0001 August I, 1980. THE lVEST VAN NEWS Engagement Mr, and Mrs. A. Matthews, 1321 Esquimslt, announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter Hilda May to Nr. Howard Henry Hill, second son of Mr. Snd Mrs. N. R. Hill, Jellyby, Ontario, The wedding to take place in St. Stephen's Church early in Aug- ust. ~ ~ ~ Misses Verna Bstchelor, Dor- othy Corbett, Phoebe Pescod, en- tertained at the latter's home, 13th and Clyde, at a miscellane- ous shower in honor of Miss Hilda Matthews, an August bride. The guests included Mes- dames C. Batchelor, F. Corbett, A. Royall, A. Stephenson, J. Nes. bitt, J. Cuthbertson, R. P. Blow- er, M. Gillie, J. Harper, Misses V. Batchelor, D. Corbett, A. Waggoner, I. Henderson, M. Perchy, E. Walker, H. Matthews P. Davis, P. Pescod.\ Rev. J. Robertson Is occupying the Elliott cottage at 14th and Duchess. c ~ Miss Dorothy E. Corbett ac- companied by her sister Florence is leaving on Sunday for a two weeks'otor trip through Wash- igton and Oregon. Miss Patsy Metge of Winnipeg is spending her school holidays st the home of her grandfather, H. G, Baker, 22nd and Bellevue. ' ~ The Canadian Legion, lVest Vancouver, will welcome for their club room any gift of books for which owners have no fur- ther use. If any such will kindly phone the secretary at West 410L he will gladly call for them. Dundarave Cash Crocery 25th ood Bcilcvoc GROCEIIIES, CONFECTIONS, FISH INGv TACK I E ICE CREAM PARLOR BOATS FOR HIRE Phone lpcct I Wc Dcnvcr CUTS, STLNGS, BITES, Etc. Keep your Medicine Chest stocked up: IODINE, MERCUROCHROME BANDAGES, OLNTbIENT, Etc. Get your supply at-- Mrs. E. A. Ford, who is occu- pying her summer home at Bow. en island, was in West Vancou- ver on Monday. c o ~ Miss Ivy biiles, 17th and Mar- ine Drive, passed with honors in the intermediate grade for lyric sopranos at the recent exams of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. A flne 30 lb. salmon was caught last week at Horseshoe Bsy by I"red Smithers, Bob Rhodes, and Ernie Edwards. ~ c ~ The Hobb Coal and Transfer J sve moved their office into that formerly occupied by the lvest Vancouver Lumber Co. Ltd. at 1488 Marine Drive. The phone number is the same, West 17. ~ c o Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, who are spending 8 few months at their summer home st Mount Gardiner Park, Bowen Island, were in West Vancouver on Mon- day. o I o Mrs. T. A. Spencer, 21st and Mathers, has as her guest Mrs. J. Spencer of Victoria. ~ c Mr. and bfrs. G. Jorgenson, 14th and Fulton, left today for a trip to the Old Country. ~ ~ Members of the North Vancou- ver Scottish Ladies Society snd their friends held an outing last bionday week at Horseshoe Bay. Those present were: Mesdames Hsmmil, Fleming, Ralston, Adam Wilson of Calgary, Nary lvilson of West Vancouver, Robertson, Taylor, Inglis, Iiioir, A. Elliott, Falconer, McClelland, Jack, Scott, J. G. Wilson, W. Wilson, and Misses Dunn, Johnston, Ro- bar, Barlow, J. Elliott, J. W. Veitch. c H. M. Bruton, 24th and Queens moved today into the Jorgenson house at 14th and Fulton. J Miss Freda Herrin, 1387 Hey- wood, won first class honors in the associate (A.T.C.M.) exam- ination for solo performers (piano). ~ c c Nr. and Mrs. Cliif Welsh, 31st and Waterfront, have just re- turned from 8 holiday on Van- couver Island. They report 8 number of West Vancouver resi- dents spending their holidays on the island. c Mrs. G. E. Brealey, who left here at the end of May to visit the Old Country, returned dur- ing the week end to her home at 13th and Fulton. o * c Captain Young of the Furness Liner "Pacific Reliance," was en- tertained by Captain and Mrs. L. R. W. Beavis at their home, 27th and Waterfront, on lVed- nesday evening, 24th instant. Captain Young was with Captain Beavis for three years as chief officer in the Philadelpia Trans- Atlantic Line, twenty years ago. During the wsr he was torpedoed three times. This was his first visit to West Vancouver and he was delighted with it.\ c c The wedding of Miss Lydia Brown of Vancouver, to Mr. Dal. ton Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, Radcliff Avenue, takes place tomorrow (Saturday) and recent weeks have witness- ed several interesting parties given in honor of the bride-el- ect. Dr. Roberts Vass entertain- ed with 8 miscellaneous shower at her home at lVest Bay when guests included Mrs. J. Rutledge, Mrs. Harold Beaton, Miss Agnes IVardlaw, Miss Navis Downle, bIrs. Ogilvie, bIrs. E. IV. lVeed- on, Miss Josephine Allan, Nrin J. Dodd Allan, Miss Joan Curtis, Clifford, Miss Phyllis Clifford, Mrs. Stanley Kellington, Mrs, Mrs. H. Brown, birs. T, Sorenson, Mrs. J. Clarke, Nrs. J. Russell, Mrs. L. G. Sellars, Mrs. H. F. Breckenridge, ilfiss Joan Kelllng- ton, 51rs. lV. H. Brown, birs. Easton, blrs. H. Hodgson, iniss Beatrice Hodgson, Miss Ida Smith, Nrs. Colin blarshall, Miss Jack, Miss Maitland, Mrs, I. W. Tyne and Miss Julia Tyne. Spend 8 I'ew hours atI. 4 HORSESHOE BAY. c c ~ WEST VII PHARMACYbirs. Aubrey Clarke, 30th and Bellevue, is leaving for sn ex- tended vacation at Picture Butte, Alberta, in an endeavor to regain her health. ~ ~ Dr. E. A. Henry ls spending 8 vacation at Alta Lake, B. C. ~ c ~ Mr. Snd Mrs. IVilliam Herrin, who have been on an extended trip to the Old Country, have re- turned to their home st 1387 Haywood. Mr. Herrin reports that very little evidence of dis- tress among the population is ob- servable in the old land. ~ c ~ Aubrey Clarke is leaving for Bsnif, Alberta, with the D.O.K. K. Qusrtette to assist in the C.P.R. bIusical Festival The broadcast from Banif comes over CKWX on Friday, Auguest 9th and should be well worth listen- ing to. ~ o c Mr. Gourlay of Vancouver, has taken the Black house at 20th and Msthers. c Nrs. Perriton of Altamont, is staying at Bowen Island. ~ o c bfrs. Clara lVilson and Miss Hilda Wilson, who have been studying at the University of Washington under Sigismond Stojowski, returned on Sunday to their home at 2367 Marine rive. c The lvest Vancouver Tennis Club, playing last week end on their own grounds, were defeat- ed in a series of mixed double games by the C.N.R. Club of Vancouver. \ \ biiss Grace Tite, 16th and biar ine Drive, returned on lVednes- day from 8 holiday at Harrop B. C. \ A garden party and kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. J. D. Tait, 29th Street, was a rec- ent event given in honor of Miss Brown, when other guests were Mrs. Thomas Sorenson, Mra Norman P. Buckingham, Mrs. IV. McTavish, bIiss Jean McTavish, inrs. Stanley Kellington, Mrs. Walter Govr, Nrs. W. G. lV. Por- tune, bIiss Rosa bIartin, 51rs. A. Harding Priest, bfrs. E. W. IVee- den, Miss Patricia and bIiss Dolly lVeeden, birs. J. Clarke, MOL Homer Moore, Nrs. Frank Pat- rick, Nrs. Charles A. W. A, Wood, Mrs. K. A Nre Peter D NcTai Margaret NcTavish, Dodd Allan, bfiss Jos lan, Nrs. IL F. Br Miss N. J. Gibson, M Guire, Nrs. Alfred Nrs. Edward Davies. ~ Bailey, Nrs. Ogilvie, bI ledge, Miss lvendal H N. Allan, Nrs. J. R Mrs. W. H. Brown. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHING TACKI.E, FOR HIRF. Ask for Howard Rogers on float for information re- garding fishing. Thc Stare of Bcvvho West 21 WB DELIVBR Exhibition Tickets on sale here. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalVVorks LSURIE SPECK. Ptopdchw 1456 bfarine Drive Phone lvest 437L2 THE BURRARD LAUNDRYYou'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. 8urrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phone North 246 Rcc. Phoocci North 818Y-1642K DR. 51ORGAN OPENSi DENTAL OFFICE Dr. E. L. Morgan of Victoria has opened a dental office in the Wharton block above the West Van. Pharmacy at the corner of 'ldtir and'arine Drive." 'isoffice hours sre from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and from 7 p. m. to 8.30 p. m. Gas and oxygen will be administered by appointment. LLIIITED For People Who Ars Particular THIRD BT ood ST DSVIDB ivorth Vancouver Phone North 1310. lvest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone lvest 410L K.W. Savory lo hscioccc ia West Voa. 8 Years C. J. OveringtonMrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY; Lunch Rolls fresh every day SI'ONGE CAKES FRESH biEAT PIES and FRESH FRUIT PIES Dally MADEIRA CAKES BARBER1443 Marine DriveAmbleside Phone )vest 340 Evenings, lvest 143 Io New Stoic ldovioc Drive ct 14th Next Jcffcrico ldcot Stoic Expert % orh--Lodico, Chchbca Ccoucnoo phoae VI cot 125 foe oppolotncot Real Estate GORDON ROBSON Banister 4 Bolster VVEBT VANCOUVEB- Office No. 1442 lfociac Dttva Phoae Vt cct 4OR VANCOUVER OFFICE- Ssitc 818; SIO Hcstissc SL W Phone Soytooav 4188. Finance and Insurance Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 Startling! A well-Iinown actress ap- proached a publicity man and said, "Look here, I don't seem to be much in the news at pres- ent. Can't you think of some- thing really startling for me?" The Press agent looked thoughtful. "I have it," he said st length. "What about being seen out with your husband one day next week r' UEL VERNON FEED STORE Ross, Mrs. BURRARD~stag» FUNERAL CHAPEL ish, bliss B, D, WHITE, lfxv.Mrs. J. Diotiociivc Foocrol Service ephine Al- Lady acclstost eckenridge 8 ~vd BL B Phoae Novth 828 rs. E. inc- Houghton, Infra Dig lIiss Doris Old Lady (digging conductor rs. J. Rut- in the ribs with her umbrella): eyes, bIrs. "Is that the Town Hall, my ussell and man 7" Conductor: "No mum; that' me.w A, C. SEARLE Phono West 8 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. iG - 1 4 3ll ALL G U I ET ~. WESTER' RONT Our Ice bischine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase st the plant at half price- 50c pcr 100 Itxo. I'hone West 45ri MARINE MOTORS 2153 blarine Drive GOMINO LONSDALK, Aunusr 14, IS, Is dit grl p E R S p & ~ L S EMERGENCIESIN SUMMER t ~ Ao Hv.