West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1930, p. 2

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0001 pier" 2 THF. WFST VAN NEWS June 27, 1930. v m wv ~v v rir Vvvrv wv v v ~irv .%-iwi -" u ~ u p ~vv wcun)uv'u ~ iea -: tWAfcu 'i'~ . 'v yeiw u »Iiu! uu~ ". rumn,'-,Wiiwr 'ruu W "~ rr rrvvr~' vrvr'rr :viero v'rrvirrruw ~v'rrr~rrrr rh-rrr vrrrvvr m 'rr rv rvtvrr err'. -r. vr.rrrrcvvv h RED MILL There are only a few sandy beaches in West Vancouver, and that adjacent to the Red hIill at IVest Bay has always been a fav. orite with our residents and vis- itors. The beach is ideal and there is safe bathing for children. The tea rooms and sandwich shop at the Red Mill, which over- looks the beach, are available for patrons, and luncheons are serv- ed on the verandah or at protect- ed tables in the garden. Euiubiiuhud on North Shore 20 You&a (Lady Auuiuiuui) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON guiieral lirertihrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th & Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor SPRING is here; and our New Samples complete. ORDER YOUR SUIT or SPRING TOP COAT NiOIV Dry Cleaning and Pressing. M. WILLIAMS 10th uud Mar iuu, Ambiuuide CUSTOII TAILOR Phoae West 20 THE West Van Net(Js Published Every Friday Business uud Editorial Oflice: Ifih uud Muriuu Drive (Nusi io Huiiyburs P. O.) I'hone West 363 Mail Add&ms: P.O. Bus 61, Hoiiyburu, B.C. Pubiiubur I". F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 SIAN u year by mall or currier. Newusisudu Sc. p&w copy St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 2 and St. Peter's Day. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--hiorning Prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. The Ven. Archdeacon Heath- cote will be the preacher morn- ing and evening and in the morn- ing the Loyal Orange Lodge of West Vancouver will attend the service. The annual Sunday School pic. nic will be held next Thursday, July 3rd, at Second Beach, Eng- lish Bay. The trip will be made via Ferry No. 6, leaving Amble- side at 9:30 a. m. and on the re- turn arriving at Ambleside about 9 p.'m. There will be a full pro- gram of sports in the afternoon for the children and an oppor- tunity to enjoy Ceperley Play- ground and Stanley Park. Fath- ers and mothers who can attend will be most welcome. The first of the church camps for the season opens at Can)p Artaban, Gambier Island, on Monday next when the Senior Boys go in for two weeks. 'I'hrough the efforts of the camp leaders a full complement of new row boats will be on hand for the season's use. Last Friday the girls'aseball team played such good ball be- hind the pitching of Mildred Lettner that they defeated the league-leading Mountain View United team at Hollyburn School by 8 runs to 4. On Tuesday night at Seymour School they won from First Church United by 19 to 10. The battery on Tues- day night was M. Lettner, M. Dawson and W. Donaldson. A pleasant afternoon of bridge music and tea was enjoyed by many guests at the home of Mrs. Louis A. Ajello last Saturday. It was given for the benefit of the Crippled Children's Hospital. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Sheasgreen, director of the hospital. Mrs. Norman Port- er, president of the board of dir. ectors, poured tea, also hira. J. B. Leylsnd, Mrs. John Lawson and Mrs. Andrew Ure. An interest- ing program included such art- ists as Miss Hilda Binns, soprano, Miss Mary Lipsett, toe dancing, hliss Gracey, Violinist, and Mrs. Ajello, piano. Little Miss Dor- othy Harvey Smith and Master Julian Ajello sold candies. Miss Sylvia Kyte and Miss Marjorie Smith looked after the collec- tions. Mrs John Hsines Smith was in charge of the bridge. CONSERVATIVE MEETING Hon. H. H. STEVENS and Brig Gen. J. A. CLARK Wiu speak af LONSDALE THEATRE, NORTH VANCOUVER Friday, July 4th Meeting contmences at 8 p.m. HEAR A. D. McRae in Radio Speech at the Theatre. BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Commit t«e Branch uf the Br)dub Iuruui Wofid F&dufuuou CANADIAN LEOION ME!BURIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY ui 2&00 P. !U. Speaker: MR. PERCY KING Subiff 1) "THE I'l(OGRESSIVE I'LAN OF GOD." (A Sfrlfu of Lfc&u)m) hin Kiug bfuudcsu)s over CK)VX every Monday from SM6 iu 7&16 p. m. WESTQANCOUVER Chnstian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20&b aud Euquimuii, Huaybu) ~ This Society is 0 Brunch of The Mother Church The Fire) Church of Christ, Scifuusi, iu Boston biuuuuchuueiiu. Sunday Sarvlcuu 11.20 u.m. uud V.so p.m. SUBJECT, JUNE 20th, 'CIIRINTIAN SCIFNCF." Sunday Scbool ui 10.00 ~ . m. Teuumuuy Meeting Wudueuduy ~1 EIS p.m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood. Phone West 252K. Sunday, June 29th 10 s. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--hiorning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, 'The Need of the Hour." Five Minute talk to Children. Special singing. 7:30 p. m.--Evening IVorship. Preacher, Rev. H. Dixon Smith recently returned missionary from India, Come and hear this missionary of the cross. Wednesday 8 p.m. -- Prayer and praise. United Church hiinistcr, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 2&Jib, 1930. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. 11:16 s. m. -- Topic, "God' Strange Leadings." 7:16 p. m.--Topic, "The hlusic of the Church." 10,00 a. m.--Sunday School. On Sunday evenmg the cho)r will render a short program of special music, and Dr. Henry will speak on music in relation to the church. In spite of the many at- tractions last Friday night, a goodly number attended the talk by Dr. Henry on "The Boy." The receipts are being used in connection with the expense ac- count for the bowling green. Next Sunday, July 6th, is the summer communion. The Sacra- ment will be dispensed at the morning service. That day is also the anniversary of Dr. Henry' ministry, which opened one year ago, on the first Sunday of July. Preparatory services Wednes- day evening. Oil'eriug asked for the Session expense fund. Saturday, July 6, Sunday School Excursion to Bowen Is- land by special chartered West Vancouver steamer. Boat leaves Ambleside pier 10 a. m. Return from Bowen Island 9 p. m. Fares adults 61.00; children 60c. Come and spend a day in this delight- ful way. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:46 a. m.--Low Mass, Instruction. 9:45 a. m.--High Mass, Sermon. 7:30 p. m. -- Rosary,'ermon, Benedic- tion. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. JDEATH OF MISS JOYCE TRISTRAM Miss Joyce Halkon Tristram, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. M. H. Tristram passed away on Monday at the family residence, "The Rock," Whytecliff, after a protracted illness. The deceased has resided in West Vancouver for the past four years and is survived by her parents and one sister. Funeral services were held last Wednesday morning st the family residence, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment was made in Capilano View cemetery. The Burrar&l Funeral Chapel had charge of the funeral arrangements. ~ SALE OF MEN'S WEAR Brooks Dry Goods, successors of Pearce'0 Dry Goods, 1460 Mar- ine Drive, are putting on a full line of men's wear of best quality and reasonable prices. Call there for your holiday requirements. The whole community was sad- dened at,the sudden death of Will Harmon of Mather Avenue. Apparently in his usual health Sunday, he took a turn in the evening and passed away through the night. The United Church extends to the bereaved mother and sister its most pro- found sympathy in this hour of emergency. Musical Service Sunday Evening Anthem--"Sun of My Soul,"...... Turner. Solo--"There Is a Green Hill Far Away" (Gounod), Mrs. Colin MacLesn. Anthem--"Ye Shall Dwell in the land," (Stainer). Solo--"The Living God," (0'- Hara) Mr. J. Flett. Anthem--"Comes at Times s Stillness." (Woodward) Solo--"Out of the Depths," (Rodgers), Miss Joan Durbm. McINTYRE--hIACI.EAN A quiet wedding was solemniz- ed on Friday, June 20th, at St. Helen's Church, New Westmin- ster, when Margaret Arvilla, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. MacLean, Gordon Street, and Chas. Alan, youngest son of Mrs. McIntyre, 20th Street, snd the late Mr. Charles McIntyre, were united in marriage. Thu Rev. Mr. Dingle officiated. CARD Oi" THANKS Mr. uud M&u. A. B. Sirouge wish iu thank the muuy frieudu whu showed kindness iu their uou Stanley wbiie hu wus In hosp)(s).Mrs. B. Hunt, 16th snd Wat- erfront, is confined to her home through sickness. Df Marjory hiicuhhln DENTIST 10 ~ m. &u 0 p, m. Evuuiugu by uppuiuimeui. Rovui Sank Buiidiug I'bose West I)6 Rue)deuce Phone Weui Spa June 18 the Month For Photographs A Fuw Suggestions Wedding Groups Baby I'ictures Family Groups V le w of Your Home ('opying Old I'hotos Framing I'iciureu prkes iu At uii pockets The King Studio V V VINSON PRO& hi 1 Hastings St. W. Fis&ubiiuhfd 1002 AR Wurk Ouuruuiufd d&oea&u+ ~ t'&f of phone Sey. 1046 A I'LEASANT Pl ACE to spend Dominion Day (Or any other day) WEST BAY BEACHp Marine Drive &k Waterfront Sandy Reach f(&Safe Bathing for Kiddies The RED MILL Tea Rooms and Sandwich Shop Offers Superior Food and Service for the Discrim- inating. Enjoy a Luncheon on the Spacious Veranda, at protected tables in the garden or in the Inv)t)ng Tea Rooms. Let us help you entertain your next Bridge Party. Phone &Vest 6120 0'0 CARD OF THANKS Ifru. Hanuuu uud Neiiie wish iu thank their muuy friends for uR the kindness aud loving sym- pathy shown iu them in &heir recent uud sud Ious of u dear )ou uud brother uud uiuu iu ex- frem their sppreciuuou of ibu many buuuufui floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS ,.] The Duucto&u of the Crippled Chiidruu'u Huupiiui wish iu cuu- vuy iu hir. uud Mru. Luui~ A. AieRu, their sincere thanks for the prucuudu of the Teu sud Bridge, held at &heir home, "Wraysbury," on Saturday, June 21st. The uum of Fifty Dollars (660) wuu ruunuud uud will help carry an this wonderful work at uur Iiuupiiui. Support your New Troop by coming to the DISPLAY ash(I GARDEN PARTY Given by the NORTH SIIORE SCOUTS at 156 Queen's Roud East, Nor(h I.onsdsle, SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, 3 to 6 p.m. Our ke Machine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cust of delivery csn purchase at the plant at half price- 50c per 100 lbs. MARINE MOTORS ',",",",",,,','),