West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1930, p. 5

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0001 0, IRB ~ inca It k lenib nting June 20, 1930, +IIOW PLATISSI-- Eveidng I and 9 Matinee Set. 2tgs "The Light of Western Stars" BY ZANE GREY e 'OMEDYMusical Noveltier Cpmlxp Mop„Tpooo Wps„Noxi „LffnHANCI ygfTI121 tixANHIIS 6(;ATNO0LIS N psohfFIAN/ Vii(g~g, I JOHN GARRICK LILBKPT EMERY inks n fgein't np in 1 take Ipphni 4dem :kgn be tPkc. enEpb Ikedib dgfnpd t apd : ]~, o -- L 8'ss'nstE- --READ-- what the critics ray about the picture your local theatre offers you Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednexday next: "For «ktlll~, xouox, sound, 'THE SKY HAWK'ops xn pro«toro xir tkruloto ky 500S feet. What x co«to i Now. Fresh. Tasteful. Oipxlfiop. The best Talk xxx Sound Iaovlo thit iiOXI. N. Y. Dally Mlttor. oJokr Gxrrlok, ~ yopxp Expntk rotor, ppritxyo the name port, xx4 Top are hereby pxxtloxop to Iooonp x place In yopp ~I- kpm for klm. Ho' blp xow If opiy ipgpop ox tklx ploixtp, bpt ypx'to poles tp want were of kle." N. Y. Evpxixg World. oProioxxsly thtuuxp. It kxx fox PUPPIPP iorl' Iixt. N. Y. Sxe. The work poxp lx the xir, with xptpxl ooxppo xxs ~ lphto of Loxpop, I ~ xgmlrxklf done. N. Y. Amprloxx. ,j of "THE SKY HAWK" THEME A tkrnl.iulop story of ~ youth- Ipl Brititk xvixiot, whp oioxpx kl~ porno pf an ppwxppxptoe photpp of oowppsloo throppk pxuxxlty. The flrot plptprp kxoop on Ihp oky pxlgo aver Loppor. ~OCALE- Expnlk Altetomo--Hxgo hxx- gars--Fleets oi flpktlxg plxpoo --osxpsoli Towott," Iepoolxp Epgutk ootxip--Sttopto oi Lox. xop: Tpxixlpxt, Plooxgllly Cir- oxo, Hyde Park. EP4 other fx- mopo oppto gptlpp ZEP Ixlso. I take pleasure in recom- mending tbix to you. WILL HARPER, Manager. ='UJ~R gall OF =;.gPasraag gllLt5 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AT THEATRE LONSDALE Thur., Ftlo Sxt. Next Work li oTHE ROGUE SONG"r " Lhwloxce Tibkoii If you would like to provide 8 supply of plants for your next year's garden, a start may be made now if you wish. Seeds of Wall-flowers, hollyhocks, canter- bury bells, forget-me-nots, snd other biennials may be sown now. It is not necessary to have 8 cold frame or a greenhouse, An un- used sheltered corner of the gar- den could be utilized. Work up the soil until it is in good condi- tion. Make drills an inch or at& Inch and 8 half deep and about a foot apart. Sow the seed thinly and Cover with fine soiL Soot or lime sprinkled over the soil will prevent snails and slugs from making a meal of the young plants as they appear above the groUiid. Many of the rockery plants have made their best appearance and are looking raggy now, but their looks may be improved by cutting off the withered flowers and shaggy growth. Loosen up the soil between the plants and remove the weeds. In a few days you will notice an improvement that will repay you. Aubretias, alyssum and arabia should be cut back quite severely. In the case of the aubretias the cuttings ( Useful Recipes I Lemon Jelly 2 tablespoons granulated gela- tin I/I cup cold water 2 to 21/2 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar Ht cup lemon juice Rind of 1 lemon. Soak gelatin 20 minutes in cold water, then dissolve in boiling water.'dd sugar, lemon juice and rind, strain into a mold and chill. Slacaroni Salad I/2 cup boiled macaroni, cut in- to 1/8 inch pieces I/2 cup boiled ham, cut into I/4 inch cubes '/2 cup sweet pickles, cut into small pieces. Mix and moisten with boiled salad dressing, using only I/6 cup vinegar and I/2 teaspoon mustard in the dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves in tomato cups, or plain, garnish with parsley, etc. Meat Salad (Chicken or Veal) Remove bones and gristle, fat and skin, from cold, cooked meat. Cut meat into '/2-inch cubes and mix it with an equal amount of celery which has been scraped, chilled and cut in small pieces. Moisten with French dressing. Add mayonnaise dressing or boiled dressing to taste. Arrange on lettuce leaves; garnish with curled celery. Eggs Stuffed with Chicken Cut hard boiled eggs in halves and remove yolk. Season, mix with chopped chicken and may- onnaise, and refilL Salmon may be used in place of chicken. In fact any left over meat or fish will serve. Stuffed Eggs with Olives Cut 8 slice from one end of the hard cooked egg. Remove the yolk, season and refill as above. Press a stuff'ed olive on top, The red and green of the olive surrounded by the yellow and white of the egg makes these an attractive addition to the picnic basket. Left over slices of egg mav be used in sandwiches. French Chlffonade Dressing 2 tablespoons Chili sauce I/4 cup finefywhopped onions I/I cup finefy~hopped beats Add the above Ingredients to French dressing. may be chopped up into two or three inch lengths snd inserted in sandy soil to increase your stock of desirable varieties. The vegetable garden should receive considerable attention this month. The seedlings should be thinned out to allow the re- maining plants to develop prop- erly. Many people transplant the seedlings removed, but we have not found this to be as satisfac- tory as planting the seed; others may have found it very satis- factory and the best way is for one to try it out if so inclined. After the thinning out process, the soil around the remaining plants should be well firmed down. If slugs are troublesome sprinkle soot or lime along the rows, and close to the vegetables. While either one is not a cure-all for slugs they furnish consider- weeding between the rows will weeding between the rome will conserve the moisture during the dry weather and will save the domestic water supply as well. NOTE--Ti Wll SI OOO IJW It ~ P4 W to oo e tl o wm ~ lk ~ Jw I the I Tko 4 tkwo i«oil k old wx lo tk It I o ol tk Editor. Tk ~o SI opp r i» oo owip iww « II ~ p r oool pip I ~ 4 ~ I 4 ~ ot ~ ll-mx m mw k Mk I Velvet Cream 1 box gelatine I cup sherry «/I, cup sugar 1 quart milk Soak the gelatine in sherry. Put on the tire with sugar to melt, then strain into the milk. Stir up and put into a glass dish. Serve cold with cream. Tomato Salad 8 medium-sized tomatoes I cup celery or cucumber cut in cubes 1 cup cooked chicken cut in cubes. I cup mayonnaise dressing. Scald and peel tomatoes;;slice off'heir tops. Scrape out the seeds and a little of the pulp and fill cavities with tbe celery, cu- cumbers and chicken, mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Macedoine Salad 1 cup cooked carrot strips I cup cooked potato cubes I cup cooked string beans 2 tablespoons finely-chopped parsley Shredded lettuce French dressing. Arrange shredded lettuce on salad plates. Mix vegetables with French dressing. Put 8 spoonful on each plate. Serve. French Salad Dressing I/t teaspoon salt I/4 teaspoon pepper I/3 teaspoon paprika I to 2 tablespoons vinegar 4 tablespoons oil Mix ingredients in order given stirring vigorously;;;2 table- spoons Chili sauce may be added. French Thoikxand Island Salad Dressing I tablespoon orange juice I tablespoon lemon juice I teaspoon onion juice 2 tablespoons finely chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped pimentoes Add the above ingredients to French dressing. Thousand Island Salad Dressing "o cup olive oil Juice ig lemon Juice iik orange 1 teaspoon grated onion 8 teaspoons, parsley. chopped fine yg teaspoon mustard 8 olives, sliced 8 cooked chestnuts sliced I/4 teaspoon salt I/4 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon IVorcestershire sauce IIIJ cup mayonnaise THE WEST VAN NEWS GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect G ox I b I ox oplox U. ol c. Amwiwo sokool I ~wopo Atokllwloto oox Gwgwllo ~ Mom Nolomoi Lwolotop mnmo, CLASSIFIED ADS POR IFtSIDE FIR pad BLABS. pbowp Hobb Tppxpfor, West 17. Bpxidpocp Phone West 3328. 6'OR SALE--Gixw Cupboard pritxbio for china or books, piro 4ft. 8 ia x 8 ft. Price $ 16.00. Aixo dining-room table xxd cxbinoi sewing mxcbixo ia firxt class mmdkipn. Phone West 159R2. CARPENTEk xws L pimixtrxor Fera. itxro poppippd. Linoioem xxd CEESpt wrpia Saws sieL Lxwx Mpwprx ~hxrpoaod. R. Ellis, Phoae West 87.FOR RENT--Roost, Doable Bod, wppo( kitchcix Near beach xws pork. Phono West 319. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMINING. Apply C. L Kpwiagx, Ropidpace Phone West MHIL ROO)IS in Nixp Howe fpciag wxtpp at Dwxdppxve, food optionaL Phone West 284L. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIBS WEAR BEST--Dwwsxpape.FOR RENT--nfpdppa Bpagxbtw, Fara- ixbod or Uafxreipbpd. Cowvpwicet and desirable location. Reasonable rent. Phone West 339X. FOk SA I.P Two Cowgpipem kugx, 4VI x 7M,$8.00. Mtx. Sheiierd, 22nd xxd Bonevxp SCHWEPPES LEMONADB, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE sxd eB the Good Brxmi~ of Cigars at Tbo Awlbipxidp Tox Rooma HEMSTITCHING--Pixie wMtp gcyard'iik xxd cpioppd 1st yxmL Poop«~ 'p Drpgppdx 14th Street pmi Mxtiaa Phoae West 144. FOk SAI.E--Dodge Toxriwg Cxr. O.K. phxpo. Good Urea Phono Hpi- Iybupx Sorrier Station. Wert 100. HIGH SCHOOL GikL Wants Work-- Fond of children. Phone West 42L2. TWO GOATS--Milking 8«o Sixtr dpgy. Cxxh or trade. What oifptpT Phone West 877Y GARDEVS--Dpoigwod xad lail pet. Origiaxi designs in Lily xxd Orna- mpaixi Pools, Rock xxs Wall gxrs- pwa Lswar, Fonaxi ead Bose gxxd- «xr. Rwptic Work. Summer bpwxoa Ctxxy paving. IL J. Kyic, Pbpap West 411.FURS CLEANED, STORED or Rc- modoiod. Summer prixpx. Hoiiybera For Store, X«1th Block, HoSybwra. FOR MOVING xxd BUILDING SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Residence Phone West 332R. PAINTING. DECORATI'.PG.FRPVCH Polishing. Ctwipy, Residence Pboep Wert TIY. DRESSMAKINC xwd Aitotxtiopx dorp rcxooaxbly. Phone West 54L WF-'pT VANCOUVER -- To «xtpfpi tenants, July xnd Awgwrt; Fully modern lour-room cottage with ixno xxd Victrola. Cioxp io beach. hone West 309. IF Yor Iaioad IP Befit ec Want Yoer Hosxe Anerpd or Repaired, phoae Colin Terror, bpiispp, Wort 679R. FOR FLUBBING REPAIRS -- Rxo- idoacp Phone West 241 R. FOUNIDATION CEnlENT WORK-- Landscaping xad Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, foaciog xxd land cfexriog chimneys xxd forxxcpx cloxapd xxd repaired. Phone T. Bxraoff, residence phone West 290R. IL P. CLARK st CU. ESTATES LTD. ACkEAGB SNAP--Bf special ipptrpx- tioax of owner, 15 pxxox cioxo in at the iow price of $3,000. Switxbio fpp developing, or xwbdividipg into pctw itxctx. Good tprma WATERFRONT LOTS--Ax foot Pf Fifteenth Street on Ibp hooch. These are the chtxnoot Pox-frost lots aow ~vxiixbip, $ 1600. Terms xrpxagmL Phoae Sof mowx 7484 R. P, CLARK R CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER, Wept 225 Spooobiopx Emotipa "Hallo, where have yoe boon f" oTP the xtxtiox io xpp my wife pif for x month'x boiidxy." oBxt, how birch your bands arel" oYpx, I pxiiod the engine." "Shirts that laugh at the ixwxdry" wxx advertised by x cerixia Srm. One pf ours, bought elsewhere, hxx xpxh x 7tooaxknxc'of humor that It xprivod home the other dxy with itp sides split. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pxbiic Filo Ixpprxwco -- Hoary tp Lppa TAX SALE LOTSHorace: "What did your wife have ip xxy when you came ia at foxp this morning T" bipuricp: "Didn't have x word to xxy." Horxee: "Smatter, Ioxgwp-tiodT" ISxaricot oNo, I pxi cement iw hpt bcxuty clay." 1406 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Soy. 1200 Rcxidoacp Phone W. 32R or W. MHX Ho uxxtoe Io Know Jxkot "Vhxt ixx yper trpebix, Cohoaf" Cohen: "Vpn, I jexi hear from mine sister in dpr old country dxi xho hxx x bxb&. Dor letter soxa xxy if it im x boy xot ~ gtri, xxd bow dp I kwow wbpddcr I xm an xwcip or an swat I" IVp can never replace x friend. Whlx x mxx is fortunate Pxoagh IP have several, bo Ands they are xn diFerent. No one hxx x double friend- ship. that Logging and Lumbering is British Columbia's major indus- try, and is likely to be for some years to come; but not everybody realizes the increasing impor- tance of our forests to the bvorld at large, as forests elsewhere be- come denuded. KVe still have 360,000,0007000 board-feet of mer- chantable timber -- but we have none to burn. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE EYERYBODY KNOWS