West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jul 1930, p. 2

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0001 4e '4 ee ee4 ee&& e&e e e'4 ~4 ee ~&s-x 47&7 4 i'4e s.& 'l4 1&;. 54'a s yev'& 'Vrd . V 4e '\ ~ «~ '& 4 VV 4V e'err rrve THE WEST VAN NEWS ~P tt 61FT cbjfC p Pfh.l JS Mfa.S A, J. MARLIN a. Ip. Cp. E&cf Jf 227, PbfONMf WEST 22e&5. Silk Hosiery, values to $ 1.50 for 79c. Gat r(ctj Party AVednesdayy July 30thy 8 to 6 St. Stepheyf 's Church Laffju 1VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDipiCE ieib ssd Esssimsii, Hsuybsrs This Society is s Bssscb sf Ths Nother Church Ths First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Ms mac bliss its. Sunday Services 11.$0 ~. m. ssd 7.$0 P.m. SUBJECT, JULY 27th, "TRUTH" ! Sunday Ssbsoi si 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at $ .15 p.m. This Sisss 'is xsw featuring ibs newest in hfes's attire. SMART SUITS and OVERCOATS beautifully tailored from im- portal wooiiess by Semi-Ready Smart Shirts, Ties, Ss&cks, ssd other accessories is gs xriih them. Asd sii are moderately priced. Psy Ds s Visit. Brooks Drygoods ' IF Men s %Fear lies Msrise Drive REMEMBER Phones: --1Veat 483, 267, and 268. Msif Address& P.O. Bsx 51, Hsiiybsss, B.C. Psbusbes F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 $ 1.00 s year by mall or carrier Newssissds 6S. psr copy Afternoon Tea Music Novel Attractions „... „; St. Stephen's Church tained visitors from Calgary, Rector: Alta., to luncheon at the Fortune Rev. A, Harding Priest, B.A. Cup Inn. Trinity 6 (July 27th). ~ 4 4 S a. m.--Holy Communion. Mrs. James A. Campbell, who 10 a.m.sunday School and has been abroad for several Bible Class. months, has returned to the city 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. snd with her family is occupy- 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong. ing her summer cottage near Caulfeild St. Stephen's people will be glad to welcome the Rev. A. W. hliss Lois Scott spent the week Robinson who will take all the end with Miss Barbara hvood services on Sunday next. Mr. Caulfeild. Robinson, who has been for sev- e \ eral years vicar of Terrace in the Mrs. Redge and son and daugh- diocese of Caledonia, will assume ter of Edmonton, are the guests charge of the parish of Prince- of Mrs. Lance Garthorne, 22nd ton in this diocese in August. and Marine Drive. Next Thursday, July 31st, is Mrs. Clara hL Wilson, 2367 Visitors'ay at Camp Artaban Marine Drive, and her daughter for the parents and friends of Miss Hilda Wilson, have gone to the junior boys now in camp. Seattle where both plan to de- The S.S. "Chilco" leaves the vote three weeks to study at the Union wharf at 9:30 a. m. arriv- the polls University of Washington under ing back about 6 p. m. close at 6 p. m. Sigismond Stojowski, master on July 28 teacher and exponent of Psder- The 1V. A. are holding a Gar- ewski, who is holding a summer den Party on the church lawn, class for pianists, It will be re- Wednesday, July 30th, from 3 to membered that Miss Hilda Wil- 6 o'lock. Afternoon tea, good son won the scholarship offered music and novel attractions are by Stojowski last year. ' being arranged and'a cordial in- It is not safe to put oif vitation is extended to all the voting untuthelastmmute POST NUPTIAI. RECEPTION cong egrstion and friends A de~)lguhtfui a(f~ai~r was~the Unjteg ghttrCh Alan Mclntyre held in her home Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. and grounds on 25th St., Dun- Sunday, July 27th, 1930 West Van. Conservative darave, Wednesday afternoon. Il:15 a.m.--Rev. J. S. Mul- Mrs. Alan Mclntyre received with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Mac- 7:15 p. m.--Rev. J. S. Muldrew Lean and the groom's mother, 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Mrs. Chas. McIntyre. The rooms were fragrant with ] DEATH OF MRS. CURRAN summer fiowers -- roses and sweet peas in pastel shades pre- Mrs. M. Currsn, 17th and Ing- 20 Yeses. dOminating. lewood, died here on Thursday, (Lady Assixissi) The tea table was delightful 17th instant, after only 0 short with its decorations of rose, pink il)nessk The deceased who was and silver. in her 6Sth year, is survived WILLIAMSOiN Mrs. Cock of Point Grey and by 0 daughter, Mre. J. Suther- Mrs. M. A. O'Donnell poured tea land, who resides here, and two funeral jilrrrturs the first hour with Mrs. Colin sons. Her husband predeceased hlacLean and Mrs. W. B. Small her. Requiem mass was celebrst- North Vancouver Parlors taking their places for the sec- ed at St. Anthony's Church on 122 West Sixth Street ond hour. Wednesday at 10 a.m.. and In- Phone North IS4 Mrs. James McIntyre snd Miss terment was made in Capilano Vancouver Parlors Margaret hfcIntyre had charge View cemetery. Hsrron Bros. J(s 55 Tenth Avenue East of the dining room, assisted by Williamson had charge of the Phone Fair. 134 a corps of young serviteurs, Miss funeral arrangements. Jean Watson, ihnss Buddie Hodg- THE son, Miss hfadge Murray, Miss Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly Ruth Jackson, Miss Irene Gracey and family of Sechelt, have mov- and Miss Winona Young. od mto a house st 18th and Psbiisimd Every Friday About seventy guests called to Marine Drive. Mr. Lightly has pay their respects during the just been appointed fishery in- Bssissss ssd Editorial Offi«si afternoon. spector for the North Shore. 17ih ssd Msliss Drive (Nsxi is Hsiiybsrn P. O.) DUNCAN LA1VSON CHAPTER, I. O. D. E. Phone hvest 363 GARDEN FETId on the grounds of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Lay)and's residence, 28th Street and Waterfront Saturday, 2nd August, 3 to 6 p. m. Orchestra, Candy Booths, etc. Fortune Telling Admission 25c. FROLIC and ihIUSICAL I'ROGRAM in Evening at 8 p.m. Admission 26c. BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Committee Blsssh sf ihs British issssi World Fsdsrsuss CANAD1AN LEGION MEMORIAL HALL NBXT SUNDAY at sdle P.M. Spfshfri MR. PERCY KING Ssbiflii "THE PROGRESSIVE PLAN OF GOD." (A Sflies Of Lfeixlxe) Mr. Khg broadcasts over CKWX every Monday from SH5 is 7&15 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th snd Heywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday July 27th, 1930. 10 s. m.--Sunday School. Classes for sll ages. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices. Topic, "Our Little Deeds." Solo. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Big and Little Sin- ners. Good hearty congregational singing. Julv 25, 1930 Df. ihIarjory McCubbin DENT1ST 10 s. m. is 0 p. m. Evsaisgs by ~ppsi nims st. Royal Essa Building 1 hsss Wssi iie RssMssss Passe Wssi $9$. JULY is the Msslh ~ For Photographs A Fsw Suggssiisos Wedding Groups ILsby I'ictures Family Groups View of Your )lorna Copying Old I'hoios I'raming I'iciures Prices is lii ~11 psfhsis The King Studio V V VINSON PROP 3)I ilastlnas St. W. Fs&tsblfshsd 1902 Ail Work Gsslsslsed SSSS+ Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer and praise. To all who mourn and need com- fort, To all who sin and need a Saviour To all who love God's word and delight to sing His praises, To all who need help in the diffic- ultt days in which our lot is cast, This Church opens wide its doors i and in the name of the Lord Jesus bids you welcome. Come thou with us and we will do thee good. 4 e e&l of I Phone Sey 1046 iiOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th a hfsriss EXPEiiT SFRVICB I E. MARSH, Proprietor NORTH SHORE iiIARINE DR)VE I'RliiIARY HIGHWAY Marine Drive on the North Shore from the Second Narrows bridge to Horseshoe Bay, will be classified as the primary high- way through North Vancouver and West Vancouver municipali- ties it wss announced by Hon N. S. Lougheed, minister of pub- lic works, on Saturday last. In future the government will pay 75 per cent of the upkeep of the road and the municipalities 25 per cent. A. Dickinson of the First Nar- rows lighthouse, returned on Tuesday from 0 few days'isit to Seattle. It is much easier is contract habit than is correct an old on being well esisbhshaL St.Anthony s Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a. m., Mass, In- struction. 9:45 a.m., Mass, Ser- mon. Benediction after Second Mass. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions:Saturday, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Miss Daisy Brealey, 13th and Fulton, is attending the summer school in Victoria. LONHDALE NOW PLAYING NO PICTURES FRIDAY NIGHT on account of Political Meeting in the Theatre. SPECIAL PICTURE MATINEE FRIDAY, Q&3O mming Next Week--hlondsy, Tuesday, Wednesday RETURN OF DR. FU MANCHU (Election Returns un Screen) Thursday, Friday, Saturday Next Week MARIE DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN in "CAUGHT SHORT" WILL ROGERS IN 'So This Is London'aclean's Orange Pekoe Goes Further, Lasts Longer And is BETTER. VV&4 V