0001 6 i I I July 4, 1980. THE WEST VAN NEWS I I i ! FI.ORAL FESTIVAI. PRIZE WINNERS Small Fruits--Cherries, 1 plate Mrs. C. Donohoe; Currents, black, Miss Frame, Mrs. A. H. Albin; red, Mrs. McQuaker, Mrs. Selwood; White, Mr. Selwood (2nd): Gooseberries, I plate, Mrs. Selwood, Mr. Tlnney; Rasp- berries, Magnus Ross; Strawber- ries, Nrs. J. Reid, Mr, Tinney; Rhubarb, hfrs. McQuaker; Peas in pod, Miss Frame, Mr. E. Col- l inson. Roses--Shot Silk and Floral Emblem, Mrs, P. E. Bill, hfrs, R. Reid; Six roses distinct varieties, Mrs. W. Blair, Mr. K. A. Ray; Six roses three varieties, Mr. C. Donohoe, Mr. W. J. Clifford; Roses, 8 red, Mr. W. J, Clifford, hfr. K. A. Ray; Roses, 3 pink, Mr, C. Donohoe, Mrs. A. H. Priest; Roses, 3 white, Mrs. H. E. Nes- bitt, Mrs. W. E. Device; Roses, 3 yellow, Mra W. E. Device, Mrs. C. Donohoe; Roses, 3 any other variety, Nrs. C. Donohoe, Mrs. L. Burley; Moss rose buds, Mrs. L. Burley, Nrs. R. Reid; Collec- tion of climbers, Mrs. C. Donohoe hfr. Ed. Black; Best rose in show Mr. W. J. Clifford. Collections -- Delphiniums, Mrs. D. AIcDonald, Mr. Ed Black; Iris, Mrs. D. NcDonald, Mrs. A. H. Albln; Peonies, Mrs. A. H. Albin, Mrs. E. Rhodes; Campan- ulas, »bits. E, Rhodes, Mrs. A. H. Albin; Canterbury Belle, Mrs. Wm. Blair, Mrs. A. H. Albin; Pyrethums, Mrs. A. H. Albin, Mrs. H. G. Selwood; Poppies, hire. A. H. Albin, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson; Pinks, Mrs. E. Rhodes, Nrs. A. H. Albin; Any other var- iety, Mrs. Wm. Blair, Mrs. E. Rhodes; Annuals, 4 varieties, Nrs. E. Rhodes, Miss M. Frame: Perrennials, 4 varieties, Mrs. A. H. Albin, Mrs. P. T. Masterman; Display rack plants, AIrs. Mast- erman, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Decorative Section--Bowl of roses, Mrs. P. Masterman, AIrs. C. Donohoe; Bouquet of sweet peas, Mr. J. J. Rutledge; Bou- quet of flowers, Mrs. P. Master. man, hiiss M. B. Almas; Best ar- ranged bowl of nasturtiums, Mra. G. Bulkley, Mrs. Wm. Blair; Best house plflnt, Miss M. Frame, hfrs. Grisdale. Girls'ivision--Needlework, Best Apron, Eileen Smallwood; One pair hemmed towels, Peggy Barker; One piece colored em- u broidery, Doreen Elgar, Peggy Barker; Bloomers, Mabel Phil- lips, Maisie Busst, Eileen Body; Girls'ash dress, Mabel Phillips, GARDENS and Pat Davidson, Margaret Urisbey, Josie Leyland; Baking powder biscuits, hiay Duncan, Pat David- son, Marion Blair; Layer cake, iced, Marion Blair. Joeie Lay)and, Doreen Elgar; One piece colored embroidery, Mary Duncan, Mad- eflne Cross; Princess slip or nightgown, Doreen Childs, Vir- ginia Carnage. Home cookings, Best whole wheat muffins, Mari- on Blair, Kathleen Hodgson; Six drop cakes, Pat Albin, Mabel Phillips; Best pie, Josie Leyland, Marion Blair; Candy, Marion Blair, Pat Albin. Children's section -- Flowers, Best bouquet flowers, Eileen Hodgson, Pat Albin; Wild flow- ers, Billy Barker, Isobel Hodg- son. Drawings, Best drawing, nasturtiums, Aileen Young, Jean Currie; Best conventional design Tommy Robson, hiary Duncan. Boys'ivision -- Woodwork, Best piece of woodwork, Will Albin, Fred Fennings; Best hobby prize, Walter Pearson. Jack McLeod, Met Chapman. Class B, 16 years and over, best piece woodwork, Ronald Irish, Alfred Busst, Ian Elgar. High School Class B, Second Year, Rupert Harrison, Jack Watt, Bill Smith; First year, Bert Albin, Ralph Patterson, George Watt. Best gardens (neatness, ar- rangement and originality to count 83 1-3 per cent), Mr. C. Barrow, Mr. G. Bulkley, Mr. J. L. McDaniels. Beet utility gard- en, Mr. C. Ray, Mr. J. Gillham, Mr. J. Reid. Special prizes were won by the following: Mr. C. Barrow, Reeve Trophy; Mr. C. Ray, The Royal Bank trophy for best util- ity garden; Mrs. Wm. Blair, J. J. Hanna trophy for six roses, dis- tinct varieties; Mrs. P. E, Bill, Fyfe Smith trophy for the "Floral Emblem" and "Shot Silk, one rose, this being the associa- tion's floral emblem; Mrs. P. Masterman, J. Haydn Young trophy for display of rock plants. The following specials donated by the Restmore Manufacturing Co., »Papeteries,u Smith, David- son & Wright, Roberts'etter Meats, Ritchie Bros., Gemmill, Daught, Pacific Paper Co» Mr. E. S. Gamage, »Mina Hutt,u were won by the following: Mrs. P. Masterman, Mrs. C. Donohoe, Mrs. E. Rhodes, Mrs. A. H. Al- bin, Mrs. Bulkley, Miss Frame, Mr. J. McDaniels, Mr. J. Reid. The Councillor Jackman garden hose was won by Mr. J. Gillham. Mrs. C. Barrow'8 special prize was won by Mr. J. Clifford for best rose in show. GARDENING By MINA G. HUTI; Landscape Architect c du Io I I d hopi o u, I c. Aa il«u sob«i ol I ud oop 4 hii«l ~ oalcad I ~ . Maufoa pi~Ihual &r~c po saul ~. The plants in the garden re- Mr. F. Ju Vancouver: I plant- quire quite a little attention dur- ed 8 number of shrubs last fall ing July and August. They will but some of those planted on the be checked considerably by lack north side of the house do not of water, with the result that seem to thrive. there will be a loss in fruit and Answer: In planting shrubs bloom. Get the water down to or plants of any kind in locations the roots where it will do the where they do not receive much most good. Punch 8 small hole sunlight, it is necessary to choose inanoldtincan andsinkitclose the ones which will do well in to the plant and fil with water shady places. Not knowing just at least once a day. This is real- what shrubs you planted I can ly a very economical and satis- not tell whether or not the a- factory watering system. A light bove is the cause of your trouble, sprinkle on the surface of the although I am fairly certain it soil is really worse than nothing is. Write and tell me the names at all as it serves only to harden of the shrubs you planted in the the soll and exclude the air. Do shade and I will be glad to ad- your sprinkling in the evening if vise you further. the civic authorities permit as if J. AL H» writes as follows:-- the watering is done in the morn- My peonies have practically ing most of it will evaporate be- finished blooming. Will it dsm- fore it reaches the roots of the age them if I cut ofl'he tops plants. Cultivate often during now i the next couple of months to con- Answer: It will set the plant serve what moisture there is in back somewhat to prune now; the soil, as well as kill the weeds wait until September if possible. as they start growing. If the plants are affected with If the fruit on the squash and peony blight burn the foliage pumpkin vines have set, pinch when you cut it off. back all the side shoots so that the nourishment will go to the NOTE--Tl ~ ai ia oouobla II ~ Pl ufruit and not to start new run- I u uuoiloiaoo »\»i»oil ~ o 4 ners. Tl ~ o Ihu ~ »boule bo al ood io A number Of queatiOne WhiCh m 'i iu «» ol u ~ Ed)i% Tbo have recently been asked appear u ~ p « I i»pip io do»loud ~ ou«pab below; u 44 al u dopo »boule h olooab ) Useful Recipes ) Strawberry Creams I cup hot water I/z teaspoon salt '/8 cup butter I&/2 cups flour 6 eggs Put hot water oaalt and butter into a basin, and when boiling work in the flour until smooth. Let cool, and beat in one at a time, 5 eggs. Spread into finger forms on tins, snd bake in quick oven until light as 8 feather. Let cool, and cut open tops, so as to fill with sweetened whipped cream and strawmerries. Strawberry Short Cake 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder '/8 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 8'I cup milk &/1 cup butter Strawberries. Mix flour, baking powder, salt snd sugar, and sift twice. Work in thc butter with the tips of the fingers, and add the milk gradu- ally. Toss on floured board div- ide into two parts. Pat and roll out. Bake in pie tins in a hot oven 15 minutes. Split and but- ter. Sweeten strawberries to taste, crush slightly and put between and on top of the short cake. Cover the top with whipped cream. Decorate top with whole raw berries. Serve at once. Strawberry Icing 4 tablespoons strawberry juice 1 cup of sugar Boil until it threads and pour over whipped white of I egg. Salmon Steak -- Stuffed Buy slices of salmon &/8-inch in thickness. Arrange half the number of slices in a baking pan, on thin slices ol strips of salt pork fat. Cover with a well-sea- soned, bread-crumb stuffing. Cover with remaining slices of salmon. Sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Surround with left- over boiled potatoes, cut into fourths lengthwise. Arrange strips of salt pork fat on top and bake in a moderately hot oven a. bout 30 minutes or until done. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Boiled Trout or Other Fish Clean trout; wipe dry. Cut into suitable pieces for serving. Dip pieces in melted fat and boil over 0 clear fire for about 12 minutes. Other fish may be broiled in the same way. Fish Croquettes To I cup cold, flaked fish, add 9» cup or more of thick white sauce. Season with salt and pep- per (lemon juice and onion if liked). Cool, shape into cut)ets, roll in crumbs, egg and crumbs again. Fry in deep fat. French Salad Dressing I/» teaspoon salt &/4 teaspoon pepper &/8 teaspoon paprika I to 2 tablespoons vinegar 4 tablespoons oil Mix Ingredients in order given stirring vigorously;;;2 table- spoons Chili sauce may be added. Russian Salad Dressmg I hard-cooked egg, finely chop- ped 2 tablespoons finely chopped cooked beets I tablespoon flnefywhopped onion I tablespoon cooke&i chopped carrot. Add the above ingredients Io French dressmg. Mother (hearing little daugh- ter cry in the garden) '"What' the matter out therefu Brother: u)Vhat shall I do, mamma? Sister has dug 8 hole In the ground and she wants to take it into the house with her.u CLASSIFIED ADS ROOMS ix Fiiop Bouse fxtixg wulot at Dpedxtxvo. Phone West 2S4L FOR SALE--Rofutluty ixbid. bai xud dtomot, pxitu mattress, oxk duuk table, baby'x bdd. Apply Mtp. Duy, Nut&9-uept tptnet 29&h xxd Bellevue. WAVTPD By Careful Toupulp, lust or five toom wxtm, well lute&thud modern bungalow for winter ftum Spplpmbpt Iul. Apply »Bengxipw," ciu West Vxe News. FOR SALE--Thutuugbbtud male tutk- pt upuuici puppy. Apply Suke I, Huy Black. FOR SALE--'Woulutx Elodt&c Wash- ing 5&xchieu. Good cuedkipe. Phono West 22&X. HIGH SCB&ri)L GIRL Wxplu Work- Fued pl ehiidtox. Phone West 42L2. HIGH SCHOOL GikL will give xot- vices for good home xxd pocket moedy or wuu&d Play with ixdy camper. Apply "Slpdoui," clo Wpxl Vun News. FOR RENT -- Futeipbod bungalow, four rooms, Ju&y xnd Auguul. Phpcp West 809. DURING Summer Muelhp, I wik tahe x limited uumbot of ptivetc pep&is who need couch&Pe or whu bxvu Pep- piumuxlxty exxmu, this lu&i. A. M. Stephen, Phono West 479-Y. FOR PLI',HSING REPAIRS -- Rod- &douce Phono &Vox& 241R. I'UkS CLEANED, STOkED or Ro- mudoiud. Summut pt&tab Huiiybute Fut Stare, Koiih Block, Bpkybpte. FOR MOVING xpd BUILD&M&G SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Rod&dunce Phone West 882R. CARPENTER eed Uphuiplutut. Para- aetu tupeitud. L&edoum Psd Cetpo& wptk. Saws Si«L Lewu Mamas xhatppnml. IL Eiiip. Phono West 87. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMI)&ING. Apply C. L Koeixgx, Ruxiduetu Phone West 894R. WRRB'8 SHOE REPAIks WEAR BEST--Duudutpvu. GARDENS--Duoiguud ped Ix&d puL Original duxigux ie Li&y xed Orna- ments& Pools. Roch xnd Wall gstd- pex. Lewex, Fpiwm& xed Rpxu gxtd- oxp. Rexflc Work. Summer hpupop. &'txxy pxvixg. R. J. Kyip. Phone West 411. PAINTING, DECORATING.FRENCH Polishing, Cutioy, Bop&desex Phone West 7&Y. IV Yue Ieloed &u Bead or Wxs& Yoet Hpupd A»acd or Rcpxitud, phase Colin Txtxot, bendut, lguxl 679IL WANTED--Wpmue lm uix or poove dxyp about 8&b Juiy &turn 9)80 &u 7:80 p.m. $&Jio pot dxy. Pbueu West 74L2. IL P, CLARK a CO. ESTATES LTD. ACREAGE SNAP--By spuds& hmbtut- Upnx pl owner 16 actus dpup is ut the Ipw pt&cu of $8,000. Sailubie for developing, or xebdividieg into Pete lteclx. Goad &ctms. WATERFRO.&T LOTS--AC luul ul Filieuelb Sltpct on the bosch. These are the choxpopt ppx-&tact &pip npw available, $1500. Terms arranged. Phueo Soymuut 7484 k. P. CLARK 8& CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER, Woxt 225 DRESSMAKING xud Ailotxliuxx done reasonably. Phone West 54L. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping uud Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic iaxkx, loxdeg Pnd land clearing, chimnuyx xed lutxxtex cleaned axd repaired. Phone T. Bxtnuu, residence phoae West 290R. GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pubuc Fire Ipxutxxtu -- Mouoy lu Luce TAX SALE LOTS 1406 Mxtiee Drive Oflice Phone West 21 or Scy. 1260 Rex&dunce Phone W. 82R pt W. 204X SCHWEPPES LE)IONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE xxd PR the Good Brands of Cigars at Tbe Ambieuido Teo Rooms. An Irish priest, in an impover- ished district, waa the beneflci- ary of a gift day, in which all of his parishioners brought gifts to the altar. The reverend father, as the phrase is, rose to thank them, voice husky with emotion. "An'he one thing that touched me heart most of sll, wuz whin little Maggie Clancey walked up the aisle, and laid an egg on the altar." AN ABSOLUTE GIFT HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY $ 125.00 Easy Tttmu for 60 lou& Ie& next lu corner on pxvud x&tuu& xed bux touio, low biutkx lu Ferry. Pbunu hit. Su&lac West 58R2, Even- lego. GB.LESPIE HART ik CO. (Vxeopuvot) LTD. 456 Howe S\ttol Sty. 9880 An evangelist was exhorting his hearers to flee from the wrath to come. »I warn you,a he thundered, »that there will be weeping, and wailing and gnashing of teeth." At this point an old lady in the gallery stood up. «Sir,u she shouted, »I have no teeth." uhfadam,u roared the evange- list, "teeth will be provided." His father had taken wee Willie to the theatre, and, in his eagerness to get a front seat in the gallery, wee )Villie fell over into the pit. His father leaned over the gal- lery rail and called out. "Coom back here Wullie. for gudeness sake; it's a haulf croon extra doon there." Nachmc Boshy Dair)man. Yes, this is the very latest milking machine." City Lady: «But do you think it makes as good milk as cows do Iu The Professor Agam Friend: »I hear that you have been presented with twins, are they boys or girls Ia Professor: "As far as I can remember, it is a boy and a girl, but perhaps it is the other way round." The )Vorm'0 Turn "It once took two sheep to clothe h woman, now one silk worm csn do it!" I& K G I Y A. L CANADIAN I.EGION SQUEAL AND DANCE in ihe Legion Bull. 18th and l)ucheua, THURSDAY, JI'LY 101h. at 8&15 I'. hl. Dancing 9:30 to 12. Good Orchestra Admission 35c, including refreshments. by the JUNIOR PUPILS OF AIISS AIARGARET hlclNTYRE Assisted by hire. Colin hlacl.ean. Soprano. FRIDAY, JUI.Y 11th, in the CANADIAIhf LEGION HALI. at 8:15 p. m. Admission 25e Children 15c. or rV'rr~r h i r P kr I rhu