0001 iV'=S'..'A.'4 .'.l -:WS A Weekly Newspaper Circulating irt the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Holiyburrr, Weston, Dundarave $ 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Crsulfeiid, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands Sc per copy Vol. V SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1930 No. IO J A First Narrows Dam A)G g d Ogi gg g i g M urging that a dam be erected across the First Narrows, this apparently to reduce the velocity of the current both at the First Narrows and especially the Second Narrows. There had previously. it appears from the letter, been some question raised of widening snd deepening the channel at the Lions'ate to reduce the velocity of the current. At the outset what about this question of a current at the First Narrows? Wss it not.a current specially stirred up by the opposition to the First Narrows bridge? IVe ask this because the general public never heard the matter of current mentioned until the bridge fight was on. If not and there is L(uiuch a dangerous current at the First Narrows, then we have t a dangerous entrance, and might just as well first as last build Vancouver harbor in English Bay, where some have said it will finally be located in sny case. Current or no current, however, one thing is very evident, namely that the very best way of transferring the present harbor out to English Bay would be to put a dam across the First Narrows. No doubt engineers could easily dam the Lions'ate. But its benefits might be even more problematical than the other kind practised by ships'aptains to tugs with tows wandering all over the fairway at that entrance. For in- stance, will s dam prevent the Capilsno and the Seymour and other streams from continuing to pour silt into the harbor, which the tide under such circumstances will not take away? The propounder of this dam scheme says he would have two locks in the structure at the outset and two or more later, all of assorted sizes. Captains, we presume, racing for the dam to signal in dimensions of their ships and dam officials to signal captains which lock to use. Should there be two ships for one lock, the winner to go in first. In fog captains doubtful of exact location of dam to s)earn ahead just the same till their , .aqtggt" tera Ggrike theism. wafb jn wbfg.)i ~zgz tiia mce fzMha declared off and the ship worst damaged to be locked through first, so that it may sink in comfort in the lock or adjacent waters and so finish what the dam began, namely, a general blocking of the fairway. For that is what it comes to in plain language. A general blocking of the fairway, unnatural, artificial, doubtless feasible from sn engineering standpoint, but senseless from every other point. We hope and expect to become the greatest port in the Pacific, which means a second Liverpool or Southampton here with lines of ships of various kinds going in and out of the First Narrows night and day. How about a dam in such circumstances'f The idea is preposterous. There is one and only one real solution of our transporta- tion problems on this north side of the inlet, that is two high level bridges, one at the First and the other at theMSecond Narrows, and since we have already the traffic to keep both busy, the sooner their construction is started the better for both Vancouver and the North Shore generally. GIFTS FOR PARTICULAR EI.KS'LAG DAY ~ I PEDI'I,E Next Wednesday will beElks'iss Dorothy Simpson wishe~ Flag Day at the exhibition. On to announce that she will be at that date between the hours of the Hollyburn Gift Shop 9:30 and 11 a. m., and from 5:20 every Monday from I to 5 p.m to 8 p.m. the ferries are giv- for the convenience of Patrons ing free transportation to all who wish to talk over any spec sl school chiMren. hiembers of the orders for working out their own ideas and color schemes. Her ~ OE. will be present in the stock of gifts and cards is being morning to tag the children as constantly improved. they arrive at Ambleside dock, She welcomes your inspection snd other members of the order and criticisms, endeavoring to will meet them at the Vancou- keeP uP her motto: "Gifts for ver ferry dock and put them on Particular PeoPle," by having an the street cars, on which free everchsngfng stock and the 1st transportation wia be provided. I est in novelties, including Jesso, Clay, Hand-Painted art(cise and Wax-work. And, of course, shc TO Ol'FN L O. D. E. stocks cards for every occasion GARDEN PARTY and souvenirs for the tourist. Lieut, H. R. Wade, secretary ggGgOM TO HOLM gth,G,A,V „,,g „g hlONTHLY hlEETING of Navy League of Canada, also officer in command of R.C.Y.C., will arrive on Saturday, August The Canadian I.eglon, IVes 2nd, st 8 p. m. In a yacht off the Vancouver branch, sre hoMinlf grounds of "Crimsworth Dene," their regular monthly meeting the lovely home of Reeve next Monday, 4th August at 8 and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, coming ashore with Navy League boys p. m. in the new lagfon Mem to ofoclafiy open the Garden al HalL All members are re. Fete to be held under the aus- quested to make a special point pices of the Duncan Lawson of being present. Chapter, I. O. D. 3. gffr g SCHOOL BOARD NOTES A letter was read from Miss H. C. Ritchie, thanking the Board for tea service presented her. A letter was read from Mr. L. D. G. Brooks accepting the ap. pointment to High School staff. It was resolved that Miss ghI. McFadyen be engaged for a fur- ther year as from September 1st, 1980, on the staff of the Holly- burn SchooL Mr. Condon waited on the Board, together with Mr. Parks of the Conn Band Instrument Co. and discussed with the Board the question of the establishment of a juvenile band, Mr. Parks as- sured the Board that while this band, if organized, would be known ss the )Vest Vancouver Schools Band, should the Board give permission, there would be no financia liability, either ex- pressed or implied, on the Board. It vgss resolved that the Board give its approval for the forma- tion of this Band, under the ar- rangement as outlined by Mr. Parks. Mr. Condon stated that he would assist Mr. Parks in the organization of this band, provid- ed the matter were left until school opened in September, to which Mr Parks agreed Parents wishing to send child- ren who have passed entrance exam. to Technical School must make application to the Board, who undertake to pay half annu al fee. Application must also be made in regard to pupfis who have been attending the Technic- al during the psst year for re- newal of authority. JOAN JEFFERIES gl GERTRUDE ihfARY NASH Joan Jefferies, though only This little girl of 11 years old 13 years old. has shown herself th'o be possessed of marked music sl ability. She won honors in certificates,--three Royal Acsd- piaroforte theory R.A.M., R.C.M. emy, one honorable mention, and intermediate grade, and also the two dinstinctions; and two from highest marks in the intermedi- the B. C. Musical Festival, being ate grade for piano playing in three marks off the medal for Vancouver local centre. She holds four cerfificates, 1929 and 1930, three distinctions and one hon- She won this year a silver qrazv„ntMpfioq~qlch .fghe wfA Biedal Prysejffed by er teacheit tained in previous years. Joan has also won the gold medal for est marks obtained by her pupils the grade local centre from her in R.C.hL snd R.A.M. School ex- g O,M .H igMHMG i gi J THE ELECTION According to the latest reports General A. D. McRae lost to A. E. Munn by 1505 votes, the totals being 5770 votes to 7275 votes. Particulars are as follows: McRae hiunn / No. 32. EAST AMBLESIDE (Urban) ......... 115 83 No. 33. AMBLESIDE (Urban) ......................... 207 233 No. 34. WEST AMBLESIDE (Urban) ...........,. 114 105 No. 35. EAST HOLLYBURiN (Urban) ......... 61 44 No. 36. WEST HOLLYBURN (Urban) ........... 43 31 No. 37. WESTON (Urban) ................................ 100 81 No. 38. EAST DUNDARAVE (Urban) ........... 139 117 No. 39. WEST DUNDARAVE (Urban) ........... 136 105 No. 40. ALTAh(ONT (Urban) ................,......... 110 74 No. 41. WEST BAY-SHERMAN (Rural) ........ 51 66 No. 42. CYPRESS-EAGLE HARBOR (Rural).... 75 40 No. 43. WHYTECLIFF (Rural) ..........,.........„... 20 26, 1177 995 North Vancouver City .....................,................. 1650 2152 North Vancouver District .............................. 969 1221 Powell River .................................................. 414 691 Upper Part of Riding ..........................,................ 1560 2316 5770 7215 Band Concert on Sunday Nezt in Memorial Park Reeve Leyland hss arranged for a band concert next Sunday afternoon in Memorial Park under the auspices of the local branch of the Canadian Legion. The concert will be given by the Canadian Legion band of Van- couver under the direction of Bandmaster Edward Cox, snd will start at 2:15 p. m. All ex- service men are especially invit- ed to atteml. The program is as follows i March--The Southerner ....... Alexander Overture--Jolly Robbers, Suppe Selection--The Geisha........ Sid Jones Waltz--Casino Tsnze Gung-L Solo--The Rosary.......... Nevin Novelty--Noisy Trombones... Klickman Interyal Overture--hiarinanetts .... Falak Ballet--Egyptians .... Luigini Idyl--Forge in the Forest..... hiichelhs Sekction--Memories of Wales .. Godfrey (Valtz--Gold a Silver...Lehar March--Hostrausser ............. .................... Paris Chambers fGAGS'HORAL SOCIETY Already plans to insure a very successful season are wefi ad- vanced. The music selected by the advisory comnnttee wtlf ap- peal, not only to the members of the society as compositions of merit, but it has been selected with a view to presenting to the public works of a particularly tuneful type, all having a pleas- ing melody. Compositions by hlendelssohn, IVagner, Rosetti, Gounod and Pinsuti will be presented during the concert season of 193031 and those who appreciate chor- uses ss they should be sung, may rest assured that under the able conductorship of hfr. J. Haydn Young, vnth the fine body of singers that he has at his com- mand, the coming season will more than measure up to the high standard set by our own Choral Society. Much interest centres round the newly formed Orchestra und- er the leadership of bliss Mar- garet hicIntyre, and this added attraction in connection with the choral society will stiiaulate many branches of music in the municipality and will be a wond- erful acquisition to the concerts in view. It is the ambition of the So- ciety to increase the associate membership and it is hoped that. when approached by members of the committee in charge, s large number of names will be added to this section of the society, and that strong cooperation from residents will be assured. It is understood that the sea- son will open with ~ Social to which all members and associate members will be invited. Ladies snd gentlemen with musical abd- ity wishing to become members wfil please arrange for their names to be brought before the Executive before the opening social, at which aew members will be introduced, as invitations will be handed all new members for that event. ~g A MA A hMA.»A A»GN