0001 August 8, 1930. THE IVEST VAN NEWS Dundarave Cash Crocery t LEGION MEETING There was s very large attend- ance of members at the monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, which took place last Monday evening in the new Legion Memorial hall. E. S. Townsend, zone representa- tive, was present, snd gave a res- ume of the proceedings at the recent provincial convention. John Findlay, A. Saunderson, and Charles Reveley were admit- ISI b I\II Ib b I CI DSDIC EXERCISES OF SUliIMER SCHOOL The closing exercises of the summer session of the Framer Montessori School were held on 'Ihursday morning, 81st July, a number of the parents of the children being present, The pupils gave a short pro- gram consisting of folk dancing and rhythm, after which refresh. ments were served. Doreen Bur- ton-Forster snd Joan Mills pour- ed assisted by Audrey and Edith biary De Pencier, Vsleric Smith, Evelyn Cook, Kathleen Lowdon,dxl ES I. J RDNDAY BAND CONCERT While quite s number of people attended the band concert last Sunday afternoon in Memorial Park, there were not as many present as might have been ex- pected in view of the fine weath- er and the beauty of the setting. However, the holidays and other counter attractions doubtless took many away. The Canadian Legion band of Vancouver put on s splendid program snd those who came to hear them hsd a very enjoyable afternoon. The band very generously turned over the silver collection to the local branch of the Canadian Legion, under whose auspices the concert was held. Considerable credit is due Reeve Leyland for arranging xthkrcoucsri aibd below en- deavoring to arrange for the Legion band to give a concert some week day evening on Dun- darave pier, It will undoubtedly prove a great attraction. The popularity of good band con- certs is attested by the crowds of people who attend those held in Stanley Park on Sunday afternoons in the sum mer, and we believe that they would prove equally popular here. 25th Rxd BRIIRTDR GROCERIES, COiPFECTIONS, FISHING TACKI.E ICE CREA31 PARI,OR BOATS FOR HIRE I'hOEE WEEi 7 7VR DESERT 'l Spend a few hours at HORSESHOE BAY. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHIIVG TACKLE, FOR HIRF Ask for Howard Rogers on float for information re- garding fishing. You'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be. Al and you'l like the prompt service too. Surrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phone North 245 IIRE. PhDRRE: NDTih 918 Y-1552X K. W.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside I'hone 1Vest 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Mr .and Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, Radcliff Ave., have left for an extended motor trip in the south, ~ ~ Miss Wright of Vancouver has moved into a cottage at 23rd and Bellevue. i Mrs. Draper's 'OME BAKERY FUEL VERNON FEED STORE Try Our LUNCH ROLLS MEAT PIER, SAUSAGE ROLLS& FRUIT I'IES, Fresh Daily Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 UNDER NE1V MANAGERIENT A, C. SEARLE Phono West 2 Next door to Theatre Ifuel and Building Supplies. Rwhy7 IE it bRcssm the window IE in panRID NND, the EhEIYRE RTR in iiRTE." Home Gas Products General Repairs Phone West 100 Residence: West 344L HARRY DAVISON, Proprietor HOLLYBURN GARAGE 15th and Marine Drive P ERSON ALS Free- J. Milton, who has been on a trip to the Old Country, hss re- turned to his home at 16th and Waterfront. R ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Ker- rlsdale, are guests at the For- tune Cup Inn. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. George Pineo and Miss biarjorie Pineo, 13th and Keith, left here last Friday for Can- more, Alberta. R ~ ~ At the monthly meeting of the Hullyburn Public Library last Monday evening st Hollyburn School, it was decided to pur- chase twenty more new books. Major and Mrs. Colin Marshall, 30th and Palmerston, have left to spend a holiday at Lang Bsy. ~ \ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. D. S. Heaslip, 1508 Duchess, are away on a launch trip up Jervis Inlet. ~ S R Mrs. A. B. Kerr of Msyne Is- land, has taken a suite in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive. R ~ ~ Mrs. McConnan and family of Vancouver, are staying at the Fortune Cup Inn. S I Mr, and Mrs. Dwinnell and family, who have been spending the summer at 29th and Marine Drive, have returned to Vancou- ver. ~ R ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reid and family who have been away for two or three months in Prince Rupert, have returned to their home in Altamont. Mrs. McGinnis and family, who have been occupying one of the suites in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine'rive, have moved to North Vancouver. ~ E R Mrs. Bob Black and family, 15th and Marine Drive, are spending a month at Horseshoe Bsy. ~ I * Miss O. Bryan, agent here of the B. C. Telephone Co., has left to spend her annual vacation at her home in Innisfail, Alberta, going by motor. During her ab- sence Miss R. Maywood of the Vancouver staff will act as agent. ~ R S Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freud and family, 1231 Marine Drive, left on IVednesday to spend their holidays in Victoria. ~ R ~ Mrs. Brown, who has been spending the summer at West Bay, has returned to her home in North Vancouver. ~ R ~ Nrs. Smith of Vancouver hss moved into a house at Cypress Park. ~ ~ ~ AIrs. Harvey, 21st and Esqui- malt, has left for Winnipeg to visit her son in that city. Mrs. Doyle of North Vancou- ver, has moved to Eagk Har- bour. Mrs. NcKinnon, who has been staying at the Clachan hotel, has returned to her home in Vancou- ver. R ~ ~ iMiss Beldon of Vancouver, has rented the Nillar cottage at 25th and Lawson, and has moved in. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black, 25th snd Marine Drive, spent the week end at Selma Park. ~ ~ ~ Miss Etta MscVean of the B. C. Electric Co. here is sway on her annual vacation. 111iss Kath- leen Edwards is relkving in her absence. DRIiu STORE SERVICES-- Loss yom Camera, Bender First Akk Tell the Time, Bsx SciiedslR ~ PoxisgE StamP RIED Etc. Mr. and Mrs. D. Blair of Van- couver, are staying at the Clach- sn hotel. ~ ~ ~ Walter Turnbull of Edmonton,. is the guest of his brother, W. J. Turnbull of the West Vancouver Lumber Co. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. N. H. Allwork, with her daughter Barbara, 17th and Bel- levue, is visiting her parents at Innisfsil, Alberta.\ ~ Mrs. Rows and family of Van- couver, are spending a few days at the Clachan hotel. ~ ~ Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Davidson and family, 2918 Marine Drive, have just returned from a holi- day at Crescent Beach. Miss Joan Sheffield, who spent some time with her friend, Constance Dav- idson, returned with them. R W. V. Davies of Prince Rupert is spending s few weeks'oliday with his brother, R. W. Device, 1366 Inglewood Ave. R S Miss Young of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan hotel. ~ ~ ~ Captain Swayne, 24th and Bek levue, entertained last Tuesday a number of the nurses of Grace Hospital, previous to returning next week to her duties in Win- nipeg. ~ ~ ~ James Ollason, municipal clerk, is on his annual vacatiion. R Mrs. Somerfield, Mathers Ave., has returned from a motor tour of Vancouver Island. ~ R Mr. and Mrs. Shirt of Van- couver, have purchased the Mc- Kim property at 19th and Belle- vue. Nrs. F, D. McArthur of Ed- monton, is the guest of her sk- ter, Nrs. Morrill, 25th and Belle- vue. S R ~ Mr. and birs. L. F. Harrop of Calgary, are visiting their daughter, Miss Harrop of West Bay, for a few days. Miss Jean McKenzie of Sandy Cove, entertained at a dance on Saturday evening at the Red lfill West Bay. G. Dorman, who for the psst year has been assistant manual training instructor at the schools has made turn boards for the fioat at Dundarave pier in readi- ness for the annual regatta to- morrow. Mrs. F. Armstrong and Miss Vivian Armstrong, 12th and Es- quimalt, have returned from a holiday at Kamloops J R ~ \ Judge Gordon Robso ed s fine silver cup for diving event at the Regatta, which is no plsI with the other cu window of Lesage D 14th and Marine Drive ~ ~ Nrs A H Prentice Kings, who has been a take a change of clim a prolonged indispositio Portland, Oregon, on July. Yes hare TRERived tkRER for ~D long yss Iook upon them ss your right. In tarn wtiy sot pstrDmxs tke Eiors that serves yos -- Year NeigkkorbOD4 Drsg SIDER. WEST VN I'IIARMACY Ths StoTR Rf SRETIEm WREt 27 WB DBLIVBR Exhibition Tickets on sale here. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetallVorks IAURIE spzcN, psopnxmT 1456 Marine Drive Phoae West 437L2L THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LIMITED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. Rsa ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. 55 est Vsn. Representative P. RIVERS Phone 1Vest 410L Is business in Wma Vxs. 2 Years C. J. Overington Is NRr SteTR lIETiDR DRIER at 141k NRxt JRIIRNRE 54RRt Store Expert WRTII--Lxdiex', Caustes ODEIITmRR GORDON ROBSON BRTriECRE a SRSEIIRT 'iVEST VANCOUVER- Offics No. 1447 14RTiss Drive. Phone West 4IN. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soiie Sia 510 Hastings St. W PSDDR SRymsaY 41ss. n present ~ BURRARD the boys FUNERAL CHAPEL Dundarave B. D. WHITE. ÃgT. w on dis- DixiiDCtiTR FRERTRI SERRIED ps in the rug Store I 22s 1Y4 sL E PsDDR Nsrxk 525 Miss Gwen Hodge of the local 20th d stair of the B. C. Telephone C, is on her annual vacation.20th and R ~ Eric Allan. Rsddiif Ave., gave a party to his friends last Sat- Ib IRIS Our Ice Machine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase at the plant st half price- 50c per 100 Iha hi s! ~ RX: h I '. ~ ba h