0001 1990 :NS Ct'rcu lati ~g in 81.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper the District of West Vancou7/er-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundara7/e Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands fic per Copy ). 115 111iling mien( ie Un. ance( dens) hours nin si o'neer np of We( licitor 'with Mists ttioe 7 snd lnn of wbst- cd of eslllg that anne itthe zt of othe Show 9 10. itisll + Vol. V i SIX PAGES BIG LOIssqbRVATIh k, MEETING Gen. A. D. hicRae to Speak Over Radio at lxsnsdaie Theatre Next Friday ~HIGII SCHOOL NIITHI Grade XI students are this week writing the Matriculation examination under the supervis- ion of Mr. Reg, Hamilton of the Pauline Johnson Public School staif. The Entrance examinations which are being written at the High School beginning Tuesday morning are being supervised by Mr. Southern. Principal Patterson and Vice- Principal Mitchell are both going to Victoria on July 1st, where they will assist in reading De- partmental papers. It was with sincere regret that principal, teachers and students learned of Mr. Southern's decis- ion to severe his connection with the West Vancouver High School. Mr. Southam has decided to spec- ialize in psychology in an eastern university. Miss Hale and Mrs. Reid are both attending summer school and pursuing courses in their re- spective fields. School reopens on Tuesday, September 2nd. At the final meeting of the Students'onvocation on Thurs- day morning Josie Leyland on behalf of the students of the West Vancouver High School presented Mr. Southern with a leather bound note book. ~ Grade XI this year won the debating shield which last year was awarded to Grade IX Com- mercial. Ethel Lloyd, George Watt) com- pleted June Supplementals. Passed -- Albert Albin, Gor- don Armstrong, Marjorie At- wood, William Atwood, Charles Baldwin, Betty Barr, Alex. Bax- ter, Marion Blair, Phyllis Blox- ham, James Brown, Marjorie Cummings, Florence Edwards, Douglas Forrester, Nancy Kearns, Charles Lauder, Sadie Lehtinen, Maxwell Lennox, Jean Lettner, William Mason, Betty Morrison, Alice Overington, Nor- man Sister, Paul Thacheray, Thomas Timbrell, Hattie Young. Conditional Pass--with Supple- mental Examinations in Septem- ber--Mollie i Andrews, Metford Chapman, Robert Crawford, Eil- een Dent, Evelyn Dickinson, John Edmondson, Elmore Hum- phreys, John Kyte, Maude Lam- bert, William Lang, Ralph Pat- terson, George Ray, Edna Walk- er. Passed in Certain Subjects Only--Anna MacNeil, Annie Rid ley. Grade X Commercial Completed Two Years'om- mercial Course--Dawson, Drusil- la, Herrin, Joyce. Passed with Supplementals in September--Spaulding, Dorothy, Gass, Ila, Murray, Marjorie. Pawed (Partial) --Lloyd, Al- ma. Specud Commercial Completed Special Course ~ Weatheihead, NOR, Elaisz 4" tk. Grade IX Commercial to Grade X Commercial. Honor Promotion -- Cripps, May, Ray, Lulu. Completed Grade IX Commerc ial--Bell, Muriel, Boyd, Nedra, Brealey, Hazel, Dawson, Muriel, Gamage, Flora, Harrison, Eun- ice, Murphy, Eileen, McCrum, Irene, Peterson. Luella, Pyne, Julie, Roxburgh, Ella, Seabloom, Margaret, Yates, Mary. Passed with Supplemental in September--Johnston, Phyllis. Passed in Certain Subjects- Hookham, Arthur. Class Leaders for June Exam- inations: Grade X Jack Watt ........................ 74. /I Betty Edwards ................ 71.7/o Ian Hamilton .................... 71.6c/o Grade IX Jim Brown..............,...... 80. O/ Florence Edwards ............ 78.2% Douglas Forrester ............ 78. % Grade IX Commercial Hazel Brealey ................ 74. % Eileen Murphy ........ 71. % Irene McCrum ............... 67.6% Perfect Attendance for year 1929-80. Grade XI 'Billy Gardiner 'Wingett Irish Barbara Reid Grade X Geoifery Cornish Tom Gibson Robert Reid Clayton Stewart. Grade IX Elmore Humphreys Robert Crawford Nancy Kearns Alice Overington. 'These two boys have had per- fect attendance throughout the three years of High School. l.lliERAI CANDIDATE OPENS CAMl'AIGN On Tuesday evening, June 24th, before an audience that packed the K. P. Hall, North Vancouver, to its utmost capac- ity, A. E. Munn, Liberal Nominee for the Riding of Vancouver North, opened his election cam- paign. Alderman E. H. Bridg- man, chairman of the meeting. remarked that the Dunning Bud- get appealed to him as a great Imperial gesture and as such had is full support. Chris. McRae, . ex-M.L.A., gave the opening ad- dress anfi using his own experi- ences while oh a recent trade tour of Australia, characterized Mr. Bennett's "Roaring Blast- ing" methods for extending fore- ign trade as utterly unworkable and out of date. Goodwill and friendly approach said Mr. Mc- Rae were the first essentials in meeting a prospective customer. Loud applnuse greeted Mr. G. G. McGeer, K.C., Liberal Farm- er candidate for the Fraser Val- ley, wi)H &Ilivered an instructive addre.l~~ j the transportationneeds of» itish Columbia. David McKenzie of Vancouver, introduced 'Mr. Munn as a friend of long standing and a man whose reputation for honest dealing stood high in the North country: A handsbmc bouqret ov flow- ers was presented to Mrs. Munn, a gift of the )Yemen's Liberal Association, Mr. Munn was most enthusi- astically received and in a short address touched on unemploy- ment problems, the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, and social leg- islation, reminding his hearers that while serving as Provincial member for Lillooet he had con- sistently fought for the comple- tion of the P.G.E. and instanced numerous acts of social legisla- tion he had supported. "Make Canada," said the Liberal nom- inee, "a land oi'appy and con- tented citizens by looking after the interests of those already here and allowing in only those who come on their own initia- tive." Q The addresses were broadcastover Radio Station CJOR, Van- couver. HT I Hon. H. H. Stevens and General Clark to Address!\(ecting. There will be a big Conserva- tive meeting next Frklay evening July 4th at the Theatre Lons- dale «hen Hon. H. H. Stevens and Brig. General J. A. Clark will speak. The meeting com- mences at 8 p. m. Gen. A. D. hicRae, 91.P„wBI be heard at this meeting in a broadcast over the radio. Come and bear him speak. WEST VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE CAhiPAIGN IVednesday 9th July-- Smoker at Orange Hall( by in- vitation) at 8C30 p.m Gen. H. F. McDonaM, chief speaker, and IVm. Dick hI.L.A. Thursday, 10th July-- Garden Party at home of h(m. J. T. Watt. hire. D. C. Ritchie. chairman. CHORAL SOCIETY EI.ECIS OFFICERS The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers took place last Monday evening when a large gafhering oi members Was pi«s- ent, demonstrating the keen int- erest maintained in the organiz- ation. In place of the much es- teemed late president the chair was taken by the vice-president, P. C. Chapman, who referred to the past season as one of the most successful in the history of the Society in spite of the loss sustained by the passing of Pro- fessor J. M. Morgan and Captain IV. B .Thomas. Votes of thanks were passed to%he retiring offic- ers and executive as also to J. Haydn Young for his untiring efforts on behalf of the Society as conductor and to hiiss Mar- garet hicintyre for the very able manner in which she had always carried out the iastrumental sec- tions of the concerts presented. The election of officers resulted as follows: Hon. President--Reeve J. B. Leyland. President--P. C. Chapman. Vice President -- Aubrey A. Clarke. Secretary--Miss Sybil Chap- man. Treasurer--Gordon Gray. Librarian--H. G. Mason. Executive--Mrs. J. T. Watt. Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Mrs. R. Howieson, Mrs. Colin hiacLean. George T. Clarke, A. J. Addy, T. W. Cutler, B. R. Harrison. Conductor--J. Haydn Young. Accompanist--hiiss hiargaret McIn tyre. It is the intention of the So- ciety to concentrate on the very best musical works available and in view of the many requests for radio performances by the So- ciety it is probable that selec- tions from grand opera will form ihe major part of the first con- cert which at some later date may be broadcaHted As it will be necessary to augment the con. tralto and tenor sections. ladies and gentlemen with vocal ability are invited to hand their names into one of the executive when their applications will be consid- ered. Part of C. Barrow's Beautiful Garden ~HORTICULTURAL SHOW AT WEST VANCOUVER BEST EVER HEI,D Marked by more entries and a larger attendance than former J years, one of the most successful floral festivals ever staged by. West Vancouver Horticultural Society was held Saturday at Dunijarave Hall. The show Fas opened by Reeve J. B. Leyland. The reeve's trophy for the best garden was won by Claude Bar- row, while for the best utility garden C. Ray took premier hon- ors. iMr. )V. J„Cliiford of West Bay, had the best rose in the show. Prizes were distributed at Dundarave on Wednesday at 8 p. m. It is hoped to give a full list of the prize winners in our next issue. Promotion Lists Grade XI candidates who are writing Departmental Examina- tions: Matriculation -- Armstrong, Dorothy Jane, Body, Robin Ar- thur, Boshier, Stanley S., Bram- well, Raymond, Duncan, Allix James, Fiddes, Robert, Gardiner, William, Higginson, John W. (completing matriculation) Graf- ton, Lawrence W., Irish, Wingett Imrnie, Thomas M., Lettner, Stanley F., Montgomery, Daisy, (Normal Entrance), McCulloch, Glen, McGowan, Charles, Norris, Freda Joan, Reid, Barbara Cice- ly, Reid, Margaret, Stephen, Leslie Charles, Webb, Frances Irene. SCOUTS'AihlBOREE Everything is set for the Big Jamboree and Garden Party to be given by the North Shore Boy Scouts at the residence of Capt. R. L. Jermain, 166 Queens Road East, North Lonsdale, on Satur- day next. hfany attractions have been added and the Bran Tub will be a great feature. Many valuable prizes have been donated by the diiferent merchants on the North Shore such as free trips to Bow- en Island. The Brass Rand of the New Westminster Boy Scouts will play selections during the after- noon. The Cuba are giving a "show all of their own" and this alone will be well worth a visit. The new Provincial Commis- sioner, Mr. Julius Griffiths, will be present, and judging from the work that has been done the show should be a great success. Promotion List June, 1930. Promoted from Grade X to Grade XI (Matriculation). Honored Promotion--Robert F. Reid, (Geo(frey Cornish, Eric Parker, William Smith, Irene Gracey) completed June Supple- mentals. Passed -- Bonita Armstrong, Harry Davidson, Nelson Dor- wand, Betty Edwards, Gordon Edwards, Tom Gibson, Ids Clead, Barbara Hadwin, Ian Hamilton, Rupert Harrison, Margaret Mc- Lintock, Mary O'Donnell, Clay- ton Stewart, Grace Thompson, Alan Vaughan, Jack )Vatt. Conditional Pass--with Supple- mental Examinations in Septem. ber--Robert Clements, Allan Dickinson, Joan Dorchester, Stanley Grant, Jessie Hoyle, Ken neth Nash, Betty Savory, Passed in Certain Subjects Only--Robert Harrison, Robert lemon. DUNDARAVE LADIES'HOIR ANNUAL hlEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Dundarave Ladies'hoir will be held at the home of Mrs. Hampson, 20th Street, on Fri- day evening, July 4th, at 8 o'- clock. All members are request- ed to be present. A delightful social evening was arranged by Mrs. Tinney at her home on 20th Street for the members of the Dundarave Lad- ies'hoir, on Tuesday, June 24th. The flrst part of the even- ing was spent in music and songs under the very efficient direc- tion of Mr. Tinney, chairman of the program. Itefreshments were served by the gentlemen present who were suitably attir- ed in miniature French aprons and caps. After the supper, games and competitions were successfully introduced and the evening eniled with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," in appreciation of the delightful hospitality extended. Hollyburn Theatre will be open every evening during the months of July and August instead of three evenings a week as hereto- for. The olfering for next h(on- day, Tuesday and IVednesday will be "The Lost Zeppelin." Mr. and Mrs. Fraser of Van- couver, have moved to 28th and Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ Mrs D McLeod of Vaacouver is moving shortly into a house at Cypress Park. PAY YOUiR TAXFLI! Tazea must be paid by 6 p. m. hlondsy, 80th June. otherwise by taw 10 per cent. haa to be add- ed thereto. Promoted from Grade IX to Grade X. Honor Promotion--Josie Ley- land, Archie MacKenzie, (Bar- bara Allwork, Mary Fraser, HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 27th, 1930 ~ No 5 "N