0001 of k' 'e :ity, dt) ! Van. sge at or the d sud e mov- sge at to v'une 27, 1020. June is a most exacting task mistress ln the garden. but her liberality makes every hour prec- ious, We must be in the garden to see each of her beauties un- fold, and we must work eagerly in ctNoperation with nature that all her prom)so of later beauty shall be fulfilled. )Then you straighten up your aching back after a spell with the hoe or weeding fork, and look around at the glories June has brought to the garden you forget your r and tiredness, and thrill pride and joy in what you ve accomplished. June means weeding and cul- ting, and cultivating and ng. Continuously from now this «S!I be your program, s or the soil must not be allowed become hard around the plants the weeds must never get a on you.s When June is showery that 0teens frequent clippings of thewn. Clipping is beneficia, )tgswhile cutting is hard work with mall reward. When the clip- pings are shor) they may with 'bencftt be allowed to remain on ,'I ',: „the lawn, whereas the longer "grass will need to be removed to prevent an unsightly appearance. Cultivate the ground as soon fter a rain as the ground is dry enough to work. Keep 8 fine dust inulch around the plants to con- serve moisture and promote growth. Glad' tff) for late summer bicorn t ta& set as late as July 1st. Ths till bloom with the michrelmax .sisies, and you will Ite glad ihmt were included. g Tall PxoJ)ng pcrennials will need to be staked before they are cten down by wind or rain. 1"or 8 really neat appearance do not bunch the plant and tie it to one stake. Use separate stakes for the difierent stems or branch- es. This allows better develop- ment and makes 8 much better appearance. & Although much bloom must be ]I left in the garden, it is also quite necessary that flower heads and spikes be cut before they go to seed, So much of the vitality of the plant is sacrificed in making ers are left uncut. Follow a definite routine in spraying but let common sense rise above routine. If heavy rains come quickly after spray- ing or dusting, spray or dust a- gain. If Monday is the routine day for spraying, and aphis show up on Sunday, spray on Sunday. Keep the rose beds clean. Old leaves should be removed and burned. MOTE--Vtt ~It ltt sw Ie» tt ~ Clw u ~ to wu r uussttws ssu «ul c tu wmlw t tet 1 u. rx c «u»s zwte I» eer ssml ts tts It» m s ut txs suit». Yus ~u llt ul» tu u Is mw ss It ~ wswwl uls t 4 ~Itse ~ ~ t sue»I, ~ ttwtersssse su siss smuts 1» t «5 KITCHEN SHOWER A kitchen shower was held at the residence of Mrs. Charles Mc- Intyre, 20th Street, on Wednes- day, 25th inst., in honor of Mrs. Allan Mclntyre, whose marriage took place last week. The joint hostesses for the oc- casion were Mrs. James Mcln- tyre, Miss Margaret McIntyre and Miss Nancy Rudolph. Among those present were Mrs. Small, Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. K. Burton-Fost- er, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Clerk, Mrs. Knight Hodge, Mrs. Blair Ed- wards, Mrs. H. A. Hodgson, Mrs. Haydn Young, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Colin Maclean, Mrs. Edgley, Mrs. H. L. Maclean, Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mrs. S. Humph- ries of North Vancouver, Mrs. Martin of Edmonton, Mrs. C. Mc Intyre, Mrs. A. Redfern, Point Grey, Misses Maisie Jack, Ruth Jackson, Jean Watson, Beatrice Hodgson, Nancy Rudolph, Irene Gracey, Marjorie Murray, Win- nie Dorchester, Barbara McIn- tyre, ikfrs. James Mcintyre, and Mru, Alan McIntyre, Miss Mar- garet McIntyre.. Matlnees2 Extra NEXT I Tueuvuc WEEK AT LGN8DALIo TL)ESu DOM. DAY Pt3P GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect 0 4u t tu L «4 ssluc U. at c. A»k sszmu sl 5 uo s Ar xlt»tus t c. msat» Nsltswl twesc u S»stw. THE WEST VAN NFWS R. P. CLARK 4 1:O. ESTATES LTD. ACREAGE SVAP-- By special ieettuc. tioue of owner, 15 ocmu close iu at the iow price of 33,000. Suitable for developing, or eubdividiug into acre tracts. Good terms. WATERFRONT LOTS--At Coot of Fifttmnth Street on the beach. Thece ere the chtepeet eee-frost lots uow available, 3) fioo. Terms erreuged, Phoae Seymour 7484 R. P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phoae C, J. ARCHER, West 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pub)le Fits Iueuteuce -- Hooey io )uses TAX SAI.E I.OTS 1405 Marine Drive Office Phoae West 21 or Sey. 1280 Residency Phono W. 32R or W. 204X CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BALE--Library Table 54"x27 . one white euemeiied top kitchen tebie with dtuwesu, email chest of drswerz, Cew mizceiieuoeue ertk)ea Apply West 58L1. ROOMS ia Nice Houue fee)us water at Duudereve. Phoue West 284L HOUSE WANTED--Muderu. Two bed rooms. Close to ferry. Permanent. Apply "House," cio West Veu News. SCHOOL GIR). Wkhce Peeitios as mother'e help. Phone West 88. DUR)N( Summer Mouthu, I will tate e limited uumber of private pupils who need ceechmg or who have zup piemeutery exeme. this Call. A. M. Stephen, Phone West 4t9-Y. FOR PLUMBIN('EPAIRS -- Ree- ideucc Phone West 241R. FURS CLEANEI). STORED or Re- modeled. Summer prices. Hoiiyhuru Fur Store, Keith Biocit. HCByburu. CARPPVTER uud C phoietetet. Puss. iture repulsed. Liuoieum olid Cerpot work. Saws hied. Lawn Mowetz uberoeuud. R Ellis. Phoue West 87. FOR PAINTIVG. KALSOIIIN)NG. Apply C. L Kosiugs, Reekence Phoae West 304R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIBS WEAR BF&T-Duudcteue. HEMSTITCHING--Pkk wb)t 5« yerd; ciik olul colerwi Isc yettt Peers~ 'e Dcygomk, 14th Street eud )fusiue. Phone West )44. GARDENS--Deuigued eud Ieid eut. Original designs in Lily eud Orna- mental Pooh. Rock ssd WOB gesd- elle. Louse, Pocluei ~Ild Roue getd- eus. Ruztk Work. Sumawr bouew Crazy paving. R. J. Kyte, Phoae West 411. PALViTING, DECORATING.PRFVCH Polishing. Ceriey. Rezideuce Phoae West 71Y. AN ABSOI.UTE Gii'T HPRE'& YOUR Oi'PORTUNITY 5125.00 Easy Terms for 50 foot lot next io corner on peved street eud buu route, few biockz to Feny. Phone hir. Sutton West 53R2, Even- iugx. GILLESPIE HART a CO. (Vcucouver) LTD. 458 Howe Street Sey. 9380 Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of North Vancouver, have taken one of the Read Cottages on Bruce Street, Horseshoe Bay. FOR MOVINiG esd BUILDING SL'P- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Rex)deuce Phone West 332R. DRESSMAKING eud Aiteretioue deus reasonably. Phone West 54L. FOUNDATION CE)IENT WORK- Leudzcupiug oud Lewuz laid, Reek walls, drains, septic ieukz, feuciug end land c'ieeriug, cbimueyz eud Cuzueces cleaned eud repoired. Phone T. Beruott, residence phone West 300R SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE oud sR the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambieeide Tec Rooms. 11'os Iutemi to BuiM or Vi'eui Year Booze A)tered or Repaired, phoae Co)is Terser, buiider, West 879)L WANTED--Woeteu fec eix or eeueu days about 8th July from pt30 to '1:30 p. m, giyio per duy. Phone Prezi 74L2, SWEET-TONED Uptight Bell Pieuo ibiehogeuy), Seui-built Cbezterheid set rase wilton rug smoking choir zmeii oek end ceue table, pretty ovcrluetliei, bloue htu Ccrc%I@ ook Jecobeeu dining suite 18 pieces). pale gmeu eud rose bedroom eet, high-ovcu Fawcett range. These si reasonable pricex, cash only. 1105 Duchess Ave. DT E Elks 'NO» GAdp LIKE- 0 E" rcenl ~ I ~ I FRIPAT -- o..t «pslltuul Msw Iml iu t tllslt, w sl t s Imt s Is ~ III seed that the blooming season js usually greatly curtailed, and the neatness of the garden is de- troyed when the matured flow- ~ . oEYERYBODY KNOWS , ',.jl su pi'1 I iG 'I B! e that Logging and Lumbering is British Columbia's major indus- try, and is likely to be for some years to come; but not everybody realizes the increasing impor- tance of our forests to the world at large, as forests elsewhere be- come denuded. We still have 360,000,0007000 board-feet of mer- chantable timber -- but we have none to burn. 7fcflccde»C Of Qwftfy NABE IN B.C. ~(i,ll. i.)lli PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COI,UMBIA FOREST SERVICE ,I HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS ~aonucgas aupluaas