0001 r r C 'h ai vr .Mwi«x i'v x'rxr Ipk.ryu :I'rx ixniGix x,~ 'rx- \r .Vw 'r- Ii: r ~ 'r'r'rxrrh' r'r... 'r xrrr r~ 'prr ~xrw x r.r.rrr ~'r A re-rr Nrem~r SR'AKES PASTRY Scotch Shoribread Nut Bread Birthday fli IVedding Cakes Made in West Vancouver at Stratton'8 Baksry lice Marine Drive Phone Wmi Xt LOOK Cedar %Pood $2,.50 a load CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Phone North ISS "Yes, I'm sorry I married you, so there." "Oh! You were no young bird when I married you." "No, but considering what I got, you must admit I was an earP bird." "Do you play by note t" "NW my terms are caxb." Learn to Play Golf ! at Gleneagles A little private instruction will help your game wonderfully, Lessons given by ROLY GOODCHILD (Professional in attendance) For appointment: Phoae, Long Distance, Gieneagies. w WEST SSYYE CANADA PACH"IC EXHHHTIOiV Besides the great livestock and agricultural show which will chsracterixe the Canada Paciflc Exhibition from August 6 to 16 this year, including as it will 5000 head of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, goats and poultry, there will be the greatest manu- facturing and entertainment at- tractions that have ever been as- sembled at the coast exhibition. People living in cities up coun- try and in the c'ountry districts generally want entertainment just as much as their city breth- ren and the Vancouver Exhibi- tion Association has arranged for a wonderful program. Tomorrow (Saturday, Aug- ust 9th), the famous Caledonian Games with 500 pipers, dancers and athletes will be the bill of fare. Tonight and tomorrow night the outstanding Scottish pageant Rob Roy will be staged by a talented company, more than 200 in number. Beginning on Monday, August 11th and until the end of the Exhibition the World Champion- ship Stampede with sensational riding and other range stunts will be featured. This will be an epic. Every evening the Fires of Vulcan pageant will be played with stupendous fireworks effect. There will be international sheep dog trials, golf driving contests, band contests and a great skid- road. And above all a sensational air gliding contest every day. Two air gliders, three automobil- es, one motor cycle, will be given away on the advance sale of tick- ets and tickets are selling for the small price of three for one dollar. Make up your mind to go and send for your tickets. Two little urcbinx stood with their noses pressed against a barber shop window, watching the white-coated attendants perform their mysterious rites. "Gee, Mickey, look at that one!" said one, pointing to a barber wield- ing a xiogxing taper; "he's iimking tw 'em with x light." A negro, accused of xiexiing a chick- en, wxx found not guilty for want of sufficient evidence. "You are acquitted," said the judge. Tbe negro'x jaw dropped. "Wbst dai meant I gotiw bring back de chick- en I Tom--What makes you think that blonde you'e been taking out taxi- cab riding bax been playing you for a Axbt Fred--I 'uxt found out sbe waxI married to the taxi-driver. ANNO UNCEAIFNT DR. E. I RIORGAN has opened an office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Wharton Block, (upstsirs above West Van. Pharmacy), 14th and Marine Drive. Hours--10 a. m. to 5 p. m. snd 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m Gas and Oxygen by appointment. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER THE WEST VAN NEIVS PRO(xRESS AT RUSKIN The power house of the B. C. Electric Railway Company's hydro-electric development at Ruskin is rapidly taking on the appearance of a finished struct- ure. The concrete walls snd roof have been poured and the various divisions comprising the interior layout of the building are nearly completed. The steel frame of the switch and bus structure on the roof of the power house has been erected and painted and the equipment is being installed. This switching structure is, as it were, the send- ing station from which the Rus- kin power will be transmitted at high voltage to the Burnaby sub- station 30 miles away. Inside ihe power house there is great activity. All material for the turbine has been deliver- ed and erection work is proceed- ing rapidly. Already the runner and shaft and speed ring have been set in position. Major equip. ment comprising the generator and exciters has also arrived and the assembly work has corn menced. Rapid progress has also been made with the other important phase of hydro-electric develop- ment, namely, the dam. About fifty per cent of the concrete hss been poured and form work is going ahead. The term 'form work'efers to the manner in which the concrete is poured in divisions. When one wooden frame or form has been erected, concrete is poured into it snd allowed to set while another form is heing fille at a different: place on the dam structure. In this wsy the dam is built up in a seri es of blocks or forms. Nearly 160,000 barrels of ce- ment will be fed into the mixing plant which uses the gravel and sand from the river bed to make concrete. The concrete is dis- tributed to the workers on the dam in two ways. A stiff-leg derrick takes some up from the central hopper at the base of the shute and drops it wherever re- quired, while a noverhead cable- way running straight out from the mixer also dumps out con- crete. The two penstock tunnels form yet another scene of operations. The concrete linings have been completed and the steel penstock at the power house end has been put in position snd rivetted up. There is a short piece of pen- stock put at both ends of the tunnel and the space between the outside of the steel tube snd the tunnel wall is filled with con- crete shot in under pressure. The water flowing down the tunnels is regulated at the power house by a pivot valve just be- tween the penstock and the tur- bine. The erection of this valve is under way. An interesting comparison is afforded by the power scheme at Ruskin and the B. C. Electric Railway company's other hydro project at Bridge river, now und- er way. At Bridge river a tun- nel following an almost level path for its entire length of over two and a half miles has been bored through the watershed between the river and Seton Lake, the site of the power house. This means that the water flowmg through the tunnel has to be conveyed down a height of 1200 feet to the power house by huge steel penstocks. At Ruskin the short tunnels, between three and four hundred feet, will take the water down direct from storage basin to the turbo-generators in the power house. Wife (on the street): "Tom, here comes the msn I wes engaged to be- tore I married you. Now, for good- ness sake, perk up sad look as you were happy." IIRIDGE EARNINGS I.OWER The report of officials cover- ing traffic over the Second Nar- rows bridge in the flrst seven months of this year shows that owing to the bridge being closed to traffic for seven weeks during May and June, totals for the past seven months are substantially lower than for the same period of last year. In the first seven months of this year, 1,219,815 persons, 436,879 automobiles, 67,186 trucks and 8,511 other vehicles crossed the bridge as compared with 1,557,086 persons, 553,398 automobiles, 82,367 trucks and 11,360 other vehicles in the firs seven months of last year. The following decreases are shown: persons, 33'I,271; automobiles, 116,618; trucks, 15,181; other vehicles, 2,849. The average daily earnings in the firs seven months of this year was 5423 as compared with $542 in the same period of last year, showing a decrease of 6119. The report of the manager also shows that during the first seven months of this year 296 trains composed of 4905 railway cars crossed the bridge as com- pared with 438 trains and 6314 railway cars in the first seven months of last year. In the seven months of this year 2434 vessels passed through the bridge land 10,448 passed under and in the seven months of 1929, 1420 passed through the bridge and 11,114 passed under. During July 381,530 persons 127,614 autos, 13,440 trucks and 2250 other vehicles crossed the bridge. August 8, 1930, Do You Know That GOODWILL I ~ the dixpoe(tlon of a wvndxcatvd cuxivmw m ieivra to a xioxm We bxve built up ow grow- ing bxx(sxm an ibis gmxl will. It ix vw xndvsvw always iv give a customer Immxdmte xw- rwv xed troat bim right. Ow customers appmclatv ouv ~ mtw(ev asd xxv xppxvxlem their custom, Adrxwe Sale kxbibiiiun Tlckx4 Lesage Drug Store G. P IIElD, Manager Gea. llxy BuiMing Ciwxcx liib xxd Marine WEST 323 Not too Late to order your SUMMER SUIT IVe have a nice selection of Tweeds and Flannels at Very Moderate Prices. Ladies and Gentlemen' Suits and Dresses Dry- Cleaned and Pressed. M. WILLIAMS ihSS ii(ARINB Dii(VE Phoae West se FERRY TRAFFIC IN SEVEN MONTHS IS ABOVE LAST YEAR Ferry traffic in the firs seven months of this year reveals a substantial increase over the cor- responding period of last year according to figures contained in the monthly report issued today. In the first seven months of this year the ferries carried 1,693,582 passengers and 125,167 vehicles as compared with I,- 646,533 passengers and 82,394 vehicles in the first seven months of 1929 showing a gain of 47,049 in passengers and a gain of 42,- 733 in vehicles. During July the city ferries carried 240,562 passengers and 17,017 vehicles as compared with 258,582 passengers and 14,878 vehicles in July of last year showing a gain of 2139 in vehic- les and a decrease of 18,020 in passengers. Hollyburn THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "HIGH SOCIETY BLUES" with JANET GAYNOR MONDAY - TUBS - WED. "SEVEN FACES" with PAUL MUNI ~ tld MARGUERITE CHURCHILL Beggsri "Please give a blind mxn a dime." Mani "Bui you'xe blind only in one eyerr Beggar'Then give me s nickel" CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER SPRINKLING HOURS SUSPENDED Until further notice all use of Garden Hose or Sprinkler is hereby Prohibited Failure to comply will render party responsible liable to prosecution without further warning. JAS. OLLASON, C.M.C., For real Tea Value, Maclean'8 Orange Pekoe leads them all 7he ge dg creep vsf(e ibe i king ~ fc 7'isb ess ls be fes ti t d