West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1930, p. 6

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0001 ththrm h. r V & 49c. Special Sale 49c. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Phone: \Veal 469 Dundarave 2'4„h,'„O'M„iaa Holly burn Telephone Service 5 tlat Aybatt SOUP, Tomato or Vtgttablt............ 49c 9 pkia. Rtd e Whiit JELLY I'OWDERS ..................... 49c 8 pkit CORN I'LAKES spkia PEP ........,................... 49c 8 iiaa PINEAPPLE 2 tins I'ORK e BEANS. Aylmtt ..........-.--.......... 49c 10 lk tack PASTRY FLOUR.... 494 I tia Rtd e While TOMATOES I iia Rtd a 'ichite GREEN BEANS 1 iia Rtd a While GOLDE:4 CORN 49c \IA1ONNAISFh Best Fuudt, 16 ax. Iar ..........,........... 494 2 pktx. SHREDDED WHEAT PRUNES, Nabab, 2 lb. pkt........ 49c SWSBT 51IXED I'ICKLES large bottle .................... 49c I pki. SHORTEVING, Bakes'.. Ia 1 ik RAISINS. Studltua I Ik COCOANUT. bulk.. 49c Free Delivery I tia MAR51ALADE, hlutray'a 4- Ik ............. -..-............ 49c 1 lb. Rad e White COFFEE„... 49c 5-Ibm BC GRANIJLATFJISUGAR alba. RICFh Na. I Jap.......-- 494 I lb. GINGER SNAPS I lb. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS.. 49c 2 tins lllEAT BALLS Hudluud'x, large .......,... 49c I CHERRY CAKE, 2 lbs... 49c I iiu Rad e lvhiit FLOOR WAX la I iiu SHOE POLISH, Nugget. 49c 1 tia I'EANUT BUTTER 4 rolls WAX I'APER, 104........ 49x I pki. Swaaxdutra CAKE FLOUR I lb. LUMP SUGAR ................ 49x 2 tins Nabob SARDINFJI I pki. CHATEAU CHEESFh &/ lb. . 49c BU'I I'ER--Finest quaBty only 8 lbs. 51.00 49c. Special Sale 49c. SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, July 18 and 19 THE WEST VAN NEWS CORRESPONDENCE To the Reeve and Council Gentlemen:--I see by the "Province" that you intend mak- ing some changes in Municipal transportation, and that from West Bay westward is, as of old, to be left in the cold. We, in the west end, have paid our share of the deficits on the municipal ferries and buses and have not been able to use them, as they do not come to the west- ern limit of the municipality, but as I have said above, the taxes for them come that far. From Ambleside to West Bay is a proposed 6+c fare. Give us a pro rata charge from )Vest Bay to Whyteciiff, and we from this district will then be able to use our municipal ferries to Ambieside. What is the idea of collecting taxes for transportation service from the "entire" municipality, and then giving this service to 0 "portion only" of the munici- pality? Is it honest? If the majority of the votes were in the Whytecjiff area, would this be so? "An honest man's the noblest work of God," says Burns, Have we any of God's noblest works on our municipal council? If so, here is an opportunity to show it. In conclusion, gentlemen, I pray you to give Whytecliff what has been denied it up to now- service equitable with the rest of the municipality. L. LAMBERT. (Copy of his letter published by Mr. Lambert'0 request.) July 16, 1960. Qnly the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Lamb Beef I'urk Government Inspected Only (Two Stores for your service) Hollyburn Store gent 3 Ambleside Store gnt 303 cut Me ts SERVICE Everything for the Building Duu t worry il your jub ia small, Aud yuut rewards are few. Remember that iha mighty uak Wax ouca a nut like yuu. The butcher found a homeless little dug, A worthless luile bum, Aud as he lud him home he said, "The wurst ia yut tu come." Toward the eud of dluuar luua Tommy suddenly pui down hu xpuotx Hix mother wax sick lu notice il. tlyhy, Tommy, buy," xht cried, twhalevtr's the mauarl Yuu look mournful--dido'1 yuu want your pud- tdiug I" tYes," wax the small boy's wistful answer, "that's just il. I am more' Iuu it LUMBER SASH DOORS IIOOFING BUILDING PAI'ER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'lasier lioard Beuv«r Hoard -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and h1arine LIMITED Phone )Vest 116 Residence Phone: West 26SL. h I 'wu Ath ht~ + ~ P t t twd' t ti u' t utP i twVt tt t: 'tvgp rr r ~ t tutat'1 ~'» 't ~ 't't. ~'t ~ '. t~t ti- tV' t h ~ tr " rt' Vrr ~"t'tV r'rrr V ~ ~ ~ wrt"r ' rmrrr rr rhh rrherr r r'oberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive The Store For Hot Weather Trading COOKED MEATS A SPECIALTY Corned Beef, Veal Loaf Boiled Ham, Daisy Loaf, Bologna Weiners and Home Made Sausages Phone West 190 DEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Suctional Garages, 10 by 16, delivered.................... 845.00 100-fl. solid board fence, materials, delivered .....,. 11.00 1 by 4 cedar rustic, 8 iu 7 ft. Nua. I aud 2....,., „18.00 M by 4 Nu. 1 Cedar V Joint 8 tu 7 ft................ 16.0u I by 8 xixad boards 10.00 2 by 8 to 2 by 12 sited, any lengths.............. 10.00 2 by 4 common xixed, any length........-- ... 9.00 Shiplap, goad grade 9.00 1 by 6 Siding. 18.00 4-ia. Fir Gutter, any length, clear, par lia. foui...................os 1 by 2 D.D. Fir, per 100 lin. feet .......................60 td by 8 aud Ib by 4 V Joint, dry ............... 11.00 1 by 6 Fluuriug, long lengths .. 18.00 Nu. 1 XXX Shingles...... 2.76 No. 2 Perleciitu Shingles 2.60 Wall Shingles, 8-iu. clear . 1.25 Cedar Bevelled Sldiug .. 9'.OO 2 by 8 in. by 6 ft 8 in. Doors. Nu. 1, each.........„....... „2.95 Cedar Lattice. 8 ia 7 It., per 100 llu fl..................................,.........25 Gyprox Plaster Board, Building Papers, Fir Veneer aud All Building Maltrialm Vancouver Cartage Added. Piece your order with us and get Real Service Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone lVest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. m., hVest 241 IL Ask for Jerry Dent h'(other (to Bobby): "Surely One for His Nob you did something else but eat City Visitor (to village native) at the school treat." "Do you mean to say that you Bobbie: "Yes, Mummie. After do nothing but lean against that tea we sang 6 hymn called ')Ve fence ail day? Why, I should go can sing though full we be."'ad in 0 week." Mother learned later that the Native: "Aye, very likely. But hymn selected had been "Weak it's all right for 0 chap who can and sinful though we be." do a bit of thinking for 'isself," What we Say to Our Employees E VERY public utility company needs the goodwill of the public before it can bring the maximum benefits to the community. Buc goodwill must be earned. It is essential that each of us in the B. C. Electric Railway Company render that alert, helpful and intelligent service to our customers which is their due. Only so shall we merit their goodwilL What we say to Our Customers E need your goodwill but we realize thacW goodwill results only from honest, effi- cienc aud economical administration; from ser- vice that is safe, certain and abundant for all demands; from fair prices and rates; from employees who are courteous, painstaking aud emicienc. Public utility companies need only one rulc: to serve the public well and truly. Only on that basis does the B. C. Electric expect the attitude of public mind towards it which will enable it to progress with maximum benefit to itself and its customers. W. CL MURRIN, President BRITISH COLUPABIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.