West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jul 1930, p. 5

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0001 July 26, 1930 GARDENS and GARDENING THE WEST VAN NEWS J DUNDARAVE S%131 CLASSIFIED ADS By MINA G. HUTr, Landscape Architect ~ sdcssl l Ls cmsd A blkdtsr wl dkmt Ls cddsssC«scdwk ts Leak«cise u. sl C. Adsddk O«4 l ~ . ms hw Sd ~ Ii The use of fiag stones in the garden instead of the ordinary . board or concrete sidewalk is '"'-',.Jquite the thing nowadays. To ! 'ur way of thinking it is 8 great improvement over having 0 l. straight stretch of glaring white concrete or weatherbeatenboards 'cutting directly across the lawn ~or garden. Flag stones of almost any col- 'or can be bought at a fairly reas- , dlibtsonable price. However, if you -'are ambitiou8 and would like to 'l:save your hard earned pennies, ), rjteit is quite 0 simple mater to . make them yourself. If you have ;:."a car and are in the habit of .-'aking drives into the country, .you no doubt know where there is a sand and gravel pit along the " roadside. The next time you go out for a drive, put in s bag or «"lv box in the back of the car snd " . fill it with sand. Two or three . trips will supply you with all ' you will require for making paths for the ordinary sized arden. Buy a bag or two of cement from your local building upplies dealer and you sre all ,~ready to go. If you wish to have 0 stepping ethtone walk from the front of your lot to the front steps, meas- 'ure off the distance and the width you wish. Take your meas- urements to the basement or some place where there is suf- 'ficient floor space, lsy down " some tar or building paper over the floor to prev'ent the concrete from sticking to the floor and mark off the length and width of your walk with chalk. Secure some pieces of one by one and 'a half inch strips of wood and make a frame the same size and shape ofthe flag stones you think 'will look the most pleasing. It Jnay be necessary to do this sev- aeral times before you get the best arrangement, both from an artistic standpoint as well as from a practicable one for wslk- lng purposes. Get some cheap tin from 0 hardware store and cut it into strips the same widths as the strips of board around the outside Take 0 piece of cord and lsy it over the chalk marks to get the distance around each flag stone; then cut the tin the same length as the cord, lap the ends of the tin strips about 8 half an inch and fasten with 8 small rivet or tack driven through it, After you have suf- ficient tin pieces made, lsy them over the chalk marks and keep then in their proper places and the same shape as the marks on the paper by putting earth or sand between the tin strips, but not in the circles. (The concrete goes there.) The concrete mixture may be made in about the proportion of three parts of sand to one of ce- ment. Mix the two together thoroughly in their dry state and then add sufficient water so that the mixture will work properly. Fill the circles with the mixture and level ofi'ith a trowel. Al- low the flag stones to set for several days, then remove the frame and the tin bands and move to their permanent loca- tions, being careful to keep the stones in the same relative loca- tions ss they were laid on the floor. If the ares in which you are laying the stones is in sod, take the point of the trowel and mark the sod around the stone, lay the atone to one side and cut out the sod to the depth of the stone, replace the stone in the depression and the job is finish- ed. If it is desired to have 0 colored walk ,coloring material may be secured from a paint store. If you just wish to have a single flag stone walk winding through the garden, you w,"I only need to make several tin circles, shaping each one ss you wish. Cdrest Exhibition Celebration at Vancouver August 6 to 16 CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION 21st BIRTHDAY. WESTERN CANADA'S PREMIER FAIR. Gliders, Automobiles, Motor Cycle and Orthophonics given away on Advance Sale Tickets. Special reduced prices-- Three for One Dollar. Get yours now. Dundarave pier was crowded with onlookers on the occasion of the Dundarave-Weston swim, which took place at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday evening. Ed Neville won the Blair cup with Morris Roberts second. The girls'ace snd the Wilson snd Moore cup went to Gwen Clay, Evelyne Black coming in second, while Hugh biontgomery captur- ed Mrs. Vinson's cup in the race for boys under fourteen with Bob Ward next. This year the course was from Dundarave pier round 8 boat anchored opposite 23rd Street and back to the pier. Ex-Councillor Blair presented his own cup, the other two cups being handed to the winners by Dr. Vance. Pacific Stages FREQUENT MOTOR COACII SERVICE Vancouver North Vcuccuvcr West Vsuccuvcc Cuulfcud Fisherman's Cove Gieuscgics Horseshoe Bay Whytcciilf Park xud iutcrmcftctc points. Iufoimcticu cud time tables from agents cult operators. North Vcucsuvcl Depot Ft. Lcucds!c Avenue Phone North 705 B.C. Motor Transportation Ltd. B. C. bictsc Depot Seymour at Duusmuic Vcuccuvcn B. C. Phone Seymour 4000 FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phono West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. EXPERT STUMP BLOWER. Esti- mates free. Phone West SSS, WANTED--Bcy for dciircly, perm. ~scut, Bicycle provided. Apply GcmmiS's Drag Store. WH 1 DO Stcucglcphy Work cree tugs. Neat work cmt vcuccuublc charges. Phone West 08. WANTED TO RE'.1T--Six mculbc cl longer, fufiy modern furnishes house Six or seven rooms West cf Duuscccve. Waterfront or ucur. Phone West 2$5R evenings utter 8 o'lock. CANADA PRIDE STPEL ItANGF With wcterfrcut. First class ccudl- ticu. 5$0.00. Phone West 219L FOR SALE--Ssmi-Wctcrfdeut, Duu- duruve. Four rcum mcdcru beugc- tcw. Large vccuudsh. Lovely guc- dcn. Terms. Apply West 419L. GAS SERVICE IN isIORTH VANCOUVER Gss main extensions in North Vancouver are rapidly being completed, the trunk line repre- senting approximately three snd a half miles of pope. The Horton sphere gas holder is nearly ready and trill be fin- ished by th end of July. The new ished by the end of July. The new 000 cubic feet. Trunk mains have been instal- led along the routes advocated at the outset of the project and run as follows l on Marine Drive from the Second Narrows bridge to Seymour, on Seymour from Marine Drive to Main, on biatn from Seymour to St. Dennis, on St. Dennis to Main to Keith, and on Keith from St. Dennis to Centre, in the district of North Vancouver. In the municipality the line runs on Keith from Cen- tre to Lonsdale. From this main line laterals will be extended in all directions according to the number of con- sumers. Miss Humphreys, who hss been the guest for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs A J. Ridley of Caulfeild, has returned to her home in Portland. Big tyee salmon have come into Horseshoe Bay, and fisher- men are having good luck. A number have been caught be- tween fifty and thirty pounds. Lawyer: "For c nominal fce, I'l enter divorce proceedings cgciuct your husbcud at once." Lady Client: "What dc ycu consider u nominal fcc'1" Lawyer: 'Five hundred dcBclx" Lady Client: "Never mind, I'B bure him shot." FOR MOVING cud BUILDING SUP- PL1ES, Phone West 17 m Bccldeucc Phone West S82R. FOUstDATION CEMEstT WORK-- Landscaping cud Luwtm iuM. Reck walls, dcuiuc. septic tanks, tcuriug cus land dceciug, chimneys end furnaces ckcucs cmf rcpucclL Phone T. Burnett, residence phoae West 2901L SCHWEPPES LRMOsthng ADA DBY GINGERALE cud AB tbc Gccd Brands cf Cigars at Ambi«sids Tcu Bccmc. FURS CLEANED, STOBED cc Rc- mcse!cd. Seeuucc prices. Hcityhucu For Store, Kcith Btcck, Houybats CARPENTER uud Uphclctclcc. Para- !tule luputiwi Linclcum cmt Carpet wcrh. Saws tucd. Lewu Mcwcrc chuvpcucd. R. ERic. Pbces West 87. FOR PAINTING KAISOMIN1NG Apply C. I Kcmugs, Rundcscc Phone West 894K. WEBB'8 SHOS REPAIBS WBAR BEST--Duusclssc. GARDENS--Dcsigucd uud IAM ceL Original designs in Lily uua Orna- mental Pooh, Rock cud WAR gael- cuc. Lewuc, Formal umt Rase gad- cux Ructm Work Summa hcuccc. Clety pcviug. R. J. Krte, West 411. I APNTING, DECORATL«tG,FRIDfCH Polishing, Ccricy, Residence Pbcuc West 71Y. ip Ycu fctcud te Bu[M cc Want Ycec House Altered or Rcpuitc«L phoae Colin Turner, builacr, Wsct 879R. tb ANTED--SmciL furuicbcd scuse, csuvcuisuccx Pcrmcucut. Apply, "Furnished," c!s West Vuu News. WELL BUILT 5-Rcculcg bts4cce Hcuse fcr sulu right on tcp cf tbc hill Pt. Grey, near ccc line. Owusc would Accept vacant West Ven. property as first payment. P.O. Bcx 2$, Hcnyburu or Phcus West 464. FOR PLUbiBING REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcucc Phone West 241B. WATERFRONT LOT cu Beech ct foal sf 15th Street, 40 feet by 120 teeL Leek this over uud mxhs an cgsc. Owucm uuxicuc ts selL Cash or tamL CHEAP BUILDLNG LOT cu Eseuf- malt. Good view. Convenient loca- ticu, $150 at 510 monthly. Phoae Seymour 7484 1L P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phone C J ARCHER, Wast 225 GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and jnsnrancc Notary Pubuc Fire fucuruucc -- bfcucy TAX SALE LOTS 1406 bfcrine Drive Office Phone «hect 21 or Scy Residence Phoae W. SSR cl W. 204K ~ . .d r errrr srr d d Special Organization of World Championship Stampede 1Vildest Horses and most magnificent riders on the Continent. Tremendous Fanchon gt h1arco Revue with Fires of Vulcan Pageant every night. Provincial High School Olympiad --two days Elks Flag Dsy--August 6 Caledonian Games, the spectacle of a century International Sheep Dog Trials. ,, " Death-Defying Catapult -- Air Glide every day.I Forty-two sections of Exhibition. Superlative l!l Live Stock, Agricultural and Industrial Exhibits Splendid Aircraft Exhibit. Ii Midway of 26 rides, 12 Shows, and more than 100 Games Make certain you do not miss this great celebration. Ten Great Days -- Rain or Shine. AI.L ENTRIES CI.OSE JULY 26. 1 5 )e wALTER LEEK JOHN K. MATHESON, President General Manager. Sannie Transportation Co Li i d PASSENGER SCHEDULE 1930 Bowen Island-Horseshoe Bay FERRY Rgcctivc July 1st ts ScpL 1st. Fares 25 Cents DAILY leaving fuss!us BOiVEN HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9«20 A. M. 10:10 A. 5L 12«20 P. M. 12l45 15 bi. 2l20 4 lee 0 l20 7 as 8ae 9 40 SUNI)AYS cus Ht)LIDAYS Lcsvtux Lccvtcx BOxVEN HORSEStiOR 1SLAN1) BAY SlSS A. 51. 10lee h. 51. 1 1 lSS " 12 lee Nese 1:$0 P. M. 2ae P. M. Siss " Sae 5:$0 4:00 6 00 5'$0 8«15 7 l45 8 15 8l45 9 7$0 Spec!st Trips ts any part of Hews Scuud by crlcugcmsat. Phcuc Bswcu islsud Everybody Sees the ravages of the I'orest Fire, but not everybody realizes that seventy per cent. of our fires in 1929 were preventable; in other words, they were due simply to carelessness. Pressure of public opinion has gone far to eliminate carelessness in other directions, but carelessness with fire is still amazingly prevalent. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE M V s«rs