West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jul 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS July 18, 1930. rv C'i«v: o*,~ .o vw 'vW'v V v o v7v'v vv V'4 I'ce ro ~v'v'p v l- Iw ii !o *i r ~ ',N hc'r i «7pfv rr! F 4 w'7 a .--vow 7 'v ii v vrrv wvv lrr'r 'vs vvv w ~ ~'rrwrrr rvvr«'v vrrvv rr ~ 'v tv vv CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS JULY 18th--PliBLIC hlEETING Hollyburn Theatre, IVest Vancouver at 8 p. m. SPEAKERS:Hon. Dr. Tolmie and Brig. Gen, J. A. Clark. Chairman: W. J. Dent. JUI.Y 22nd--DANCE AND SUPPEII Plantation Tea Rooms, Keith East. SPEAKER-- W, Drinnan. )VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th ood Boqolmoli, Houyhovo This Sooloty lo ~ Brooch of The Mother Church Tho First Chovvh of Chvivi, Sclvhiloi, in Boston Mumohu«tio. Sunday Sovvlooo 11.20 h. m, ohd 1.60 p.m. SUBJEC, JULY zoih, "LIFE" Sunday School oi 10.00 o. m. Testimony blootiog Wednesday at 0.16 p. m. JULY 26th--PUBLIC hlEETING Hollyburn Theatre SPEAKERS--Colonel Cy. Peck and others United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July 20th, 1930. 11:15 a.m.--Rev. J. S. Mul- drew, B.A., of Hastings Church, Vancouver. 7:16 p. m.--Rev. J. S. Muldrew 10 a. m.--Sunday School. VOTE FOR McRjlhE ROBERT BELL KILLED ON MA RIM E DRIVE Robert Bell, 1175 Duchess Ave., while walking along hfar- ine Drive at West Bay last Sat- urday at a little before midnight, was struck and killed by a car alleged to have been driven by Francis Gregg of North Vancou- ver. He is said to have been thrown forty feet and when pick- ed up his skull was fractured and in addition his thigh was broken. He died in the North Vancouver General Hospital at 6 a. m. Sun- day without recovering consci- ousness. Miss Lena Rivers, 25th and Marine Drive, who was with the deceased, was also struck by the car and rendered unconscious sustaining a bad cut on her fore- head, and a number of abrasions and bruises on her face and body. She was taken to the North Vancouver Hospital, but returned to her home on Sunday. Gregg, the alleged driver of the car who is also alleged not to have stopped after the accid- ent, was later arrested in North Vancouver on 0 charge of driv- ing an auto while under the in- fluence of liquor. He was releas- ed on 65,000 bail and, when charged with the latter offence on hfonday morning in the North Vancouver police court, was re- manded until this morning. At the inquest, which was held in Harron Bros. & IVilliamson'0 undertaking parlors on Tuesday afternoon, the jury brought in an open verdict. The funeral of the victim took place on Wednesday afternoon at Harron Bros. & Williamsno'0 chapel in North Vancouver. Dr. E. A. Henry officiated and inter- ment was made in Capilano View cemetery. The deceased leaves to mourn his loss his parents and five brothers, Alexander, Scot- land; Elmer of the West Van- couver police force; Benjamin, Point Grey; John, Britannia Mines; Adam, Prince George, and two sisters, Mrs. A. Steven- son and Miss Minnie Bell, at home. REMEMBER St. Stephen's Church Rectori Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 5 (July 20th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. the polls close at 6 p. m. on July 28 It is not safe to pul off voting until the last minute There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. on Sunday. The )unior boys'amp opens next Monday, July 21st, at Camp Artaban, Gambier Island, and will continue until August 4th. The rector will be vice-director of the camp and will be absent from the,parish during this time. As usual the hundred boys in camp will include a good repre- sentation from West Vancouver. GO AND VOTE EARLY. \Vest Van. Conservative Campaign Committee. Raymond Le Huquet of Vic- toria, a photo of whom was 0- warded first prize for children in the international contest put on by the Photographers'ssocia- tion of America, was born in Dundarave. Mrs. E. A. Cunningham and Miss E. A. Dix of Reading, Eng- land,who have been the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Priest at the rectory for the past month, left on Monday for Montreal where they will sail for home on the "Duchess of Richmond." Mrs. Bill, hire. Law, AIrs. Des- mond, and hfr. and Mrs. hfac- Turk paid a surprise visit to Mrs. A. M. Weller, 17th and hfarine Drive, last Saturday afternoon. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a.m., Mass, In- struction. 9:45 a.m., Mass, Ser- mon. Benediction after Second Mass. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions:Saturday, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Established on North Shore 20 Yoora (Lady Assistant) HARROih( BROS. (k WILLIAibISON guneraIlIircrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parkrs 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Mrs. Edgley is spending a few days visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Mclntyre, at their summer home at Kew Beach. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16ih A bfxriso EXPERT SERVICE E. 61ARSH. Proprietor tb tt GlFT SjjOp MPL& A. J. hr4AQ.I IN S. Ph. O. BOX 227. P)4O)dpnl WEST 2Zw6, West Van Nems Pobliohod Every Friday Booioooo ood Edqorml Offlcoi 17ib ood Movies Drive (Next io Hollybors P O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addvoooi P.O. Box sl, Hollybors, ILC. PobRohov F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 61.00 o year by mail or oavviov. Nowssisnds 64. For copy ANKLE SO%, to clear 2,9c DA1V CE in the Legion Hall, 18th and Duchess, THURSDAY, JULY 24th, Dancing 9 to 12. Good Orchestra Admission, including refreshments: Gentlemen 50 cents. Ladies 86 cents. A hearty invitation ls extended to you to attend the following meetings: BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Committee Branch of the Bvnioh lovaol World Fvdvvoiloh CANADlAN LEGION MEMORIAL HAI.L NEXT SUNDAY at Ziee P. M. Shookovi MR. PERCY KING Soblvvli "THE PROGIIESSIVE PI.AN OF GOIL« (A Sorloo of L«tor«) blr. King bvoodvooio over CKWX every Mohdoy from Si46 to 7:16 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Heywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, July 20. 10 a. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--hlorning Worship. 7:30 p. m.--Evening Worship. EXHIBITION GOOD I'I,ACE FOR HOI.IDAYS To adequately celebrate the twenty-fifst birthday of the Can- ada Pacific Exhibition, the dir- ectors and management of the Vancouver Exhibition Associa- tion have requested citizens to invite their friends to take their holiday in the city during the Exhibition from August 6 to 16. The buildings will be filled with splendid exhibits, and the automobik show will be one of the features of the fair. The arts and crafts building, with its setting of technical school education attractively ar- ranged, will be a fine display. There are twenty-six women' institutes in the competition for that section. The Indian exhibit on the balcony will be the best ever seen here. CARD OF THANKS Mr. hod Mvv. John Roll hod family, 1176 Duchess, wish to express iboir deep oypvocioiion to the many friends who ex- tended them sympathy in iboir recent sudden loss of o door voh ond for the many beautiful Aovol tributes. CARD OF THANKS Mr. ood Mvs. F. Rivers, 2641 Marine Drive, wish io thank their many friends for kind in- quirioo asd sympathy in the recent accident io their daughter Lena. Dr. Marjory McCubbln DENTIST 10 ~ . m. io 6 F. m. Evenings by ~psolhimohL Royal Book Bolldihg I'hoho 'West 446 R«ldooco Phoae Woo( ysa JULY is the Month, For Photographs A Fow Suggooiloao Wedding Groups lkiby I'ictures Family Groups View of Your Home ('opying Old I'hotos Frnming Piclures Pvlcoo io Si ~0 pockets. The King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 3II Hastings St. W. Eoiobnohvd 1002 AR Work I'oovooiood +oooooo +H oi Phone Sey. 1046 At the HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY (Located at Gemmill'0 Drug Store) MARGARET YORKE-- by Kathleen Norris THE IMMEDIATE FAhI- ILY--by Nalbro Bradley HIGH FENCES-- by Grace Richmond THE CASTLE ROCK MYS- TERY, by George Gibbs. and 26 others just placed on the shelves. JOIN NOW Yoo Hove blot 'Emf i I love io watch the rooster crow, He's like oo many mos 1 know, IVho brag ood bluster, root ond shout, Aod beat their manly chests, without The Avot darn thing lo brag about. "TAMING of the SHREW" The first picture lo present l)oug and hlary together DOUGLAS MARY FAIRBANKS PitlKFORD EVENINGS ir and O MATINEE SAT. «oQO A GOOD PICTURE FROM ENGLAND "ROOKERY NOOK" with the Orlhlohi LONDON CAST nohloo ihlv iho hvvl ialhl~ oomody prodo«d I ~ Eoolood DON"r MISS THIS -- IT'S GOOD Mon. - Tues. - Wed. NOTE On TIIURS. and SAT. (2 days only) of 'roovv next week wi. will present )VII,L R(KIERS in "SO THIS IS I.ONDON" No BETTER TALKIES ANVWHERE Shakespeare's Great Coif)edy 4 NOW I THEATRE PLAYING LONSDALC I 6