West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1930, p. 4

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0001 r or .h N ww'o s .m ro I o o m ~osr I mern m) 9 &w :ws mrs 's ms ~ 'o"!w .' "" 'oo x s ~ ' sd 'so ~ ~ s o *'s r 'rroroJ m re rVrrs m rrrrowrr rom r vrr sr'crs ~rrr. rr BREAD CAKES PASTRY Scotch Shortbread Nut Bread Birthday a IVeddlng Cakes hIade in 1Vest Vancouver at Stratton's Bakery 1459 Marine Drive I'homo West 31 FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. Im basisoso Ia \Vox& Vss. 9 Years C. J. Overington BARBER Im Now Store bforiso Drive ot 14th Next Jofforioo bfost Store Expert Work--Ladies', Child&os Gentlemen Phono West 135 for appoisimoni WANTED 500 RADIOS Fok REPAIR Only the Best bfsiorisis Used. Export Workmanship. Satisfac- tion Assured. Wo Ssoo Yom Boasts E. G. CANHAM West Vancouver Radio Electric PHONE WEST 474 1439 bforise Drive BATTERIES CHARGED TUBES REJUVINATED Learn to Play Golf at Gleneagles A little private instruction will boip yosr game wonderfully. Lessons given by ROLY GOODCHII D (Professional Is attendance) For appointment: Phone, Long Distance, Glosoaglos. or lVEST BFIYI. LOOK Cedar %Vood $ 2&50 a load CHESTERFIELD WOODYARD Pbmso Nostb 132 THE WEST VAN NEWS HObl E OIL DISTRIBUTORS lffsIITED--PROGRAM Home Gas S&mphony Orchestra Under Calvin Winter Sunday, June 22nd, 1930 CKWX st 9 P. M. "Siamese Patrol" ........... Llncke "The IVhistler and His Dog" .................................. Pryor Selections from "Blossom Time" ....,.......... ................. Romberg Xylophone Medley, Jack Toevs Ballet Music from "Prince Igor" ................................... Borodin R,K.O. Orpheum Presentation . "Largo" from the "New IVorld Symphony" ........,...... Dvorak "Invitation to the Dance" .............................. von Weber "Under a Texas Moon".. Perkins COUNCIL SENDS CONDOLENCES TO 51RS. IV. B. THOMAS Before the council meeting was opened to business on hfon- day evening, Reeve Leyland re- ferred to the loss sustained to the whole community by the passing of Captain W. B. Thom- as. The members of the council having stood for a moment in silence, the clerk was instructed to communicate to Mrs. Thomas and her family the council's heartfelt sympathy in their deep so&Tow. CDEATH OF MRS. HEMMINGS The funeral of the late Mrs. Ella Gertrude Hemmings, moth- er of Mrs. J. H. Smith, was held on Monday afternoon from the city to Ocean View Cemetery, the service being conducted by the Rev. A. H. Priest. The de- ceased was born in Ireland sixty- five years sgo and had lived for a time on the prairies before coming to British Columbia. Her husband predeceased her last September. Besides Mrs. Smith, she leaves to mourn her loss a daughter, Mrs. W J. Bebb of Calgary, and three sons, J. Hemmings of Calgary, B. Hem- mings in England, and F. Hem- mings of Vancouver. Longevity A recent government ooesss reveals the fact that Bulgaria box a fsr great- er number of oiiixoso of more tbsn one hundred years old than any other nation. bfoot of the oontonsrisss were foxed io bo living in localities 1,500 feet or moro above sox level aed were for the most part shepherds living in the open. Their diet consisted of many vegetables, but little moot, while drinking large quantities of goat milk, mostly sour. Read moro, and be enlightened on the subjects of the dsy, and forget toigom Hollyburn THEATRE Tbsrodsy, Friday ssd Saturday "Disraeli" featuring George Arliss MANUAL TRAININGi EX H I Bi% ION The Manual Training building will be open from 7:30 to 9:30 this evening for the display of work done by the bo;5 during the past year. A class will be in session during the evening. WEST VAN. BAI.L TEA51 TO GIVE DANCE The IVest Vancouver baseball team are holding another dance on Friday evening, June 27th. The same snappy orchestra will be in attendance and it is hoped as large a crowd will be on hand as attended the last dunce. SALE OF I'I ANTms J. L. Robmson, 24th and Mar- ine Drive, wishes to clear the balance of his stock of plants, hanging baskets, tubs, etc., and with this end in view is selling them oi? at half price. There is a large stock of various kinds to choose from and all are in iirst class condition. CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBI- TION Outstanding as the most rep- resentative livestock, agricultur- al, industrial and attraction ex- hibition in Western Canada, the Canada Pacific Exhibition will begin the celebration of its 21st birthday on August 6, continuing until August 16, it is announced by J. K. Matheson, general man- ager. Forty-two sections of exhibits will be shown, including live- stock, manufacturing, mining, forestry, automobile, fine arts, Indian, women', school, dairy, agricultural and horticultural shows. There will be a midway of huge proportions to celebrate the birthday. Sensational glider demonstra- tions in the air, with passengers, world championship stampede, two great night pageants: Rob Roy and Fires of Vulcan, vaude- ville, Elks Flag Dby, High School Olympiad, Caledonian Games, Canadian Championship Bicycle Races, will form an attraction program of superlative excell- ence snd easily the best ever seen in the west. There will also be great band contests and musical numbers. The directors are planning for ten great days, rain or shine and invite every citizen of British Columbia to see the great exhi- bit Iyn. Rsstus: "Where'd you all get that derby hat?" Sambo: "Hit's a surprise fum mah wife." Rastus: "A surprise?" Sambo: "Yes, ah curn's home de other night unexpected an'oundit on de tablefm "Well, of all the nerve," she said as she slapped his face. "Don't ever try to kiss me again.'All right," he replied meekly, "If that's the way you feel about it, get off my lap." Three Scotchmen were in church one Sunday morning when the minister made a strong appeal for some worthy cause, hoping that everyone in the con- gregation would give at least one dollar or more. The three Scots became very nervous ss the col- lection plate neared thsm. Final- ly one of the fainted and the other two carried him out. CANADIAN I.EGION SOCIAL and DANCE in the Iwgion Hall, 18th snd Duchess, THUILSDAY, JUNE 26th, nt 8115 P. M. Dancing 9:30 to 12. Special Hidden Prize, Good Orchestra Admission 36c, including refreshments. June 20, 1930. s&IR Axio MR&I W blA1HFW CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. W. Msyhew, 18th and Bellevue, celebrated their golden wedding, bionday week, 9th June, st their old home in Whitewood, Sask., where ther usually spend their summers. Mr. snd Mrs. hfayhew were married at St. Mark's Church, St. John's Wood, London, Eng- land, in 1880, by Canon Duck- worth of Westminster Abbey. They lived near Rochester, Kent, England, where Mr. Msyhew wss employed ss an engineer until coming to Canada in 1892, where he fanned in the IVhitewood dis- trict. In 1903 Mr. snd Mrs. Hayhew moved to IVhitewood. and from 1902 to 1921 Mr. Mayhew was provincial Inspector of Steam Boilers, retiring from that posi- tion owing to ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew have two children, W. H. Msyhew of Moose Jaw, and Mrs. J. IV. Fran- cis of IVhitew~ and eight grandchildren. During the afternoon the hap- py couple entertained almost 50 guests, who called to offer their congratulations. The tea table was centered by a large wedding cake decorated in gold and silver. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew were the recipients of many gifts, among- st which were gold and white carnations from the family and yellow roses from the United Church Sunday School, where Mr. Mayhew has been a faithful worker all his life. In the evening, the members and adherents of the United Church held a public reception in the church where Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew were the honored guests, Rev. G. W. Dowson pre- sided. The speakers included Rev. Dowson, H. A. Buchan as mem- ber of the session conveying greetings to Mr. Mayhew, s fel- low member with the session, wishing them peace, health snd prosperity. James Grierson spoke of the pleasure it gave him to be present, having been a per- sonal friend of the family for 35 years. James Cuming offered congratulations. Rev. Gi W. Dowson read sn ad- dress. Mrs. Mayhew was presented with a bouquet of golden roses, and Mr. Mayhew with two bound books. After a social half hour lunch was served by the women's or- ganization. Your Need! The Druggist to his mes- senger: "Don't stop. a matter of hfe and death The Doctor is counting every minute until he gets that prescription.m You may need us. We need you. Lesage Drug Store G, K REIO, Monogor Hey Beading Corner 14&k smd Ma&Iso WEST 323 PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coat and 1Vood Promo& Boltsoxy. Jimmy Thomson s TRANSFER l)oBy To&so lo osd from City. Moving Baggage ~ Boo&lolly. Ilanee EVERY SATURDAY in the Orange Hall BI.UE SYNCOPATOIIS ORCH ESTRA Ladies 25c. Gents SOc. Lady: "Your father thinks 3 lot of your new brother, doesn' he?" Bobbiei "Yeh, he gets up in the middle of the night and takes the darn kid for a walk." Uncle Ezra: "Eph Hoskins must have had some time down in New York." Uncle Eben: "Yep. Reckon he travelled a mighty swift pace. Eph's wife said that when Eph got back and went into his room he looked at the bed, kicked it, and said, "What's that darned thing for?" Special Values In Wood and Fuel Bush Run Fir, Stove Length Furnace and Grate &Vood ....... Alder ........................................ Old Growth Fir .................. Bark .............. 86.50 per cord .::-:::::::::::. 85'50 ..............,.... 37.60 37.50 .................. 37.60 %'ESTON CARTAGE I'hone IVes( 230 All Loads Guaranteed to be Full Cord or over. All Or'ders C.O.D. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AMBLESlDE SHEET METAL WORKS LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1466 Marine Drive Phone IVcst 44?L2 5., i ( I