West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1930, p. 3

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0001 July 18, 1980. Dundarave Cash Grocery 25th aad Sonovao Wa carry a fon lioo of Groceries, ~socializing ia ROYAL CITY QUALITY GOODS Phoae Wast I Wa Deliver Spend s few hours at HORSESHOE BAY. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHING TACKLE, FOR HIRF, Ask for Howard Rogers on float for information re- garding fishing. no You'l find that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. Burrard Sheet itletal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phooo North 245 Raa. Phones: North 218Y-1552X L O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., ls giving a garden par- ty on Saturday, August 2nd, at the home of Reeve and Nrs. J. B. Leyland, 2848 Waterfront. De- tails will be published in a later issue of the News. L O. I.. WIN CUP L.O.L. No. 2990 last Saturday won the cup for the best uni- formed and the best marching lodge at the big Orange celebra- tion at Brockton Point. At the bell in the evening at the Hotel Vancouver, Worshipful Master Duckworth carrying the cup and followed by L.O.L. No. 2990 headed the grand march. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Cooke of Denver, Colo., U.S.A., were visit- ing their sister blrs. W. Lyman Jones, Keith Road, last week, be- fore leaving for their summer cottage at Belcarra Park.. Rev. Cooke, formerly a well known Vancouver pastor, is preaching at St. Andrews Church, Vancou- ver during his vacation. o ~ hfr. and Mrs. C. C. Boldrick, 2551 Lawson Ave., have just re- turned from a motor trip up the Cariboo. Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Lunch Rolls fresh every day SPONGE CAKES FRESH FRUIT PIES in Season MADEIRA CAKES LUNCH ROLLS (Fresh Daily) Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 866 A Social Evening will be held in the interests of A. E. MUNN Liberal Candidate FRIDAY, JULY 25tli in THE NEW ORANGE HALL, West Vancouver An open invitation is extended to all. A. R. MVNN caooIDATa Dancing 9 p. m, to 12 p. m. Refreshments Special Values ln Wood and Fuel Bush Run Fir, Stove Length ...... Furnace and Grate Wood ............. Alder . Old Gr Bark 6.60 per cord 5.60 7.60 o o o Iowth Fir ...,„...,....„.......,.... 87.60 . 87.60 %'ESTON CARTAGE Phone West 230 All Loads Guaranteed to be Full Cord or over. All Orders C.O.D, THE WEST VAN NEWS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. Foots moved on Tuesday into their house at 18th and Fulton. ~ o o Gordon Armstrong hss return- ed from the Baptist Church camp at Keat's Island to his home at 23rd and Bellevue. An auto driven by a Vancou- ver motorist turned over Sunday evening on Marine Drive at the big bend between Sandy Cove and West Bsy. Fortunately the driver, who was alone ln the car, was not hurt, although the car was badly smashed. The Mar- ine Motors handled the wreck. ~ o ~ Iifrs. W. Millard and Miss Ethel Millard, who have been spending a holiday at Harrison Hot Springs, have returned to their home on Mathers Ave. ~ o o Late on Saturday evening a car got out of control while be- ing driven down the upper part of 22nd Street and finally crash- ed into the ditch at Mathers Ave. The occupants, though badly shaken up, received no serious injury. The car was badly wreck- eil. o ~ Miss Joan Cullington of West Bay entertained st a beach party on Saturday evening. o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson and family have moved into Mrs. G. Pineo's house at 18th and Keith Road. ~ o P. J. Vosper of Vancouver is clearing the lot he bought at 11th and Esquimalt. o o o Mr. and Nrs. D. C. Ritchie, 30th and Marine Drive, are st their summer home at Mount Gardner Park, Bowen Island. Miss Joan Curtis gave s party last Saturday evening at her home at West Bay. o o o Mrs. Crosby of Victoria has moved into the Vigar house at 12th and Keith Road. A head-on collision occurred on Saturday evening at Cypress Park between two Vancouver cars, one of which was badly smashed in front, snd an occu- pant of it injured. The Marine Motors towed both cars to their garage for repairs, Mr. Rnd Nrs. D. Menzies of Kamloops, are visiting their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and hfrs. D. M. Wilson, 13th and Keith. ~ o o J. Nyland, 29th and Marine Drive, had a very pleasant sur- prise visit from his sister, Mrs. L. B. Warner, who with her son motored down here from Smith- ers, B. C. She is now visiting her mother in Victoria, but will spend a few days here on her way home. ~ ~ Nrs. John Lawson and Miss Gertrude Lawson have returned from a short holiday at Harrison Hot Spmngs. ~ ~ E. G. Canham of the West Van. Radio-Electric with Mrs. Csnham and family, has pur- chased the Long house at 14th and Haywood, and has taken pos- session. ~ ~ The Hollyburn Public Library board has just purchased thirty books of fiction and a dozen books for juveniles. These sre principally made up of the new- est copyright fiction. ~ ~ ~ Rev. J. Robertson of Vancou- ver has taken the Elliott cottage at 14th and Duchess, and is mov- ing in shortly. A special free bus for those at- tending the Dunning meeting to. night in North Vancouver will leave the corner of 29th and Mar- ine Drive at 7 p. m. sharp. o ~ ~ Mrs, A. Downing snd family of Kamloops are the guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. IilcMillan, 20th snd Esquimalt. o \ o Mrs. T. Snelgrove returned on Saturday to her home st 10th and Duchess after an extended visit to the Old Country. ~ ~ Nr. and Mrs. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," Altamont, re- turned on Sunday from a visit to Portland, Oregon, where they were the guests of their son-in- law snd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clemente. The latter were rec- ently visiting Mr .Rnd Nrs. Bulk- ley, whom they took back with them on their return to Port- land. Mrs. Merritt returned on Sat- urrday to her home in Caulfeild from hospital, and is feeling im- proved in health. o o Mrs. W. Dsnby, Mrs. Thomas Reed, Mrs. R. Lacelle and Mrs. Alex. NcFarlane have returned to the city after spending a holi- day at Horseshoe Bay. ~ o \ W. J. T. Watt, chief health of- ficer for the city of Winnipeg, with his wife is visiting his brother, J. T. Watt, 17th and Esquimalt. o o \ Nrs. D. S. Heaslip, 1508 Duch- ess, has returned to her home from a trip to Alaska. ~ \ o L.O.L. No. 2990 last Saturday laid a Wreath on the Memorial Arch while on their march to the ferry from the new Orange balL o o o Mrs. J. Tait gave s Kitchen shower last Saturday afternoon at her home in Altamont in hon- or of Miss Lydia Brown, whose marriage takes place next month. Mrs. Gorringe and family snd Miss Weaver, all of Vancouver, sre guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. o Mr. and i&IrL Colin NacLean, 19th and Marine Drive, have moved into a house at 20th and Marine Drive. Major R. D. Brewis, 2450 Bel- levue Avenue, is ill and a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. o o o Mr. and blrs. Louis Ajello, 24th and Nathers, are spending a holiday at Lummi Island. ~ ~ Mr. and i4Irs. Andrew Ure, 24th and Kings, have returned from a visit to Seattle. ~ ~ ~ The garden party held last week at the home of Mra J, Sheasgreen, 23rd and Bellevue, in aid of St. Anthony's Church, was a great success. Mrs. Thack- ery won the guessing contest, the prize for which was a cake. Call here for-- BATHING CAPS I'ITSRITE EAR DRU31 PROTECTORS SUNRL'RN REMEDIES FACE CREA318 CANDIES WEST VAll I'IIAI)IACY The Store of Sorvioo Wool 22 WE DELIVER FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK, Proydator 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LI5HTED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. aad ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L For Exchange 28ft Cabin Cruiser In Good Condition for a lot near Marine Drive. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL IL D. WHITE, Idzr. Diatiactiro Paaotal Service Lady Assistant 22S--Sad SL IL Phono North Sze Our Ice Machine is now running. Customers who have their own care and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase at the plant at half price- 50c per 100 lbs. MAMNE MOTORS ".™53 '„'„,I'„', Drive