West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE (VEST VAN NEWS June 20, 1930. V t 'C. Ir "rt vv t 4 vrs~ s. ~rvovssv wv rtv~tr W p'v s W vs vs vm ~ r . r'r I v. s sw - ~ r rs&'t f» 'ry -'\ tw's'ttr r s~kts.'a r ~ s %'s tt s' ..r v, ras'sr rls . 1~ 'rs -. tor rrdp rrr" *.Fr?a.~- svt v vvvvo'v 'vv 'v r rer«vvr .s v r'rs"r vrr vvs vr rvvv rr SATURDAY, June 21st ':30 to 10 p. m. Official Opening by Reeve Leylan&l at 8 p. m. A Mass of Bloom and Color Worth Seeing ! I swihthIING cLUB NE)vs Sf Sfephen s Church Life Saving Classes will be held at Dundarave Pier on Tues day and Thursday evenings, commencing Tuesday, July 8th, at 7 p. m. sharp, for all members of the West Van. Swimming Club hiembers under 14 years will be trained for the Elementary Certificate. Senior members will be trained for the Proficiency Certificate and Bronze Medallion. Members wishing to join these classes and who have paid their 1980 dues please hand their names to hiiss Audrey Laster or Miss hiolly Edwards, c~o Dundar- ave P. O. Swimming instruction will bc given at the pier by shIiss Gwen Clay (senior members) and Miss Doris Rivers (junior members). Prospective members will hand in their names clo Dundarave P. O. Eo&abliabod oa North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Aaaiaiaai) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Sfrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th 6& Marina BXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor Rector: Rev. A, Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity I and St. Albans Day, June 22nd. 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a. m.--Children's Flower Service. 3 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. The ilfth annual Children' Flower Service will be held on Sunday at the regular hour of morning service. There will be no Sunday School at 10 o'lock and all children are asked to come instead at 11:15 a. m. with flowers. Parents with young children are specially invited. Last Sunday at Caulfeild a beautiful leather-bound prayer book, the gift of an annoymous donor, was dedicated for use in St. Francis'hurch. There will be a meeting of St. Francis'hurch committee in the church next Monday night at 7:30 o'lock. 9'he annual Sunday Schoolpic-'ic will be held on Thursday, July 3rd, at Stanley Park. Last Friday night the girls'aseballteam defeated First Church United at Hollyburn School by a score of 21 runs to 3. For five innings the game was very even but in the sixth the local girls batted nearly twice a- round. Next Tuesday the final game of the season will be played at Seymour School against the same team at 6 o'lock. COUNCIL NOTES SPRING is here; and our New Samples complete. ORDER YOUR SUIT oi'PRING TOP COAT NOW Dry Cleaning and Pressing. M- WILLIAMS 16th aad Mariaa. Ambleeide CUSTOM TAILOR Phoae Wast 20 West Van Nems Pobliahod Every Friday Bealaooa aad Bdiiorial Office: 17&h aad blariao Drive (Next io Hollybors P O.l I'hone West 363 Mail Add&root P.O. Box sl, Hosybara, IL C. I'abBabex P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 61.00 a year by mall or carrier. Newaoiaada 6c. Por copy Mrs. Alice Tempk was present to state that she had, prior to the arrangement with the council to exchange her land in D. L. 1094 for municipally owned lots, sold certain timber standing on her land to Mr. Dale, who was also present. Referred to the foreman to re- port on the situation. BI. Goumain interviewed the council protesting against tax levy of 32,100 assessment when he had been notified of a 31,700 one. Referred to the solicitor and clerk for report, M. Goumain to be immediately notified of their finding. G. L. Konings was present to submit building plan for approv- al and to undertake (if the muni- cipality do SI2 worth of the work of filling on boulevard at his place) to do the remaining 312 worth himself. It was decided that his plan of 0 dwelling on Lot 13, Block 11, D.L. 655, be accepted, also that an expenditure of 612 on the fill facing his lot be authorized when applicant's share of the work is completed. Annie Collie wss advised that the garage on Lot 6, Block 81, D.I 556, must not be used as 6 dwelling. West Vancouver Horticultural Association 'll I Ip lt, t5 ou are invited to the Seventh Annual I FLORAL EXHIBITION in Dundarave Hall, on I WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20&6 aml EoealmaR, HaDybara This Socloiy la a Branch ol Tbo bio&her Church The First Church of Christ, Scloatlai, In Boston Maaaacbuaoita. Seaday Services 11.20 ~. &s. olid 7.20 p.m. SUBJECT, JUNE 22nd, "Is the Universe, including Sian, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wodaoaday at 0.16 p.m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 22nd, 1930. 11:16 a.m.--Dr. Henry will preach, topic "Unused Power." 7:15 p. m. -- Dr. Henry will preach, topic, "The Wonderful Christ." 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School. The leveling of the ground for the Bowling Club is completed and ready for seed. It has been a longer and more expensive pro. cess thau was anticipated. Any who care to help a movement which should be a real commun- ity asset are asked to put their little contribution in. Much care has been put into the prepara- tion and the lawn will be one of the best. On Friday evening of this week, Dr. Henry will give his talk on "The Boy" his humors, eccentricities, and characteris- tics. It is on behalf of the Men' Bowling Committee to help in the expense of lawn preparation. In spite of the lateness of the season, it is hoped many will show their sympathy by their presence. The summer Lohimunlon Is be- ing held on the first Sunday of July. It will also be the anniver- sary of Dr. Henry's first service one year ago. One of the most interesting works of the United Church in the city is the Chinese Mission, Pender and Dunlevy. Last Wed- nesday the Annual Garden Social was held, with an address by Dr. Hartwell of West China. A visit to that mission is always wel- comed and is well worth while. On Tuesday afternoon of this week the closing meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held. The work of the Society has been both inspiring and suc- cessful this past season. The officers are delighted that one half of the allocation has been reached. The support of so many has been appreciated. But it is still felt that many women do not seem to realize what Christ throughout history has done for womanhood. This week a very interesting account was given by hire. S. F. Ricketts of the Chinese Mission work in the city. Miss Paton of Manchuria, who was to have spoken was prevent- ed by illness. Mrs. Matthews explained to the council her views of the im- provements applied for at her place at West Bay. Referred to chairman of the board of works and the foreman to report. Colonel A. Whyte was advised that the road improvements ap- plied for near Whytecliff station would shortly be attended to. Mrs. Mabel B. Perriton was advised that the domestic water service would be kept up as well as it is possible to do so and that the leak referred to in her letter had been referred to the engineer to attend to. BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Committee Branch o( the Binloh Israel World Fodoratloa CANAI)IAN LEGION blESIOKIAL BALL NEXT SUNDAY ai SSN I'. M. Spa ah am MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE I'ROGRESSIVE I'LAN OF GOI)." (A So&los oi Los&area& Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX avery Monday from 0:4$ io 7&16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys ltesidence, 18th and Haywood, Phone West 262R. Sundaj June 22nd 10 a. m.--Bible School. Class- es for all ages. 11 a. m,--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Breath of God." Anthem, "He Careth for Thee" Five minute talk to children. 7:30--Evening worship. Topic, "The Jewels of God." Anthem, 'The Still Small Voice." A hearty invitation to all. )Vednesday, 8 p. m.--Prayer and praise service. Saturday, July 5th-Sunday School Excursion to Bowen Is- land from Ambleside Pier, 10:00 a. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a. m.--Low Mass, Instruction. 9:45 a. m.--High Mass, Sermon. 7:30 p. m, -- Rosary, Sermon, Benedic- tion. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Month of Jube Devotions-- Wednesday and Friday 7'80 p m., Rosary, Meditation, Benedic. tion, Octave of Corpus Christi-- June 19 to June 26 inclusive, 7:30 p.m., Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrement. Sunday Evening: C o r p u s Christi procession. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. A boy and his mother stood looking at a dentist's showcase. "If I had to have false teeth, mother, I'd take that set," said the small boy, pointing. "Hush, James," said the mother, shaking his arm, "Have I not told you it'0 bad manners to pick your teeth in public?" The fellow who ia always late never blames himself. If he did he would cease being late. Dr. Marjory hlcCubb(II DENTIST 10 ~ . &a, &o 0 p. m. Exoaihga by ~ppolaimoai. Royal Bank BuKdiog I'hoar Woo& ~ 40 Woo S.Kmldoa&o I hone I 20 June is the Month For Photographs A Pew Soggoailoaa Wedding Groups ljaby I'ictures I'amily (sroups View of Your Home Copying Old I'hotos Framing I'let urea Prices io St all poxheia The King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP 3II Hastings St. W Established i002 AR Work Gaaraa&ood Phone Sey. 1046 1 Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Lunch Rolls fresh every day English Sponge Cake Strawberry Short Cake CAKES - COOKIES - I'IES Our Quality is Known. ~ Open AB Day Thursdays. 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 866 Home aad Fraternalism The glory o( oor aaiioa la mmaurod by the character o( iia homes. The home ia the unit, aot only of society aad of government, but it la also the economic unit. It is the moral center aad mairix of culture aad upon ita welfare aad solidarily depends the citizenship of tomorrow. While the problems o( the family aad home aro in a sense private aad domestic, yet they xi&ally shape the doaiisy o! the sation. I& should be the zealous pur- pose oi the government io throw all aafeguarda, cultural and ocoaomio, a- bout the homes of oar land. Next to the church, Iraioraal aooleilea are do- iag more io foster our homos than any other lax&i&olios, 0 When father takes a bath And mother hears him howl She knows ha baa Forgot to got a towel. HALF PRICE SALE Clearing Out the balance of our stock of I'I.ANTS, HANGING BASKETS, TUBS, Etc. at Half Price. J. L I(OBINSON 24th and Marine Drive Our Ice Machine is now running. Customers who have their own cars and wish to save cost of delivery can purchase at the plant at half price- 50c per 100 lbs. MARINE MOTORS ~2td3~ hlarine Drive rvwrvvvv