0001 rx ~ . \ ah- WVrvr. rr vr rtrw xw .Hr wx'p yx 'r r xtwwr x wrw r'N'. x. TC w 2'x'+ x'*~ 'v:"v'vvv vrvyV rvv V V BREAD CAKES PASTRY Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread I Birthday 4 Wedding Cakes Made in West Vancouver ~t Stratton'8 Bakery 1453 Marine Delve Phone West 3? Hollyburn THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "The Isle of Lost Ships" VTBGiNTA VALLI NOAH BEERY : MONDAY - TUBS- WBD. "The Lucky Star" IANHP GAYNOH Learn to Play Golf at Gleneagles A little private inxtrseiion will help your game wonderfully. Lxaaoax given by ROLY GOODCHTLD (Professional in attendance) For appomtmext: Phone, Long Distance, Gieaexgixa or WEST 537Y2. J CORRESl'ONDENCE The Editor, West Vsn News, Dear Sir~metime ln the near future we shall be called upon to vote on a by-law re our bus transportation. I should like to put before the ratepayers a few points in connection with this matter. )Ve were informed that on the completion of Marine Drive and Capilano Bridge that the fares would be revised on the Pacilic Stages to conform with the old P.G.E. agreement. P.G.E. fares were 60 rides West Bay to North Vancouver $4.60--Pacific Stages now charge 20 rides $2.60, mak- ing an increase of 8+c per ride; this Is just an instance as other paris have increased according- ly. Also we have less stages run- ning and a very poor schedule, as will be observed by the time table. Our proposal put before the last Transportation meeting of the Council was that they buy 2 or 3 new buses, 43 seating cap- acity and use old buses for rush hour traffic and extend system to Whyteclitf, allowing those res. idents to receive transportation as we do. Fares could be adjust- ed so that system would pay for new buses. First class buses would be bought for $12,000 or less and not $15,000 snd over as so many seem to think. We old timers who have built up the present system fail to see why we should give away our system to the Pacific Stages for nothing and an increased rate when they paid $20,000 for the old stage lines. As Marine Drive is a Primary Highway sooner or later the stage line will come under the Highway Act, and then see where your fares will go. In fiir. Steven's letter of July 18th News he states "we are the unconscious victims of 2 or 8 obstructionists" which I take to be Councillors Garthorne, Jack- men and Morgan. If Mr. Stev- ens attended the council meet- ings I am sure he would flnd these gentlemen very fair mind- ed and of sound judgment. The Ratepayers may rest assured that their interests will be well looked after and nothing will be slipped over, and this is what we need right now. As this subject is of vital im- portance to all of West Vancou- ver the writer would like to get in touch with other Ratepayers who are in favor of an open meet. ing of all parties concerned to thoroughly discuss the issue. Thanking you in advance for publishing this letter, I remain Yours truly, G. N. CAVE. I lent my money to my friends, My money's lost--so friendship ends. ANNOUNCEMENT VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Corp LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER DR. E. L. bIORGAN has opened an office for the practice of DENTISTRY in the Wharton Block, (upstairs above West Van. Pharmacy), 14th snd Marine Drive. Hours--10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Gas and Oxygen by appointment. THE WEST VAN NEWS August 1, 1930. THERONPERSONALS The Editor 1Vest Van News. Dear Mr. Editor: The fact that our ferries and municipal buses are operating at a loss, and our Councillors are meditating the transfer of the passenger carrying to the Pacific Stages, ls very disquieting. Per- mit me to oifer the following suggestions, which in my opinion will turn the deficit into a sur- plus. (1) Cut out the twenty min- ute service, and run on the half hour. This service benefits a very limited number, and entails a large unnecessary expenditure. Further, since the bridge over the Second Narrows has been re- 'pened,the number who use the ferry system has fallen oif, and the boats and buses can easily handle the number who travel on the half hour, any time of the day, 51ay I say, I travel on the 5:20, 6:40 and six o'lock boats, and apart from the 6:20, the number who travel is small, and one bus handles the traffic easily. One evening, the No. 6 was held up through engine troubk and we did not get sway until half past five. The people were crowding on until the boat pulled out, but the buses were not overcrowded nor was the boat. (2) Readjust the ferry bus rates as follows: Five cent cash fare as at present; 12 commuta- tion tickets for 50 cents to be used on any part of the district covered by the buses; 17 school tickets as at present for 50 cents. Further the hikers should not be sold commutation tickets. (3) When the bus that oper- ates on the upper levels, is not in requisition, put it on the run to West Bay. It costs less to operate, is easier to ride in, and will easily handle the num- ber who travel during those hours. (4) Make use of the Sonrisa only in emergency cases. It is all right when the weather is such we can sit onthe deck, but when cold or wet and we are condemned to sit in the hold, I for one feel like travelling by North Vancouver. Give the prop- er service every half houri do not condemn us to travel on the Sonrisa, where the vibrations are such, one wonders if he is taking the ague; have the bus go through to West Bay, every half hour, (the bus that meets the boat at half past five, goes only to 29th) make the rates as suggested, and we will not hear of deficits but of a surplus every quarter. May I say in conclusion in view of the continued growth of our municipality, it would be 3 de- cided mistake to hand over our traffic system to a private comp- any, and thus give them a mon- opoly. We know from past ex- perience at least some of us, what monopolistic systems mean Would add make the cash fare on the boats 15c return, 26c. If necessary raise the rates for commutation tickets, which to my mind, is not necessary. Thanking you for the space. Yours sincerely, W. G. W. FORTUNE. The Hollyburn Public Library board will hold their regular meeting next Monday at 8 p. m. in the Hollyburn School, ~ ~ Mrs. Charles Hay of Vancou- ver, is visiting her mother, Mrs. O'eill, 14th and Inglewood. ~ 4 y Mrs. E. W. Weeden entertain- ed on Tuesday afternoon at the tes hour at her home on Rad- chffe Avenue. ~ ~ Mrs. M. Dickson of Tranquille, is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Con- don, 18th and Esquimslt. Mrs. N. Nye of Kelowns, is the guest of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. At- wood, 16th and Ottawa. Mrs. Goode and famdy of Van- couver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ Mrs. W. W. Boultbee and Miss Betty Boultbee are spending the week st their summer home at Whytecliif. ~ ~ ~ Miss Joan Curtis of West Bay, is expected home on Sunday from Ganges Harbor, where she has been spending a holiday. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fernle, who have been summering at West Bay, have returned to Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ L. McLean snd party of "Drift- wood," West Bay were hosts at a large beach party last Satur- day evening. y ~ y W. Barrett of Vancouver, is staying at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, 23rd and Bellevue, have moved to 26th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. H. F. Breckenridge, Rad- cliife Ave., entertained at the tea hour last Tuesday afternoon. ~ x y Captain and Mrs. S. J. Na- smith, 14th and Jeiferson, had as their guest last Sunday, Profes- sor Lionel Stephens of the Uni- versity of California. ~ \ ~ Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Patterson and family, 1483 Gordon Ave., are leaving today to spend a hol- iday at Crescent Beach. ~ ~ Rev. A. )V. Robinson, who has been taking the services at St. Stephen's Church during the ab- sence of Rev. A. Harding Priest on his holidays, left yesterday for Princeton, B.C. Mrs. Robin- son and her son are staying on with Mrs. Walter Gourlay, 23rd and Bellevue, for s short time longer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sewell of Vancouver, have bought the Edgar house at 16th and Gordon, and have taken possession. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson of Vancouver, have bought the Nesbitt cottage at 13th and Clyde, snd have moved in. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gleam, who formerly resided in West Van- couver, but who have been liv- ing for some time in North Van- couver, have moved into ah house at 2321 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. St. John Wilson of San Jose, California, have pur- chased the Pascual house at 14th and Esquimalt, and are moving in shortly. Bxaxyy Bmiolxiyex-- $4.5$ value for only 98 Centi THE GIFT BOX coaixiax: Frxeyb Nayeimux perfume, $3.00 boiiie, Sxpyrxmomb Fxcx Powder, $ Lss box, Clexnxlna Cream, 'isc isyi Yixxse a Axirixaxxt Cyyxm T5c ixr. BPHCiAL SALE -- FRIDAY, SATUBDAY xsd MONDAY tAueuxt ixi 2nd xnd 4th i Adyxxye Sxla Bxbibnion YlrbMx Lefiage Drug Store G. TL BFJU, Mxxxxey Gex. Hay Bxiidina Corner iitb xnd Mxriae WEST 323 Not tou Late to order your SUMMER SUIT We have a nice selection (iQ of Tweeds and Flannels at Very Moderate Pmces. Ladies and Gentlemen' Suits and Dresses Dry- Cleaned and Pressed. M. WILLIAMS 4553 hiABTNB Unlvg Phoae West 2$ LOOK Cedar %Pood $2,.50 a load CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Pbxxe Nortb i33 At Last A Radio Wizard EXPERT RADIO BEPAIBS SatixCxction Assured TUBES REJUVENATED BATTERIES CHARGED E. G. CANHAM i435 Marise Drive Wexi Vancouver PHONH WEST 4?4 Just a Wee Bit A Scotch lassie was being ex- amined by the minister, who said "Well, I trust ye hae never brok- en sny o'he ten command- ments?" "No, sir," she coyly replied, "but I may hae chipped yen or twa." CORI'ORATIOiV OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER SPRINKLING HOURS CHANGED Until further notice Sprinkling is Prohibited except be- tween the hours of 9 in the morning and 11 in the morning snd 2 in the afternoon and 4 in the afternoon in the sections of the District as stated below. EAST OF 15th STREET--Dully from 9 to 10 a. m. WEST OI" 15th and EAST OF 22nd STREET-- Dally from 10 s. m. to 11 4L m. WEST OF 22nd STREET and EAST of 25th STIIEET- Dally from 2 to 3 p. m. 1 WEST OF 25th STREET--Daily from 3 to 4 p. m. F Failure to comply will render party responsible liable to prosecution without further warning. JAS. OLLASON, C.M,C., Hollyburn, B. C. 24-7-$0. &pg G bssdle ddiyyl I byes I,r 'iyseh ssd 3 554 t likelY ihe P dural perie] yiss freia xI h los sbc TOO of Af It ist SU 34 st