRONT LOT ou Bcucb at fool of 15th Street, 40 feet iu& 120 feet. Look ulic ovct'lif luckc cll ogcv. Owners uuxiouo to selL Cuoh or CHEAP BUILDING LOT ca Rouen. malt. Good view. Convenient iocu- nou, $250 at $ 10 monthly. Pbouo Scrmouv 74S4 )L P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES LTfk or Phone C. J. ARCHER, Wcui 225 GEO. HffLY Real Estate and Insurance Noiovy Public Fire Iuouvuucc -- blooey io Luce TAX SALE LOTS 1405 i)icried Drive Office Phone West 21 ov SOT. 2200 Recidcucc Phone W. $2R or W. 204X Everybody Can assist in the preservation of the forests of British Colu'mbia from the ravages of fire, but not everv- body does. Elaborate and far- reaching measures are being em- ployed to control the annual cut, but the general public can tlo the most to eliminate the annual waste. BE CAREFUL G'ITH kIRE AT AI.L TI!$1ES AYD AND EVER'I'1)VHERE. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLIJMBIA FOREST SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS The vctc fov c)cociscd Advsvt)t»mcu&o io 2 c»stc pcv wov&L miuimum 25 ccuub Evccpi iu tbc coop of thocc bcviug vcguiop occouutu, CB c)ooo&- Scdc are pupubic otvict) iu odvcucc. Rcmp»her Cioscificdc iu ibc Wcci Vou .'&cwp gct immcdiuio vootdtth