West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1930, p. 3

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0001 !0, !her Ubftk I!ass $ t 211 uth i aph,,f sua itaa hots, 110 lop W. .o's i C Cake Cake PISS lays, l St.) saueof sos fho llf sdoty 4 ala th osl scale aye its sah Uo fhh tho lese sa attic, pt g of tho loe 1st. Uuos 11 reo, 1 Soot to 4 ooo fs su thu June 20, 1930. Duudarave Cash Crocery 25th ssd Batlcaso We carry s full line of Oooccriaa, ~poctsfiaiug fu ftOYAL CITY QUALITY ('001)S Phouo West 1 \Vo Dcltoco Spend a few hours atr HORSESHOE BAY. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHING TACKLE, FOR HIRE Ask for Howard Rogers on float for information re- garding fishing. w. rrmrv Builder aud Contractor Office: Hay Block Phone: West 21 Plans and Estimates sub- mitted and terms of pay- ment arranged to suit. WARN THE CHILDREN The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--Coming through 9 clump of trees near my home, I saw that the disease on the maples--I think either "San Jose scale,'r commonly "Oyster Shells"--was settling over the salmon berries and bushes. Now I understand some little children have become sick through eating these berries, so is It not neces- sary for teachers and parents to warn them about eating the ber- ries as I, myself, have seen the nasty wet settling on the fruit. Yours for health, M.BULKLEY. RECITAL Mrs. Chas. Burbridge is giving a piano recital of examination pupils at the home of Mrs. G. J. McLennan at 26th and Mathers, this afternoon at 4 o'lock. In- vitation only. 1. O. D. E. A garden bridge will be held by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., on Thursday, July Srd. Mrs. R. Vase, Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay, hss kindly given the use of her garden for this oc- casion and the members would like to make it a great success. Play will commence at 2:80 and reservations for tables should be phoned to Mrs. Ogilvie, West 318L3 or Mrs. K. B. Forster, West 103L. You'l Snd that when we do your Sheet Metal work the work will be Al and you'l like the prompt service too. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phoae North 245 Rcs. Phones: North 91SY-1552X FOR SALE Three good used cars, guaranteed in perfect condi- tion. Very low mileage, As good as new. 1930 Marquette, 4-door Sedan ...„........... 51,300 1929 Pontiac, 4-door Sedan ................ 5995 1928 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan ................ 5685 Phone W. D. Watson. West 628L for particulars. TAG DAY The Western Association for the Blind were granted permis- sion by the council to tag in West Vancouver (but not on the muni- cipal ferry boats) on Saturday, 5th July. CHORAL SOCIETY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the above Society will be held on Monday, June 23rd, 1930, in Dundarave Hall at 8 p. m. when the election of officers for next season will take place. All mem- bers are earnestly requested to attend. If not able to be present please send your music so that the library can be completed as soon ss possible. A Peterson presented to the council a petition for improve- ment to Duchess Avenue from 11th Street east. Referred to the foreman for his report. A. J. Charman was advised that owing to lack of available funds the council found it im- possible just at present to close with his favorable offer to sell D. L. 237-1S, but, if they should in the near future flnd themselv- es in a position to re-open the question, they would seriously consider doing so. 'Tfs uot s good policy to believe slt you hear, uoo to tell sn you know. WEST VANCOUVER BASEBALL TEAM DANCE Ambleside Fish and Chip 1429 hiarine Drive Open Every Day Including Sunday 10 s. m, to 11 p.m. BETTER THAN EVER FRESH FISH l'hone West 302 In New Legion Hall Friday, June 27th, 9 p.m. Admission 50c. THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Glllespte of Van- couver, have moved into their summer home at Csulfeild. 1 ~ Mrs. Snelgrove, 10th and Duchess, moved last Thursday, 12th instant to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fiddes and family are moving this week from 23rd snd Inglewood to a house at 23rd and Kings. ~ ~ Charles J. Legge, a former resident of West Vancouver, but who now lives at Sooke, Vancou- ver Island, was in the district last Tuesday. ~ 1 1 Mr. Hancock of Cloverdale. has taken George Bell's house at 24th and Heywood, and will move in shortly. 1 1 Dr. Currie and family of Van- couver, have moved into their summer home at Cypress Park.\ Mrs. S. Derrick, 24th and Nel- son, hsd a bad fall last Monday in her home and is now in the doctor's care. Norman Rogers, who has been a patient in Shaughnessy Milit- ary Hospital, returned to his home at 24th and Marine Drive last Wednesday. Stanford Colpitts who has been spending the winter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Teare, has left to return to his home at Vermillion, Alberta. Do not forget Dr. Henry's lec- ture tonight on "The Boy.o Mrs. J. R. MscPhsil, 20th and Inglewood, has just returned from Trail, where she visited her son-in-law snd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Maigeson'! 1 Mrs. E. A. Cunningham and Miss Ethel Dix of Reading, Eng- land, are the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Priest at St. Stephen'9 Rectory. \ ~ ~ The Framer Montessori School 18th and Esquimalt, is now open for the summer session, which will continue throughout this month snd July. For particulars phone Mrs. W. D. Fraser. A son wss born last Monday at Anyox to Mr. snd Mrs. Norton Young of that town. Mrs. Young was before her marriage Miss Effie Wenmoth and is well known in West Vancouver, where she and her family have resided for years. 1 1 Grades 3 and 4 of Pauline Johnson School under the train- ing and leadership of Miss Helen Ritchie, won the challenge shield at the B. C. Musical Festival last week for day school folk dancing under 10 years. ~ ~ V It is interesting to note that the Dundarave Ladies'hoir trio which obtained 82 marks at the festival was composed of Beat- rice Hodgson, Edna Walker, and Mary O'Donnell, the young vocaL ists thus being awarded higher marks that the other two trios from the same choir, both com- posed of grown-ups. Mrs, A. Dickinson of the First Narrows lighthouse, left yester- day for a visit to Victoria.\ hir. and Mrs. Chet Shields, who formerly resided at 14th and Bellevue, are now living in Se- attle, \ Miss Parkyn of Vancouver. has moved into the house she has had built at 12th and Clyde. ~ \ P. Henningsen of Vancouver, has taken Mrs. I, M. McLean's house at 21st and Bellevue. Arthur Knox of Kamloops, was visiting friends in West Vancou- ver last Saturday 1 ~ ~ The little 8 year old daughter of Mrs. Breeden, Marine Drive and Capilano, cut her leg very badly on Tuesday in s fall on a piece of broken glass. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. White and fam- ily of Vancouver, have moved into a summer cottage at 23rd and Marine Drive. ~ \ 1 The West Vsn. Home Builders Ltd. are this week completing the construction of the house they are building at 17th and Inglewood. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Grant of Ottawa, is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. snd hire. E. H. Jupp, 20th and Inglewood. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Handsley hss taken hire. Wood'9 cottage at 19th and Ful- ton, and has taken possession. hiiss Phyllis Neale of the local staff of the B .C. Telephone Co., is taking her annual vacation. ~ 1 1 Local birdlovers will be inter- ested to hear that two pairs of sandhill cranes are reported to be nesting on Hollyburn Ridge. These birds usually are found on the prairies, and it is unusual for them to locate on the moun- tains ss they have apparently done in this instance. 1 1 ~ Mr. snd Mrs. H. Foote, late of the Ambleside Fish and Chip Shop, have moved into the Mason house at 15th and Bellevue. ~ 1 ~ hir and Mrs. Colin MacLean 19th and Marine Drive, have taken the Heim house at 20th and Marine Drive, and are mov- ing in shortly. Tom Turner, 27th snd Math- ers, had the misfortune to break an ankle last week when he slip- ped and fell while working in Vancouver. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, but has since returned to his home, where he is making good progress.\ \ g The West Vancouver Conser-vative Association have estab- lished committee rooms at 1445 Marine Drive. 1 ~ Edward Noble of Vancouver, has purchased the Smith cottage at 15th and Bellevue, and is mov ing in shortly. Mr. Posey hss purchased a lot at 11th and Esquimalt. TO NEIVCOMERS We have been asked to convey to all newcomers the information that the West Vancouver mer- chants close their stores on Thursday afternoons,not hved- nesday afternoons, as in Vancou- ver, this to save them from pos- sible inconvenience in the case of those who think that Wednes- day is early closing day through- out Greater Vancouver. Bag Be sure you have the things necessary for your comfort and convenience-- Creams, Sunburn Remedies, Lotions, Bathing Cap,-- Stationery, etc. And plenty of Film. Fresh Stock on hand all the time. WEST VII FIIARMACY The Store of Service Wast 21 WE DELIVER GORDON ROBSON Bsoolstac A Sonctsoo WEST VANCOUVER- Offics No, 2447 hfsotuo Drfvo. Phouo West 4IXL VANCOUVER OFFICE- Sutt Stat VRO Hsstfsgs St. W Phone Scysuour 4199. THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LISIITED For People Who Are Particular TH1RD ST. sud ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L For Exchange 28ft Cabin Cruiser In Good Condttton for a lot near Marine Drive. ILW.Savory 1443 hlanne Dnve Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, hfgo. Disttucttoo Puscosl Scovtso Lady Assistsst seoo--sod St. K Phous Nacth 929 The time to hustle for business is all the time; the less business there is the more you want to hustle. NOTICE RATEPAYERS are hereby reminded that the Non-Penalty period for the payment of Taxes expires on June SOth. AND THAT THE hiUNICIPALITY Lo COSH'ELLED BY LA1V to add Ten per cent (10%) thereto on July 1st. if the Current Taxes are not then patd CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF IVEST VANCOUVER. P E R SON A LS Your Vacation