West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1930, p. 6

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0001 ~rs 5* rwwtrr ar w ~\ wwsrsr rrt V'c w«t ~ atm Iw * -.' s lac prt ~ ~ 'c. «i 'ctwrs tts'mrrst" ~'w sr'w r ~ ~ ' w ~ ~ ~'t 'r c rrcrm v r. rr-rtrrrr 'mrrrrr ~w -rrrrr vrrrrrhr rrs rrrr. rr rrr rrtrrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',"„'"" "'"„,'.,',.", .Hollyburn SUGGESTIONS Friday and Saturday, June 20 and 21 Telephone Service Free Delivery Rcd a Whita Bread Flour. 7 lb. Sack .. ... ..... ........... Shc j Murray's Marmaiadc, 40 un lac S9c Ayimsc Iadiciduai Pork dt Beans 4 tins Ssc Bailawi Dates ............. 2 Iba, Ssc Shredded Wheat ........ 2 pkts. Szc Fancy Carolina Risc, Its............ Iec Nabob Seedless Raisins, 15 on 2 pktta Ssc Pccfes Bisach-Disinfectant, pcr bottle ............... .............. ..... I pc i IkC. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. $ 1.05 Rcd dt Vrhitc Peanut Butter 2 IK tin ssc Rcd B White Pastry Flour. 10 Ra sack 45c Rcd ik Whits Crape Fruit 2 ib. tin 27c BCTTER, Fiacst quality only 2 lbs. 51.00 Nabab Sardines .............. 2 Uns Ssc Golden Bantam Curn... 2 tins 29c Rcd tq White Brssms. good quality each ........-......... 09c itcd di White Jelly I'nwdcrs 5 pkts 25c Rcd Si 'u'hits Strawberries, tin Ssc Nabab Gooseberry Jam, 12 ss, 2 jars Ssc Rcd Jt Whita hiatchcs, 400's (2 buses)...................... 29c Kcd R While Tca. psr Ib 40c Ksd Arrow Sodas, family siss pcr packet ..................... Ipc Shelled Wainuts, While hicat tlaactcrs. B Ib--. --........... 19c Delta hiansr hiinccd Chicken pcc 'tia . ................ .......... ... I 5c Rcckitt's Bag Blue. pcr pkt.... 5c SPECIAI SCNGOLD CAKE, Kubsrtssn's Roberts'etter Meats "Everything Good to Eat" Prime Government Inspected Meat Eggs, Butter, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables. Daily Deliveries to all parts, Capilano to Whytecliff West 190 1680 Marine Drive ODE TO Si'RING--AisjD ALL THAT (Published by Request) Er--Spring! You perfectly priceless old thing( I'm frightfully bucked by the signs that one sees; The jolly old sap in the topping old trees; The priceless old lilac and that sort of roti It jolly well cheers a chap up, does it not? It's so fearfully bright; So amazing right, And one feels ss one feels if one got rather tight. There's a tang in the air, If you know what I mean; And the grass, as it were Is so frightfully green. We shall soon have the jolly old bee on the wing- Er--Spring! Old fruit! You'e given old winter the boot. The voice of the tailor is heard in the land (I wonder what my rotten credit will stand?) And the birds snd the flow'rs (but especially the 'birds' Will be looking too utterly priceless for words. We sbau have to get stocks Of new ties and new socks, And of course we must alter the jouy old clocks: So 0 young fellow's fancy Turns nat-raUy towards The river and Nancie, Or Betty and Lord', In fact--as I said--you'e 0 priceless old thing- Er--Spring I Old bean! It's well, it's--you know what I mean. It's time I wss oiling the jolly old bat, So, cutting 0 long story short, and su that, The theme of this ripping old song that I sing Is--er--jouy old Spring! --Desmond Carter in "London Opinion" SPECIAL FOR PICNICS Boiled Ham, Minced Ham Roast Pork, Veal Loaf, Bologna and Weiners always Fresh THE WEST VAN NEWS DUr DARAVE LAmFS CHOIR A most successful social even- ing was held by the Dundarave Ladies'hoir on Tuesday, June the 17th, in the new Legion hell, as a ilnale to a very satisfactory season. A place of honor on the plat- form was given to the silver cup won by this choir under the dir- ection of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, at the recent B. C. Festival, togeth- er with a photograph of Miss Margaret Rankine of North Van- couver, snd ihliss Eleanor Chil- ton, silver medauists for the duet "Still as the Night." A delightful musical program was arranged consisting of songs by Mrs. R, Froud, Miss J. Dur- bln, Mr, J. Holt, hIr. R. Froud, Mr. Peake und hlr. Gordon Gray. A cornet solo was rendered by Master F. Hodgson, while piano- forte solos were contributed by hirs. G. McLennan and Miss Beryl Gray. Mrs. Burling and hir. Gray sang their Festival duet and the Dundsrave Ladies Quartette also gave their test piece. By special request at the end of the program Mrs. F. X. Hodgson delighted her audience with "Homing" and as an encore gave a beautiful interpretation of "Softly Awakes My Heart" from "Samson and Delilah." The Choir were delighted to welcome Reeve Leyland and Mrs. Leyland who paid 0 surprise visit to personally congratulate the Choir on their success. In a few witty and well chosen remarks Mr. Leyland paid tribute to Mrs, Hodgson, and also to the Choir collectively and individually for their el?orts and expressed his pleasure in the prominence )Vest Vancouver has attained in the Festival this year. Mrs, Hodgson read several let- ters of congratulation and ex- pressed her appreciation of the tributes paid, she also thanked hfrs. Durbin for her very materi- al help as accompanist during the past season. The Choir was re- minded that in spite of their suc- cess she expected them to do much better anti that when they could go up and get 99 marks they might begin to think they were getting somewhere. It has been suggested that only picked voices be used but Mrs. Hodgson emphatically declared this was not her idea at au and would en- tirely destroy the spirit of the present organization which she liked to think was of real com- munity and social value. A presentation was made by members of the Choir and Mrs. Hodgson to Mrs. Froud of a cake stand and musie case as an ap- preciation of her very excellent capabilities as secretary during the past season. Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Bur- ling and Mrs. Gibbs and 0 very happy evening ended up with dancing. )VEST VAN. CONTESTANTS AT B. C. MUSICAL FESTIVAI Below will be found a list of the showing of West Vancouver candidates with their teachers in competitions held at the B. C. Musical Festival after our last issue had gone to press. iuiss ihlargaret Mclntyre Violin Solo under 16, Beatrice Hodgson, 175 marks and second place certificate. Piano under 10, Patty Weeden, 16S marks. Piano under 13, Hertha Leth- paulsen snd Ruth Wisiams, 161 and 159 marks respectively. iilrs. F. X. Hodgson Mezzo Soprano, class, Joan Durbin, 34 marks. Girls'hoir of picked voices from the public schools, 166 marks. Pauline Johnson mixed choir, 163 marks. Hooyburn mixed choir, 162 marks. All trained first by Miss Wil- son snd latterly by Mrs. Colin MacLean. June 20, 1930 Only JEFFERIES'he Best at SUPERIOR MEATS Lamb Beef I'ork Government Inspected Only (Two Stores for your service} Ilollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 3Q3 Veal and ao kinds of g Cut Meats VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Everything In Lumber At Vancouver City Prices From the highest to the cheaper grades. SASH, DOORS, FRASIES and INTEIIIOII FINISH A branch of the Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in British Columbia. Piace your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone%Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT I'HONE after 5 p. m., West 211 R. Auk for Jerry Dent SERVICE Everything for the Building LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFIiNG BUILDING PAPER IJtmatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lioard Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hiarine LlhlITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 363L. COUNCIL NOTES A letter from the BuildingTrades Council re employment J. Harrison was advised anothef letter rom that the town-planning commis- emPloyment Conference anen sion have also considered his ap- flied" plication and state they cannot the regulations laid down in the was referred to the chairman ofzoning by-law. A letter was ordered sent to with power to act. R. E. Woodman confirming the agreement arrived at between The matter of tbe grouP of the council and himseu regard- shacks owned by Forh at West ing tent on D.L. 554, 3WI@-17, Bay was referred to the solicitor which was that it would b in and the building inspector with order for him to again erect 0 mstructions to take immediate tent on his property, this priv- action embracing ao infractions iiege being granted for the cur- of by-laws, building, sant& y and rent year only on his own assur otherwise, and the obstr ction of ance that he would not ask for highways in any manner what- such permission in succeeding years or sell the property to Ori- entals. B. R. Turner was informed ofthe cost of installing the crossing The chiei constame suggested at 17th and Hsywmj, and that that as much as possime of the on rcceiPt of one half of same boulevard (north) of Bay St from him it would be put in. Horseshoe Bay, be cleared to give more parking space for autos. J.Flett'scomPlaint against the The council decided to take no grade at Bellevue north west of action at present. 26th Street was referred to the engineer for his attention. E. E. Devlin was advised that there are unfortunately no funds Don't forget the Flower Show available at present for improv- at Dundarsve Hall tomorrow, ing boulevards. (Saturday), 2:30 p. m. until 10.