West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1930, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 11. 1930. . ')4'c c~ V -'4 at 44 '4 4 vat H 4449 44 ~iw ac 4 c'v cwv'c.c . 'vcc st %c c4ci*c c\~ v h ~ vy.'cy ' 44y BREAD CAKES PASTRY Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread Birlhday St Wedding Cakes h(ade in West Vancouver at Stratton's Bakery 1488 Maviac Drive I'baaa tvaat 27 I UEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Pbaaa West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. RECITAL BY MISS MclNTYRE'S PUPILS The recital given last Friday evening by the junior pupils of Miss Margaret h(cintyre assisted by Mrs. Colin h(acLean was a de- cided success. The affair took place in the New Legion hall, which was very artistically dec- orated for the occasion, and which was also filled to capacity by relatives and friends of the young performers. The first item was a violin en- semble, the remainder of the pro. gram being made up of solos and duets both in piano snd violin. The various numbers were well played, and finished and a certain decision of execution were mark- ed characteristics of every pu- pil's contribution. Mrs. Colin MacLean sang with her usual charm, and her three songs were much enjoyed by the audience. Several presentations of (lowers were made during the evening to the young pupils, who at the close presented Miss h(clntyre with a violin case. h(iss McIntyre also presented Rome Willows with a gift for obtaining the highest marks at the recent exams of the Royal Academy of hlusic. Learn to Play Golf at Gleneagles A little private iaatvactian will help year game wonderfully. Lccacnc given by ROLY GOODCHILD (Pvafaaxicaal in attendance) For appaintcect: Phone, Long Distance, Gicacaglac. ar WEST 897Y2. Tbcva is aa reason for mca dc- aaaaciag a condition which they help ta cxtabBxia Mrs. Sager, 10th and Marine Drive, gave a delightful tea on )Vednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A. hL Weller, 17th and hIarine Drive, who has left for Prince Rupert. hIiss Mildred Somerviile, chief operator here for the B. C. Tele- phone Co., is away on her an- nual vacation. DUNDARAVE REGATTA The annual gala and regatta of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club will be held at Dundarave pier on Saturday, August 9th, starting at 2 p. m. This regatta is one of the larg- est held in the province and at- tracts swimmers from all over B. C. There will be nine events for West Vancouver members only and ten open events which in- clude two B. C. championship events--First, Ladies Diving, which is now held by one of our own members, h(iss Molly Ed- wards, and 2nd, 200 yards Free Style for men now held by Geo. Burrows, V.A.S.C., who has broken the B. C. record each year in this event. A dance will be held at the Orange hall in the evening. Conservative Meeting in Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT FRIDAY 18th July at 8 p m SPEAKERS: Premier Dr. S. F. Tolmie Brig.-Gen. J. A. Clark Chairman - Mr. W. J. Dent IJVI';RYHODY WELCOlltE Gen.A. D. McRAE Will speak by Record. R. B. CONLAN DROWNED AT DUNDARAVE R. B. Conlan of the Seattle pol- ice force, who was visiting friends here, waa drowned o(I Dundarave pier early on Sunday morning. Accompanied by J. B. Oren of Seattle he went to the pier for a swim, and after diving into the water, called for help. Mr. Oren, knowing the decease&i to be a strong swimmer, thought he was only joking, but became 8- larmed when he did not appear. The police were notified and Con- stables Lowes and Hailstone re- sponded, their dragging opera- tions resulting in the body being found in about 3 feet of water st low tide. The body was conveyed to Har- ron Bros. and W(l(ismson'8 und- ertaking parlors, North Vancou- ver, Conlan's parents, on being informed of the fatality, came here by airplane. The body was shipped to Seattle Monday morn- ing for interment. GARDEN FETE AND FLANNEL DANCE AT "Sic U RA WAY" Arrangements are now com- plete for the garden fete and flannel dance at 4Spuraway" under the joint auspices of the Captain Lawrence Oates Chap- ter and the North Vancouver Girls'hapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, and held through the kind courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Herrmann. CoL J. P. Fell has consented to open the party at 2:30 p. m. on Saturday afternoon, July 19. Afternoon tea will be served from 8 p. m. to 6 p. m. Bridge tables may also be reserv- ed for the same period. No charge for admission will be made, but afternoon tea tickets may be purchased on the grounds while there will be 8 small charge for bridge and tea. Good prizes have been donated for bridge players. Other attrac- tions will be found in fortunes, putting, housi-housi and Aunt Sally while candies, soft drinks and ice cream may be purchased. Another interesting booth will be the "Wh(te Elephant" stall where novelties will be sold very reasonably. Perhaps the premier attrac- tion will be the promenade pro- gram presented by the "Idlers," a group of costumed singers trained and directed by Madame Norminton in a musical pot-pour- ri of solo, duo, and ensemble contributions. The flannel dance will be held in the Badminton Hall commenc- ing at 8:80 p. m. and as tickets are selling rapidly among the younger set,this dance promises to be very popular. HOME OH. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Program Home Gas Symphony Orchestra under Calvin Winter Sunday, July 20th, 1930. CKWX 9:00 p. m. March "Italian Royal,".... Fiore Waltz "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" .................... Strauss Selection from "Iolanthe"........ .................. Gilbert (2 Sullivan "Song of the Boatmen of the Volga" ............................ Cady R.K.O. Orpheum Presentation. Overture "Hunyadi Laszlo".. .......................................... Erkel Characteristic "La Paloma".. .................................. Yradier Melodic "Un Peu d'Amour".. ..................................... Silesu Fantasy "Home, Sweet Home, the World Over".......... Lampe "There's No Gas Like Home" S. N. McDonald of San Berna- dino, California, is the guest of his brother, W. N. McDonald, 2709 Marine Drive. KINGc STUDIO Pll()TO TAKES SECOND I'Rl/F The results have recently been announced of the continent-wide 620,000 photo contest put on this spring by the Photographers As- sociation of America for Ameri- ca'8 loveliest mother and moat attractive child. In the Canadi- an section a photo taken by the King Studio, 811 West Hastings Street, was awarded the second prize In the loveliest mother con- test. This speaks very well indeed for the good photographic work done by the King Studib as well as for the good looks and general nppearance of this B. C. mother. Do You Know That- Hc who saves a cent showa sense. You can save your cents by dealing with us. We stand ready and pre- pared dsy and night to flll all your drug store require- ments, ~ I Lesage Drug Store MOON(.IGI(T CRUlcSES UP HOV)h SOUND The municipal transportation Co. propose to shortly inaugur- ate a series of moonlight cruises up Howe Sound. No. 6 ferry will be used, snd the trip will last about two or three hours. Fare for adults 60 cents, and for children under 12 years of sge, 15 cents. G. E REH), Maaagcv Gva Hay Bailslag Corner 14tb aag slav(ac WEST 323 On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson of the First Nar- rows lighthouse, entertained Mrs. A. J. Marling and Mrs. A. M. Iveller prior to Mrs. Weller'8 departure for Prince Itupert and the Queen Charlotte Islands. A~ very enjoyable time was spent in viewing the lighthouse. SCROD(. BOARD CALL FOR COAL TENDERS The Board of School Trustees are calling for tenders for a sup- ply of 180 tons of scow run coal, Vancouver Island or Alberta. This coal is to be delivered to the schools, 130 tons before Aug- ust 31st and 50 tons between that time and May 31st, 1931. All tenders must be in not later than 5p.m. Thursday, 24th July. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. ia baclacaa la West Vaa. 9 Yvava C. J. Overington BARBER la Nc«Siava Mavlac Drive at 14tb Next Jc(fcnca Meat Store Expect Work--Ladies', Cbildvca Gcatlcccaa I'base Weal 133 lav appalataccat )VEST VAN. AMATEUR SWIhichi(NG CLUB GORDON ROBSON Bavviatav B Saucitac )VEST VANCOUVER-- Office Na. 1447 Marina Drlva. Pboaa West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. Club Swims The Club swim from Weston to Dundarave for the Wilson & Moore Trophy and the Blair Trophy will be held next Wed- nesday at 7:30 p. m. The Club pwtm for the J. T. Watt Trophy from Dundarave to Hollyburn will be held on Wed- nesday, July 80th. Not too Late to order your SUMMER SUIT LOOK Cedar %Vood $2,.50 a load We have a nice selectionof Tweeds and Flannels at Very Moderate Prices.CHESTERFIELD WOODYAIID Phone North 132 Ladies and Gentlemen' Suits and Dresses Dry- Cleaned and Pressed.Hollyburn THEATRE M. WILLIAMS 1348 MARINE DRIVE Pbaac West 29 THURSDAY aad SATURDAY 'Tho Great Divide'ltb DOROTHY 31ACKAILL aad IAN KEITH MONDAY - TOES - WED. "SWELLHEAD" with JOHNNY WALKER aad MARION SHILLING A Cuaccdy Dvacca al the Squared Circle. At Last A Radio Wizard EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS Satisfaction Assured TUBES RFJUVENATED BATTERIES CHARGED E. G. CANHAM 1438 Marine Drive Wcat Vancouver PHONE WEST 474 6)C) I VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO49 LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER