0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 27, 1930, r x~ r lr &r rrr~v trr r r h hv Iwp \" Wrk in+ i i 'rr'r 'r i.r r . wr 'rur nx '" r Wrq i xr 1 1 4 crrxii 1' Ni'i iu ir"'rtvpi .'rx r r i Ir ~ rirc "1 "/:ix'r t vr ~ %~ ~ 'i Iv Vi'rrri'rrr rrri v rvvv 'iv Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Puudarave ,P~'1 ""'" .IioIIyburn SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, June 27 and 28 Free DeliveryTelephone Service ATSUI', Nabob 12 cx boule 19c cs a 'iyhnc I'ccchcc, I IK tall uc ...... ............................ I sc RUI.K COFFEE, real secs value ccr lb. $5c. 8 lbs. $ 1,00 'ORN FI.AKFE. Sugar Crisp 8 phic. 25c OLIVES. Jcxi ihc thing for Picnics 20 cx Queen, pcr icr....,.... 25c 12 cx, Stetted, pcr icr .......... $$c IAVONNAISE or ELISE Si'READ, Sexi Foods, 16 cx. icr.................... 49c AKE SPECIAL-- cicbcv Layers. Robertson'c tach.....................---- ........ $0c Cixscr Seeps ......... 2 Rxx 29c C R14 e Whnc Bchiex I'ceder, pic 12 cx. 1ie ...................... 2$c RUI.K TEA, aced quality, lb. $5c 8 lbs. $ 1.00 Rce e White Tomatoes, Icrxc tins ...................... 2 unx 27c Corn Beef, Fray Bccic'c, iix 244 I'EP. Kcuoss'c,.... 2 phtx. 25c Scchcyc Salmon, Rich Rce Sctixcx. I lb. lcn Rx..................... $9c R PINEAPI'LE. Faultless 2c unc 27c C IVHITE CORN. Lynn Valley, R 2 tins 2$c PIANO RECITAL AT MRS. WILSOiV'S STUDIO BIrs. Clara Wilson announces a piano recital to be given to- morrow (Saturday) by class and private pupils at the studio, 2367 Marine Drive. The recital will start at 7:30 p. m. A cordial in- vitation is extended to parents and friends to be present. IVEST VAN. BALL TEAXI DANCE The IVest Vancouver Ball team is giving a dat.ce tonight (Fri- day) in the new Legion Hall. Dancing starts at 9 p. m. The same snappy orchestra will be on hand and it is hoped that all those who attended the last dance will be present this even- ing. Admission 50 cents. Mr .and ibirs. Fisher of Van- couver, have moved into a house at 3346 Marine Drive. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Webber, who have just arrived from the Anti- podes on the S.S. "Niagara," were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Nrs. Ed. Black, 25th and Marine Drive. The Misses Eileen Murphy and Thelma King left on IVednesday to spend a vacation at Arrow Park, B. C. 1 Nr, and Mrs. Swain of Van- couver, have taken a cottage on the Waterfront at Dundarave. Roberts'etter Meats Special - Special Saturday Morning Cash and Carry. No C.O.D's 'egs, 6 to 71bs..per 1b, 25c Loins, 4 to 5 lbs.. " 25c L b Shoulders, 6 to 7 lbs.. " 18c am 0 'ibs, with breast on, 4 to 5 " 15c This is cash price on very choice Australian Lamb. Sold as cut. hiso our regular high-grade Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal West 190 lc)80 Marine Drive DEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COI.U51BIA Sectional Gxrcscx, 10 by 16, delivered.......................... $46.00 100-tt. solid board fence, materials, delivered.......,............. 11.00 I by 4 cedar rustic, 8 to 7 tt. Ncx. I xnd 2...............,...... 16.00 irh by 4 Nc. 1 Cedar V Joint, 8 ic 7 It................ 16.00 I by 6 xixcd boards............................................................... 10.00 2 by 6 tc 2 tiy 12 xixcd, any lengths............ 1 ......................... 10.00 2 by 4 common xixcd, xny length............................... 9.00 Shipiap, good grade ..............-.....................--.......... 9.00 I by 6 Siding.................................................. --.................. 1800 4-in. Fir Getter, any length, clear, pcr Iin. toot.........06 I by 2 D.D. Fir, pcr 100 iix. feet .60 by 8 xed 14 by 4 V Joint, dry................................. 11.00 I by 8 Piocrins. long lengths ...........,......................... 1$.00 No. I XXX Shingles............................................. 2.76 No. 2 Pcrtcciicn Shingles 2.60 Wall Shingles, 6-in. clear 1.26 Cedar Bevelled Siding 9.00 by 6 in. by 6 tt 6 in. Doors, Nc. 1, each.......----............................. 2.95 Ceder Lattice, 8 tc 7 txi pcx 100 Iin 11.......25 Gyprcc Plaster Bocx4, BuiMins Papers, Fir Veneer ced AR BuiMicx 14xicricix. Vancouver Ccricse Added. Piece your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. m„West 241 R. Ask for Jerry Dent gVILLIAM HARMON DIFS SUDDENI.Y The death occurred early on bionday morning at his home, 23rd and Mathers, of William Harmon. The deceased, who was only in his 18th year, had lived here most of his life. He is sur- vived by his mother and one sis- ter. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. 1Vednexday, from the United Church, Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry officiating, and inter- ment was made in Capilano View cemetery. Harron Bros. St Williamson had charge of the funeral ar- rangements. The following sent wreaths: IVext Vancouver United Church, staA'f Boultbee Ltd., Dr. and Nrx, E. A. Henry, Sir. and Mrs. J. Haydn Young and Wenonah, Reeve and Mrs, Leyland, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Hearst and Katherine, Nrs. T. Dsuphinee, Mr. and Mrs. Denton snd Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. Roy Borthwick, Madame Duc, the Misses McBain, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnstone and Douglas, the Harrison family, Nr. and Mrs. Tom Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson and Gertie, Mrs. O'Don- nell and Marjorie and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. E. McNulan and famI)y, the Murphy family, North Van- couver, Mr. and Mrs, E. Ward snd family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark, Mr. snd Mrs. L. S. Gar- thorne, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gar- thorne, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wil- liamson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest and Rose and Charlie, Mr. and Nrs.. John Harte, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Devlin, Nr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. Niuard and and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Robin- son and Bob, bIr. and Mrs. R. B. Qnly the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only /Two Stores for your service) Hollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store g@S& 303 cut Bleats Lamb Beef I'ork SERVICE EveryIhing for the Building LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster lioard Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L The Muin Thing "How old is ytur son 7" the visitor. "Well, he's reached the when he thinks it is of less portance to pass than to pass the car ahead." The Very Idea Little Willie: "Mamma, is going to heaven when he dies Mother: "IVhy, xon, who pu such an absurd i& n y head?" Cripps, Mrs. Summerfield, Misses H. and L. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Albin and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stephen and Leslie, Mrs. Millan, Mrs. Jack Cripps, Mrs. Ernie Davis Blanche and Jimmy Duckworth, Mrs. Smith McDon- ald, Albert and Gordon Master- man, His Boy friends. To say of a Statesman that he possesses a lively intelligence is to suggest some lightness of metal.--Lord D'Abernon. AMILLIONp ~,, DOLLAR '~'8 =~ rv( TAX BltL'::;~~ 4 B.C, Electric payments in taxes and percentages last year amounted to almost 0 million, to be exact $934t985 NE of the xbingx thc B. C. Ebccric wants to do0 is xc be x good cixixcn xnd pcytxx fair share of xhc costs of government. Wc don't complain of pay- ing cur fair tcxcx cnd erc crc not protecting when we xcy wc paid $ 934,987 in xxxcx axd pcxccntxgcc lxxt yccr. 3 You mxy have xs inxcrcxc in this, bccxuxc, actually, it ix you, cor coxxcmcrx, wbc pxy xhcxc cxxcx. We have only oxc xcurcc of rcvcnuc, cur fxxcx or eoc recce for Bghc xnd power xnd gxx. Txxcx or ether charges xgxbut the xcrvicc merely mate the cctcx higher. 5por example, pcrccntxgcx on fares paid xo tbc city merely xdd xo xbe case of xcrvkc, cnd cbc ccc rider pays xcoxcr or lxtcx xbc coax of service. In the same wcy, taxes xcprcxcax x Cc6nitc pcrccnxcgc of the cccc of every kilowatt hour of clcctric current that you MUN I Ci PAL PRO Vt'I1'24 CIAL 3Thc txxcc paid by the B. C. ElccxxM represent 14.$ 1 pcx cene. of Icx xct earnings. When ycu xcxc buy cxr tickets or pcy your light or gxx blur rcmcmbcr xhxc pere of your money comet back xo you in the form of lcxxcxed xxx bills. FEDERAL B.C. Electric tcxcx b a 0 c txcrtcxcrf 90% bx tbc last jive ycxit xrbgc Vcxi carer ltgbt txg rxtct bcvc gcxc itcxrx 20/0. BRITISH COLUMBIA E LECTR I C RA I LWAY CQMpANY cc il err vr.