0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August I, 1930. »r! x r r .v r r' 'r ~ r r x r 4 Av. ,~ S Ax 09 u k Trr . r" ~r \-'rw r ".vr '8 r x 1'4',". r vx w )x r' x urrr 'rr r'a rc ~r wb ~ V; r ~rrrrr-r w'rrrrrr ~ ' r rtr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave ztm ",.0 M'.,i.". Hell yburn SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, Aug 1 and 2, Telephone Service Ay)wrx PokK xud BEANS. htvdiuw tins .. 2 fuv zlx lxvge tiu ......................... 1st MAZOLA Onw for xxlxdx uv Cuokiug. lx. Ovv tiu ........ $54 hluutxervxt LLIE JL ICE, piutbottle.......... 484 STL'FFED OI.IVES. 8 ux......... 25v RIPE OLIVES. 9 ux.... zsc Rubvvtxuu'x LATER CAKE ... 25x Rxd R White SLICED PEACHES Is .................................. 20c COFFEE or TE4, Ovr lb ........ hhx 2 lba 81.00 Rrd R White hlATCHES, boxes of 400 .... .. . .... 2 for 29e BUTTER, 1'iuvxt Quxlity 2 lbs. 69c EAGLE MILK. Ovr tiu...... 19c Bxrttxtt PEARS. 2x, svv tiu 22v Free Delivery i Nabob 1'lNEAI'PI.E TIDBlTS 6 xx. 1 i ux ......... ...... 2 for 194 I'UFFED WHEAT.. 2 pktx 26e "Bxuqurt" SARD)NPN, sandwich 4 tins 254 ltvd Jt lvhite 1'l.Dolt WAX 1 I ix tin .. . . ..... .... ... .. $74 Wkol.B ')VHEAT GEMS. Ovr package .............., .......... 2$x . PRUIT JARS, Perfect Seal Pints ............................ $ 1.25 Quarts ........,. $ ).45 . hluvrxy'x hl.4khlAl.ADE, lxrge 40 ux. Ixr ..................... 404 Red 4t White BREAD FLOUR 7 )tx xxxk she I PASTltV FLOUk, 5 lb. sack .. 27x Vl-TONFL )xrgx tiu ................. 49c Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive TOO HOT! Let our Modern Refrigerated tvfndow offer suggestions when you can't think what to eat. All provisions stored and handled in the most careful and sanitary manner. FRESH AND CURED MEATS COLD COOKED )MEATS for picnics, in large variety FISH AND VEGETABLES fresh daily CREAM AND NEtv LAID EGGS MEfjerythinII GOOd tO Eat" Phone West 190 BASEBALL Ambleside Moves into Second Position. Ambleside defeated their local rivals last Tuesday evening in a closely fought game and moved into second position in the league standing. J. Normand, on the mound for Ambleside struck out fourteen men and received good support from all the team. The Ambleside team gave 8 wonder- ful exhibition of baseball. All hands were in the game from be- ginning to end. Mr. Condon, manager of the West Van. team, was hard put at the end of the fourth inning when the score was 3-2 in favor of the opposi- tion snd changed men, putting in all the heavy hitters at his com- mand, but to no avail. GWEN CLAY %1NS HOLLYBURN SWIM hiiss Gwen Clay of the West Vancouver Swimming Club won the annual long distance swim from Dundarave to Hollyburn pier last Wednesday evening, completing the distance in 30 minutes. Morris Roberts wss second in 31 minutes, Ed. Nev- ille third in 31)/2 minutes, L. Smith got in four minutes later, while Godding, a young swim- mer from Ocean Falls, completed the course in 36 minutes. The sea was smooth st the time with only 8 slight ripple, and all the swimmers finisj)ed fresh and smiling, amid the cheers of the crowd who lined the pier to see the finish. Mrs. J. T. Watt pre- sented the Watt Challenge Cup to the winner. DEAL WITH THE I.ARGPST EXCLUSIVE REI'AIL ORGANIZATION IN BkiT)SH COLUhlBIA Suctional Gxrxgxx, 10 by 10, delivered.......................--.... $45.00 100-ft. solid board fxuxx, materials, delivered --.--.---... 11.00 1 lry 4 xxduv rustle, 8 tu 7 ft. Nox. 1 xud 2 ................ 16.00 Vx by 4 No. 1 Cedar V Joint, 2 to 7 ft.................. 18.00 1 by 0 shed boards. 10.00 2 by 6 to 2 by 12 xixxd, any lengths.................-- ........ 10.00 2 by 4 common xixud, any length ......- .......................... 9.00 Shiplup, gaud grade 9.00 1 by 0 Siding.... 12.00 4-iu. Pir Gutter, xuy length, clear. per liu. fust........--............--...- .06 1 by 2 D.D. Fir, per 100 liu. feet..............„............60 by 8 xud Vx by 4 V Joint, dry ..........,............. 11.00 1 by 6 Fluonug, lang lengths .........,......................... 12.00 Nu. 1 XXX Shingles......................... „„........ „... 2.75 No. 2 Perfection Shingles ........,......... 2.50 Wall Shingles, 8-lu. xlexv .....,.....,....,....,........... 1.25 Cedar Bevelled Siding ..................,............... „., „., 9.00 2 by 6 in. by 6 ft 8 in. Doors, Nu. 1, each..............,„,.............. 2.96 Cedar Lattice 8 tu 7 ft., pxr 100 liu ft.........25 Gyproc Pjxxtxr Busnl, Building Pxpevx, Fir Veneer xud All Buildiug Materials Vancouver Cartage Added. Piece your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone %Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. m., West 211 R. Ask for Jerry Dent CANADA I'ACIFIC EXHIBI TION Five hundred dollars will be olfered to any man wbo will stay one minute on the back of the buifslo steer which will take part in the world championship stam- pede at the Canada Paclfic Ex- hlmition, at Hastings Park, Van- couver. The stampede will ex- tend for sjx days from August 11. New items this year will be thirty longhorn cattle from Mexico, which will be used in the steer decorating contest. This competition has taken the place of bull&logging. There will be 6 team of oxen, each animal weighing more than 1600 pounds and in addition, there will also be two hundred of the fiercest hors es in captivity on which the best cowboys of the country will try to stay the time limit. Trick and fancy ropers snd riders, clowns of the very best type, and other features will be included in the program, snd altogether the rodeo and stainpede should be seen by every citizen of British Columbia to realize the great de- velopments which have been made in this spectacle, which is now a standard snd integral part of the entertainment of the Can- ada Pacific Exhibition. Sensa- tion will follow sensation during every afternoon for six days, and as there will also be sir glider demonstrations every afternoon for the ten days, nothing will be lacking for the patron of the exhibition in the matter of keen interest. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB BLEk I'ORK VEAL, Etc COOKED blEATS OF Al.l. KINDS, DELICATESSEN iAB kept ln refrigerator during bot weather) {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE A51BI,ESIDE STORE West 3 WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LIMITED Phono West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Mnnager, Rtq)ldcnce I'hone: West 363L SERVICE Everyihing fur ihe Building. LU SER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles Pansy says it's 8 great life if Now! Now!--It is said that you don't weaken, but a greater clothes make the man. Maybe. one if you weaken just a little But when it comes to a woman, bit! clothes just seem to show how she is made; and modern fash- It ix much easier tu contract x new iona, feminine fashions, mean habit than tq cqnect xu old one after just this, if you don't understand being well established. women now--you never will. i4NE YOU IOO uus ~ BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.