West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1930, p. 5

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0001 1$ , 154 444 A, al I azd ~ AHg Ni at THE WEST VAN NEWS GARDENING CORRESPONDENCEDear Sir)--By the grace of God--the untiring energy of our Reeve and Councillor Elgar com- bined with unfaltering loyalty of 8 bunch of conscientious bus drivers, residents of West Van- couver, living west of Ambleside are enabled to still travel in relics of former motor buses. Were we not the unconscious victims of two or three obstruc- tionlsts, who apparently will a- gree to rothing that will assist the populace living in the most beautiful part of this municipal- ity to reach the ferries in com- fort or even with assurance- the situation would be ridiculous and would give us cause for mirth, perhaps accentuated by the pathos exhibited by some of our summer visitors and the sar- casm that veils their daily re- marks--and who is there that can blame them? Now Mr. Editor; we know the ferries can be run at 8 proiit and we are convinced that the pres- ent ferry manager -- with the support of our Transportation Councillor--will leave no stone unturned to show 8 surplus on his boats, therefore, why should the ratepayers be held up for the cost of operation--to ssy nothing about maintenance--of a trio of derelict buses with mot- ors that date back 15 years or more and which have become the laughing stock of every self-re- specting man, woman and child in West Vancouver. The remedy is at hand for im- mediate acceptance--we sre led to believe--at a fractional in- crease in fares. which, with the release of liability on the part of the municipality, should shortly enable us to receive a re- duction in ferry cost of trans- portation. But if this remedy cannot be accepted because of the obstructionist tactics of some of our councillors, then Sir let us insist upon an immediate plebiscite to determine whether we walk 10 to 15 blocks in all weathers, or secondly still climb into the groaning and creeking devices that are propelled only because of the faithfulness of a few boys who literally caress or curse the motors to make them go, or thirdly, accept the cheer- ful alternative of B. C. transpor- tation buses handled by our own drivers and thereby guarantee us transportation in comfort and security although at a fraction extra. We elected certain officials to municipal honors at the begin- ning of the year--some of them are big enough to try and do something--let us get in and help them i If some older resi- dents will commence this effort I will give every assistance cheerfully. Let's go! Yours very truly, H. B. STEVENS. July 18, 1930. CLASSIFIED ADSGARDENS and FOR SIOVING cmi BUILDIVG SUP- PLIES. Phone Wcca 17 or RccMcsce Phccs West ZTZR. FOUNDATII)N CESIENT WORK- Lccdcccpicg csd Imwsc ICNL Rect ws)ic. drcisp. Ccpuc )cate, Ccsring ~cd land ciccricg, chimneys csd fllrimccc cicsllcd slid Ivpclrclt Phone T. Bscsctt, rccidcscc phoae Wcca 290IL By NINA G. HUTI'c Landscape Architect O odwlo b Leod c pl ~ U. oi C Aw~ Schwl at L odsc w 4 bite»lore wd Co 4wiod. Mewl»r N ttwol Loodccop Ser& . During warm weather the gar- den should be cultivated fre- quently to conserve moisture. We have mentioned this before, but it is so important that we take the liberty of doing so a- gain. See that the sweet peas are ' 'en plenty of water. A little nitrate of soda worked into the soil around the roots will im- prove the bloom. Keep the old flowers picked oif the annuals. They will bloom more profusely if you do. There is still time to sow the seeds of carrots, winter radishes, turnips and peas for 8 fall crop. The rhubarb plants will be bet- ter next spring, if given a supply of fertilizer now. If your early beans and peas have finished producing, 8 late crop of celery may be planted in their place, Mrs. J. B, R. writes to ask if bone meal supplies plants with0 necessary element, namelyphosphorus. It is entirely harm- less and will not burn. If used too freely it remains in the soil until used by the plants. Mrd. LOST Pcrcics Kitics arcssd 1)lib ssd 19th on Bciicowc. Apply IS88 Bcllcvcc. FOR BALE--18 fcca rowboat, S.fcca beam, $ 15.00. Pbcsc West 18ILL FOR RENT--Fcrsicbcd bocpc, cia- rccmc, close io waterfront, Alta- mont, Phone Seymour 4991 cc West 02RZ. J.B.R. also remarks that some of her plants are covered with a white growth. The white growth on your plants ls un- doubtedly what is called mildew. It is usually caused by too much shade or lack of sufficient sir circulation around the plants. It is more prevalent after a num- ber of hot days followed by cool nights. Dust with dusting sul- phur in the early morning while the plants are still damp with dew. The sun will vaporize the sulphur and kill the spores. I.OST--Grdce Parrot, Rc»CNL Pbccc West 528R. SCHWEPPEB LIBIONADK CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE csd CR the Gccd Brccdc of Cigcm at Tbc Ambiccidc Toc Roams. YOUNG RELIASLB GIRL Wcctc Work daily. Apply "Girl," clc Wcca Vcc News. FDIC SALE--Table Vicircis asd Rec- ords, $8.00. Phone Rcyvicw 4259. FOR SALE--Firci Ciacc Beds, ccm- plctc; kitchcs range ccd sicnciic. Electric iron. Apply Mcc. Pince, 12th asd Kcith. HAWKES EI,FATRICAL GUIDES-- 10 Voicmcp, new; half price. Tent ez12 fi. Ccmpicic; snap. West 474; 14aa Marine Drive, West Vancouver. WANTED--Smcii . fcrsichcd bccpc) ccscccicsccc. Pcrmascsa. Apply, "Furnished," cic West Vcs News. GARAGE FOR RILVT--21&i a Belle- vcc. Phoae West 94IL FURS CLEANED. STOBED cc Rc- ~coddled. Smcmcr prices. Hciiybers Fcr Store, Kciib Block, Hcnybttrw. CARPFVTER ccd Upholsterer. Fccs- iicrc ccpciccd Lice)desi cild Ccvpc'I morE. Scwc siccL Lawn Mcwcic chcppcccd. R. Eiiic, Phone West 87. NOTE Tho wtt r mll co Idco It ~ pl ~ «ro lo oo th» c oc roice th cord ~ I Ihl~ N wo. Th cw Uws cho Id be dd ws»l to th It r lo c re ol tb zdlh». Tl» r SI orner lo ly low w II ~ p rswd pip lo 4 I od ~ at p»l, ~ It dd s»l o Iw sheol4 h oclosm. WEI.I. BUII.T 5-Roomed Modcrs House for sale right on icp cf the hill Pi. Grey, near ccr line. Owner wccid cccopi vcccci West VCC. property as i)rat payment. P.O. Bcz 22, Hoiiyburc or Phone Wcci 454. FOII I'LUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcscc Phpsc IVcct 241R. FOR PAINTING. KAIJN)MINLVG. Apply C. I Kccisgp, Rccidcscc Phoae West 204R.A l)lotoring Problem Policeman (to motorist who nearly collided): "Don't you know that you should always give half of the road to s woman driver?" Motorist: "I always do, when I find out which half of the road she wants.» WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dccdcrcvc. GARDENS--Dcsigscd csd laid CCL Original designs in Lily csd Ocsc- mccici Pools, Rock It)Id Wall gsid- 4cc. Lcwcc, Fccacii csd ROIN gcid- csp. Rcptic Work. Summer hccccc. Crazy paving. R. J. Kyhc Phase West 411. vEditor West Van. News, West Vancolver, B. C, Dear Sir:--Re the seats at Dundarave Pier. What is to hinder seats being put back on the pier? I suppose some people think there would be too much noise on it. Well, if they don't find the seats on the pier they will eit down on the pier anyway. Also if there had been seats on the pier the drowning acci- dent might not have happened for the man would have run into them. Let's have more police control on the pier and there will be less smoking and swearing. Let's have the seats for the visitors and the tired l)usiness man and permanent residents. ONE OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF DUNDARAVE PALVTING, DECORATING,FRFVCH Polishing, Cciicy, Rccidcscp Phone West 71Y. COAL TENDER IF Ycc Isicsd ic BalM or West Year Home A)id)cd or Rcpcitcch phoae Colin Terser, builder, West 879IL Tenders are invited for the supply of 180 tons of scow run coal, Vancouver Island or Alberta, to be delivered to the schools of West Vancouver, 130 tons before August 31st, 1930, and 50 tons between that time and May 31st, 1931. Ail tenders to be in not later than 5 p. m. Thfirsday, July 24th, 1930. )VAVTED--)Tomas for ciz or ccccc dcyc cbtmt 8th July from 9:SO ao 7)20 p. m. Size pcr dsy. Phoae West 74L2. R. p cLARK e co. EsTATEs LTD. WATERFROVT LOT on Bosch ct foci of 15th Street, 40 feet by 120 feet. Lock this over csd moke an cifcc. Owners csxicsc ic selL Ccch or icrtcs. CHEAP BUILDLiG LOT cc Emlci- ~ malt. Goad view. Ccaccnicst tmc- tics $250 at $ 10 mcsthiy Pbocc Scymccc 7484 IL P. CLARK it CO. ESTATES. LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER. Ih'oct 22S The lowest or sny tender not necessarily accepted H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, P. O. Box 231, Hollyburn, B. C Choice Scicctics They were telling one another "home truths as chddrcn (csd grown- opci sometimes do »Oho said the Sic) little girl, "your mother cnd father are coa your rcci parents; they only adopted yos." The cccccd little girl thought for a moment. "Well," Phc acid, "that mates it CR the more caticfcctcry. Sfy parents picked mc cci. Yours hcd ao pct up with what they could get)» Come to Vancouver from Aug. 6th to 16th GEO. HAY Real Estate and InsuranceCanada Paci6c Exhibition Stampede and Pageant Ncacry Pcbhc fire Icscccccc -- Mosey tc Idstm TAX SALE LOTS 1405 Mcciac Drive Office Phone West 21 or Scy. 1280 Rcsidcncc Phoae W. SZR or W. 204K Vancouver Exhibition Association will give two splendid Air Gliders, three Automobiles, One Motorcycle and Ortho- phonics to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Canada Pacific Exhibition. Everybody SeesSannie Transportation Co» Limited PASSENGER SCHEDUI.E 1930 Bowen Island-Horseshoe Bay FERRY See the sensational daily sir glide--engineless plane. the ravages of the Forest Fire, but not everybody realizes that seventy per cent. of our fires in 1929 were preventable; in other words, they were due simply to carelessness. Pressure of public opinion has gone far to eliminate carelessness in other directions, but carelessness with fire is still amazi ngly prevalent. Take your holidays and see the wonderful exhibition. For- ty-two sections of exhibition. Great livestock and agricultural shows. Industry represented in all its branches. Several new buildings. Eifociivc July Ici io ScpL 1st. Fares 25 Ccctc DAILY 1»crine Leaving BOWEV HORSESHOE ISLAND BAY 9)20 A.M. 10I10 A.SI. 12:20 IL M. 12)45 IL 51. a:zs " 4:oe 5:20 7)00 0 '20 9:40 SUNDAYS csd HOLIDAYS leaving 1»cribs BOWEN HOIISESHOE ISLAND BAY 9)50 A. 51. 10:00 A. M. I I ISO " 12:00 Noon 1)20 P. 51. 2:00 P. M. 2'Se 5 00 S'20 ~:00 5 00 5'Ss 8:15 I:45 8:15 8)45 0 )20 Entries Close July 2.6th The greatest midway ever established in Western Canada, 25 rides, 12 shows and 100 games. This is a real celebration. World Championship Stampede; Fanchon Ec Marco dazzling revue; Fires of Vulcan pageant; great Caledonian Games; International Sheep Dog Trials; Golf driving contests; Pro- vincial High School Athletic Championships snd Olypiad. Elks Flag Day. Wildest horses and most wonderful riders on the continent will take part in stampede. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH CoLUiaIBIA FoREST SERVICEWALTER LEEK, JOHN K. MATHESON, President General Manager. Special Trips ic any peri cf Howe Sound hy crracgomoct, Phone Doves Iciccd Special reduction in the price of admission on advance sale ' tickets. Three for One Dollar. One admits to grounds snd two to grand stand for each person. Get yours by mail or person- ally from Exhibition Offices, Hastings Park, Vancouver. Don't delay. r ~.i » o V»" I '.Ir- ~ h hhWhh 'h