0001 u. A ~,h r r zhr, h 4 ~ m I zrh'.. I hz 'z r zrrr 'zw 4 4 ez u C. & F u&or .rr cm ~ iz ' zv ~' uyt"rr rz 'r ~ zrz z m z \ '- \ z 1 "rrr r-' ' 'r~ 'rr'r rrtrh rrz" rr~ r ~r rr ypHprr h Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave 2'4~".'„4""„'.,'l.", Hollyburn SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, July 4 and 5 Telephone Service bizyuuuuizu or Runzh Spread 8 uz. lus ................................. 29z I'utk It Beans. large zts lb. tiu 19c Pastry Flour.... 5 lb. suck 27z Rsd 4 lvhitu Guides Corn, tiu... Isz Rud e tghits I'uzuut Batter, I Rz tiu ......... ..... .......... I sz I uluuuz, pzz puckuk............ Its Sago ............................. 2 lbs. Ibz BUTTER, Finest Quznty Only 8 lbs. 61.08 Suit, ill'Iudzuz, Best for zuuktug. suz Rz Img ........................ 9z Red R White COFFRB, per Rz 61c Free Delivery Suuguid Cake .................. Sez Iienugg'u Ai.i. BRAN ............ 174 Nubub PRUNES. large meatyfruit...... 2 lb. pkt, 294 Nabob I.E'lION JUICE, pzs buk 25z bIALT TIN ROAIL pzr battle.... 20c CHEKSB, Chateau, Vs lb. pkm., 21z CORN STAIICH, Bsuzuu'z 2 pkts. 254 biurzzy'u MSRbiSLADF„40 uz.iuz......................... 89z Iiud R White JELLY BF tNS. lb. 1st FRUIT f'DORIES. per Ib..... 25c Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive Ready to serve you with Finest Quality Government-inspected Meats Home Cured Ham and Bacon SOMETHING NEW FOR PICNICS "Daisy Loaf" 40c a Pound EVER YTHIKIG GOOD TO EAT West 190 1680 1liarine Drive West Vancouver Conservative Association A GARDEN PARTY Will be held st The Home of Mrs. J. T. Watt l 6th snd Esquimslt NEXT THURSDAY, JULY 10th From 2.30 to 6 p.m. SPEAKERS Col. Nelson Spencer and R. H. Tupper Chairman, Mrs. D. C. Ritchie A Cordial Invitation is extended to this event. Our Ice Machine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase at the plant at half price- 50c per 100 lbs. I MARINE MOTORS "",;"; „azine Drive THE WEST VAN NEWS I'AULINE JOHNSON SCHOOl. The following are the leading pupils and Honor Roll recipients in the ten divisions of the Paul- ine Johnson School: Division I. Grade BA--Margaret Saund- ers, John Kendrick, Gerald Mas- on, Deportment--Frank Downey. Regularity and Punctuality- IVinie Albin, Maisie Busst, Laura Biurray, Jack Sheffield, hiargar- et Wrisberg. Division H Grade SB--Joan Gourlay, Cath- erine Gra&ly, Enid Clemente. Proficiencv--Enid Clemente. Deportment--Alex. Denniston. Regularity and Punctuality-- William Hawkes. Division III, Grade 7A -- Frank Hodgson, Dick Lester, Alton Grafton. Proficiency--Frank Hodgson. Deportment--Dorothy Dickin- son. Regularity and Punctuality-- Gertrude Thompson, Alfred Busst, Edward Sheffiel&l. Division IV. Grade 7B--John Gordon-Moe, John Bradley, Peggy Barker. Grade 6A -- Eunice Turvey, John McLeod, Wendan Hayes. Proficiency -- John Gordon- Moe. Deportment--John Bradley. Regularity and Punctuality- Nora Dent, Leslie Shenard. Division V. Grade 6A--Phyllis Howard, Doreen Todd, Josephine Allan. Grade 6B--Patrici Wallace, Oliver Burbridge, Lenore Beattie Proficiency--Patricia Wsnace. Deportment--June Eastman. Regularity and Punctuality-- Donald Sharman, John Teece, 1Vsnsce Murray, klnton IVsrd. Division VI. Grade 5A--Ken Davison, Eve- lyn McGowan, John Wright. Gratle 5B--Kathleen Jagger, Jessie Ritz, Joan Mathews. Proficiency--Evelyn McGowan Deportment--Elaine Brown. Regularity and Punctuality- Pat Albin, John Wright, Ken Davison, Walter Parker. Division VII Grade 4A -- Sheila Edwards, Brenda Wicking, Harry Parker. Grade 4B--Susan McLintock, Paul Jagger, Constance Davison. Proficiency--Sheila Edwards. Deportment--Brenda Wicking. Regularity and Punctuality-- Ronald Hawkes, Ronald O'rady, John Parker, Harry Parker. Division VIII Grade 3A--Allan Forster, Hir- oshi Kataoka Doreen Addy Grade 3B -- Pamela Little, Rhode Hoifman. Marjorie Dor- msn. Proficiency--Allan Forster. Deportment--Margaret Currie Regularity and Punctuslity- Pamela Little, Kenneth Gordon- Moe, Kenneth Shenard, Alice Grady, Helen Wrisberg. Division IX. Grade 2A--Charles Forster Jz Jack Lynn, James Anderson, Bill Gracey. Grade 2B--Joan Luke, Gloria Stamatis, Dorothy Harrop. 'roficiency--Charles B. For- ster. Deportment--Maisie Grieve. Regularity and Punctuality-- Gloria Stamatis, Argent Rsy, Bobbie Morton, George Allison, James Anderson, Bobby Curry, Keay Homms, Will Nicol, Robert Sheffield, Ralph Tipton, Jessie Wrisberg. Division X. Grade 1A -- Paulene Mary Greer, Hugh Oliver Mastermsn, Margaret Grace Hilborn. Grade IB--kiary Taylor Wil- son, Rhoda Eva Turvey, Dorothy Msy Dorman. Proficiency -- Paulene Mary G reer. Deportment -- Rhoda Edith Turvay. Regularity and Punctuality-- Esther Ann Teece, Doris Pearl Clement, Dorothy May Dormsn, Dorothy Harvey-Smith, Margar- et Grace H Shorn Takeo Kobsy- akswa. July 4, 1930. Only the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only (Two Stores for your service) sollyburn store gest 3 -d'"IILambBeet Pork Ambleside Store geSt 303 cut 5I.ate SERVICE Everything for the Building LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Buard Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L. Everybody Sees the ravages of the Forest Fire, but not everybody realizes that seventy per cent. of our fires in 1929 were preventable; in other words, they were due simply to carelessness. Pressure of public opinion has gone far to eliminate carelessness in other directions, but carelessness with fire is still amazingly prevalent. PREVENT FOREST FIRES-YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT I'HONE after 5 p. m., West 241 IL Ask for Jerry Dent An the Luck Two gentlemen had an extra- ordinary "night out" and were comparing notes a few days later. "My goodness," said one, do you know that I nnished up in the pohce station 7" "Lucky dog," said the other, bitterly, "I found my way home." Too Tough "Tenderf It's as tender as 0 the customer. "Tender 7 lt's as tendml ss 0 woman's heart," replied the butcher. "In that case," said the cus- tomer, "I'l take chops." DEAL WITH THE LARGEST RKCLUSIVB RRPAH. ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLD biBIA Sectional Garages, 10 by 18, delivered ....................,... 646.00 100-ft. solid board fence, materials, delivered .. - .................. IL00 1 by 4 cedar rustic, 8 to 7 ft. Nos. I und 2..............................„. 18.00 tb by 4 Nu. 1 Cedar V Joint, 8 tu 7 ft.....................,.„ 16.00 1 by 8 sized boards....................................... 10.00 2 by 8 to 2 by 12 sized, any lengths......,... z ...„.. „..„, „... 10.00 2 by 4 common sized, any length .........................., ......,.„,„9.00 Shipiup, good grade 9.00 1 by 8 Siding .. 18.00 4-iu. Fir Gutter, any length, sieur, per iiu. faut .........................08 I by 2 D.D. Fir, pur 100 iiu. feet.............,..........„,„, „.. Jio H by 8 uud H by 4 V Joist, dry........................... 11.00 I by 8 Flooring, lang lengths., 18,00 Nu. I XXX Shiugiez 2.76 Nu. 2 Perfection Shiugiez 2.60 Wun Shingles, 8-iu. cisus 1.25 Cedar Bevelled Sidiug 9.00 2 bv 8 iu. by 8 ft 8 iu. Doors, Nu. 1, each......................, ..... 2.96 Cedar Lattice 8 tu 7 ft., per 100 iiu ft..........................., ......26 Gypruz plaster Board, Building papers, Fir Veneer uud SR Buiidiug i % biuteriuiz. Vuucouvur Cartage Added. Piace your order with us and get Real Service.