0001 THE W'EST VAN NEWS July 26, 1980 v ~ wXc ircic v ~'cp i cinc vww 3cic c p c v7»v Vic n \.\ ~'/ vrir vv rr'r/ Yr. rvi IV'%'v-v. V go to the next council meeting, nor, do I wish to curry favors. What I would like is for our worthy reeve and councillors to read,and inwardly digest this communication, and all meet at the corner of 10th and walk west as far as 18th Street. The situation is thoroughly nauseating and disgusting, and moreover, the talk of the whole of West Vancouver. As a ratepayer in tha munici- pality I protest and insist that waste paper, cans or baskets be put out, so that those people who, when they have read their letters, may throw them in. Where are our flre inspectors? What do the doctors think? Filth breeds disease, as we all know. Where is our Sanitary In- spector? As for the dust. Would it not be possible to have the road oiled from 18th to the ferry? What about the unemployed? Some time ago there were 3 or 4 men with one cart picking bite of paper up with a pin, and as fast as they put them in they blew back again--it was a windy day. I watched them for some time. IVhen they went there seemed to be a lot more refuse left behind than was there be- fore. What 6 farce! Very laughable if it was not so serious. What do you think? To me the whole thing is 0 Faithfully, deadly fire-trap A. J. MARLING. Duodarave,',"'""..,w"„'.,',.". Hollpburu SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, July XS and 2,6 Free Delivery SHREI)DED WHEAT . 2 pktc 19c Singapore PINEAPPLE, SLICED 3 large tins 29c Napoleon OLIVE OIL 16 oc. tin 5$c Regal SHAKER SALT, 2 cart Sic Scrv-uc LOBSTER. Vi IL iia $9c ib tia 2$c BONELFXSS CHICKEN. Delta Manor, H lb. tis...- ... Ssc Rcd Jt White biARASCHINO CHERRIES ....... S cs. bottle Isc 6 cc. bottle SSc Rcd Jt ivhiic CRUSHED PINE. APPLF„Hcwciicc,... pcc tis 26c RLIBBER JAR RINGS, perfect seal, vcd or white ... 2 pktc. Isc Telephone Service Rcd 6 White FRUIT SALAD 2 lb. Iia $44 Quaker CORN FLAiiES, $ pktc 29c ST. CHARLES MILK......... Iic Bread ced Batter PICIiLES, Bcci Feed'4, 16 cc. bcitic...... Ssc LEMON or ORANGE JUICBL Nabob, 12 ca ................ 26c CORNED BEEF, Fray Bcato'4, pcv tia ............................. 24c E C. Granulated SUGAR 10 Iba ssc Rcd Scckcyc SALSION. Pt IK tia ..................................... 22c SUNGOLD CAiiE, Rcbcctcca', cc«b ................................... 24c Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive The Store For Hot Weather Trading COOKED MEATS A SPECIALTY, Corned Beef, Veal Loaf Boiled Ham, Daisy Loaf, Bologna WVeiners and Home Made Satisages UNDERGROUND WORK Extension of the B. C. Elec- tric underground distribution system is being carried out from Burrard Street along Hastings to Howe, along Howe to Cordova lane, and along Cordova lane to Seymour Street. Approximately 1,475 feet of subway cable will be used and the work will cost 616,000. Its purpose is to connect the present subway system on Burrard St. with the existing system on Sey- mour Street in order to install cable feeders to take care of the increasing load in this locality and especially to supply power to the new Royal Bank building. Phoae %Ye t 190 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 1VEST VANCOUVER SPRINKLINQ HOURS CHANGED A Happy Thought Farmer Giles was making a tour of his orchard. All of 6 sud- den he espied 9 pair of legs through the branches of his larg- est appk tree. Gripping his stick more firmly he made for the spot. "How dare you steal my ap- ples?" he shouted. A small frightened face ap- peared. "I'm not stealing them," said the owner of the face. The farmer grew more furious still. "Don't tell liesr'e roared. "What else could you be doing up there?" There was 6 pause. And then the intruder spoke again. "Please sir," he whimpered, "I'e just fallen out of my brother's aero- plane." Until further notice Sprinkling is Prohibited except be- tween the hours of 9 in the morning and 11 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and 4 in the afternoon in the sections of the District as stated below: EAST OF 15th STREET--Daily from 9 to 10 a. m. WEST OF 15th and EAST OF 22nd STREET-- Daily from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. 1VEST OF 22nd STREET and EAST of 25th STREET-- Daily froin 2 to 3 p. m. bVEST OF 25th STREET--Daily from 3 to 4 p.m. Failure to comply will render party responsible liable to prosecution without further warning. JAS. OLLASON, C.M.C., Hollyburn, B, C. 24-7-30. CONSERVATIVE SiiiOKER The West Vancouver Conser- vative Association gave a very enjoyable smoker to ex-service men in the new Legion hall on Wednesday evening. A varied program of songs, ventriloquism, and sleight of hand had been ar- ranged, which was much enjoy- ed by the many present who fill- ed the hall. Colonel Cy Peck, V.C., gave an address which was enthusiastically received. Colon- el Savory, who acted as chair- man, proposed a toast to Gener- al A. D. McRae, which was re- plied to by E. MacLeod and J. T. Watt. A small and important boy, carrying a parcel, knocked loudly at the door of a suburban villa. When the lady of the house ap- peared, he exclaimed:-- "I'm Dickens a Jones." "Oh, are you?" said the lady, looking down at the diminutive figure, "then who's minding the shop?" Wife (cs tbc street): "Tcm, here comes the mcs I wcc engaged tc be- fore I married ycs. Ncw, for good. cccc sake. perk up cnd look as ycu were happy." A Toronto man wanted to astonish his wife, so he hid in a doorway as she came along 6 dark part of the street and jump- ed out and kissed her. He natur- ally expected a very loud protest --even 6 shriek of terror. In- stead these were the words he heard: "Don't be ace@old, mister. I'm well known around here." Visiting Relative--"And when wsc thc baby bors w'fcdcvcFather--"Between thc sec- ond payment on the radio cnd tbc tenth on the ccr." '1 /LEAR STREETS Smith 's Grocery IVest Van News. THE RED AND WHITE STORES: Dear sir:--I have no time to JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, Etc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KliiDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE ARIBLESIDE STORF, Went 3 WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 116 W. J. Turnbull, Rlanager, Residence I'hone: West 35RL SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER ldtmatco -- Gyproc -- I'lasier IItmrd Beaver Board -- Shingles VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Cocp LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER DEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUbiBIA Sectional Garages, 10 by 16, delivered................................ 646.00 100-ft. solid board fence, materials, delivered .„............ 11.00 I by 4 cedar rustic, 3 tc 2 ft. Ncc. I cad 2.......................... 16.00 M by 4 Nc. I Cedar V Joist, 3 tc 7 ft.....,......., .....,..-, 16.IXI I by 6 ciccd boards........................ 10.00 2 by 6 tc 2 by 12 ciccd, any lengths...............--.............--.... 10.00 2 by 4 common cited, any length ..................................... 9.00 Shipicp, good grade . 9.00 I by 6 Siding.. 1$.00 4-in Fic Gutter cay length vicar pcr iic feet ee I by 2 D.D. Fir, pcc 100 iis. feet .........................................60 M by 6 cnd H by 4 V Joint, dvy................................. 11.00 I by 6 Flooring, long lengths............ 16.00 No. I XXX Shingles.......,... „.„. KVS Nc. 2 Perfection Shingles .. 2.60 Wall Shingles, 6-is. clear . 1.25 Cedar Bevelled Siding ................................................,...„... 9.00 2 b 6 in. by 6 ft 6 in. Doors, Nc. I, each ......................... 2.96 Cedar Lattice, 3 tc 1 ft., pcv 100 iis ft............................................26 Gyprcc Piaster Board, Building Papers, Fir Veneer cnd AH Building ifctcricic. Vancouver Cartage Added. Place your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone 1Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. m., West 241 IL Ask for Jerry Dent GROCERS AND MEAT DEALERS PICNIC lI ifr Bowen Island Wednesday, July 30th The following will be closed All Day Wednesday and Open All Day Thursday: GRANGER'8 GROCERY JEFFERIES'EAT MARKET (Two Stores) LAUDER'S MEAT MARKET PIGGLY WIGGLY, ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS, SAFEWAYS, SEED'S GROCERY, SMITH'S GROCERY Voi